995 resultados para Triple P
Targeted peptide methods generally use HPLC-MS/MRM approaches. Although dependent on the instrumental resolution, interferences may occur while performing analysis of complex biological matrices. HPLC-MS/MRM3 is a technique, which provides a significantly better selectivity, compared with HPLC-MS/MRM assay. HPLC-MS/MRM3 allows the detection and quantitation by enriching standard MRM with secondary product ions that are generated within the linear ion trap. Substance P (SP) and neurokinin A (NKA) are tachykinin peptides playing a central role in pain transmission. The objective of this study was to verify whether HPLC-HPLCMS/ MRM3 could provide significant advantages over a more traditional HPLC-MS/MRM assay for the quantification of SP and NKA in rat spinal cord. The results suggest that reconstructed MRM3 chromatograms display significant improvements with the nearly complete elimination of interfering peaks but the sensitivity (i.e. signal-to-noise ratio) was severely reduced. The precision (%CV) observed was between 3.5% - 24.1% using HPLC-MS/MRM and in the range of 4.3% - 13.1% with HPLC-MS/MRM3, for SP and NKA. The observed accuracy was within 10% of the theoretical concentrations tested. HPLC-MS/MRM3 may improve the assay sensitivity to detect difference between samples by reducing significantly the potential of interferences and therefore reduce instrumental errors.
This work presents a triple-mode sigma-delta modulator for three wireless standards namely GSM/WCDMA and Bluetooth. A reconfigurable ADC has been used to meet the wide bandwidth and high dynamic range requirements of the multi-standard receivers with less power consumption. A highly linear sigma-delta ADC which has reduced sensitivity to circuit imperfections has been chosen in our design. This is particularly suitable for wide band applications where the oversampling ratio is low. Simulation results indicate that the modulator achieves a peak SNDR of 84/68/68 dB over a bandwidth of 0.2/3.84/1.5 MHz with an oversampling ratio 128/8/8 in GSM/WCDMA/Bluetooth modes respectively
This paper presents a cascaded 2-2-2 reconfigurable sigma-delta modulator that can handle GSM, WCDMA and WLAN standards. The modulator makes use of a low-distortion swing suppression topology which is highly suitable for wide band applications. In GSM mode, only the first stage (2nd order Σ-Δ ADC) is turned on to achieve 88dB dynamic range with oversampling ratio of 160 for a bandwidth of 200KHz; in WCDMA mode a 2-2 cascaded structure (4th order) is turned on with 1-bit in the first stage and 2-bit in the second stage to achieve 74 dB dynamic range with oversampling ratio of 16 for a bandwidth of 2MHz and a 2-2-2 cascaded MASH architecture with a 4-bit in the last stage to achieve a dynamic range of 58dB for a bandwidth of 20MHz. The novelty lies in the fact that unused blocks of second and third stages can be switched off taking into considerations like power consumption. The modulator is designed in TSMC 0.18um CMOS technology and operates at 1.8 supply voltage.
Esta monografía analiza la influencia del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la Triple Frontera compartida por Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay y sus decisiones en Política Exterior durante 1996 y 2006. Se explica cómo el Crimen Organizado Transnacional y sus efectos en la gobernabilidad de los Estados pueden ser un motivo para el análisis de la situación como un Complejo de Seguridad Regional. A partir de la conceptualización de Seguridad Regional de Barry Buzan y Ole Waever y de Robert Stewart y Derrick Frazier, se avanza hacia el resultado de la investigación que permite exponer los factores que conllevaron a el surgimiento de un Complejo de Seguridad Regional entre Argentina, Brasil y Paraguay para diezmar los efectos del Crimen Organizado Transnacional en la Triple Frontera.
Analizar la realidad hist??rico-docente de las escuelas p??as de Arag??n en el siglo XIII. Conocer un periodo poco estudiado en general en Espa??a, el siglo XIII y m??s en su aspecto docente. Estudiar el desarrollo de una orden religiosa cuyo nacimiento no es aragon??s pero s?? su m??ximo esplendor, con gran proyecci??n social. Analizar la incidencia de una instituci??n de esta ??ndole en la vida de la comunidad. El m??todo de trabajo ha sido presentar documentos y extraer noticias de ellos, documentos procedentes no s??lo de los archivos escolapios sino tambi??n del Archivo Provincial para no tener una informaci??n parcial. Obras generales impresas y manuscritas, documentos, libros de car??cter interno, art??culos, memorias, folletos, revistas, etc.. Los hechos han sido analizados desde una perspectiva rigurosamente hist??rica. El aspecto pedag??gico se ha abordado desde la consideraci??n de la ense??anza en los colegios: metodolog??a, textos, formaci??n cristiana y moral, disciplinas, maestros ilustres, etc.. La situaci??n de la educaci??n en el siglo XVIII era deplorable siendo la fundaci??n de las escuelas p??as una soluci??n a la ineludible necesidad de educaci??n. Su car??cter gratuito y democr??tico evitaban todo g??nero de exclusivismos. Una de sus grandes conquistas fue la ruptura de la divisi??n entre ricos y pobres solucionando un problema social capacitando a los alumnos para que consiguiesen por s?? mismos su elevaci??n econ??mica y social dot??ndoles al tiempo de bienes morales y espirituales. Piedad y letras era su lema. Ayuntamiento y rentas de alg??n legado contribu??an al sostenimiento. La orden dotaba a sus maestros de una preparaci??n especializada y la ense??anza constitu??a un est??mulo de su vocaci??n ya que se dedicaban a la ense??anza por un cuarto voto. Su inter??s se centraba en formar hombres instruidos y educados como cristianos y como ciudadanos. Estos educadores se caracterizaron por estar abiertos a toda exigencia: por una parte conservaban el humanismo, y por otra cultivaban lo t??cnico y cient??fico testimoniando al mismo tiempo lo sacerdotal. Buscaron constantemente mejorar sus m??todos y orientaci??n pedag??gica. Llegaron a formar un grupo escolar completo: las escuelas graduadas. A pesar de todas las ventajas ofrecidas tuvieron que luchar contra un triple frente: la incomprensi??n de los privilegiados y estamentos superiores hacia la labor social de las escuelas, contradicci??n y falta de confianza del regalismo incipiente, y competencia con los intereses del magisterio existente, etc. Frente a estos aspectos negativos el pueblo sencillo al que favorec??a y promocionaba les acogi?? de manera entusiasta. Sus contribuciones al desarrollo pedag??gico: planificaci??n escolar, programas pr??cticos, metodolog??a diferenciada para ciencias y letras, selecci??n de textos, ense??anza en lenguas vivas, ense??anza del lat??n mediante la lengua materna, cooperaci??n con la familia, cantinas escolares, catequesis, formaci??n cultural y religiosa del pueblo, etc., ofrecen una dimensi??n clara de lo que supuso para Arag??n su fundaci??n y desarrollo.
Resumen basado en el de la publicación
Resumen basado en el de la publicaci??n
Intertwining triple helical nanofibers with an overall handedness have been formed from self-assembling chiral benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamides 1, 2 and 3, whereas the achiralbenzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide 4 upon self-association gives rise to straight nanofibers without any twist and transmission electron microscopy images of chiral compounds clearly demonstrate that the handedness of the triple helical nanofibers can be reversed by using the enantiomeric benzene-1,3,5-tricarboxamide building blocks.
It has been suggested that sources of P could be used to remediate metal-contaminated soil. The toxicity of four potential P sources, potassium hydrogen phosphate (PHP), triple superphosphate (TSP), rock phosphate (RP) and raw bone meal (RBM) to Eisenia fetida was determined. The concentration of P that is statistically likely to kill 50% of the population (LC50) for PHP, TSP and RBM was determined in OECD acute toxicity tests. 14 day LC50s expressed as bulk P concentration lay in the range 3319–4272 mg kg−1 for PHP, 3107–3590 mg kg−1 for TSP and 1782–2196 mg kg−1 for RBM (ranges present the 95% confidence intervals). For PHP and TSP mortality was significantly impacted by the electrical conductivity of the treated soils. No consistent relationship existed between mortality and electrical conductivity, soil pH and available (Olsen) P across the PHP, TSP and RBM amendment types. In RP toxicity tests mortality was low and it was not possible to determine a LC50 value. Incineration of bone meal at temperatures between 200 and 300 ◦C, pre-washing the bone meal, co-amendment with 5% green waste compost and delaying introduction of earthworms after bone meal amendments by 21 days or more led to significant reductions in the bone meal toxicity. These results are consistent with the toxicity being associated with the release and/or degradation of a soluble organic component present in raw bone meal. Bone meal can be used as an earthworm-friendly remedial amendment in metal-contaminated soils but initial additions may have a negative effect on any earthworms surviving in the contaminated soil before the organic component in the bone meal degrades in the soil.