864 resultados para Traumatic Brain Injury (tbi)
Children who have experienced a traumatic brain injury (TBI) are at risk for a variety of maladaptive cognitive, behavioral and social outcomes (Yeates et al., 2007). Research involving the social problem solving (SPS) abilities of children with TBI indicates a preference for lower level strategies when compared to children who have experienced an orthopedic injury (OI; Hanten et al., 2008, 2011). Research on SPS in non-injured populations has highlighted the significance of the identity of the social partner (Rubin et al., 2006). Within the pediatric TBI literature few studies have utilized friends as the social partner in SPS contexts, and fewer have used in-vivo SPS assessments. The current study aimed to build on existing research of SPS in children with TBI by utilizing an observational coding scheme to capture in-vivo problem solving behaviors between children with TBI and a best friend. The current study included children with TBI (n = 41), children with OI (n = 43), and a non-injured typically developing group (n = 41). All participants were observed completing a task with a friend and completed a measure of friendship quality. SPS was assessed using an observational coding scheme that captured SPS goals, strategies, and outcomes. It was expected children with TBI would produce fewer successes, fewer direct strategies, and more avoidant strategies. ANOVAs tested for group differences in SPS successes, direct strategies and avoidant strategies. Analyses were run to see if positive or negative friendship quality moderated the relation between group type and SPS behaviors. Group differences were found between the TBI and non-injured group in the SPS direct strategy of commands. No group differences were found for other SPS outcome variables of interest. Moderation analyses partially supported study hypotheses regarding the effect of friendship quality as a moderator variable. Additional analyses examined SPS goal-strategy sequencing and grouped SPS goals into high cost and low cost categories. Results showed a trend supporting the hypothesis that children with TBI had fewer SPS successes, especially with high cost goals, compared to the other two groups. Findings were discussed highlighting the moderation results involving children with severe TBI.
Although it is not a cause or intent of injury, traumatic brain injury (TBI) is included as a specific indicator due to its deadly and debilitating nature. Although the death and hospitalization rates of TBI injuries in Iowa (17.3/100,000 and 56.8/100,000, respectively) is lower than the national NCIPC states’ 2004 average (17.9/100,000 and 74.2/100,000, respectively), the TBI death rate is still the highest among all the specific indicators for death in Iowa. On average, there are 1.5 TBI‐related deaths/day, 5 hospitalizations, and nearly 40 TBI‐related ED visits per day in all of Iowa.
Chronic difficulties arising from mild brain injury (TBI) are difficult to predict because the processes underlying changes after TBI are poorly understood. In mild brain injury the extent of neuropsychiatric and cognitive symptoms correspond poorly to overt tissue loss (Barth 1983; Liu 2010). Cellular, immune and hormonal cascades occurring after injury and continuing during the healing process may impact uninjured brain regions sensitive to the effects of physiological and emotional stress, which receive projections from the injury site. Changes in these most basic properties due to injury or disease have profound implications for virtually every aspect of brain function through disruption of neurotransmitter, neuroendocrine and metabolic systems. In order to screen for changes in transmitter and metabolic activity, in this study we developed Single voxel proton Magnetic Resonance Spectroscopy (1H-MRS) for use in both injured and control animals. We first evaluated if 1H-MRS could be used to evaluate in vivo, alterations in brain metabolism and catabolism of the prefrontal cortex, amygdala and ventral hippocampus in both control and injured animals after controlled cortical impact injury to the rat prefrontal cortex. We found that metabolite measurements for Myo-Inositol, Choline, creatine, Glutamate+Glutamine, and N-acetyl-acetate are attainable in deep brain structures in vivo in injured and controls rats. We next seek to evaluate longitudinally, in vivo, alterations in brain metabolism and catabolism of the prefrontal cortex, amygdala and ventral hippocampus during the first month after controlled cortical impact injury to the rat prefrontal cortex. These ongoing studies will provide data on the changes in transmitters and metabolites over time in injured and non-injured subjects. These studies address some of the fundamental questions about how mild brain injury has such diverse effects on overall brain health and function.
Background & aims: Little is known about energy requirements in brain injured (TBI) patients, despite evidence suggesting adequate nutritional support can improve clinical outcomes. The study aim was to compare predicted energy requirements with measured resting energy expenditure (REE) values, in patients recovering from TBI.
Methods: Indirect calorimetry (IC) was used to measure REE in 45 patients with TBI. Predicted energy requirements were determined using FAO/WHO/UNU and Harris–Benedict (HB) equations. Bland– Altman and regression analysis were used for analysis.
Results: One-hundred and sixty-seven successful measurements were recorded in patients with TBI. At an individual level, both equations predicted REE poorly. The mean of the differences of standardised areas of measured REE and FAO/WHO/UNU was near zero (9 kcal) but the variation in both directions was substantial (range 591 to þ573 kcal). Similarly, the differences of areas of measured REE and HB demonstrated a mean of 1.9 kcal and range 568 to þ571 kcal. Glasgow coma score, patient status, weight and body temperature were signi?cant predictors of measured REE (p < 0.001; R2= 0.47).
Conclusions: Clinical equations are poor predictors of measured REE in patients with TBI. The variability in REE is substantial. Clinicians should be aware of the limitations of prediction equations when estimating energy requirements in TBI patients.
Primary objectives: To determine the understanding of educational professionals around the topic of childhood brain injury and explore the factor structure of the Common Misconceptions about Traumatic Brain Injury Questionnaire (CM-TBI).
Research design: Cross sectional postal survey.
Methods and procedures: The CM-TBI was posted to all educational establishments in one region of the United Kingdom. One representative from each school was asked to complete and return the questionnaire (N = 388).
Main outcomes and results: Differences were demonstrated between those participants who knew someone with a brain injury and those who did not, with a similar pattern being shown for those educators who had taught a child with brain injury. Participants who had taught a child with brain injury demonstrated greater knowledge in areas such as seatbelts/prevention, brain damage, brain injury sequelae, amnesia, recovery, and rehabilitation. Principal components analysis suggested the existence of four factors and the discarding of half the original items of the questionnaire.
Conclusions: In the first European study to explore this issue, we highlight that teachers are ill prepared to cope with children who have sustained a brain injury. Given the importance of a supportive school environment in return to life following hospitalisation, the lack of understanding demonstrated by teachers in this research may significantly impact on a successful return to school.
Contexte: Évaluer les déterminants de maladies évitables et leurs coûts est nécessaire dans le contexte d’assurance maladie universelle. Le moment d’évaluer les impacts des traumatismes crâniocérébraux (TCC) survenus lors d’accidents de vélo est idéal vu la popularité récente du cyclisme au Québec. Objectifs: Comparer les caractéristiques démographiques et médicales, ainsi que les coûts sociétaux qu’engendrent les TCC de cyclistes portant ou non un casque. Méthodologie: Étude rétrospective de 128 cyclistes avec TCC admis à l’Hôpital Général de Montréal entre 2007 et 2011. Les variables indépendantes sont sociodémographiques, cliniques et le port du casque. Les variables dépendantes sont la durée de séjour, l’échelle GOS-E, l’échelle ISS, l’orientation au congé, les décès et les coûts à la société. Résultats: Le groupe portant un casque était plus vieux, plus éduqué, retraité et marié; au niveau médical, ils avaient des TCCs moins sévères à l’imagerie, des hospitalisations aux soins intensifs plus courtes et moins de neurochirurgies. Les coûts médians à la société pour les TCC isolés de cyclistes avec casque étaient significativement moindres. Conclusion: Dans cette étude, le port du casque semblait prévenir certaines complications des TCC et permettait de faire économiser de l’argent à l’état. Le port de casque est recommandé.
Traumatic brain injuries (TBIs) occur frequently in childhood and entail broad cognitive deficits, particularly in the domain of executive functions (EF). Concerning mild TBI (mTBI), only little empirical evidence is available on acute and postacute performance in EF. Given that EF are linked to school adaptation and achievement, even subtle deficits in performance may affect children's academic careers. The present study assessed performance in the EF components of inhibition, working memory (WM), and switching in children after mTBI. Regarding both acute and postacute consequences, performance trajectories were measured in 13 patients aged between 5 and 10 years and 13 controls who were closely matched in terms of sex, age, and education. Performance in the EF components of inhibition, switching, and WM was assessed in a short-term longitudinal design at 2, 6, and 12 weeks after the mTBI. Results indicate subtle deficits after mTBI, which became apparent in the longitudinal trajectory in the EF components of switching and WM. Compared with controls, children who sustained mTBI displayed an inferior performance enhancement across testing sessions in the first 6 weeks after the injury in switching and WM, resulting in a delayed deficit in the EF component of WM 12 weeks after the injury. Results are interpreted as mTBI-related deficits that become evident in terms of an inability to profit from previous learning opportunities, a finding that is potentially important for children's mastery of their daily lives.
BACKGROUND Since the introduction of helmets in winter sports there is on-going debate on whether they decrease traumatic brain injuries (TBI). METHODS This cohort study included 117 adult (≥ 16 years) snowboarders with TBI admitted to a level I alpine trauma center in Switzerland between 2000/2001 and 2010/2011. The primary objective was to examine the association between helmet use and moderate-to-severe TBI. Secondary objectives were to describe the epidemiology of TBI during the past decade in relation to increased helmet use. RESULTS Of 691 injured snowboarders evaluated, 117 (17%) suffered TBI. Sixty-six percent were men (median age, 23 years). Two percent of accidents were fatal. Ninety-two percent of patients sustained minor, 1% moderate, and 7% severe TBI according to the Glasgow coma scale. Pathologic computed tomography findings were present in 16% of patients, 26% of which required surgery. Eighty-three percent of TBIs occurred while riding on-slope. There was no trend in the TBI rate during the studied period, although helmet use increased from 10% to 69%. Comparing patients with and without a helmet showed no significant difference in odds ratios for the severity of TBI. However, of the 5 patients requiring surgery only 1 was wearing a helmet. Off-piste compared with on-slope snowboarders showed an odds ratio of 26.5 (P = 0.003) for sustaining a moderate-to-severe TBI. CONCLUSIONS Despite increased helmet use we found no decrease in TBI among snowboarders. The possibility of TBI despite helmet use and the dangers of riding off-piste should be a focus of future prevention programs.
Clinicians could model the brain injury of a patient through his brain activity. However, how this model is defined and how it changes when the patient is recovering are questions yet unanswered. In this paper, the use of MedVir framework is proposed with the aim of answering these questions. Based on complex data mining techniques, this provides not only the differentiation between TBI patients and control subjects (with a 72% of accuracy using 0.632 Bootstrap validation), but also the ability to detect whether a patient may recover or not, and all of that in a quick and easy way through a visualization technique which allows interaction.
This study aimed to replicate and cross-validate the Rapid Screen of Concussion (RSC) for diagnosing mild TBI (mTBI). One hundred (81 male, 19 female) cases of mTBI and 35 (23 male and 12 female) cases of orthopaedic injuries were tested within 24 hr of injury. Double cross-validation was used to examine whether total RSC scores obtained in the cur-rent sample, generalised to one previously reported. In the new sample, mTBI patients answered fewer orientation questions, recalled fewer words on the learning trial and after a delay, judged fewer sentences in 2 min, and completed fewer symbols in the Digit Symbol Substitution Test than orthopaedic controls. The formulae and cut-offs developed on the original and new samples produced similar sensitivity and overall correct classification rates. Inclusion of the Digit Symbol Substitution Test performance of the new sample improved the sensitivity (80.2%) and specificity (82.6%) in males. It did not improve the correct classification rate in females, which was 89.5% sensitivity and 91.7% specificity before the inclusion of the Digit Symbol Substitution Test. Taken together, these results indicate that a combined score on this 12-min screen yields a measure of level of brain impairment up to 24 hr after mTBI.
Primary objective: To describe a prospective memory rehabilitation programme based on a compensatory training approach and report the results of three case studies. Research design: Programme evaluation using pre-and post-intervention assessments and telephone follow-up. Methods and procedures: Three participants with traumatic brain injury completed 8 weeks of training with 1 - 2 hour individual sessions. Assessments were formal prospective memory assessment, self-report and measures of diary use. Experimental interventions: Intervention aimed to identify potential barriers, establish self-awareness of memory deficits, introduce a customized compensatory tool, a cueing system and organizational strategies. A significant other was involved in training to assist generalization. Main outcomes and results: All three participants improved on formal prospective memory assessment and demonstrated successful diary use after the programme. Self-report of prospective memory failure fluctuated and may reflect increased self-awareness. Conclusion: A compensatory approach may be useful in improving prospective memory performance following TBI.
Primary objective: To test whether people with cognitive-linguistic impairments following traumatic brain injury could learn to use the Internet using specialized training materials. Research design: Pre-post test design. Methods and procedures: Seven participants were each matched with a volunteer tutor. Basic Internet skills were taught over six lessons using a tutor's manual and a student manual. Instructions used simple text and graphics based on Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5. Students underwent Internet skills assessments and interviews pre- and post-training. Tutors completed a post-training questionnaire. Main outcomes and results: Six of seven participants reached moderate-to-high degrees of independence. Literacy impairment was an expected training barrier; however, cognitive impairments affecting concentration, memory and motivation were more significant. Conclusions: Findings suggest that people with cognitive-linguistic impairments can learn Internet skills using specialized training materials. Participants and their carers also reported positive outcomes beyond the acquisition of Internet skills.
Primary objective: To examine changes in the relationship between intonation, voice range and mood following music therapy programmes in people with traumatic brain injury. Research design: Data from four case studies were pooled and effect size, ANOVA and correlation calculations were performed to evaluate the effectiveness of treatment. Methods and procedures: Subjects sang three self-selected songs for 15 sessions. Speaking fundamental frequency, fundamental frequency variability, slope, voice range and mood were analysed pre- and post-session. Results: Immediate treatment effects were not found. Long-term improvements in affective intonation were found in three subjects, especially in fundamental frequency. Voice range improved over time and was positively correlated with the three intonation components. Mood scale data showed that immediate effects were in the negative direction whereas there weres increases in positive mood state in the longer-term. Conclusions: Findings suggest that, in the long-term, song singing can improve vocal range and mood and enhance the affective intonation styles of people with TBI.
The Rapid Screen of Concussion (RSC) is a brief psychometric test battery, designed to provide a functional criterion to aid clinical diagnosis of mild traumatic brain injury (mTBI). The present research aimed to examine the utility of this instrument for assessing recovery after mTBI. Three studies were conducted. In Study 1, Discriminant Function Analysis was performed to determine how well the RSC differentiated uninjured controls (N¼16), from mTBI patients (N¼22) and moderate to severe TBI patients (N¼14), several months post-injury. As predicted, moderate to severe TBI patients achieved lower scores than the mTBI and control groups. The RSC also successfully differentiated between each of the diagnostic groups, yielding an overall correct classification rate of 75%. Study 2 examined the predictive utility of the RSC in the mTBI sample (N¼22). Acute injury performance on the RSC was correlated with post-injury scores at an average of 5.5 months post-injury. Statistically significant partial correlation coefficients (r¼0.53r¼0.80) were found for each of the subtests, showing that low acute RSC scores were predictive of poor recovery scores on the RSC after mTBI. In the third study, Reliable Change Indices were calculated on the RSC subtests to examine individual patterns of recovery from mTBI. While 17 of the 23 participants made a significant improvement on their acute injury DSST scores (74%), only 13 of 25 made a significant improvement on the Rapid Sentence Judgement Test (52%), highlighting differential recovery of function, and challenging the notion of full recovery from mTBI within 3 months. These overall results offer support for the construct and predictive validity of the RSC and demonstrate that inexpensive tests of brain function may be useful for managing mTBI acutely for prognosis.