917 resultados para Trustees system service corporation.
The Spanish judicial system is independent and headed by the Supreme Court. Spain has a civil law system. The criminal procedure is governed by the legality principle--by opposition to the opportunity or expediency principle--which implies that prosecution must take place in all cases in which sufficient evidence exists of guilt. Traditionally, the role of the PPS in Spain has been very limited during the investigative stage of the process. That stage is under the responsibility of the Examining Magistrate (EM). Since the end of the 1980s, a series of modifications has been introduced in order to extend the functions of the PPS. In 1988, the PPS received extended competences which allow them to receive reports of offenses. Upon knowing of an offense (reported or known to have been committed), the PPS can initiate the criminal proceeding. The PPS is also allowed to lead a sort of plea bargain under a series of restrictive conditions and only for some offenses. At the same time, the PPS received extended competences in the juvenile justice criminal proceeding in 2000. With all this said, the role of the PPS has not changed radically and, during the investigative stage of the process, their main role remains the presentation of the accusation, playing a more active role during the trial stage of the proceeding. In this article the national criminal justice system of Spain is described. Special attention is paid to the function of the PPS within this framework and its relationship to police and courts. The article refers to legal provisions and the factual handling of criminal cases.
Today´s organizations must have the ability to react to rapid changes in the market. These rapid changes cause pressure to continuously find new efficient ways to organize work practices. Increased competition requires businesses to become more effective and to pay attention to quality of management and to make people to understand their work's impact on the final result. The fundamentals in continmuois improvement are systematic and agile tackling of indentified individual process constraints and the fact tha nothin finally improves without changes. Successful continuous improvement requires management commitment, education, implementation, measurement, recognition and regeneration. These ingredients form the foundation, both for breakthrough projects and small step ongoing improvement activities. One part of the organization's management system are the quality tools, which provide systematic methodologies for identifying problems, defining their root causes, finding solutions, gathering and sorting of data, supporting decision making and implementing the changes, and many other management tasks. Organizational change management includes processes and tools for managing the people in an organizational level change. These tools include a structured approach, which can be used for effective transition of organizations through change. When combined with the understanding of change management of individuals, these tools provide a framework for managing people in change,
The objective of this study is to create measurement system that is capable to measure performance in basic industry’s service centers. First it is examined what is performance and how it can be measured. The study also introduces commonly known measurement frameworks. After theory the study investigates how companies in the field of basic industry measure their operations in practise. The investigation is done examining three case examples and by analyzing survey results from basic industry companies. On the survey results focus is on what meters and measurement systems companies use. It is also viewed what measurement problems companies have faced. In the applied part of the study harmonized performance measurement system is created. The framework of the measurement system is introduced and measurement system for the target company is created. The target company felt that the harmonized performance measurement system has good potential and continues to develop it further.
RFID-tekniikka on radiotaajuudella toimivaa etätunnistusta, jossa hyödynnetään RFID-tunnisteiksi kutsuttuja tageja, sekä RFID-lukijoita. RFID-tekniikan käyttökohteet ovat erittäin laajat. Tässä kandidaatintyössä tutkitaan RFID-tekniikan hyödyntämismahdollisuuksia teollisuuden huoltopalvelusuhteessa. Työ keskittyy huollettavien laitteiden etätunnistamiseen mobiileja RFID-lukijoita hyödyntäen. Laitteiden tiedot noudetaan olemassa olevasta tietokannasta web-käyttöliittymän kautta. Koska laitteet koostuvat pääosin metallista, joudutaan tunnistetyyppien valintaa pohtimaan tarkasti. Metallipinnat sekä nesteet vaikuttavat erittäin negatiivisesti useiden tunnisteiden lukuetäisyyteen. Työssä keskitytään vaadittavan järjestelmän suunnittelemiseen aikaisempia tutkimuksia hyödyntäen, mutta itse järjestelmän toteutus ei kuulu tähän kandidaatintyöhön. Lopussa järjestelmän alustava suunnitelma esitellään.
Kristiina Hormia-Poutasen esitys CBUC-konferenssissa Barcelonassa 12.4.2013.
Production of a new system in any range is expanding dramatically and new ideas are there upon introduced, the logic stands behind the matter is the growth of application of the internet and granting web-based systems. Before producing a system and distribute to the customer, various aspects should be studied which multiple the profit of the system. The process of productizing a new system from being unprocessed idea until delivers to the final user has been unambiguous. In this thesis, the systematize service in a way that benefits both the customer and provider, along with an effort to establish trust and diminish customer’s risk and increase service productivity are in detail presented. Characteristics of Servitization and Productization as two faces of one coin have been interpreted. Apart from the abovementioned issues state of art, service-oriented architecture (SOA) and New Service Development (NSD) has been included in this report for solving the problem of gradually decline in value of companies.
Although persons with intellectual disabilities have been conceptualized as having rights to equality in Canada and internationally, there continue to be gaps in the delivery of justice when they are involved within the criminal process. The literature consistently reported that individuals with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASDs) often experienced challenges within the justice system, such as difficulty understanding abstract legal concepts (Conry & Fast, 2009). In the Canadian legal system, accommodations are available to enable persons with disabilities to receive equal access to justice; however, how these are applied to persons with FASDs had not been fully explored in the literature. In this study, in-depth interviews were conducted with social service agency workers (n=10) and justice professionals (n=10) regarding their views of the challenges persons with FASDs experience in the justice system and their suggestions on the use of accommodations. The findings showed that while supports have been provided for individuals with intellectual disabilities, there has been a lack of specialized accommodations available specifically for individuals with FASDs in accessing their right to justice.
In this paper, we study a k-out-of-n system with single server who provides service to external customers also. The system consists of two parts:(i) a main queue consisting of customers (failed components of the k-out-of-n system) and (ii) a pool (of finite capacity M) of external customers together with an orbit for external customers who find the pool full. An external customer who finds the pool full on arrival, joins the orbit with probability and with probability 1− leaves the system forever. An orbital customer, who finds the pool full, at an epoch of repeated attempt, returns to orbit with probability (< 1) and with probability 1 − leaves the system forever. We compute the steady state system size probability. Several performance measures are computed, numerical illustrations are provided.
Scientific studies on the materials management systems and practices actually followed in various organizations in India are rather limited. This is particularly true with respect to service industries. In this context ,the present study on the “materials management in state transport undertakings in India, with special reference to kerala state road corporation assumes particular significance . This study, examines critically, the prevailing set up, procedures and practices of materials management in the Kerala state road transport corporation and compares them with the prevailing practices in other similar state transport undertakings. It indicates several areas for improvement with respect to the organization, materials planning, purchasing, store keeping and other aspects. It also seeks to develop a comprehensive inventory control system for KSRTC.
Investigar in situ el movimiento actual de los school-based service system (SBSS), esto es, analizar los nuevos enfoques norteamericanos que están conduciendo a una extensión del rol de los centros de Educación Primaria y Secundaria, que los constituyen en una base de operaciones para proporcionar servicios relacionados con el ámbito educativo a los niños y adolescentes de cada colectividad. Sistematizar los parámetros que definen esta forma de organización de los centros escolares. El objeto del trabajo es analizar la innovación del diseño y desarrollo de los SBSS. La investigación se ha llevado a cabo en el entorno de la intervención, recogiendo datos en organismos especializados de la administración educativa norteamericana y en distritos escolares. Se ha optado por una metodología de carácter cualitativo basada en procedimientos multidireccionales. El análisis de los datos representaba cierta complejidad analítica, ya que había que comparar las unidades primarias que se habían obtenido a través de varias líneas de búsqueda empírica. Por ello, se ha seguido una metodología de reflexión en la acción, basada fundamentalmente en el análisis de las percepciones de los distintos profesionales. Ha sido preciso combinar 4 niveles de datos: 1. Las interpretaciones y valoraciones de la administración educativa en los ámbitos estatal, condal y local. 2. Las interpretaciones y valoraciones de los agentes directos. 3. El punto de vista de los usuarios. Y 4. Las interpretaciones y valoraciones de las observaciones realizadas directamente por la investigadora. 1. Entrevistas semiestructuradas a : expertos de las administraciones, agentes directivos y participantes. 2. Análisis documental. En primer lugar, el análisis de los datos ha conducido a la identificación de 3 modelos: 1. Sistema de referencia externa. 2. Sistema de respuesta rápida. 3. Sistema de servicios basado en los centros educativos. En segundo lugar, el modelo SBSS constituye un sistema de renovación de los centros educativos por el cual éstos se instauran en el elemento catalizador de un mayor número de actividades no tradicionales dirigidas a los alumnos. Es el inicio del desarrollo de un modelo global que se centra en proporcionar progresivamente a todos los alumnos distintas modalidades de apoyo educativo. En tercer lugar, se ha llegado a una sistematización del modelo de SBSS a través de la determinación de las siguientes variables: 1. Premisas. 2. Objetivos. 3. Zonas prioritarias. 4. Características. 5. Componentes. 6. Estrategia de implementación. 7. Financiación. 8. Encuadre de las actividades. 8.1. Infraestructura física. 8.2. Temporalización, 8.3. Composición del equipo de profesionales. 8.4. El rol de los profesores. 9. Tipos de actuación. 10. Coordinación de los servicios. 11. Factores que determinan su eficacia. 12. Dificultades para su desarrollo. 13. La perspectiva usuarios-agentes. 14. Evaluación. Finalmente, se han deducido una serie de consideraciones sobre la aplicabilidad del SBSS, concluyéndose en la necesidad de implementar un enfoque comprensivo de este tipo, como estrategia para superar la segmentación funcional de las instituciones.
There is a growing research concern on how service ecosystems form and interact. This research thus aims to explore the service ecosystem formation and interaction as well as its underlying nature of value co-creation. This work develops an initial conceptual framework for assessing service system interactions that includes the various stages of value co-creation within ecosystem context. How the conceptual framework will further be developed and future plan are also presented.
Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)
Port services, and in particular the cargo handling service, are responsible for the greatest share of costs incurred during the passage of cargo through a port. The provision of these services reliably and efficiently is crucial in a sector in which there is great opacity. This study has provided the responsible administration ? the Port Authority ? with a tool enabling objective decision making both when it comes to issuing the corresponding licenses and during the period of service provision. Furthermore, we have proposed a series of measures whose application would improve the conditions of service provision and reduce the costs incurred by the passage of cargo through the port.