861 resultados para Training needs
Background Aphasia is an acquired language disorder that can present a significant barrier to patient involvement in healthcare decisions. Speech-language pathologists (SLPs) are viewed as experts in the field of communication. However, many SLP students do not receive practical training in techniques to communicate with people with aphasia (PWA) until they encounter PWA during clinical education placements. Methods This study investigated the confidence and knowledge of SLP students in communicating with PWA prior to clinical placements using a customised questionnaire. Confidence in communicating with people with aphasia was assessed using a 100-point visual analogue scale. Linear, and logistic, regressions were used to examine the association between confidence and age, as well as confidence and course type (graduate-entry masters or undergraduate), respectively. Knowledge of strategies to assist communication with PWA was examined by asking respondents to list specific strategies that could assist communication with PWA. Results SLP students were not confident with the prospect of communicating with PWA; reporting a median 29-points (inter-quartile range 17–47) on the visual analogue confidence scale. Only, four (8.2%) of respondents rated their confidence greater than 55 (out of 100). Regression analyses indicated no relationship existed between confidence and students‘ age (p = 0.31, r-squared = 0.02), or confidence and course type (p = 0.22, pseudo r-squared = 0.03). Students displayed limited knowledge about communication strategies. Thematic analysis of strategies revealed four overarching themes; Physical, Verbal Communication, Visual Information and Environmental Changes. While most students identified potential use of resources (such as images and written information), fewer students identified strategies to alter their verbal communication (such as reduced speech rate). Conclusions SLP students who had received aphasia related theoretical coursework, but not commenced clinical placements with PWA, were not confident in their ability to communicate with PWA. Students may benefit from an educational intervention or curriculum modification to incorporate practical training in effective strategies to communicate with PWA, before they encounter PWA in clinical settings. Ensuring students have confidence and knowledge of potential communication strategies to assist communication with PWA may allow them to focus their learning experiences in more specific clinical domains, such as clinical reasoning, rather than building foundation interpersonal communication skills.
Introduction: The delivery of health care in the 21st century will look like no other in the past. The fast paced technological advances that are being made will need to transition from the information age into clinical practice. The phenomenon of e-Health is the over-arching form of information technology and telehealth is one arm of that phenomenon. The uptake of telehealth both in Australia and overseas, has changed the face of health service delivery to many rural and remote communities for the better, removing what is known as the tyranny of distance. Many studies have evaluated the satisfaction and cost-benefit analysis of telehealth across the organisational aspects as well as the various adaptations of clinical pathways and this is the predominant focus of most studies published to date. However, whilst comments have been made by many researchers about the need to improve and attend to the communication and relationship building aspects of telehealth no studies have examined this further. The aim of this study was to identify the patient and clinician experiences, concerns, behaviours and perceptions of the telehealth interaction and develop a training tool to assist these clinicians to improve their interaction skills. Methods: A mixed methods design combining quantitative (survey analysis and data coding) and qualitative (interview analysis) approaches was adopted. This study utilised four phases to firstly qualitatively explore the needs of clients (patients) and clinicians within a telehealth consultation then designed, developed, piloted and quantitatively and qualitatively evaluated the telehealth communication training program. Qualitative data was collected and analysed during Phase 1 of this study to describe and define the missing 'communication and rapport building' aspects within telehealth. This data was then utilised to develop a self-paced communication training program that enhanced clinicians existing skills, which comprised of Phase 2 of this study to develop the interactive program. Phase 3 included evaluating the training program with 26 clinicians and results were recorded pre and post training, whilst phase 4 was the pilot for future recommendations of this training program using a patient group within a Queensland Health setting at two rural hospitals. Results: Comparisons of pre and post training data on 1) Effective communication styles, 2) Involvement in communication training package, 3) satisfaction pre and post training, and 4) health outcomes pre and post training indicated that there were differences between pre and post training in relation to effective communication style, increased satisfaction and no difference in health outcomes between pre and post training for this patient group. The post training results revealed over half of the participants (N= 17, 65%) were more responsive to non-verbal cues and were better able to reflect and respond to looks of anxiousness and confusion from a 'patient' within a telehealth consultation. It was also found that during post training evaluations, clinicians had enhanced their therapeutic communication with greater detail to their own body postures, eye contact and presentation. There was greater time spent looking at the 'patient' with an increase of 35 second intervals of direct eye contact and less time spent looking down at paperwork which decreased by 20 seconds. Overall 73% of the clinicians were satisfied with the training program and 61% strongly agreed that they recognised areas of their communication that needed improving during a telehealth consultation. For the patient group there was significant difference post training in rapport with a mean score from 42 (SD = 28, n = 27) to 48 (SD = 5.9, n = 24). For communication comfort of the patient group there was a significant difference between the pre and post training scores t(10) = 27.9, p = .002, which meant that overall the patients felt less inhibited whilst talking to the clinicians and more understood. Conclusion: The aim of this study was to explore the characteristics of good patient-clinician communication and unmet training needs for telehealth consultations. The study developed a training program that was specific for telehealth consultations and not dependent on a 'trainer' to deliver the content. In light of the existing literature this is a first of its kind and a valuable contribution to the research on this topic. It was found that the training program was effective in improving the clinician's communication style and increased the satisfaction of patient's within an e-health environment. This study has identified some historical myths that telehealth cannot be part of empathic patient centred care due to its technology tag.
Background: Quality mental health care for adults with an intellectual disability (ID) depends upon the availability of appropriately trained and experienced psychiatrists. There have been few surveys of psychiatrists working with this population. Methods: This Australian study obtained psychiatrists' attitudes to and perceptions of the mental health needs of adults with an ID. Training needs were also sought. The survey instrument used was a purposely designed, 28-item self-administered questionnaire featuring multiple-choice and open-ended questions. Results: The majority of psychiatrists expressed concerns about treatment of this group, describing unmet needs. A total of 75% considered that antipsychotics were overused to control aggression, and 34% of psychiatrists were reluctant to treat adults with an ID. In total, 85% agreed that mental health in ID should be offered as a training option for psychiatric registrars, and that specialized mental health services would provide a high standard of care for this population. Conclusions: Broad concerns are raised regarding pathways to mental health care for adults with an ID in Australia. An Australia-wide training strategy needs to be developed. Partnerships between mental health, disability and community services that serve the mental health needs of this population, should actively seek to engage psychiatrists.
This research study represents a key part of the program of Statewide Public Library Development Projects delivered by the State Library of Victoria between 2011 and 2014 in partnership with Public Libraries Victoria Network (PLVN), the peak body for Victoria’s 47 public library services. The overarching objectives of this project were: - to develop a framework to articulate the core competencies required by the public library workforce for the 21st century - to conduct a skills audit of Victorian public library staff in order to collect evidence of the current skills and to anticipate future skills requirements - to deliver a report that analyses the audit findings and makes recommendations on training needs and strategies to prepare for the future delivery of public library services in Victoria. The study built on the 2008 report Workforce sustainability and leadership: Survey, analysis and planning, developed for the State Library of Victoria and PLVN, in which three types of workplace skills were delineated: cognitive (or Foundation), technical (or Professional) and Behavioural skills. Following industry discussion and review, a framework comprising 59 skill-sets within the three distinct skills areas was finalised in October 2013. The skills audit, which comprised an Individual survey and a Management survey with questionnaires directly based on the skills framework, was undertaken between late November and December 2013. This report presents the analysis and interpretation of the data collected through the two surveys.
This study investigated occupational therapy and physiotherapy students' level of confidence and knowledge of strategies for communicating with people with aphasia (PWA) before and after a communication partner-training (CPT) program. Twenty-eight physiotherapy and occupational therapy students participated in a pre–post CPT program. Students completed a customized mixed-methods questionnaire before and after the intervention. The CPT program involved a lecture about effective communication strategies followed by a conversation with PWA to practice strategies learnt. Before CPT, students were not confident with the possibility of communicating with PWA. Students demonstrated rudimentary knowledge of supported conversation, identifying a maximum of five strategies for communicating effectively with PWA. Following intervention, students demonstrated increased confidence. Students' knowledge of effective communication strategies improved, with students identifying a maximum of 16 suitable strategies post-training. The results suggest that occupational therapy and physiotherapy students have potential to benefit from practical training in supported communication with PWA, which may assist them during placements in clinical settings with neurological patients or subsequent employment.
Road crashes and injuries have become a growing issue worldwide. In 2011, more than 75,000 people died in road crashes in the ten member countries of the Association of South East Asian Nations (ASEAN) and many times this number sustained long term injuries. In 2014, the Asian Development Bank (ADB), funded by the Japan Fund for Poverty Reduction, commenced a package of actions to improve road safety in ASEAN. In 2015, as part of the technical assistance for this project, a Road Safety Advisor was appointed for Cambodia for four months. The assignment produced several primary outputs, which included the organization of national training on traffic law enforcement and road safety management, the conduct of a training needs survey and cost analysis study, and the development of a proposal for strengthening speed management. It is important to note that unlike other ADB technical assistance projects, this assignment adopted a capacity building approach, which promoted and encouraged the local road safety team in the government to step up and take action. The research capacity building approach adopted in this project highlighted the feasibility of increasing participation from existing stakeholders, especially the government in identifying existing human resources, building the capacity of relevant government officials and supporting them to take the ownership of the project. It is hoped that similar outcomes will occur in the other ASEAN countries.
Background Data describing the Australian allied health workforce is inadequate and so insufficient for workforce planning. National health policy reform requires that health-care models take into account future workforce requirements, the distribution and work contexts of existing practitioners, training needs, workforce roles and scope of practice. Good information on this workforce is essential for managing services as demands increase, accountability of practitioners, measurement of outcomes and benchmarking against other jurisdictions. A comprehensive data set is essential to underpin policy and planning to meet future health workforce needs. Discussion Some data on allied health professions is managed by the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency; however, there is limited information regarding several core allied health professions. A global registration and accreditation scheme recognizing all allied health professions might provide safeguards and credibility for professionals and their clients. Summary Arguments are presented about inconsistencies and voids in the available information about allied health services. Remedying these information deficits is essential to underpin policy and planning for future health workforce needs. We make the case for a comprehensive national data set based on a broad and inclusive sampling process across the allied health population.
Relatively few previous studies of individuals receiving a diagnosis of Motor Neurone Disease within the UK health care system have employed qualitative approaches to examine the diagnostic journey from a patient perspective. A qualitative sociological study was undertaken, involving interviews with 42 participants diagnosed with MND, to provide insight into their experiences of undergoing testing and receiving a diagnosis. Adopting a sociological-phenomenological perspective, this article examines key themes that emerged from participant accounts surrounding the lived experience of the diagnostic journey. The key themes that emerged were: The diagnostic quest; living with uncertainty; hearing bad news; communication difficulties; and a reified body of medical interest. In general, doctor-patient communication both at pre and post diagnosis was experienced as highly stressful, distressing and profoundly upsetting. Participants reported such distress as being due to the mode of delivery and communication strategies used by health professionals. We therefore suggest that professional training needs to emphasize the importance to health professionals of fostering greater levels of tact, sensitivity and empathy towards patients diagnosed with devastating, life-limiting illnesses such as MND.
Sosiaali- ja terveysministeriön 2006 julkaiseman vanhustyön ja geriatrisen lääkehoidon kehittämistä koskevan selvityksen yhtenä tärkeänä huolenaiheena oli iäkkäiden lääkehoidon useat epäkohdat, kuten iäkkäitä hoitavien hoitajien lääkeosaamiseen liittyvät puutteet ja ongelmat. Yksi keino parantaa iäkkäitä hoitavien eri tahojen lääkehoito-osaamista on täydennyskoulutus, johon kaikilla sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon ammattiryhmillä on oikeus ja velvollisuus. Täydennyskoulutuksella pystytään myös kehittämään organisaatioiden toimintaa ja tuottamaan uusia, parempia palveluita. Tutkimuksessa selvitettiin Lohjan, Siuntion, Inkoon ja Karjalohjan muodostaman sosiaali- ja terveydenhuollon yhteistoiminta-alueen LOSTin kotihoidon yksiköiden iäkkäiden lääkehoitoihin liittyviä koulutustarpeita. Tämän tutkimuksen avulla syvennettiin samalle tutkimusryhmälle tehdyn kyselytutkimuksen tuloksia. Tutkimusaineistona käytettiin LOST-alueen kotihoidon yksiköiden hoitajille (n=150) farmaseutin lopputyönä tehtyä kyselyaineistoa sekä työntekijöille (n=6) ja esimiehille (n=6) tehtyjä erillisiä ryhmäkeskusteluja. Lisäksi näkökulman laajentamiseksi ja moniammatillisuuden korostamiseksi aineistona käytettiin kotihoidon asiakkaita hoitavien lääkärien (n=4) teemahaastatteluja. Kyselyaineistosta analysoitiin erikseen sairaanhoitajien, lähihoitajien ja kodinhoitajien koulutustarpeet. Samat asiat nousivat esille kunkin ammattiryhmän tuloksissa. Tärkeimpinä lääkehoito-osaamiseen liittyvinä teoreettisina koulutettavina asioina kyselystä nousivat esille iäkkäiden farmakokinetiikka ja lääkkeiden käyttöön liittyvät erityispiirteet, lääkkeiden vaikutukset, lääkkeiden haittavaikutukset sekä lääkkeiden yhteisvaikutukset ja yhteensopivuus. Lisäksi teoreettisista taidoista nousi hoitotyön etiikkaan liittyvät tarkkuus ja huolellisuus työssä. Käytännön taidoista tärkeimpinä koulutettavina aiheina kyselystä nousivat asiakkaiden lääkehoidon ja voinnin seuranta, lääkkeiden jakaminen sekä lääkkeiden annosteluun liittyen se, että annostellaan oikeaa lääkettä ja vahvuutta, oikea annos ja oikeaan aikaan sekä oikeat antotavat. Ryhmäkeskusteluista ja lääkärien teemahaastatteluista haettiin syvempää ymmärrystä kyselyn tuloksiin. Yksi tärkeimmistä tämän laadullisen tutkimuksen löydöksistä oli kotihoidon yhteistyöhön liittyvät epäkohdat. Lääkehoitojen toteuttamista ja seurantaa voitaisiin tulosten perusteella parantaa lääkärien ja kotihoidon hoitajien yhteisellä koulutuksella. Tärkeimpiä sairauksia tai oireita, joihin hoitajat toivoisivat yhteisiä toimintakäytäntöjä, ovat diabetes, sydän- ja verisuonisairaudet, kipu, muistisairaudet sekä psyykensairaudet. Lisäksi koulutusaiheiksi tutkimuksesta nousivat iäkkäiden lääkehoidon erityispiirteet, lääkkeiden antoreitit ja lääkemuodot. Kyselyn sekä ryhmäkeskustelujen ja lääkärien teemahaastattelujen tuloksista tehtiin lopuksi synteesi, jonka lopputuloksena LOST-alueen kotihoidon hoitohenkilöstölle sekä kotihoidon lääkäreille koottiin yhteinen tarvelähtöinen täydennyskoulutussuunnitelma. Suunnitelma tehtiin aineistosta nousseiden koulutusaiheiden pohjalta, eikä siihen lisätty aiheita tutkimuksen ulkopuolelta.
[SPA] Se trata de un proyecto de la modalidad de intervención, cuyo objetivo principal es realizar un diagnóstico o análisis de necesidades emocionales del alumnado de prácticas del área psicosocial de la Fundación Aspaldiko, para posteriormente hacer una propuesta o diseño de intervención de un programa de Educación Emocional en base a esas necesidades observadas. El modelo en que se fundamenta este TFG es el modelo de programas y consulta colaborativa. Desde un punto de vista metodológico, se trata de un estudio cualitativo basado en la entrevista y la observación, a través del cual poder obtener datos objetivos sobre las necesidades formativas en Competencias Emocionales del alumnado de prácticas.
A maternidade na adolescência é um fenômeno que atinge cerca de 20% dos partos no Brasil. A importância deste tema no campo dos direitos articula-se à dupla condição de proteção conferida à estas mulheres: a de adolescente e a de mãe. O presente estudo apresenta os resultados de uma tese de doutorado com vistas à identificação das políticas sociais efetivamente acessadas por mulheres que foram mães na adolescência antes e após o parto. Buscamos verificar se os direitos sociais firmados na legislação brasileira foram disponibilizados a elas ao longo de sua vida. O campo de pesquisa compreendeu duas unidades públicas de saúde no município do Rio de Janeiro. Foi utilizada a metodologia qualitativa e a técnica empregada foi a saturação de informações, com sete mulheres entrevistadas após quatro anos do nascimento de seus filhos. A eleição desta idade buscou garantir um período distanciamento do início da vida da criança, verificando o impacto do nascimento desta na via da mulher de maneira mais isenta. A pesquisa foi aprovada pelo comitê de ética em pesquisa da prefeitura da cidade do Rio de Janeiro. Os resultados demonstram que que as mulheres que foram mães adolescentes atravessaram um cotidiano de pobreza, sobrecarga da figura materna, hierarquia de gênero e ausência de políticas públicas. Mesmo às que estavam em situação de risco, não foram proporcionadas políticas de apoio para a reversão do quadro.A conclusão que se chega é que as mães adolescentes são pouco atingidas por estas políticas públicas porque antes da gravidez estas adolescentes não eram vistas como ameaças à sociedade. Após a gravidez, passam pela rotulação do desperdício de oportunidades, e portanto, continuam sem a proteção da política pública, uma vez que do ponto de vista dos discursos da meritocracia individual presentes nas políticas do risco, não devem ser apoiadas em seus comportamentos tidos como promíscuos. Conclui-se ainda que a melhor estratégia de prevenção da maternidade adolescentes reside no oferecimento de oportunidades concretas de melhorias materias às famílias, de modo que as mulheres não necessitem tormar para si prematuramente as responsabilidades do mundo adulto e que possam ser estimuladas a incluir em seus planos futuros de uma inserção profissional mais qualificada. O estímulo à escolaridade materna (pelos benefícios que a mesma proporciona de melhor inserção no mercado de trabalho e de acesso a renda) é considerado um elemento fundamental neste processo, assim como os programas de valorização do envolvimento masculino nas questões de reprodução/cuidado infantil, programas de promoção de qualidade de vida e prevenção das violências. A tese termina reafirmando a base histórica do exercício dos direitos e a necessidade da explicitação da natureza política do enfrentamento da questão social.
O presente trabalho tem como tema as disputas que ocorrem no interior de uma instituição (IFSul) da Rede Federal de Educação Profissional, Científica e Tecnológica a respeito da pertinência e da concepção dos cursos técnicos integrados. Para tanto, discute as transformações que ocorrem no mundo do trabalho e suas especificidades no Brasil, bem como as implicações das novas relações de produção sobre as necessidades de formação humana. Aproxima as propostas de Gramsci para a escola unitária da realidade educacional brasileira e da proposta que se constrói como travessia para uma educação integral ou omnilateral o ensino médio integrado , além de apontar os espaços de contradição existentes na instituição estudada e que permitem avanços em direção à politecnia ou educação tecnológica. Utilizou-se da ampla bibliografia já existente para as formulações referentes às transformações no mundo do trabalho; à situação social, política e econômica brasileira; às opções ontológico-históricas, filosóficas e epistemológicas que constroem a proposta de ensino médio integrado. Para as análises das disputas no interior do instituto, utilizou-se de entrevistas semi-estruturadas e de um método de análise inspirado na metodologia da análise textual discursiva. Foram entrevistados 20 professores/gestores de três campi do IFSul, escolhidos por terem sido criados em diferentes momentos históricos. Tais professores ocupam os cargos de responsáveis pelo ensino do campus ou de coordenadores de cursos técnicos integrados ou de áreas do conhecimento do ensino médio. Foram escolhidos por catalizarem as opiniões de seus pares nos processos decisórios que se referem à oferta e ao currículo dos cursos. Na execução da análise, este trabalho utilizou-se das ferramentas do materialismo histórico e dialético. Partiu da análise mais geral das disputas de rumos, baseadas em projetos societários diferenciados, no interior do IFSul. Ao mesmo tempo, procurou ambientar o leitor com a instituição e o processo investigativo percorrido pelo autor. Em um segundo momento buscou aprofundar a análise, estudando as mudanças que ocorrem no mundo a partir da crise que se inicia na década de 1970 e que trouxe grandes transformações nos processos produtivos, além da financeirização dos mercados. Seguindo este processo de ida às categorias mais abstratas que organizam o todo social, manifestou as dificuldades históricas do modelo desenvolvimentista que se aplica no Brasil e apresentou as novas necessidades formativas na visão hegemônica e na visão dos trabalhadores, ao propor reformas educacionais que apontem numa perspectiva revolucionária. Assim, voltando ao concreto pensado, aprofundou algumas discussões a respeito da concepção de ensino médio integrado. Mesmo partindo do pressuposto de que a debilidade da formulação burguesa para a educação que se articula com o trabalho dificulta a formulação de um discurso contra-hegemônico, por parte da classe trabalhadora, este trabalho verificou as potencialidades de rupturas existentes neste processo histórico que vivemos. A concepção de politecnia se caracteriza como uma possibilidade de superação da polivalência perseguida pelo discurso educacional hegemônico. Tal superação, tarefa nas mãos da classe trabalhadora, poderá contribuir para a superação do capitalismo dependente brasileiro, resultado insólito das limitações revolucionárias de nossa burguesia
O Núcleo de Apoio Psicopedagógico ao Residente (NAPPRE) em parceria com a Coordenadoria de Desenvolvimento Acadêmico (CDA) do Hospital Universitário Pedro Ernesto (HUPE) da Universidade do Estado do Rio de Janeiro (UERJ), desenvolve desde 2010 o Curso de Formação Pedagógica para a Prática da Preceptoria (CFPPP) curso de extensão na modalidade aperfeiçoamento, tendo como eixos estruturantes cuidado, educação e gestão. Sustentado nos princípios e diretrizes do Sistema Único de Saúde (SUS) e orientado pelas Diretrizes Curriculares Nacionais de Graduação em Saúde (DCNs), o curso apresenta-se como uma estratégia de Educação Permanente em Saúde (EPS) desta instituição utilizando, tanto nas atividades presenciais como na educação à distância, metodologias ativas para o desenvolvimento da competência pedagógica do preceptor. O projeto político pedagógico do curso valoriza a integração dos profissionais de diferentes categorias para o trabalho em equipe. O alcance dos objetivos educacionais e a construção de projetos de intervenção a serem desenvolvidos nas instituições de origem durante o curso exige interação constante dos participantes e desenvolvimento de espaços colaborativos facilitados por estratégias mistas de educação em atividades presenciais e à distância. Considerando que, aproximadamente, 57% da carga horária do curso corresponde à atividades no ambiente virtual de aprendizagem é fundamental compreender a relevância e funcionalidade deste modelo pedagógico para promover a aprendizagem e induzir práticas colaborativas interdisciplinares compreendidas como um caminho para o desenvolvimento da capacidade criativa, da solidariedade e da inteligência coletiva favorecendo a autonomia crescente, individual e coletiva, a autoria e a produção de cuidado e educação. Estes são elementos constitutivos de práticas educacionais coerentes com as necessidades de formação dos profissionais para qualificar o cuidado em saúde no nosso País. Este projeto de pesquisa tem como objetivo principal avaliar como a Educação à Distância (EaD) favorece a construção de ambientes colaborativos na formação pedagógica de preceptores. Trata-se de um estudo de caso único, retrospectivo, com duas unidades de análise, explanatório, intrínseco e educacional. São integrantes dessa pesquisa, como participantes, todos os preceptores da 1 e 2 turmas (anos 2010 e 2011 respectivamente). O planejamento educacional do curso foi contextualizado considerando as competências pedagógicas que são objetivos de aprendizagem. Foram analisados documentos produzidos de forma individual e coletiva durante as etapas do curso. Os dados quantitativos foram analisados através de estatística descritiva e a análise dos dados coletados no material documental foi por análise de conteúdo segundo as proposições de Bardin com identificação de núcleos e/ou validação destes núcleos através das nuvens de palavras construídas através do wordle.
This thesis examines the experiences of the biological children of foster carers. In particular it explores their experiences in relation to inclusion, consultation and decision-making. The study also examines the support and training needs of birth children in foster families. Using a qualitative methodology in-depth, semi-structured interviews were conducted with fifteen birth children of foster carers aged between 18 and 30 years. The research findings show that for the majority of birth children, fostering was overall a positive experience which helped them develop into individuals who were caring and nonjudgemental. However, from the data collected in this study, it is clear that fostering also brings a range of challenges for birth children in foster families, such as managing feelings of loss, grief, jealousy and guilt when foster children leave. Birth children are reluctant to discuss these issues with their parents and often did not approach fostering social workers as they did not have a meaningful relationship in order to discuss their concerns. The findings also demonstrate that birth children undertake a lot of emotional work in supporting their parents, birth siblings and foster siblings. Despite the important role played by birth children in the fostering process, this contribution often goes unrecognised and unacknowledged by fostering professionals and agencies with birth children not included or consulted about foster care decisions that affect them. It is argued here that birth children are viewed by foster care professionals and agencies from a deficit based perspective. However, this study contends that it is not just foster parents who are involved in the foster care process, but the entire foster family. The findings of this study show that birth children are competent social actors capable of making valuable contributions to foster care decisions that affect their lives and that of their family.
Background: Developing complex interventions for testing in randomised controlled trials is of increasing importance in healthcare planning. There is a need for careful design of interventions for secondary prevention of coronary heart disease (CHD). It has been suggested that integrating qualitative research in the development of a complex intervention may contribute to optimising its design but there is limited evidence of this in practice. This study aims to examine the contribution of qualitative research in developing a complex intervention to improve the provision and uptake of secondary prevention of CHD within primary care in two different healthcare systems.
Methods: In four general practices, one rural and one urban, in Northern Ireland and the Republic of Ireland, patients with CHD were purposively selected. Four focus groups with patients (N = 23) and four with staff (N = 29) informed the development of the intervention by exploring how it could be tailored and integrated with current secondary prevention activities for CHD in the two healthcare settings. Following an exploratory trial the acceptability and feasibility of the intervention were discussed in four focus groups (17 patients) and 10 interviews (staff). The data were analysed using thematic analysis.
Results: Integrating qualitative research into the development of the intervention provided depth of information about the varying impact, between the two healthcare systems, of different funding and administrative arrangements, on their provision of secondary prevention and identified similar barriers of time constraints, training needs and poor patient motivation. The findings also highlighted the importance to patients of stress management, the need for which had been underestimated by the researchers. The qualitative evaluation provided depth of detail not found in evaluation questionnaires. It highlighted how the intervention needed to be more practical by minimising administration, integrating role plays into behaviour change training, providing more practical information about stress management and removing self-monitoring of lifestyle change.
Conclusion: Qualitative research is integral to developing the design detail of a complex intervention and tailoring its components to address individuals' needs in different healthcare systems. The findings highlight how qualitative research may be a valuable component of the preparation for complex interventions and their evaluation.