958 resultados para Tyrosine Hydroxylase


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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CRH has been implicated as a mediator of stress-induced effects on the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis, acting via CRH receptors in various brain regions. We investigated whether the effects of restraint stress on the secretion of gonadotropins on the morning of proestrus are mediated by the CRH-R1 or CRH-R2 receptors in the oval subdivision of the anterolateral BST, the central amygdala, the locus coeruleus (LC), or the A1 and A2 neuron groups in the medulla. At proestrus morning, rats were injected with antalarmin (a CRH-R1 antagonist), asstressin2-B (a CRH-R2 antagonist) or vehicles. Thirty minutes after the injection, the animals were placed into restraints for 30 min, and blood was sampled for 2 h. At the end of the experiment, the brains were removed for immunofluorescence analyses. Restraint stress increased the levels of FSH and LH. Antalarmin blocked the stress-induced increases in FSH and LH secretion, but astressin2-B only blocked the increase in FSH secretion. LC showed intense stress-induced neuronal activity. FOS/tyrosine-hydroxylase coexpression in LC was reduced by antalarmin, but not astressin2-B. The CRH-R1 receptor, more than CRH-R2 receptor, appears to be essential for the stimulation of the hypothalamus-pituitary-gonad axis by acute stress; this response is likely mediated in part by noradrenergic neurons in the LC. We postulate that the stress-induced facilitation of reproductive function is mediated, at least in part, by CRH action through CRH-R1 on noradrenaline neurons residing in the LC that trigger GnRH discharge and gonadotropin secretion. (Endocrinology 153: 4838-4848, 2012)


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the behavioral patterns associated with autism and the prevalence of these behaviors in males and females, to verify whether our model of lipopolysaccharide (LPS) administration represents an experimental model of autism. For this, we prenatally exposed Wistar rats to LPS (100 mu g/kg, intraperitoneally, on gestational day 9.5), which mimics infection by gram-negative bacteria. Furthermore, because the exact mechanisms by which autism develops are still unknown, we investigated the neurological mechanisms that might underlie the behavioral alterations that were observed. Because we previously had demonstrated that prenatal LPS decreases striatal dopamine (DA) and metabolite levels, the striatal dopaminergic system (tyrosine hydroxylase [TH] and DA receptors D1a and D2) and glial cells (astrocytes and microglia) were analyzed by using immunohistochemistry, immunoblotting, and real-time PCR. Our results show that prenatal LPS exposure impaired communication (ultrasonic vocalizations) in male pups and learning and memory (T-maze spontaneous alternation) in male adults, as well as inducing repetitive/restricted behavior, but did not change social interactions in either infancy (play behavior) or adulthood in females. Moreover, although the expression of DA receptors was unchanged, the experimental animals exhibited reduced striatal TH levels, indicating that reduced DA synthesis impaired the striatal dopaminergic system. The expression of glial cell markers was not increased, which suggests that prenatal LPS did not induce permanent neuroinflammation in the striatum. Together with our previous finding of social impairments in males, the present findings demonstrate that prenatal LPS induced autism-like effects and also a hypoactivation of the dopaminergic system. (c) 2012 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.


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The ether A go-go (Eag) gene encodes the voltage-gated potassium (K+) ion channel Kv10.1, whose function still remains unknown. As dopamine may directly affect K+ channels, we evaluated whether a nigrostriatal dopaminergic lesion induced by the neurotoxin 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) would alter Eag1-K+ channel expression in the rat basal ganglia and related brain regions. Male Wistar rats received a microinjection of either saline or 6-OHDA (unilaterally) into the medial forebrain bundle. The extent of the dopaminergic lesion induced by 6-OHDA was evaluated by apomorphine-induced rotational behavior and by tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunoreactivity. The 6-OHDA microinjection caused a partial or complete lesion of dopaminergic cells, as well as a reduction of Eag1+ cells in a manner proportional to the extent of the lesion. In addition, we observed a decrease in TH immunoreactivity in the ipsilateral striatum. In conclusion, the expression of the Eag1-K+-channel throughout the nigrostriatal pathway in the rat brain, its co-localization with dopaminergic cells and its reduction mirroring the extent of the lesion highlight a physiological circuitry where the functional role of this channel can be investigated. The Eag1-K+ channel expression in dopaminergic cells suggests that these channels are part of the diversified group of ion channels that generate and maintain the electrophysiological activity pattern of dopaminergic midbrain neurons.


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The endocannabinoid system has been implicated in several neurobiological processes, including neurodegeneration, neuroprotection and neuronal plasticity. The CB1 cannabinoid receptors are abundantly expressed in the basal ganglia, the circuitry that is mostly affected in Parkinson’s Disease (PD). Some studies show variation of CB1 expression in basal ganglia in different animal models of PD, however the results are quite controversial, due to the differences in the procedures employed to induce the parkinsonism and the periods analyzed after the lesion. The present study evaluated the CB1 expression in four basal ganglia structures, namely striatum, external globus pallidus (EGP), internal globus pallidus (IGP) and substantia nigra pars reticulata (SNpr) of rats 1, 5, 10, 20, and 60 days after unilateral intrastriatal 6-hydroxydopamine injections, that causes retrograde dopaminergic degeneration. We also investigated tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), parvalbumin, calbindin and glutamic acid decarboxylase (GAD) expression to verify the status of dopaminergic and GABAergic systems. We observed a structure-specific modulation of CB1 expression at different periods after lesions. In general, there were no changes in the striatum, decreased CB1 in IGP and SNpr and increased CB1 in EGP, but this increase was not sustained over time. No changes in GAD and parvalbumin expression were observed in basal ganglia, whereas TH levels were decreased and the calbindin increased in striatum in short periods after lesion. We believe that the structure-specific variation of CB1 in basal ganglia in the 6-hydroxydopamine PD model could be related to a compensatory process involving the GABAergic transmission, which is impaired due to the lack of dopamine. Our data, therefore, suggest that the changes of CB1 and calbindin expression may represent a plasticity process in this PD model


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Catecholaminergic C1 cells of the rostral ventrolateral medulla (RVLM) are key determinants of the sympathoexcitatory response to peripheral chemoreceptor activation. Overactivation of this reflex is thought to contribute to increased sympathetic activity and hypertension; however, molecular mechanisms linking peripheral chemoreceptor drive to hypertension remain poorly understood. We have recently determined that activation of P2Y1 receptors in the RVLM mimicked effects of peripheral chemoreceptor activation. Therefore, we hypothesize that P2Y1 receptors regulate peripheral chemoreceptor drive in this region. Here, we determine whether P2Y1 receptors are expressed by C1 neurons in the RVLM and contribute to peripheral chemoreceptor control of breathing, sympathetic activity, and blood pressure. We found that injection of a specific P2Y1 receptor agonist (MRS2365) into the RVLM of anesthetized adult rats increased phrenic nerve activity (≈55%), sympathetic nerve activity (38±6%), and blood pressure (23±1 mm Hg), whereas application of a specific P2Y1 receptor antagonist (MRS2179) decreased peripheral chemoreceptor–mediated activation of phrenic nerve activity, sympathetic nerve activity, and blood pressure. To establish that P2Y1 receptors are expressed by C1 cells, we determine in the brain slice preparation using cell-attached recording techniques that cells responsive to MRS2365 are immunoreactive for tyrosine hydroxylase (a marker of C1 cells), and we determine in vivo that C1-lesioned animals do not respond to RVLM injection of MRS2365. These data identify P2Y1 receptors as key determinants of peripheral chemoreceptor regulation of breathing, sympathetic nerve activity, and blood pressure.


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Il trigono della vescica urinaria (UBT) è un'area limitata attraverso la quale penetrano nella vescica la maggior parte dei vasi e fibre e in cui le fibre nervose e neuroni intramurali sono più concentrati. Mediante l’utilizzo combinato di un tracciante retrogrado(FB) e dell’immunoistochimica sono stati valutati il fenotipo e l’area del soma dei neuroni dei gangli spinali (DRG), dei neuroni post-gangliari, il fenotipo dei gangli della catena simpatica (STG) e i gangli mesenterici caudali (CMG) innervanti l’UBT. - Caratterizzazione dei neuroni dei DRG con: peptide correlato al gene della calcitonina (CGRP)(30±3%, 29±3%, rispettivamente), sostanza P(SP)(26±8%, 27±12%), ossido nitrico sintasi neuronale (nNOS)(21±4%; 26±7%), neurofilamento 200kDa (NF200)(75±14%, 81±7% ) , transient receptor potential vanilloid1 (TRPV1)(48±13%, 43±6%) e isolectina-B4-positivi (IB4) (56±6%;43±10%). I neuroni sensoriali, distribuiti da L2 a Ca1 (DRG), hanno presentato una localizzazione segmentale, mostrando maggior densità nei DRG L4-L5 e S2-S4. I neuroni sensoriali lombari sono risultati significativamente più grandi di quelle sacrali (1.112±624μm2 vs716±421μm2). Complessivamente, questi dati indicano che le vie lombari e sacrali probabilmente svolgono ruoli diversi nella trasmissione sensitiva del trigono della vescica urinaria. -I neuroni FB+ della STG e dei CMG sono risultati immunoreattivi per la tirosina idrossilasi (TH)(66±10,1%, 53±8,2%, rispettivamente), la dopamina beta-idrossilasi (DβH)(62±6,2%, 52±6,2%), neuropeptideY (NPY)(59±8%; 66±7%), CGRP(24±3%, 22±3%), SP(22±2%; 38±8%), polipeptide intestinale vasoattivo (VIP)(19±2%; 35±4%), nNOS(15±2%; 33±8%), trasportatore vescicolare dell'acetilcolina (VAChT)(15±2%; 35±5%), leu-encefalina (LENK)(14±7%; 26±9%), e somatostatina (SOM)(12±3%;32±7%).Il numero medio di neuroni FB+ (1845,1±259,3) era nella STG in L1-S3, con i pirenofori più piccoli (465,6±82.7μm2). Un gran numero (4287,5±1450,6) di neuroni FB+ di piccole dimensioni (476,1±103,9μm2) sono stati localizzati lungo il margine dei CMG. Il maggior numero (4793,3±1990,8) di neuroni FB + è stato osservato nel plesso pelvico, dove i neuroni marcati erano raggruppati in micro-gangli e con pirenoforo ancora più piccolo (374,9±85,4 μm2).


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Effective numerical expansion of dopaminergic precursors might overcome the limited availability of transplantable cells in replacement strategies for Parkinson's disease. Here we investigated the effect of fibroblast growth factor-2 (FGF2) and FGF8 on expansion and dopaminergic differentiation of rat embryonic ventral mesencephalic neuroblasts cultured at high (20%) and low (3%) oxygen tension. More cells incorporated bromodeoxyuridine in cultures expanded at low as compared to high oxygen tension, and after 6 days of differentiation there were significantly more neuronal cells in low than in high oxygen cultures. Low oxygen during FGF2-mediated expansion resulted also in a significant increase in tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) dopaminergic neurons as compared to high oxygen tension, but no corresponding effect was observed for dopamine release into the culture medium. However, switching FGF2-expanded cultures from low to high oxygen tension during the last two days of differentiation significantly enhanced dopamine release and intracellular dopamine levels as compared to all other treatment groups. In addition, the short-term exposure to high oxygen enhanced in situ assessed TH enzyme activity, which may explain the elevated dopamine levels. Our findings demonstrate that modulation of oxygen tension is a recognizable factor for in vitro expansion and dopaminergic differentiation of rat embryonic midbrain precursor cells.


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Ventral mesencephalic (VM) precursor cells are of interest in the search for transplantable dopaminergic neurons for cell therapy in Parkinson's disease (PD). In the present study we investigated the survival and functional capacity of in vitro expanded, primary VM precursor cells after intrastriatal grafting to a rat model of PD. Embryonic day 12 rat VM tissue was mechanically dissociated and cultured for 4 or 8 days in vitro (DIV) in the presence of FGF2 (20 ng/ml), FGF8 (20 ng/ml) or without mitogens (control). Cells were thereafter differentiated for 6 DIV by mitogen withdrawal and addition of serum. After differentiation, significantly more tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir), dopamine-producing neurons were found in FGF2- and FGF8-expanded cultures compared to controls. Moreover, expansion for 4 DIV resulted in significantly more TH-ir cells than expansion for 8 DIV both for FGF2 (2.4 fold; P<0.001) and FGF8 (3.8 fold; P<0.001) treated cultures. The functional potential of the expanded cells (4 DIV) was examined after grafting into striatum of aged 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats. Amphetamine-induced rotations performed 3, 6 and 9 weeks postgrafting revealed that grafts of FGF2-expanded cells induced a significantly faster and better functional recovery than grafts of FGF8-expanded cells or control cells (P<0.05 for both). Grafts of FGF2-expanded cells also contained significantly more TH-ir cells than grafts of FGF8-expanded cells (P<0.05) or control cells (P<0.01). In conclusion, FGF2-mediated pregrafting expansion of primary VM precursor cells considerably improves dopaminergic cell survival and functional restoration in a rat model of PD.


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Ventral mesencephalon (VM) of fetal rat and human origin grown as free-floating roller-tube (FFRT) cultures can survive subsequent grafting to the adult rat striatum. To further explore the functional efficacy of such grafts, embryonic day 13 ventral mesencephalic tissue was grafted either after 7 days in culture or directly as dissociated cell suspensions, and compared with regard to neuronal survival and ability to normalize rotational behavior in adult rats with unilateral 6-hydroxydopamine (6-OHDA) lesions. Other lesioned rats received injections of cell-free medium and served as controls. The amphetamine-induced rotational behavior of all 6-OHDA-lesioned animals was monitored at various time points from 18 days before transplantation and up to 80 days after transplantation. Tyrosine hydroxylase (TH) immunostaining of the histologically processed brains served to assess the long-term survival of grafted dopaminergic neurons and to correlate that with the behavioral effects. Additional cultures and acutely prepared explants were also fixed and stored for histological investigation in order to estimate the loss of dopaminergic neurons in culture and after transplantation. Similar behavioral improvements in terms of significant reductions in amphetamine-induced rotations were observed in rats grafted with FFRT cultures (127%) and rats grafted with cell suspensions (122%), while control animals showed no normalization of rotational behavior. At 84 days after transplantation, there were similar numbers of TH-immunoreactive (TH-ir) neurons in grafts of cultured tissue (775 +/- 98, mean +/- SEM) and grafts of fresh, dissociated cell suspension (806 +/- 105, mean +/- SEM). Cell counts in fresh explants, 7-day-old cultures, and grafted cultures revealed a 68.2% loss of TH-ir cells 7 days after explantation, with an additional 23.1% loss after grafting, leaving 8.7% of the original number of TH-ir cells in the intracerebral grafts. This is to be compared with a survival rate of 9.1% for the TH-ir cells in the cell-suspension grafts. Immunostaining for the calcium-binding proteins calretinin, calbindin, and parvalbumin showed no differences in the neuronal expression of these proteins between the two graft types. In conclusion, we found comparable dopaminergic cell survival and functional effects of tissue-culture grafts and cell-suspension grafts, which currently is the type of graft most commonly used for experimental and clinical grafting. In this sense the result is promising for the development of an effective in vitro storage of fetal nigral tissue, which at the same time would allow neuroprotective and neurotrophic treatment prior to intracerebral transplantation.


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Free-floating roller tube cultures of human fetal (embryonic age 6-10 weeks post-conception) and rat fetal (embryonic day 13) ventral mesencephalon were prepared. After 7-15 days in vitro, the mesencephalic tissue cultures were transplanted into the striatum of adult rats that had received unilateral injections of 6-hydroxydopamine into the nigrostriatal bundle 3-5 weeks prior to transplantation. Graft survival was assessed in tyrosine hydroxylase (TH)-immunostained serial sections of the grafted brains up to post-transplantation week 4 for the human fetal xenografts and post-transplantation week 11 for the rat fetal allografts. D-amphetamine-induced rotation was monitored up to 10 weeks after transplantation in the allografted animals and compared with that of lesioned-only control animals. All transplanted animals showed large, viable grafts containing TH-immunoreactive (ir) neurons. The density of TH-ir neurons in the human fetal xenografts and in rat fetal allografts was similar. A significant amelioration of the amphetamine-induced rotation was observed in the animals that received cultured tissue allografts. These results promote the feasibility of in vitro maintenance of fetal human and rat nigral tissue prior to transplantation using the free-floating roller tube technique.


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Transplantation of fetal dopaminergic (DA) neurons offers an experimental therapy for Parkinson's disease (PD). The low availability and the poor survival and integration of transplanted cells in the host brain are major obstacles in this approach. Glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor (GDNF) is a potent neurotrophic factor with growth- and survival-promoting capabilities for developing DA neurons. In the present study, we examined whether pretreatment of ventral mesencephalic (VM) free-floating roller tube (FFRT) cultures with GDNF would improve graft survival and function. For that purpose organotypic cultures of E14 rat VM were grown for 2, 4 or 8 days in the absence (control) or presence of GDNF [10 ng/ml] and transplanted into the striatum of 6-hydroxydopamine-lesioned rats. While all groups of rats showed a significant reduction in d-amphetamine-induced rotations at 6 weeks posttransplantation a significantly improved graft function was observed only in the days in vitro (DIV) 4 GDNF pretreated group compared to the control group. In addition, no statistical significant differences between groups were found in the number of surviving tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive (TH-ir) neurons assessed at 9 weeks posttransplantation. However, a tendency for higher TH-ir fiber outgrowth from the transplants in the GDNF pretreated groups as compared to corresponding controls was observed. Furthermore, GDNF pretreatment showed a tendency for a higher number of GIRK2 positive neurons in the grafts. In sum, our findings demonstrate that GDNF pretreatment was not disadvantageous for transplants of embryonic rat VM with the FFRT culture technique but only marginally improved graft survival and function.


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There is increasing preclinical and clinical evidence of the important role played by the gastric peptide hormone ghrelin in the pathogenesis of symptoms of depression and eating disorders. To investigate the role of ghrelin and its considered counterpart, peptide tyrosine tyrosine (PYY), in the development of bulimic and depressive symptoms induced by catecholamine depletion, we administered the tyrosine hydroxylase inhibitor alpha-methyl-paratyrosine (AMPT) in a randomized, double-blind, placebo-controlled crossover, single-site experimental trial to 29 healthy controls and 20 subjects with fully recovered bulimia nervosa (rBN). We found a decrease between peprandial and postprandial plasma ghrelin levels (p < 0.0001) and a postprandial rise in plasma PYY levels (p < 0.0001) in both conditions in the entire study population. Plasma ghrelin levels decreased in the entire study population after treatment with AMPT compared to placebo (p < 0.006). AMPT-induced changes in plasma ghrelin levels were negatively correlated with AMPT-induced depressive symptoms (p < 0.004). Plasma ghrelin and plasma PYY levels were also negatively correlated (p < 0.05). We did not observe a difference in ghrelin or PYY response to catecholamine depletion between rBN subjects and healthy controls, and there was no correlation between plasma ghrelin and PYY levels and bulimic symptoms induced by catecholamine depletion. These findings suggest a relationship between catecholamines and ghrelin with depressive symptoms.


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Trefoil factor 1 (TFF1) belongs to a family of secreted peptides with a characteristic tree-looped trefoil structure. TFFs are mainly expressed in the gastrointestinal tract where they play a critical role in the function of the mucosal barrier. TFF1 has been suggested as a neuropeptide, but not much is known about its expression and function in the central nervous system. We investigated the expression of TFF1 in the developing and adult rat midbrain. In the adult ventral mesencephalon, TFF1-immunoreactive (-ir) cells were predominantly found in the substantia nigra pars compacta (SNc), the ventral tegmental area (VTA) and in periaqueductal areas. While around 90% of the TFF1-ir cells in the SNc co-expressed tyrosine hydroxylase (TH), only a subpopulation of the TH-ir neurons expressed TFF1. Some TFF1-ir cells in the SNc co-expressed the calcium-binding proteins calbindin or calretinin and nearly all were NeuN-ir confirming a neuronal phenotype, which was supported by lack of co-localization with the astroglial marker glial fibrillary acidic protein (GFAP). Interestingly, at postnatal (P) day 7 and P14, a significantly higher proportion of TH-ir neurons in the SNc co-expressed TFF1 as compared to P21. In contrast, the proportion of TFF1-ir cells expressing TH remained unchanged during postnatal development. Furthermore, significantly more TH-ir neurons expressed TFF1 in the SNc, compared to the VTA at all four time-points investigated. Injection of the tracer fluorogold into the striatum of adult rats resulted in retrograde labeling of several TFF1 expressing cells in the SNc showing that a significant fraction of the TFF1-ir cells were projection neurons. This was also reflected by unilateral loss of TFF1-ir cells in SNc of 6-hydroxylase-lesioned hemiparkinsonian rats. In conclusion, we show for the first time that distinct subpopulations of midbrain dopaminergic neurons express TFF1, and that this expression pattern is altered in a rat model of Parkinson's disease.


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The myelin-associated protein Nogo-A and its receptor Nogo-receptor 1 (NgR1) are known as potent growth inhibitors of the adult central nervous system (CNS). Nogo-A is mostly expressed on the surface of oligodendrocytes, but is also found in neurons of the adult and developing CNS. This observation suggests that Nogo-A serves additional functions in the brain. Hence, in the present study, we investigated the effects of antagonizing NgR1 on cultured organotypic and dissociated dopaminergic neurons. For that purpose ventral mesencephalic cultures from E14 rat embryos were grown in absence or presence of the NgR1 antagonist NEP1-40 for 1 week. Treatment with NEP1-40 significantly increased cell densities of tyrosine hydroxylase-immunoreactive neurons. Moreover, organotypic ventral mesencephalic cultures displayed a significantly bigger volume after NEP1-40 treatment. Morphological analysis of tyrosine hydroxylase-positive neurons disclosed longer neurites and higher numbers of primary neurites in dissociated cultures incubated with NEP1-40, whereas soma size was not changed. In conclusion, our findings demonstrate that interfering with Nogo-A signaling by antagonizing NgR1 modulates dopaminergic neuron properties during development. These observations highlight novel aspects of the role of Nogo-A in the CNS and might have an impact in the context of Parkinson's disease.