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Cervical cancer is the second most common cancer among women globally. Most, probably all cases, arise through a precursor, cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN). Effective cytological screening programmes and surgical treatments of precancerous lesions have dramatically reduced its prevalence and related mortality. Although these treatments are effective, they may have adverse effects on future fertility and pregnancy outcomes. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effects of surgical treatment of the uterine cervix on pregnancy and fertility outcomes, with the focus particularly on preterm birth. The general preterm birth rates and risk factors during 1987–2005 were studied. Long-term mortality rates of the treated women were studied. In this study, information from The Medical Birth Register (MBR), The Hospital Discharge Register (HDR), The Cause-of-Death Register (CDR), and hospital records were used. Treatments were performed during 1987–2003 and subsequent deliveries, IVF treatments and deaths were analyzed. The general preterm birth rate in Finland was relatively stable, varying from 5.1% to 5.4% during the study period (1987 to 2005), although the proportion of extremely preterm births had decreased substantially by 12%.The main risk factor as regards preterm birth was multiplicity, followed by elective delivery (induction of delivery or elective cesarean section), primiparity, in vitro fertilization treatment, maternal smoking and advanced maternal age. The risk of preterm birth and low birth weight was increased after any cervical surgical treatment; after conization the risk of preterm birth was almost two-fold (RR 1.99, 95% CI 1.81– 2.20). In the conization group the risk was the highest for very preterm birth (28–31 gestational weeks) and it was also high for extremely preterm birth (less than 28 weeks). In this group the perinatal mortality was also increased. In subgroup analysis, laser ablation was not associated with preterm birth. When comparing deliveries before and after Loop conization, we found that the risk of preterm birth was increased 1.94-fold (95% CI 1.10–3.40). Adjusting for age, parity, or both did not affect our results. Large or repeat cones increased the risk of preterm birth when compared with smaller cones, suggesting that the size of the removed cone plays a role. This was corroborated by the finding that repeat treatment increased the risk as much as five-fold when compared with the background preterm birth rate. We found that the proportion of IVF deliveries (1.6% vs. 1.5%) was not increased after treatment for CIN when adjusted for year of delivery, maternal age, or parity. Those women who received both treatment for CIN and IVF treatment were older and more often primiparous, which explained the increased risk of preterm birth. We also found that mortality rates were 17% higher among women previously treated for CIN. This excess mortality was particularly seen as regards increased general disease mortality and alcohol poisoning (by 13%), suicide (by 67%) and injury death (by 31%). The risk of cervical cancer was high, as expected (SMR 7.69, 95% CI 4.23–11.15). Women treated for CIN and having a subsequent delivery had decreased general mortality rate (by -22%), and decreased disease mortality (by -37%). However, those with preterm birth had increased general mortality (SMR 2.51, 95% CI 1.24–3.78), as a result of cardiovascular diseases, alcohol-related causes, and injuries. In conclusion, the general preterm birth rate has not increased in Finland, as in many other developed countries. The rate of extremely preterm births has even decreased. While other risk factors of preterm birth, such as multiplicity and smoking during pregnancy have decreased, surgical treatments of the uterine cervix have become more important risk factors as regards preterm birth. Cervical conization is a predisposing factor as regards preterm birth, low birth weight and even perinatal mortality. The most frequently used treatment modality, Loop conization, is also associated with the increased risk of preterm birth. Treatments should be tailored individually; low-grade lesions should not be treated at all among young women. The first treatment should be curative, because repeat treatments are especially harmful. The proportion of IVF deliveries was not increased after treatment for CIN, suggesting that current treatment modalities do not strongly impair fertility. The long-term risk of cervical cancer remains high even after many years post-treatment; therefore careful surveillance is necessary. In addition, accidental deaths and deaths from injury were common among treated women, suggesting risk-taking behavior of these women. Preterm birth seems be associated with extremely high mortality rates, due to cardiovascular, alcohol-related and injury deaths. These women could benefit from health counseling, for example encouragement in quitting smoking.


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Cervical cancer develops through precursor lesions, i.e. cervical intraepithelialneoplasms (CIN). These can be detected and treated before progression to invasive cancer. The major risk factor for developing cervical cancer or CIN is persistent or recurrent infection with high-risk human papilloma virus (hrHPV). Other associated risk factors include low socioeconomic status, smoking, sexually transmitted infections, and high number of sexual partners, and these risk factors can predispose to some other cancers, excess mortality, and reproductive health complications as well. The aim was to study long-term cancer incidence, mortality, and reproductive health outcomes among women treated for CIN. Based on the results, we could evaluate the efficacy and safety of CIN treatment practices and estimate the role of the risk factors of CIN patients for cancer incidence, mortality, and reproductive health. We collected a cohort of 7 599 women treated for CIN at Helsinki University Central Hospital from 1974 to 2001. Information about their cancer incidence, cause of death, birth of children and other reproductive endpoints, and socio-economic status were gathered through registerlinkages to the Finnish Cancer Registry, Finnish Population Registry, and Statistics Finland. Depending on the endpoints in question, the women treated were compared to the general population, to themselves, or to an age- and municipality-matched reference cohort. Cervical cancer incidence was increased after treatment of CIN for at least 20 years, regardless of the grade of histology at treatment. Compared to all of the colposcopically guided methods, cold knife conization (CKC) was the least effective method of treatment in terms of later CIN 3 or cervical cancer incidence. In addition to cervical cancer, incidence of other HPV-related anogenital cancers was increased among those treated, as was the incidence of lung cancer and other smoking-related cancers. Mortality from cervical cancer among the women treated was not statistically significantly elevated, and after adjustment for socio-economic status, the hazard ratio (HR) was 1.0. In fact, the excess mortality among those treated was mainly due to increased mortality from other cancers, especially from lung cancer. In terms of post-treatment fertility, the CIN treatments seem to be safe: The women had more deliveries, and their incidence of pregnancy was similar before and after treatment. Incidence of extra-uterine pregnancies and induced abortions was elevated among the treated both before and after treatment. Thus this elevation did not occur because they were treated rather to a great extent was due to the other known risk factors these women had in excess, i.e. sexually transmitted infections. The purpose of any cancer preventive activity is to reduce cancer incidence and mortality. In Finland, cervical cancer is a rare disease and death from it even rarer, mostly due to the effective screening program. Despite this, the women treated are at increased risk for cancer; not just for cervical cancer. They must be followed up carefully and for a long period of time; general health education, especially cessation of smoking, is crucial in the management process, as well as interventions towards proper use of birth control such as condoms.


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Most women acquire genital high risk human papillomavirus (HPV) infection during their lifetime, but seldom the infection persists and leads to cervical cancer. However, currently it is not possible to identify the women who will develop HPV mediated cervical cancer and this often results to large scale follow-up and overtreatment of the likely spontaneously regressing infection. Thus, it is important to obtain more information on the course of HPV and find markers that could help to identify HPV infected women in risk for progression of cervical lesions and ultimately cancer. Nitric oxide is a free radical gas that takes part both in immune responses and carcinogenesis. Nitric oxide is produced also by cervical cells and therefore, it is possible that cervical nitric oxide could affect also HPV infection. In the present study, including 801 women from the University of Helsinki between years of 2006 and 2011, association between HPV and cervical nitric oxide was evaluated. The levels of nitric oxide were measured as its metabolites nitrate and nitirite (NOx) by spectrophotometry and the expression of nitric oxide producing enzymes endothelial and inducible synthases (eNOS, iNOS) by Western blotting. Women infected with HPV had two-times higher cervical fluid NOx levels compared with non-infected ones. The expression levels of both eNOS and iNOS were higher in HPV-infected women compared with non-infected. Another sexually transmitted disease Chlamydia trachomatis that is an independent risk factor for cervical cancer was also accompanied with elevated NOx levels, whereas vaginal infections, bacterial vaginosis and candida, did not have any effect on NOx levels. The meaning of the elevated HPV related cervical nitric oxide was evaluated in a 12 months follow-up study. It was revealed that high baseline cervical fluid NOx levels favored HPV persistence with OR 4.1. However, low sensitivity (33%) and high false negative rate (67%) restrict the clinical use of the current NOx test. This study indicated that nitric oxide favors HPV persistence and thus it seems to be one of the cofactor associated with a risk of carcinogenesis.


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Previous studies have revealed considerable interobserver and intraobserver variation in the histological classification of preinvasive cervical squamous lesions. The aim of the present study was to develop a decision support system (DSS) for the histological interpretation of these lesions. Knowledge and uncertainty were represented in the form of a Bayesian belief network that permitted the storage of diagnostic knowledge and, for a given case, the collection of evidence in a cumulative manner that provided a final probability for the possible diagnostic outcomes. The network comprised 8 diagnostic histological features (evidence nodes) that were each independently linked to the diagnosis (decision node) by a conditional probability matrix. Diagnostic outcomes comprised normal; koilocytosis; and cervical intraepithelial neoplasia (CIN) 1, CIN II, and CIN M. For each evidence feature, a set of images was recorded that represented the full spectrum of change for that feature. The system was designed to be interactive in that the histopathologist was prompted to enter evidence into the network via a specifically designed graphical user interface (i-Path Diagnostics, Belfast, Northern Ireland). Membership functions were used to derive the relative likelihoods for the alternative feature outcomes, the likelihood vector was entered into the network, and the updated diagnostic belief was computed for the diagnostic outcomes and displayed. A cumulative probability graph was generated throughout the diagnostic process and presented on screen. The network was tested on 50 cervical colposcopic biopsy specimens, comprising 10 cases each of normal, koilocytosis, CIN 1, CIN H, and CIN III. These had been preselected by a consultant gynecological pathologist. Using conventional morphological assessment, the cases were classified on 2 separate occasions by 2 consultant and 2 junior pathologists. The cases were also then classified using the DSS on 2 occasions by the 4 pathologists and by 2 medical students with no experience in cervical histology. Interobserver and intraobserver agreement using morphology and using the DSS was calculated with K statistics. Intraobserver reproducibility using conventional unaided diagnosis was reasonably good (kappa range, 0.688 to 0.861), but interobserver agreement was poor (kappa range, 0.347 to 0.747). Using the DSS improved overall reproducibility between individuals. Using the DSS, however, did not enhance the diagnostic performance of junior pathologists when comparing their DSS-based diagnosis against an experienced consultant. However, the generation of a cumulative probability graph also allowed a comparison of individual performance, how individual features were assessed in the same case, and how this contributed to diagnostic disagreement between individuals. Diagnostic features such as nuclear pleomorphism were shown to be particularly problematic and poorly reproducible. DSSs such as this therefore not only have a role to play in enhancing decision making but also in the study of diagnostic protocol, education, self-assessment, and quality control. (C) 2003 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.


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High-risk HPVs were detected in both breast cancer tissues and cervical cells from 56 breast cancer patients. The results suggested that HPV infection did not coexist in breast and cervical tissues. HPV infection of the breast cancer tissue is more likely to happen in patients without cervical infection.


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El cáncer de cuello uterino y su mortalidad en Colombia ha permanecido constantes pese a los esfuerzos institucionales, distritales y nacionales que han buscado fortalecer los programas de prevención; sin embargo las estrategias actuales hacen énfasis en la toma de citología y no en la solicitud oportuna del resultado y el tratamiento de la usuaria en caso de anormalidad. METODOLOGIA: Se realizó un estudio en dos fases, un análisis descriptivo se analizaron 12875 y una segunda que involucro 257 pacientes en un análisis de casos y controles de una muestra aleatoria. RESULTADOS: Se utiliza para análisis bivariado la prueba de Chi cuadrado y regresión logística que muestran diferencias significativas en los siguientes variables: la explicación sobre la importancia del examen (p= 0.0060), importancia de la solicitud de resultado (p= 0.003), explicación sobre cuando reclamarlo (p=0.030), distancia entre residencia y centro de salud (p=0.065) DISCUSIÓN: En nuestro estudio se identificó que los factores como el acceso de la paciente al centro de salud, el tiempo del cual dispone para solicitar el resultado, si el dinero con el que cuenta la paciente para desplazarse al hospital, si es la primera vez que se realiza la citología, si le explicaron la importancia de reclamar el resultado y en que lapso de tiempo debía hacerlo, la información que tiene acerca de la importancia de realizarse la citología contribuyen en el hecho de que una paciente de esta población de un hospital público reclame o no su resultado de su citología


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Cancer of the cervix (cervical cancer) is the second most prevalent cancer among Brazilian women. The high rates of cervical cancer in Brazil justify the implementation of effective strategies to control this, which include actions to promote health, primary prevention, early detection, screening, treatment and palliative care. Despite the existence of the National Programme for Control of the CCU there was no reduction in the incidence and mortality of this disease in Brazil. The Family Health Strategy (FHS) has the potential to facilitate such control and, in this context, one should consider that nurses play a central role. The study aimed to know the general intervention strategies used by nurses FHS of Natal / RN in CCU control, and how specific: analyzing the knowledge of these nurses on the CCU, the actions developed in the ESF for the control of CCU and identify the difficulties faced by them to perform it. This is a descriptive exploratory quantitative developed through a structured interview guide with 106 nurses who have experience in controlling the CCU in FHS teams of Natal / RN. Data analysis was performed using descriptive statistic s. The results pointed to actions taken in the FHS to control the CCU, collection of cervical cancer screening, health education activities, nursing consultation, referral of suspected cases for medical monitoring and active women with abnormal test result . The actions that were not mentioned by the nurses included: forming groups of prevention and health promotion; expand coverage of exams and office hours of consultations, establishment of alternatives to end the pent-up demand in the health units, participation in treatment or rehabilitation process users with the CCU; interventions for pain management, alliances and partnerships with schools, in dustry and the use of protocols. This study can be seen that the practice nurses partially shares to the CCU in Natal / RN. The participants of this study, when asked about the CCU, specifically for signs and symptoms of disease and risk factors in general showed important gaps. Difficulties such as lack of materials for collection of Pap smear; inadequate physical space in the Health Units; pent-up demand in the service, delay in arrival of the test results; obstacles in the actions of referral and counter-referral and cultural factors make the CCU control is compromised. It is believed in this research contributed to a reflection on the importance of the role of nurses in the development of the ESF control actions CCU, pointing out the factors that affect these. It is important to involve all nurses who comprise the ESF as knowledgeable of the risk factors, signs and symptoms, and existing tools for the early detection of cervical cancer in the pursuit of quality improvement actions to promote women`s health, contributing in planning future interventions that may reduce mortality from this disease in Natal / RN.


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Objective: To describe the prevalence of hysteroscopic findings and histologic diagnoses inpatients with abnormal uterine bleeding (AUB).Design: Retrospective series of consecutive patients.Setting: Tertiary care University hospital and private office.Patient(s): Four thousand fifty-four hysteroscopies with biopsy in patients with AUB evaluated between June 1993 and December 2004.Intervention(S): Hysteroscopies were performed using 2.9-mm or 4-mm telescopes with CO2 or saline as the distension media. Biopsies were (lone with a 5-mm grasper or with a Novak's curette.Main Outcome Measure(s): Prevalence of hysteroscopic findings and histologic analysis of biopsies.Result(S): Endometrial polyp was the most frequent hysteroscopic finding, accounting for 1,374 (33.9%) cases. Normal uterine cavity and cervical canal were found in 814 (20.1%) patients. Submucous fibroids were diagnosed in 302 (7.5%) women. Normal endometrium was the most frequent histologic diagnosis, accounting for 1,888 (46.6%) cases. Endometrial polyp was found in 1, 115 (27.5%) patients. Endometrial hyperplasia was diagnosed in 613 (15.1%) and endometrial cancer in 105 (2.6%) women.Conclusion(s): Endometrial polyps are the most frequent hysteroscopic findings in patients with AUB, whereas normal endometrium is the most frequent histologic diagnosis.


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Context.-The Epstein-Barr virus (EBV) is a ubiquitous microorganism strongly associated with lymphoproliferative disorders and a large number of human neoplasms, mainly undifferentiated nasopharyngeal carcinoma and Burkitt lymphoma. The viral DNA has been detected in other tumors, such as carcinomas from tonsil, salivary glands, and thymus, and malignancies of the female genital tract. Some authors have proposed that EBV could play a role in the carcinogenesis of cervical tumors; however, other studies do not support this hypothesis.Objective.-To assess whether EBV is associated with female genital tract neoplasms.Design.-Sixty-five biopsy specimens (5 in situ carcinomas, 24 invasive squamous cell carcinomas, 6 lymphoepithelioma-like carcinomas, and 30 endocervical adenocarcinomas) were used to perform EBV detection through RNA in situ hybridization.Results.-None of the cervical carcinoma cases studied was positive for EBV infection.Conclusions.-The results suggest that it is still premature to incriminate EBV in the carcinogenesis of cervical carcinoma.


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Purpose: To verify if uterine cerclage can induce craniosynostosis or any cranial deformity in new born Wistar rats. Methods: One pregnant female Wistar rat underwent laparotomy on day 18 of gestation and the uterus cervix was closed with a 3-0 nylon suture to avoid delivery, that occurs normally on the 21 day. The suture was released after 48 hours beyond the normal gestation period. The female rat delivered 11 pups. Six surviving rats from the delivery (group A - constrained group). Two rats were born from another mother and in the same age were used as control group (group B - 2 nonconstrained controls) were allowed to grow. They were sacrificed 1.2 years after their birth all the eight animals. Linear measurement, routine histology and computed tomography of the skull were performed at the time of their death to evaluate the cranial asymmetries by mesurements of the anatomical landmarks of the craniofacial skeleton of the rats on the two groups and compared then. Results: We did not observe statistically significant differences in any of the compared measurements (p>0.05) obtained through the morphologic and radiologic methods. Histologic examinations did not reveal any sign of premature fusion or suture imbrications. Critical decrease in longitudinal body size was noticed as the limbs too in all the animals of group A. Conclusion: Constriction of uterine cervix leads to fetus suffering, even death for a few animals, associated to small body size, but not to craniosynostosis.


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Objectives. The aim of this study was to investigate the feasibility of sentinel lymph node (SLN) identification using radioisotopic lymphatic mapping with technetium-99 m-labeled phytate in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy with pelvic lymphadenectomy for treatment of early cervical cancer.Methods. Between July 2001 and February 2003, 56 patients with cervical cancer 1160 stage I (it 53) or stage 11 (it 3) underwent sentinel lymph node detection with preoperative lymphoscintigraphy (Te-99m-labeled phytate injected into the uterine cervix, at 3, 6, 9, and 12 o'clock, at a dose of 55-74 MBq in a volume of 0.8 ml) and intratoperative lymphatic mapping with a handheld gamma probe, Radical hysterectomy was aborted in three cases because parametrial invasion was found intraoperatively and we performed only sentinel node resection. The remaining 53 patients underwent radical hysterectomy with complete pelvic lymphadenectomy, Sentinel nodes were detected using a handheld gamma-probe and removed for pathological assessment during the abdominal radical hysterectomy and pelvic lymphadenectomy.Results. One or more sentinel nodes were detected in 52 out of 56 eligible patients (92.8%). A total of 120 SLNs were detected by lymphoscintigraphy (mean 2.27 nodes per patient) and intraoperatively by gamma probe, Forty-four percent of SLNs were found in the external iliac area, 39% in the obturator region, 8.3% in interiliae region, and 6.7),) in the common iliac area. Unilateral sentinel nodes were found in thirty-one patients (59%). The remaining 21 patients (4100 had bilateral sentinel nodes, Microscopic nodal metastases were confirmed in 17 (32%) cases. In 10 of these patients, only SLNs had metastases. The 98 sentinel node.,, that were negative on hematoxylin and eosin were submitted to cytokeratin immunohistochemical analysis. Five (5.1%) micrometastases were identified with this technique. The sensitivity of the sentinel node was 82.3% (CI 95% - 56.6-96.2) and the negative predictive value was 92.1% (CI 95% 78.6 98.3) the accuracy of sentinel node in predicting the lymph node status was 94.2%,Conclusion. Preoperative lymphoscintigraphy and intraoperative lymphatic mapping with Tc-99-labeled phytate are effective in identifying sentinel nodes in patients undergoing radical hysterectomy and to select women in whom lymph node dissection call be avoided. (c) 2005 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Objective. The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effectiveness and safety of misoprostol in two different formulations: vaginal tablets of 25 mu g and one-eighth of a 200-mu g oral tablet, also administered intravaginally, for cervical ripening and labor induction of term pregnancies with an indication for that. Methods. A single-blind, randomized, controlled clinical trial was carried out in 120 pregnant women who randomly received one of the two formulations. The main dependent variables were mode of delivery, need for additional oxytocin, time between beginning of induction and delivery, perinatal results, complications, and maternal side effects. Student's t, Mann-Whitney, chi(2), Fisher's Exact, Wilcoxon and Kolmogorov-Smirnoff tests, as well as survival analysis, were used in the data analysis. Results. There were no significant differences between the groups in terms of general characteristics, uterine contractility, and fetal well-being during labor, cesarean section rates, perinatal outcomes, or maternal adverse events. The mean time between the beginning of cervical ripening and delivery was 31.3 h in the vaginal tablet group and 30.1 h in the oral tablet group, a difference that was not statistically significant. Conclusion. The results showed that the 25-mu g vaginal tablets of misoprostol were as effective and safe for cervical ripening and labor induction as the dose-equivalent fraction of 200-mu g oral tablets.


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Cervical discharges from 142 women attending the Public Gynecologic Service of Araraqura (SESA), Brazil were cultured for Chlamydia trachomatis. Gram-smears and plating on semiquantitative sheep blood agar and chocolate agar were also carried out. An isolation rate of 18% was reported. The presence of purulent cervical secretion was observed in 8 (32%) out of 25 women. It was also observed that a substantial proportion of culture-positive women had no symptoms. Our data demonstrate that screening tests should be based on specific diagnostic techniques for Chlamydia trachomatis since the majority of infected women we examined were asymptomatic.


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The cancer of the uterine cervix remains a serious public health problem in developing countries with low social-economic conditions. Papanicolaou smear has been used to screen women for cervical cancer since 1940, and it is widely recognized as an effective method for preventing cervical cancer. In Brazil, conventional Papanicolaou is the most common method used in diagnosis cytopathological routine, involving the morphological cell analysis by microscopic examination of cervical samples smeared on glass slides. On the other hand, the liquid cytology is an advantageous method whose specimen collected is put into a fluid alcohol based to guarantee the potential use of residual cellular material in cytobrush. Moreover, this method permits additional diagnostic studies, preserving the morphological cell features as the conventional one does. The aim of the present study was report the historical evolution of different cervical cytologic tests, emphasizing the advantages and disadvantages between conventional Papanicolaou method and new technologies in liquid based cytology.


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The purpose of this study is to determine the expression of CCL19, CCL21, and CCR7 in samples of oral squamous cell carcinoma (OSCC) and their relationship with clinical and microscopic parameters. A comparative analysis was made of the mRNA expression of these chemokines and receptor in OSCC and normal oral mucosa. The immunoexpression of CCR7, CCL19, and CCL21 was also verified in OSCC and lymph nodes. Statistical significance was accepted at P < 0.05. Similar levels of CCR7, CCL19, and CCL21 mRNA in OSCC and normal oral mucosa were seen. A low expression of CCL19 and CCL21 in the intra- and peritumoral regions was observed. Scarce CCL19+ and CCL21+ cells were also noted in metastatic and non-metastatic lymph nodes. No association was found between the expression of these chemokines and clinical and microscopic parameters. Our findings would suggest that CCL19 and CCL21 may not be associated with cervical lymph node metastasis or other clinical and microscopic factors in OSCC. © 2012 International Society of Oncology and BioMarkers (ISOBM).