987 resultados para Toxicity Tests, Chronic
The therapeutic use of medicinal plants has contributed since antiquity in a beneficial way for health. However, many species lacks of scientific evidence which provide basis for their use in therapeutic practice. In this context is the Genipa americana L. species (Rubiaceae), popularly known as jenipapo and used to treat syfilis, ulcer and hemorrhagic disturbs. It's also used against bruising, as tonic and as aphrodisiac. Due this species lacks toxicological studies, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity in vivo (acute and sub-chronic toxicity) and in vitro (cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract from G. americana fruits. The hydroethanolic extract of G. americana fruits was prepared by maceration. A preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed to assess the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract. The cytotoxicity study of the extract (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg / 100 ul) were performed against normal cells (3T3) and tumor (786-0, HepG2 and B16), analyzed by the MTT assay. To evaluate the acute (single dose of 2000 mg / Kg) and subchronic (100, 500 and 1000 mg / kg for 30 days) toxicity Swiss mice of both sexes were used. At the end of the experiment, blood samples and organs were collected for analysis. Data between groups were compared by t test or ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test with 5% significance level. The phytochemical study of the extracts mainly indicated the presence of iridoids. Results for cytotoxicity tests showed up to 70% inhibition of B16 cell line at a dose of 1000 mg / 100 ul, and up to 29% inhibition of 786-0 at a dose of 10 ug / 100 ul. The extract did not cause death in 3T3 and HepG2 cells. During the in vivo assays, there were no animal deaths. Analysis of blood samples revealed that the animals submitted to the evaluation of acute toxicity had changes in AST and ALT, and that the animals evaluated for subchronic toxicity showed changes in the relative wet weight of the kidney and plasma urea concentration. No differences were observed between groups on histopathological evaluation of the collected organs. Despite the changes found in the in vivo toxicity tests, using the criteria described by the OECD Guidelines, it is suggested that the hydroethanolic extract of the fruits of the G. americana is classified as low toxicity. The cytotoxicity of the extract suggests that they have potential against melanoma cell lines (B16).
The therapeutic use of medicinal plants has contributed since antiquity in a beneficial way for health. However, many species lacks of scientific evidence which provide basis for their use in therapeutic practice. In this context is the Genipa americana L. species (Rubiaceae), popularly known as jenipapo and used to treat syfilis, ulcer and hemorrhagic disturbs. It's also used against bruising, as tonic and as aphrodisiac. Due this species lacks toxicological studies, the aim of this study was to evaluate the toxicity in vivo (acute and sub-chronic toxicity) and in vitro (cytotoxicity) of the hydroethanolic extract from G. americana fruits. The hydroethanolic extract of G. americana fruits was prepared by maceration. A preliminary phytochemical analysis was performed to assess the presence of secondary metabolites in the extract. The cytotoxicity study of the extract (0.1, 1.0, 10, 100 and 1000 mg / 100 ul) were performed against normal cells (3T3) and tumor (786-0, HepG2 and B16), analyzed by the MTT assay. To evaluate the acute (single dose of 2000 mg / Kg) and subchronic (100, 500 and 1000 mg / kg for 30 days) toxicity Swiss mice of both sexes were used. At the end of the experiment, blood samples and organs were collected for analysis. Data between groups were compared by t test or ANOVA with Dunnett's post-test with 5% significance level. The phytochemical study of the extracts mainly indicated the presence of iridoids. Results for cytotoxicity tests showed up to 70% inhibition of B16 cell line at a dose of 1000 mg / 100 ul, and up to 29% inhibition of 786-0 at a dose of 10 ug / 100 ul. The extract did not cause death in 3T3 and HepG2 cells. During the in vivo assays, there were no animal deaths. Analysis of blood samples revealed that the animals submitted to the evaluation of acute toxicity had changes in AST and ALT, and that the animals evaluated for subchronic toxicity showed changes in the relative wet weight of the kidney and plasma urea concentration. No differences were observed between groups on histopathological evaluation of the collected organs. Despite the changes found in the in vivo toxicity tests, using the criteria described by the OECD Guidelines, it is suggested that the hydroethanolic extract of the fruits of the G. americana is classified as low toxicity. The cytotoxicity of the extract suggests that they have potential against melanoma cell lines (B16).
Untreated effluents that reach surface water affect the aquatic life and humans. This study aimed to evaluate the wastewater s toxicity (municipal, industrial and shrimp pond effluents) released in the Estuarine Complex of Jundiaí- Potengi, Natal/RN, through chronic quantitative e qualitative toxicity tests using the test organism Mysidopsis Juniae, CRUSTACEA, MYSIDACEA (Silva, 1979). For this, a new methodology for viewing chronic effects on organisms of M. juniae was used (only renewal), based on another existing methodology to another testorganism very similar to M. Juniae, the M. Bahia (daily renewal).Toxicity tests 7 days duration were used for detecting effects on the survival and fecundity in M. juniae. Lethal Concentration 50% (LC50%) was determined by the Trimmed Spearman-Karber; Inhibition Concentration 50% (IC50%) in fecundity was determined by Linear Interpolation. ANOVA (One Way) tests (p = 0.05) were used to determinate the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) and Low Observed Effect Concentration (LOEC). Effluents flows were measured and the toxic load of the effluents was estimated. Multivariate analysis - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Correspondence Analysis (CA) - identified the physic-chemical parameters better explain the patterns of toxicity found in survival and fecundity of M. juniae. We verified the feasibility of applying the only renewal system in chronic tests with M. Juniae. Most efluentes proved toxic on the survival and fecundity of M. Juniae, except for some shrimp pond effluents. The most toxic effluent was ETE Lagoa Aerada (LC50, 6.24%; IC50, 4.82%), ETE Quintas (LC50, 5.85%), Giselda Trigueiro Hospital (LC50, 2.05%), CLAN (LC50, 2.14%) and COTEMINAS (LC50, IC50 and 38.51%, 6.94%). The greatest toxic load was originated from ETE inefficient high flow effluents, textile effluents and CLAN. The organic load was related to the toxic effects of wastewater and hospital effluents in survival of M. Juniae, as well as heavy metals, total residual chlorine and phenols. In industrial effluents was found relationship between toxicity and organic load, phenols, oils and greases and benzene. The effects on fertility were related, in turn, with chlorine and heavy metals. Toxicity tests using other organisms of different trophic levels, as well as analysis of sediment toxicity are recommended to confirm the patterns found with M. Juniae. However, the results indicate the necessity for implementation and improvement of sewage treatment systems affluent to the Potengi s estuary
We compared the effects of a single acute dose, or chronic fetal exposure, to 2,3,7,8-tetrachlorodibenzo-p-dioxin (TCDD) on the male reproductive system of the Wistar(Han) rat. Tissue samples were taken from dams on GD16 and GD21, and from offspring on PND70 and 120. Steady state concentration of TCDD was demonstrated in the chronic study: body burdens were comparable in both studies. Fetal TCDD concentrations were comparable after acute and chronic exposure, and demonstrate more potent toxicity after chronic versus acute dosing. In maternal liver, cytochrome P450 (CYP)1A1 and CYP1A2 RNA were induced. In fetus, there was induction of both CYP1A1 and CYP1A2 RNA at medium and high doses, but inadequate evidence for induction at low dose in either study. The low level induction of CYP1A1 RNA at low dose in fetus argues against AhR activation in fetus as a mechanism of toxicity of TCDD in causing delay in balanopreputial separation, and the greater induction of CYP1A1 RNA in PND70 offspring liver suggests that lactational transfer of TCDD is crucial to this toxicity. These data characterise the maternal and fetal disposition of TCDD, induction of CYP1A1 RNA as a measure of AhR activation, and suggest that lactational transfer of TCDD determines the difference in delay in balanopreputial separation between the two studies.
Background, aim, and scope Contaminated sediments are a worldwide problem, and mobilization of contaminants is one of the most critical issues in environmental risk assessment insofar as dredging projects are concerned. The investigation of how toxic compounds are mobilized during dredging operations in the channel of the Port of Santos, Brazil, was conducted in an attempt to assess changes in the bioavailability and toxicity of these contaminants.Materials and methods Bulk sediment samples and their interstitial waters and elutriates were subjected to chemical evaluation and ecotoxicological assessment. Samples were collected from the channel before dredging, from the dredge's hopper, and from the disposal site and its surroundings.Results The results indicate that the bulk sediments from the dredging site are contaminated moderately with As, Pb, and Zn and severely with Hg, and that polycyclic aromatic hydrocarbon (PAH) concentrations are relatively high. Our results also show a 50% increase in PAH concentrations in suspended solids in the water collected from the hopper dredge. This finding is of great concern, since it refers to the dredge overflow water which is pumped back into the ecosystem. Acute toxicity tests on bulk sediment using the amphipod Tiburonella viscana showed no toxicity, while chronic tests with the sea urchin Lytechinus variegatus showed toxicity in the interstitial waters and elutriates. Results are compared with widely used sediment quality guidelines and with a sediment quality assessment scheme based on various lines of evidence.Conclusions The data presented here indicate that the sediments collected in this port show a certain degree of contamination, especially those from the inner part of the channel. The classification established in this study indicated that sediments from the dredged channel are impacted detrimentally and that sea disposal may disperse contaminants. According to this classification, the sediments are inappropriate for disposal at sea. It should be emphasized that the poor quality of fine sediments discharged from the hopper dredge in the overflow process can recontaminate the environment.Recommendations and perspectives These findings will help to underpin improved planning of management strategies for dredging operations and sediment disposal in Brazil and other countries.
Untreated effluents that reach surface water affect the aquatic life and humans. This study aimed to evaluate the wastewater s toxicity (municipal, industrial and shrimp pond effluents) released in the Estuarine Complex of Jundiaí- Potengi, Natal/RN, through chronic quantitative e qualitative toxicity tests using the test organism Mysidopsis Juniae, CRUSTACEA, MYSIDACEA (Silva, 1979). For this, a new methodology for viewing chronic effects on organisms of M. juniae was used (only renewal), based on another existing methodology to another testorganism very similar to M. Juniae, the M. Bahia (daily renewal).Toxicity tests 7 days duration were used for detecting effects on the survival and fecundity in M. juniae. Lethal Concentration 50% (LC50%) was determined by the Trimmed Spearman-Karber; Inhibition Concentration 50% (IC50%) in fecundity was determined by Linear Interpolation. ANOVA (One Way) tests (p = 0.05) were used to determinate the No Observed Effect Concentration (NOEC) and Low Observed Effect Concentration (LOEC). Effluents flows were measured and the toxic load of the effluents was estimated. Multivariate analysis - Principal Component Analysis (PCA) and Correspondence Analysis (CA) - identified the physic-chemical parameters better explain the patterns of toxicity found in survival and fecundity of M. juniae. We verified the feasibility of applying the only renewal system in chronic tests with M. Juniae. Most efluentes proved toxic on the survival and fecundity of M. Juniae, except for some shrimp pond effluents. The most toxic effluent was ETE Lagoa Aerada (LC50, 6.24%; IC50, 4.82%), ETE Quintas (LC50, 5.85%), Giselda Trigueiro Hospital (LC50, 2.05%), CLAN (LC50, 2.14%) and COTEMINAS (LC50, IC50 and 38.51%, 6.94%). The greatest toxic load was originated from ETE inefficient high flow effluents, textile effluents and CLAN. The organic load was related to the toxic effects of wastewater and hospital effluents in survival of M. Juniae, as well as heavy metals, total residual chlorine and phenols. In industrial effluents was found relationship between toxicity and organic load, phenols, oils and greases and benzene. The effects on fertility were related, in turn, with chlorine and heavy metals. Toxicity tests using other organisms of different trophic levels, as well as analysis of sediment toxicity are recommended to confirm the patterns found with M. Juniae. However, the results indicate the necessity for implementation and improvement of sewage treatment systems affluent to the Potengi s estuary
Foi estudado o comportamento eletroquímico a 37°C do aço inoxidável ISO 5832-9, em meios de NaCl 0,9 %, de Ringer Lactato e meio mínimo de Eagle (MEM), por voltametria linear e análises da superfície por microscopia eletrônica de varredura (MEV) e por espectroscopia por dispersão de energia (EDS). Foram feitos ensaios mecânicos e testes de toxicidade. O aço ISO 5832-9 se encontra passivado no potencial de corrosão e não apresenta corrosão por pite nos três meios estudados em toda faixa de potencial investigada, desde o potencial de corrosão até 50 mV acima do potencial de transpassivação. Em meio de MEM, no entanto, as análises por MEV e EDS mostraram que o referido aço, nesse valor mais elevado de potencial, apresentou um comportamento diferente, com perda das inclusões de óxido de manganês. Os potenciais de corrosão, Ecorr (potencial de circuito aberto estacionário) bem como os valores de densidade de corrente de passivação, variaram na seguinte ordem: Ecorr, RL < Ecorr, NaCl < Ecorr, MEM. e jMEM << jRL ≅ jNaCl. No ensaio de citotoxicidade, o aço foi caracterizado como não-tóxico.
Studies on the avoidance behavior of aquatic organisms to contaminants have confirmed that such behavior can be relevant in field situations. However, almost all toxicity tests involve the forced exposure of organisms to toxicants. In particular, despite the importance of Chironomus riparius Meigen larvae in sediment toxicity testing, only a few studies on avoidance behavior have been performed. This study investigated the ability of different life stages of C. riparius, including ovipositing females, first-, second-, and fourth-instar larvae, to avoid copper-contaminated environments. Ovipositing females were given a choice between a control and copper solution (1.3 mg Cu l(-1)). First-instar larvae were provided with a choice between a control and a copper (2.0 mg Cu l(-1))-spiked sediment. Both second- and fourth-instars were exposed to a copper gradient (0.38-3.4 mg Cu l(-1)) in a flow-through system. None of the life stages avoided copper, even though the highest concentrations caused lethal effects on midges. The avoidance behavior of C. riparius is not a sensitive endpoint to assess copper sublethal toxicity.
In this work we studied the electrochemical treatment of a tannery wastewater using dimensionally stable anodes (DSA (R)) containing tin, iridium, ruthenium, and titanium. The electrodes were prepared by thermal decomposition of the polymeric precursors. The electrolyses were performed under galvanostatic conditions, at room temperature. Effects of the oxide composition, current density, and effluent conductivity were investigated, and the current efficiency was calculated as a function of the time for the performed electrolyses. Results showed that all the studied electrodes led to a decrease in the content of both total phenolic compounds and total organic carbon (TOC), as well as lower absorbance in the UV-vis region. Toxicity tests using Daphnia similis demonstrated that the electrochemical treatment reduced the wastewater toxicity. The use of DSA (R) type electrodes in the electrochemical treatment of tannery wastewater proved to be useful since it can promote a decrease in total phenolic compounds, TOC, absorbance, and toxicity. (C) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
In response to recent reports of contamination of the nearshore marine environment along the Queensland coast by herbicides (including areas inside the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park), an ecotoxicological assessment was conducted of the impact of the herbicides diuron and atrazine on scleractinian corals. Pulse-amplitude modulated (PAM) chlorophyll fluorescence techniques were used to assess the herbicide effects on the symbiotic dinoflagellates within the tissues (in hospite) of 4 species of coral (Acropora formosa, Montipora digitata, Porites cylindrica, Seriatopora hystrix) in static toxicity tests, and in freshly isolated symbiotic dinoflagellates from Stylophora pistillata. Using change in the effective quantum yield (DeltaF/F-m') as an effect criterion, diuron (no observable effect concentration, NOEC = 0.3 mug 1(-1); lowest observable effect concentration, LOEC = 1 mug 1(-1); median effective concentration, EC50 4 to 6 mug 1(-1)) was found to be more toxic than atrazine (NOEC = 1 mug 1(-1), LOEC = 3 mug 1(-1), EC50 40 to 90 mug 1(-1)) in short-term (10 h) toxicity tests. In the tests with isolated algae, significant reductions in DeltaF/F-m' were recorded as low as 0.25 mug 1(-1) diuron (LOEC, EC50 = 5 mug 1(-1)). Time-course experiments indicated that the effects of diuron were rapid and reversible. At 10 mug 1(-1) diuron, DeltaF/F-m' was reduced by 25% in 20 to 30 min, and by 50% in 60 to 90 min. Recovery of DeltaF/F-m' in corals exposed to 10 mug 1(-1) diuron and then transferred to running seawater was slower, returning to within 10% of control values inside 1 to 7 h. The effect of a reduction in salinity (35 to 27%) on diuron toxicity (at 1 and 3 mug 1(-1) diuron) was tested to examine the potential consequences of contaminated coastal flood plumes inundating inshore reefs. DeltaF/F-m' was reduced in the diuron-exposed corals, but there was no significant interaction between diuron and reduced salinity seawater within the 10 h duration of the test. Exposure to higher (100 and 1000 mug 1(-1)) diuron concentrations for 96 h caused a reduction in DeltaF/F-m' the ratio variable to maximal fluorescence (F,1F.), significant loss of symbiotic dinoflagellates and pronounced tissue retraction, causing the corals to pale or bleach. The significance of the results in relation to diuron contamination of the coastal marine environment from terrestrial sources (mainly agricultural) and marine sources (antifouling paints) are discussed.
Dissertação de Mestrado, Biotecnologia em Controlo Biológico, 27 de Junho de 2013, Universidade dos Açores.
O impacto dos metais pesados em ambientes aquáticos, incluindo águas residuais, é vulgarmente determinado através de testes de toxicidade. A microalga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata é usada nos métodos de toxicidade recomendados por organismos Internacionais como a EPA (Environmental Protection Agency) e a OCDE (Organização para a Cooperação e Desenvolvimento Económico). O presente trabalho teve como objectivo avaliar o impacto do cádmio e do zinco no crescimento, na autofluorescência e na actividade metabólica da alga P. subcapitata. Para tal, a alga, em fase exponencial de crescimento, foi inoculada no meio de cultura contendo Cd (150, 500 ou 700 nmol/l) ou Zn (300, 1800 ou 6000 nmol/l). A concentração mais baixa de Cd e Zn não provocou qualquer efeito inibitório. Para uma concentração intermédia de Cd e Zn, observou-se uma redução do crescimento, ao fim de 72 h, de 63 e 50 %, respectivamente. No caso da concentração mais elevada de Cd e de Zn, observou-se uma redução do crescimento, ao fim de 72 h, de 83 e 97 %, respectivamente. A perda de autofluorescência da alga, devido à presença de Cd e de Zn, seguiu um padrão similar ao efeito sobre o crescimento. Resultados preliminares mostraram que a exposição das células de P. subcapitata a 700 nmol/ de Cd, durante 1h, induziu uma inibição da actividade esterásica de 52 %, enquanto que a incubação com 6000 nmol/l de Zn, durante 6 h, provocou uma redução da actividade esterásica de ~ 50 %. Em conclusão, os resultados obtidos mostram que o Cd é mais tóxico que o Zn para a alga P. subcapitata. A perda de autofluorescência, devido à exposição aos metais pesados em estudo, ocorreu segundo um padrão similar ao efeito inibitório sobre o crescimento. O Cd e Zn provocaram uma rápida perda (no espaço de 6 h) da actividade esterásica. Estes resultados sugerem que a avaliação da actividade esterásica da alga P. subcapitata poderá constituir um indicador sensível na avaliação da toxicidade.
O presente estágio foi desenvolvido na Britafiel. Um dos projectos em que a Empresa se encontra envolvida é o STOCO, pretendendo implementar à escala industrial um processo de coloração de pedra granítica natural para fins decorativos. Foi neste projecto que se enquadrou o estágio. O tema do estágio centra-se no processo de coloração de granito tendo como principal foco a implementação de um processo industrial de produção de granito colorido. O projecto STOCO nasce da necessidade de complementar a actividade da empresa com produtos de maior valor acrescentado para valorização da matéria-prima de base, o granito. STOCO, resultante de Stone Color, é o nome dado ao projecto e ao novo produto que é granito colorido, sob a forma de brita. Pretende-se obter um produto amigo do ambiente e com boas características: manter a textura natural da pedra granítica e assegurar uma boa resistência a factores agressivos. Estudos prévios de qualidade e de toxicidade mostraram que o produto STOCO desenvolvido até então apresenta um bom comportamento face a agressões climatéricas e que não compromete a vida das espécies usadas nos testes (peixes). Em relação aos lixiviados e resíduos da pedra colorida STOCO, estes não apresentaram qualquer problema ambiental, sendo considerado um produto amigo do ambiente. À data de início do presente trabalho estava em funcionamento um equipamento protótipo de produção de granito colorido (100 kg/partida), sendo a instalação e o arranque da unidade industrial (3 ton/h) concretizados no início de 2014, já no decorrer deste trabalho. Os objectivos cumpridos no âmbito deste trabalho foram então a implementação de uma linha industrial de produção de brita colorida, avaliação técnica do processo e do custo industrial de produção associado às matérias-primas. Neste relatório é descrito o processo inicial adoptado e apresentam-se as alterações efectuadas para melhoria do processo produtivo. Resolveram-se problemas como: definição e instalação de equipamentos complementares para a entrada e a saída da brita no equipamento industrial; pó excessivo na brita; cheiro intenso a gás e elevado ruído; adequação do sistema de pintura; e secagem incompleta da brita. Alguns destes problemas não foram totalmente resolvidos, mas sim minimizados. O equipamento industrial necessita ainda de alterações em diversas áreas, que foram identificadas e para as quais são feitas sugestões de melhoria. Conseguiu-se ainda fazer alguns testes para uma possível substituição de alguns constituintes da tinta. Os componentes que entram na composição base da tinta aquosa, são de modo simplificado: ligante, pigmento, solvente e aditivos. Os constituintes que mais encarecem a tinta, e consequentemente o processo em causa, são o ligante e o pigmento. Os estudos efectuados precisam de ser aprofundados, na tentativa de melhorar o processo minimizando os custos de produção. Formalizaram-se os procedimentos escritos de produção STOCO tanto para o protótipo como para o processo industrial e elaborou-se uma ficha técnica de produto para a brita colorida STOCO.
Currently multiresistant Staphylococcus aureus is one common cause of infections with high rates of morbidity and mortality worldwide, which directs scientific endeavors in search for novel antimicrobials. In this study, nine extracts from Bidens pilosa (root, stem, flower and leaves) and Annona crassiflora (rind fruit, stem, leaves, seed and pulp) were obtained with ethanol: water (7:3, v/v) and their in vitro antibacterial activity evaluated through both the agar diffusion and broth microdilution methods against 60 Oxacillin Resistant S. aureus (ORSA) strains and against S. aureus ATCC6538. The extracts from B. pilosa and A. crassiflora inhibited the growth of the ORSA isolates in both methods. Leaves of B. pilosa presented mean of the inhibition zone diameters significantly higher than chlorexidine 0.12% against ORSA, and the extracts were more active against S. aureus ATCC (p < 0.05). Parallel, toxicity testing by using MTT method and phytochemical screening were assessed, and three extracts (B. pilosa, root and leaf, and A. crassiflora, seed) did not evidence toxicity. On the other hand, the cytotoxic concentrations (CC50 and CC90) for other extracts ranged from 2.06 to 10.77 mg/mL. The presence of variable alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins and saponins was observed, even though there was a total absence of anthraquinones. Thus, the extracts from the leaves of B. pilosa revealed good anti-ORSA activity and did not exhibit toxicity.
Dissertação de mestrado integrado em Engenharia Civil