96 resultados para Tokens


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An elementary algebra identifies conceptual and corresponding applicational limitations in John Kemeny and Paul Oppenheim’s (K-O) 1956 model of theoretical reduction in the sciences. The K-O model was once widely accepted, at least in spirit, but seems afterward to have been discredited, or in any event superceeded. Today, the K-O reduction model is seldom mentioned, except to clarify when a reduction in the Kemeny-Oppenheim sense is not intended. The present essay takes a fresh look at the basic mathematics of K-O comparative vocabulary theoretical term reductions, from historical and philosophical standpoints, as a contribution to the history of the philosophy of science. The K-O theoretical reduction model qualifies a theory replacement as a successful reduction when preconditions of explanatory adequacy and comparable systematicization are met, and there occur fewer numbers of theoretical terms identified as replicable syntax types in the most economical statement of a theory’s putative propositional truths, as compared with the theoretical term count for the theory it replaces. The challenge to the historical model developed here, to help explain its scope and limitations, involves the potential for equivocal theoretical meanings of multiple theoretical term tokens of the same syntactical type.


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Amawaka ([ɑmɨ̃ˈwɐkɑ]) is a highly endangered and underdocumented tonal language of the Headwaters (Fleck 2011) subgroup of the Panoan family in the Southwest Amazon Basin, spoken by approximately 200 people. Undocumented phonetic and phonological phenomena of Amawaka include its tonal structure, both in terms of surface realizations and the patterns underlying these realizations. Original audiovisual data from the author’s fieldwork in various Amawaka communities at the Peru-Brazil border will illuminate the as-yet obscure tonal systematicity of the language. Unlike other elements, monosyllabic bimoraic phonological nominal words with long vowels display variation in their surface realization. All the words with the open back unrounded /ɑ/, like /ˈkɑ̀:/ (patarashca, a traditional Amazonian dish), /ˈnɑ̀:/ “mestizo” etc. [with the exception of /ˈtɑ:/ “reed”, which surfaces with either a H or L tone] bear a low tone in isolation. This realization contrasts with all the encountered nominal monosyllables with vowels from the close and close-mid front and central spectrum /i, ɘ, ɨ, ɨ̃/, which clearly surface as high tone words in isolation, for example /ˈmɨ̃́:/ (a clay-lick for animals), /ˈwí:/ “Anopheles, spp. mosquito”. Monosyllables with close-mid back rounded /o/ have a less restrictive pitch that varies among speakers from low to high realizations, and sometimes even across the speech tokens from an individual speaker, e.g. /wó:/ or /wō:/ “hair”, /ɧō:/ or /ɧò:/ (a type of tarantula). Phrasal tonal phonology is more complex, when these three kinds of monosyllables appear in larger noun phrases. Some retain the same surface tones as their isolation form, while others seem to vary freely in their surface realization, e.g. /ˈtɘ́:.nɑ̀:/ or /ˈtɘ́:.nɑ́:/ ‘one mestizo’. Yet other monosyllables, e.g. /mɑ̀:/, exhibit a falling tone when preceded by a H syllable, suggesting probably latent tone sandhi phenomena, e.g /ˈtɘ́:.mɑ̂:/ (one clay-lick for parrots). In disyllabic, trisyllabic and quadrisyllabic nouns, tonal and stress patterns generally seem to be more consistent and tend to be retained both in isolation and in larger intonational phrases. Disyllabic nouns, for instance, surface as L-H or L-L when a glottal stop is in coda position. The association of L with a glottal stop is a feature that occurs in other Panoan languages as well, like Capanahua (Loos 1969), and more generally it is an areal feature, found in other parts of Amazonia (Hyman 2010). So, tone has significant interactions with the glottal stop and glottalization, which generally co-occurs with L. The data above suggest that the underlying tonal system of Amawaka is much more complex than the privative one-tone analysis (/H/ vs. Ø, i.e. lack of tone) that was proposed by Russell and Russell (1959). Evidence from field data suggests either an equipollent (Hyman 2010) two-tone opposition between /H/ and /L/, or a hybrid system, with both equipollent and privative features; that is, /H/ vs. /L/ vs. either Ø or /M/. This first systematic description of Amawaka tone, in conjunction with ongoing research, is poised to address broader questions concerning interrelationships between surface/underlying tone and other suprasegmental features, such as nasality, metrical stress, and intonation. References Fleck, David W. 2011. Panoan languages and linguistics. In Javier Ruedas and David W. Fleck (Eds.), Panoan Histories and Interethnic Identities, To appear. Hyman, Larry. 2010. Amazonia and the typology of tone systems. Presented at the conference Amazonicas III: The structure of the Amazonian languages. Bogotá. Loos, Eugene E. 1969. The phonology of Capanahua and its grammatical basis. Norman: SIL and U. Oklahoma. Russell, Robert & Dolores. 1959. Syntactotonemics in Amahuaca (Pano). Série Lingüistica Especial, 128-167. Publicaçoes do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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Amawaka ([ɑmɨ̃ˈwɐkɑ]) is a highly endangered and underdocumented tonal language of the Headwaters (Fleck 2011) subgroup of the Panoan family in the Southwest Amazon Basin, spoken by approximately 200 people. Undocumented phonetic and phonological phenomena of Amawaka include its tonal structure, both in terms of surface realizations and the patterns underlying these realizations. Original audiovisual data from the author’s fieldwork in various Amawaka communities at the Peru-Brazil border will illuminate the as-yet obscure tonal systematicity of the language. Unlike other elements, monosyllabic bimoraic phonological nominal words with long vowels display variation in their surface realization. All the words with the open back unrounded /ɑ/, like /ˈkɑ̀:/ (a traditional Amazonian dish), /ˈnɑ̀:/ “mestizo” etc. [with the exception of /ˈtɑ:/ “reed”, which surfaces with either a H or L tone] bear a low tone in isolation. This realization contrasts with all the encountered nominal monosyllables with vowels from the close and close-mid front and central spectrum /i, ɘ, ɨ, ɨ̃/, which clearly surface as high tone words in isolation, for example /ˈmɨ̃́:/ (a clay-lick for animals), /ˈwí:/ “Anopheles, spp. mosquito”. Monosyllables with close-mid back rounded /o/ have a less restrictive pitch that varies among speakers from low to high realizations, and sometimes even across the speech tokens from an individual speaker, e.g. /wó:/ or /wō:/ “hair”, /ɧō:/ or /ɧò:/ (a type of tarantula). Phrasal tonal phonology is more complex, when these three kinds of monosyllables appear in larger noun phrases. Some retain the same surface tones as their isolation form, while others seem to vary freely in their surface realization, e.g. /ˈtɘ́:.nɑ̀:/ or /ˈtɘ́:.nɑ́:/ ‘one mestizo’. Yet other monosyllables, e.g. /mɑ̀:/, exhibit a falling tone when preceded by a H syllable, suggesting probably latent tone sandhi phenomena, e.g /ˈtɘ́:.mɑ̂:/ (one clay-lick for parrots). In disyllabic, trisyllabic and quadrisyllabic nouns, tonal and stress patterns generally seem to be more consistent and tend to be retained both in isolation and in larger intonational phrases. Disyllabic nouns, for instance, surface as L-H or L-L when a glottal stop is in coda position. The association of L with a glottal stop is a feature that occurs in other Panoan languages as well, like Capanahua (Loos 1969), and more generally it is an areal feature, found in other parts of Amazonia (Hyman 2010). So, tone has significant interactions with the glottal stop and glottalization, which generally co-occurs with L. The data above suggest that the underlying tonal system of Amawaka is much more complex than the privative one-tone analysis (/H/ vs. Ø, i.e. lack of tone) that was proposed by Russell and Russell (1959). Evidence from field data suggests either an equipollent (Hyman 2010) two-tone opposition between /H/ and /L/, or a hybrid system, with both equipollent and privative features; that is, /H/ vs. /L/ vs. either Ø or /M/. This first systematic description of Amawaka tone, in conjunction with ongoing research, is poised to address broader questions concerning interrelationships between surface/underlying tone and other suprasegmental features, such as nasality, metrical stress, and intonation. References Fleck, David W. 2011. Panoan languages and linguistics. In Javier Ruedas and David W. Fleck (Eds.), Panoan Histories and Interethnic Identities, To appear. Hyman, Larry. 2010. Amazonia and the typology of tone systems. Presented at the conference Amazonicas III: The structure of the Amazonian languages. Bogotá. Loos, Eugene E. 1969. The phonology of Capanahua and its grammatical basis. Norman: SIL and U. Oklahoma. Russell, Robert & Dolores. 1959. Syntactotonemics in Amahuaca (Pano). Série Lingüistica Especial, 128-167. Publicaçoes do Museu Nacional, Rio de Janeiro, Brasil.


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This paper describes methods and results for the annotation of two discourse-level phenomena, connectives and pronouns, over a multilingual parallel corpus. Excerpts from Europarl in English and French have been annotated with disambiguation information for connectives and pronouns, for about 3600 tokens. This data is then used in several ways: for cross-linguistic studies, for training automatic disambiguation software, and ultimately for training and testing discourse-aware statistical machine translation systems. The paper presents the annotation procedures and their results in detail, and overviews the first systems trained on the annotated resources and their use for machine translation.


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La estrategia i2010 de la UE tiene como objetivo garantizar el liderazgo europeo en materia de TIC y poner los beneficios de la Sociedad de la Información al servicio de la economía, la sociedad y la calidad de vida personal, teniendo presente que los éxitos de Europa hasta la fecha se han basado en favorecer la competencia leal en los mercados de las telecomunicaciones y crear un mercado sin fronteras para contenidos y medios de comunicación digitales. En esta línea, la Comisión Europea ha establecido que los distintos estados miembros deben contribuir activamente al desarrollo y uso seguro de los servicios telemáticos entre sus ciudadanos. Más concretamente, atribuye a las Administraciones Públicas, tanto a nivel nacional, regional como local, un papel dinamizador de la Sociedad de la Información que les obliga a ofrecer paulatinamente todos los actos administrativos a los ciudadanos a través de Internet. Como primer paso para el uso seguro de los servicios telemáticos que ofrecen las instituciones públicas se hace preciso dotar a los ciudadanos de una identidad digital que les permita identificarse ante un Proveedor de Servicio o ante otros ciudadanos de manera inequívoca. Por esta razón, la mayoría de países europeos – y otros en el resto del mundo – están promoviendo, sistemas fiables de gestión de identidad electrónica (eIDM), de tal manera que los ciudadanos, las empresas y departamentos gubernamentales (incluso en Estados miembros diferentes) pueden identificar y certificar sus operaciones con precisión, rapidez y sencillez. Sin embargo, la gestión de esta identidad por las Administraciones Públicas supone un importante desafío, acentuado cuando se hace necesaria la interoperabilidad entre Administraciones de diferentes países, puesto que personas y entidades tienen credenciales de identificación diferentes en función de su propio marco jurídico nacional. Consciente del problema, en la Unión Europea se han puesto en marcha una serie de proyectos con el objetivo de conseguir la interoperabilidad de los eIDMs entre las instituciones públicas de diferentes Estados miembros. A pesar de ello, las soluciones adoptadas hasta la fecha son insuficientes porque no prevén todos los posibles casos de interacción del usuario con las instituciones. En concreto, no tienen en cuenta un aspecto muy importante que se ofrece en los distintos sistemas jurídicos nacionales, a saber, la delegación de la identidad, mediante la cual un ciudadano puede autorizar a otro para que actúe en su nombre para acceder a determinados servicios prestados por las instituciones públicas. En esta tesis se realizan un conjunto de aportaciones que dan solución a distintos aspectos de los problemas planteados y que, de forma conjunta, permiten la interoperabilidad y la delegación de identidad en determinados Sistemas de Gestión de Identidad aplicados al entorno de las Administraciones Públicas. En el caso de la delegación, se ha definido un sistema de delegación dinámica de identidad entre dos entidades genéricas que permite solucionar el problema del acceso delegado a los servicios telemáticos ofrecidos por las Administraciones Públicas. La solución propuesta se basa en la generación de un token de delegación, constituido a partir de un Certificado Proxy, que permite a la entidad que delega establecer la delegación de identidad en otra entidad en base a un subconjunto de sus atributos como delegador, estableciendo además, en el propio token de delegación, restricciones en el conjunto de servicios accesibles a la entidad delegada y el tiempo de validez de la delegación. Adicionalmente, se presentan los mecanismos necesarios tanto para poder revocar un token de delegación como para comprobar sin un token de delegación ha sido o no revocado. Para ello se propone una solución para la identificación unívoca de tokens de delegación y la creación de una nueva entidad denominada Autoridad de Revocación de Tokens de Delegación. Entre las características del sistema de delegación propuesto destaca el que es lo suficientemente seguro como para ser utilizado en el entorno de la Administración Pública, que no requiere el uso de mecanismos off‐line para la generación de la delegación y que se puede realizar la delegación de forma instantánea y sin la necesidad de trámites complejos o la participación de un elevado número de entidades. Adicionalmente, el token de delegación propuesto es perfectamente integrable en las infraestructura de clave pública actual lo que hace que, dado que gran parte de las Administraciones Públicas europeas basan sus sistemas de identidad digital en el uso de la PKI y certificados de identidad X.509, la solución pueda ser puesta en marcha en un entorno real sin necesidad de grandes cambios o modificaciones de comportamiento. En lo referente a la interoperabilidad, se realiza un análisis exhaustivo y la correspondiente evaluación de las principales propuestas de Sistemas de Gestión de Identidad orientados a conseguir la interoperabilidad realizadas hasta la fecha en el marco de la Unión Europea y se propone, a alto nivel, una arquitectura de interoperabilidad para la gestión de identidad en las Administraciones Públicas. Dicha arquitectura es lo suficientemente genérica como para poder ser aplicada tanto en el entorno pan‐Europeo como en los entornos nacionales, autonómicos y locales, de tal forma que la interoperabilidad en la gestión de la identidad esté garantizada en todos los niveles de la Administración Pública. Por último, mediante la integración de la solución de delegación dinámica de identidad y la arquitectura de interoperabilidad propuestas se presenta una solución al problema de la delegación en un escenario pan‐Europeo de gestión de identidad, dando lugar a una arquitectura global de interoperabilidad pan‐Europea con soporte a la delegación de identidad. SUMMARY The i2010 European Union Plan aims to ensure European leadership in ICT and to promote the positive contribution that information and communication technologies can make to the economic, social and personal quality of life, bearing in mind that, to date, success in Europe has been based on promoting fair competition in telecommunications markets and on creating a borderless market for contents and digital media. In this line, the European Commission has established that the different member states should contribute actively to the development and secure use of telematic services among their citizens. More specifically, it is attributed to national, regional and local Public Administrations to have a supportive role of the Information Society, requiring them to gradually provide the citizens with Internet‐based access to all administrative procedures acts. As a first step for the secure use of telematic services offered by public institutions, it is necessary to provide the citizens with a digital identity to enable them to identify themselves unequivocally to a Service Provider or to other citizens. For this reason, most European countries ‐ and others in the rest of the world ‐ are promoting reliable systems for managing electronic identity (eIDM), so that citizens, businesses and government departments (even in different Member States) can identify and certify their operations with precision, speed and simplicity. However, the identity management by Public Administrations is a major challenge that becomes more difficult when interoperability between administrations of different countries is needed, due to the fact that individuals and entities have different identification credentials according to their own national legal framework. Aware of the problem, the European Union has launched a series of projects with the aim of achieving interoperability of eIDMs between public institutions of different Member States. However, the solutions adopted to date are insufficient because they do not foresee all possible cases of user interaction with the institutions. In particular, solutions do not take into account a very important aspect that is offered in different national legal systems, namely, the delegation of identity, by which a citizen can authorize another to act on his/her behalf to access certain services provided by public institutions. In this thesis a collection of contributions that provide solution to different aspects of the aforementioned problems are carried out. The solutions, in global, enable interoperability and identity delegation in some of the Identity Management Systems applied to Public Administration environment. In the case of delegation, a dynamic identity delegation system between generic entities is defined. This system makes it possible to solve the problem of delegated access to telematic services offered by Public Administrations. The proposed solution is based on the generation of a piece of information called delegation token. This delegation token, derived from a Proxy Certificate, allows the establishment of identity delegation by an entity that delegates (delegator) in other entity (delegatee) making use of a subset of delegator attributes. It also establishes restrictions on services that can be used by the delegated entity and the expiry date of delegation. In addition to this, the mechanisms necessary to revoke and check the revocation status of a delegation token are presented. To do this, a solution to univocally identify delegation tokens and the creation of a completely new entity, called Token Delegation Revocation Authority, are proposed. The most remarkable characteristics of the proposed delegation system are its security, enough for it to be used in the Public Administration environment, the fact that it does not require off‐line processes in order to generate the delegation, and the possibility of performing the delegation instantaneously and without neither complex processes nor the intervention of a large number of entities. The proposed delegation token can be completely incorporated into current Public Key Infrastructure (PKI). Thus, since most of the European Public Administrations base their digital identity systems on PKI and X.509 identity certificates, the solution can be adopted in a real environment without great changes or performance modifications. Regarding interoperability, an exhaustive analysis and evaluation of most significant proposals on Identity Management Systems that aim to achieve interoperability carried out in the European Union framework until now are performed. A high level identity management interoperability architecture for Public Administrations is also proposed. This architecture is sufficiently generic to be applied to both pan‐European environment and national, regional or local environments, thus interoperability in identity management at all Public Administration levels is guaranteed. Finally, through the integration of the proposed dynamic identity delegation solution and the high level interoperability architecture, a solution to the problem of identity delegation in a pan‐European identity management environment is suggested, leading to a pan‐European global interoperability architecture with identity delegation support.


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Cognitive linguistics have conscientiously pointed out the pervasiveness of conceptual mappings, particularly as conceptual blending and integration, that underlie language and that are unconsciously used in everyday speech (Fauconnier 1997, Fauconnier & Turner 2002; Rohrer 2007; Grady, Oakley & Coulson 1999). Moreover, as a further development of this work, there is a growing interest in research devoted to the conceptual mappings that make up specialized technical disciplines. Lakoff & Núñez 2000, for example, have produced a major breakthrough on the understanding of concepts in mathematics, through conceptual metaphor and as a result not of purely abstract concepts but rather of embodiment. On the engineering and architecture front, analyses on the use of metaphor, blending and categorization in English and Spanish have likewise appeared in recent times (Úbeda 2001, Roldán 1999, Caballero 2003a, 2003b, Roldán & Ubeda 2006, Roldán & Protasenia 2007). The present paper seeks to show a number of significant conceptual mappings underlying the language of architecture and civil engineering that seem to shape the way engineers and architects communicate. In order to work with a significant segment of linguistic expressions in this field, a corpus taken from a widely used technical Spanish engineering journal article was collected and analysed. The examination of the data obtained indicates that many tokens make a direct reference to therapeutic conceptual mappings, highlighting medical domains such as diagnosing,treating and curing. Hence, the paper illustrates how this notion is instantiated by the corresponding bodily conceptual integration. In addition, we wish to underline the function of visual metaphors in the world of modern architecture by evoking parts of human or animal anatomy, and how this is visibly noticeable in contemporary buildings and public works structures.


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This paper proposes an architecture, based on statistical machine translation, for developing the text normalization module of a text to speech conversion system. The main target is to generate a language independent text normalization module, based on data and flexible enough to deal with all situa-tions presented in this task. The proposed architecture is composed by three main modules: a tokenizer module for splitting the text input into a token graph (tokenization), a phrase-based translation module (token translation) and a post-processing module for removing some tokens. This paper presents initial exper-iments for numbers and abbreviations. The very good results obtained validate the proposed architecture.


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This paper describes the text normalization module of a text to speech fully-trainable conversion system and its application to number transcription. The main target is to generate a language independent text normalization module, based on data instead of on expert rules. This paper proposes a general architecture based on statistical machine translation techniques. This proposal is composed of three main modules: a tokenizer for splitting the text input into a token graph, a phrase-based translation module for token translation, and a post-processing module for removing some tokens. This architecture has been evaluated for number transcription in several languages: English, Spanish and Romanian. Number transcription is an important aspect in the text normalization problem.


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En este proyecto se hace un análisis en profundidad de las técnicas de ataque a las redes de ordenadores conocidas como APTs (Advanced Persistent Threats), viendo cuál es el impacto que pueden llegar a tener en los equipos de una empresa y el posible robo de información y pérdida monetaria que puede llevar asociada. Para hacer esta introspección veremos qué técnicas utilizan los atacantes para introducir el malware en la red y también cómo dicho malware escala privilegios, obtiene información privilegiada y se mantiene oculto. Además, y cómo parte experimental de este proyecto se ha desarrollado una plataforma para la detección de malware de una red en base a las webs, URLs e IPs que visitan los nodos que la componen. Obtendremos esta visión gracias a la extracción de los logs y registros de DNS de consulta de la compañía, sobre los que realizaremos un análisis exhaustivo. Para poder inferir correctamente qué equipos están infectados o no se ha utilizado un algoritmo de desarrollo propio inspirado en la técnica Belief Propagation (“Propagación basada en creencia”) que ya ha sido usada antes por desarrolladores cómo los de los Álamos en Nuevo México (Estados Unidos) para fines similares a los que aquí se muestran. Además, para mejorar la velocidad de inferencia y el rendimiento del sistema se propone un algoritmo adaptado a la plataforma Hadoop de Apache, por lo que se modifica el paradigma de programación habitual y se busca un nuevo paradigma conocido como MapReduce que consiste en la división de la información en conceptos clave-valor. Por una parte, los algoritmos que existen basados en Belief Propagation para el descubrimiento de malware son propietarios y no han sido publicados completamente hasta la fecha, por otra parte, estos algoritmos aún no han sido adaptados a Hadoop ni a ningún modelo de programación distribuida aspecto que se abordará en este proyecto. No es propósito de este proyecto desarrollar una plataforma comercial o funcionalmente completa, sino estudiar el problema de las APTs y una implementación que demuestre que la plataforma mencionada es factible de implementar. Este proyecto abre, a su vez, un horizonte nuevo de investigación en el campo de la adaptación al modelo MapReduce de algoritmos del tipo Belief Propagation basados en la detección del malware mediante registros DNS. ABSTRACT. This project makes an in-depth investigation about problems related to APT in computer networks nowadays, seeing how much damage could they inflict on the hosts of a Company and how much monetary and information loss may they cause. In our investigation we will find what techniques are generally applied by attackers to inject malware into networks and how this malware escalates its privileges, extracts privileged information and stays hidden. As the main part of this Project, this paper shows how to develop and configure a platform that could detect malware from URLs and IPs visited by the hosts of the network. This information can be extracted from the logs and DNS query records of the Company, on which we will make an analysis in depth. A self-developed algorithm inspired on Belief Propagation technique has been used to infer which hosts are infected and which are not. This technique has been used before by developers of Los Alamos Lab (New Mexico, USA) for similar purposes. Moreover, this project proposes an algorithm adapted to Apache Hadoop Platform in order to improve the inference speed and system performance. This platform replaces the traditional coding paradigm by a new paradigm called MapReduce which splits and shares information among hosts and uses key-value tokens. On the one hand, existing algorithms based on Belief Propagation are part of owner software and they have not been published yet because they have been patented due to the huge economic benefits they could give. On the other hand these algorithms have neither been adapted to Hadoop nor to other distributed coding paradigms. This situation turn the challenge into a complicated problem and could lead to a dramatic increase of its installation difficulty on a client corporation. The purpose of this Project is to develop a complete and 100% functional brand platform. Herein, show a short summary of the APT problem will be presented and make an effort will be made to demonstrate the viability of an APT discovering platform. At the same time, this project opens up new horizons of investigation about adapting Belief Propagation algorithms to the MapReduce model and about malware detection with DNS records.


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El esquema actual que existe en el ámbito de la normalización y el diseño de nuevos estándares de codificación de vídeo se está convirtiendo en una tarea difícil de satisfacer la evolución y dinamismo de la comunidad de codificación de vídeo. El problema estaba centrado principalmente en poder explotar todas las características y similitudes entre los diferentes códecs y estándares de codificación. Esto ha obligado a tener que rediseñar algunas partes comunes a varios estándares de codificación. Este problema originó la aparición de una nueva iniciativa de normalización dentro del comité ISO/IEC MPEG, llamado Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC). Su principal idea era desarrollar un estándar de codificación de vídeo que actualizase e incrementase progresivamente una biblioteca de los componentes, aportando flexibilidad y la capacidad de tener un código reconfigurable mediante el uso de un nuevo lenguaje orientado a flujo de Actores/datos denominado CAL. Este lenguaje se usa para la especificación de la biblioteca estándar y para la creación de instancias del modelo del decodificador. Más tarde, se desarrolló un nuevo estándar de codificación de vídeo denominado High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), que actualmente se encuentra en continuo proceso de actualización y desarrollo, que mejorase la eficiencia y compresión de la codificación de vídeo. Obviamente se ha desarrollado una visión de HEVC empleando la metodología de RVC. En este PFC, se emplean diferentes implementaciones de estándares empleando RVC. Por ejemplo mediante los decodificadores Mpeg 4 Part 2 SP y Mpeg 4 Part 10 CBP y PHP así como del nuevo estándar de codificación HEVC, resaltando las características y utilidad de cada uno de ellos. En RVC los algoritmos se describen mediante una clase de actores que intercambian flujos de datos (tokens) para realizar diferentes acciones. El objetivo de este proyecto es desarrollar un programa que, partiendo de los decodificadores anteriormente mencionados, una serie de secuencia de vídeo en diferentes formatos de compresión y una distribución estándar de los actores (para cada uno de los decodificadores), sea capaz de generar diferentes distribuciones de los actores del decodificador sobre uno o varios procesadores del sistema sobre el que se ejecuta, para conseguir la mayor eficiencia en la codificación del vídeo. La finalidad del programa desarrollado en este proyecto es la de facilitar la realización de las distribuciones de los actores sobre los núcleos del sistema, y obtener las mejores configuraciones posibles de una manera automática y eficiente. ABSTRACT. The current scheme that exists in the field of standardization and the design of new video coding standards is becoming a difficult task to meet the evolving and dynamic community of video encoding. The problem was centered mainly in order to exploit all the features and similarities between different codecs and encoding standards. This has forced redesigning some parts common to several coding standards. This problem led to the emergence of a new initiative for standardization within the ISO / IEC MPEG committee, called Reconfigurable Video Coding (RVC). His main idea was to develop a video coding standard and gradually incrementase to update a library of components, providing flexibility and the ability to have a reconfigurable code using a new flow -oriented language Actors / data called CAL. This language is used for the specification of the standard library and to the instantiation model decoder. Later, a new video coding standard called High Efficiency Video Coding (HEVC), which currently is in continuous process of updating and development, which would improve the compression efficiency and video coding is developed. Obviously has developed a vision of using the methodology HEVC RVC. In this PFC, different implementations using RVC standard are used. For example, using decoders MPEG 4 Part 2 SP and MPEG 4 Part 10 CBP and PHP and the new coding standard HEVC, highlighting the features and usefulness of each. In RVC, the algorithms are described by a class of actors that exchange streams of data (tokens) to perform different actions. The objective of this project is to develop a program that, based on the aforementioned decoders, a series of video stream in different compression formats and a standard distribution of actors (for each of the decoders), is capable of generating different distributions decoder actors on one or more processors of the system on which it runs, to achieve greater efficiency in video coding. The purpose of the program developed in this project is to facilitate the realization of the distributions of the actors on the cores of the system, and get the best possible settings automatically and efficiently.


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En los últimos años han surgido nuevos campos de las tecnologías de la información que exploran el tratamiento de la gran cantidad de datos digitales existentes y cómo transformarlos en conocimiento explícito. Las técnicas de Procesamiento del Lenguaje Natural (NLP) son capaces de extraer información de los textos digitales presentados en forma narrativa. Además, las técnicas de machine learning clasifican instancias o ejemplos en función de sus atributos, en distintas categorías, aprendiendo de otros previamente clasificados. Los textos clínicos son una gran fuente de información no estructurada; en consecuencia, información no explotada en su totalidad. Algunos términos usados en textos clínicos se encuentran en una situación de afirmación, negación, hipótesis o histórica. La detección de esta situación es necesaria para la estructuración de información, pero a su vez tiene una gran complejidad. Extrayendo características lingüísticas de los elementos, o tokens, de los textos mediante NLP; transformando estos tokens en instancias y las características en atributos, podemos mediante técnicas de machine learning clasificarlos con el objetivo de detectar si se encuentran afirmados, negados, hipotéticos o históricos. La selección de los atributos que cada token debe tener para su clasificación, así como la selección del algoritmo de machine learning utilizado son elementos cruciales para la clasificación. Son, de hecho, los elementos que componen el modelo de clasificación. Consecuentemente, este trabajo aborda el proceso de extracción de características, selección de atributos y selección del algoritmo de machine learning para la detección de la negación en textos clínicos en español. Se expone un modelo para la clasificación que, mediante el algoritmo J48 y 35 atributos obtenidos de características lingüísticas (morfológicas y sintácticas) y disparadores de negación, detecta si un token está negado en 465 frases provenientes de textos clínicos con un F-Score del 73%, una exhaustividad del 66% y una precisión del 81% con una validación cruzada de 10 iteraciones. ---ABSTRACT--- New information technologies have emerged in the recent years which explore the processing of the huge amount of existing digital data and its transformation into knowledge. Natural Language Processing (NLP) techniques are able to extract certain features from digital texts. Additionally, through machine learning techniques it is feasible to classify instances according to different categories, learning from others previously classified. Clinical texts contain great amount of unstructured data, therefore information not fully exploited. Some terms (tokens) in clinical texts appear in different situations such as affirmed, negated, hypothetic or historic. Detecting this situation is necessary for the structuring of this data, however not simple. It is possible to detect whether if a token is negated, affirmed, hypothetic or historic by extracting its linguistic features by NLP; transforming these tokens into instances, the features into attributes, and classifying these instances through machine learning techniques. Selecting the attributes each instance must have, and choosing the machine learning algorithm are crucial issues for the classification. In fact, these elements set the classification model. Consequently, this work approaches the features retrieval as well as the attributes and algorithm selection process used by machine learning techniques for the detection of negation in clinical texts in Spanish. We present a classification model which, through J48 algorithm and 35 attributes from linguistic features (morphologic and syntactic) and negation triggers, detects whether if a token is negated in 465 sentences from historical records, with a result of 73% FScore, 66% recall and 81% precision using a 10-fold cross-validation.


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We compared magnetoencephalographic responses for natural vowels and for sounds consisting of two pure tones that represent the two lowest formant frequencies of these vowels. Our aim was to determine whether spectral changes in successive stimuli are detected differently for speech and nonspeech sounds. The stimuli were presented in four blocks applying an oddball paradigm (20% deviants, 80% standards): (i) /α/ tokens as deviants vs. /i/ tokens as standards; (ii) /e/ vs. /i/; (iii) complex tones representing /α/ formants vs. /i/ formants; and (iv) complex tones representing /e/ formants vs. /i/ formants. Mismatch fields (MMFs) were calculated by subtracting the source waveform produced by standards from that produced by deviants. As expected, MMF amplitudes for the complex tones reflected acoustic deviation: the amplitudes were stronger for the complex tones representing /α/ than /e/ formants, i.e., when the spectral difference between standards and deviants was larger. In contrast, MMF amplitudes for the vowels were similar despite their different spectral composition, whereas the MMF onset time was longer for /e/ than for /α/. Thus the degree of spectral difference between standards and deviants was reflected by the MMF amplitude for the nonspeech sounds and by the MMF latency for the vowels.


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As digital systems move away from traditional desktop setups, new interaction paradigms are emerging that better integrate with users’ realworld surroundings, and better support users’ individual needs. While promising, these modern interaction paradigms also present new challenges, such as a lack of paradigm-specific tools to systematically evaluate and fully understand their use. This dissertation tackles this issue by framing empirical studies of three novel digital systems in embodied cognition – an exciting new perspective in cognitive science where the body and its interactions with the physical world take a central role in human cognition. This is achieved by first, focusing the design of all these systems on a contemporary interaction paradigm that emphasizes physical interaction on tangible interaction, a contemporary interaction paradigm; and second, by comprehensively studying user performance in these systems through a set of novel performance metrics grounded on epistemic actions, a relatively well established and studied construct in the literature on embodied cognition. The first system presented in this dissertation is an augmented Four-in-a-row board game. Three different versions of the game were developed, based on three different interaction paradigms (tangible, touch and mouse), and a repeated measures study involving 36 participants measured the occurrence of three simple epistemic actions across these three interfaces. The results highlight the relevance of epistemic actions in such a task and suggest that the different interaction paradigms afford instantiation of these actions in different ways. Additionally, the tangible version of the system supports the most rapid execution of these actions, providing novel quantitative insights into the real benefits of tangible systems. The second system presented in this dissertation is a tangible tabletop scheduling application. Two studies with single and paired users provide several insights into the impact of epistemic actions on the user experience when these are performed outside of a system’s sensing boundaries. These insights are clustered by the form, size and location of ideal interface areas for such offline epistemic actions to occur, as well as how can physical tokens be designed to better support them. Finally, and based on the results obtained to this point, the last study presented in this dissertation directly addresses the lack of empirical tools to formally evaluate tangible interaction. It presents a video-coding framework grounded on a systematic literature review of 78 papers, and evaluates its value as metric through a 60 participant study performed across three different research laboratories. The results highlight the usefulness and power of epistemic actions as a performance metric for tangible systems. In sum, through the use of such novel metrics in each of the three studies presented, this dissertation provides a better understanding of the real impact and benefits of designing and developing systems that feature tangible interaction.


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This package includes various Mata functions. kern(): various kernel functions; kint(): kernel integral functions; kdel0(): canonical bandwidth of kernel; quantile(): quantile function; median(): median; iqrange(): inter-quartile range; ecdf(): cumulative distribution function; relrank(): grade transformation; ranks(): ranks/cumulative frequencies; freq(): compute frequency counts; histogram(): produce histogram data; mgof(): multinomial goodness-of-fit tests; collapse(): summary statistics by subgroups; _collapse(): summary statistics by subgroups; gini(): Gini coefficient; sample(): draw random sample; srswr(): SRS with replacement; srswor(): SRS without replacement; upswr(): UPS with replacement; upswor(): UPS without replacement; bs(): bootstrap estimation; bs2(): bootstrap estimation; bs_report(): report bootstrap results; jk(): jackknife estimation; jk_report(): report jackknife results; subset(): obtain subsets, one at a time; composition(): obtain compositions, one by one; ncompositions(): determine number of compositions; partition(): obtain partitions, one at a time; npartitionss(): determine number of partitions; rsubset(): draw random subset; rcomposition(): draw random composition; colvar(): variance, by column; meancolvar(): mean and variance, by column; variance0(): population variance; meanvariance0(): mean and population variance; mse(): mean squared error; colmse(): mean squared error, by column; sse(): sum of squared errors; colsse(): sum of squared errors, by column; benford(): Benford distribution; cauchy(): cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz dist.; cauchyden(): Cauchy-Lorentz density; cauchytail(): reverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz; invcauchy(): inverse cumulative Cauchy-Lorentz; rbinomial(): generate binomial random numbers; cebinomial(): cond. expect. of binomial r.v.; root(): Brent's univariate zero finder; nrroot(): Newton-Raphson zero finder; finvert(): univariate function inverter; integrate_sr(): univariate function integration (Simpson's rule); integrate_38(): univariate function integration (Simpson's 3/8 rule); ipolate(): linear interpolation; polint(): polynomial inter-/extrapolation; plot(): Draw twoway plot; _plot(): Draw twoway plot; panels(): identify nested panel structure; _panels(): identify panel sizes; npanels(): identify number of panels; nunique(): count number of distinct values; nuniqrows(): count number of unique rows; isconstant(): whether matrix is constant; nobs(): number of observations; colrunsum(): running sum of each column; linbin(): linear binning; fastlinbin(): fast linear binning; exactbin(): exact binning; makegrid(): equally spaced grid points; cut(): categorize data vector; posof(): find element in vector; which(): positions of nonzero elements; locate(): search an ordered vector; hunt(): consecutive search; cond(): matrix conditional operator; expand(): duplicate single rows/columns; _expand(): duplicate rows/columns in place; repeat(): duplicate contents as a whole; _repeat(): duplicate contents in place; unorder2(): stable version of unorder(); jumble2(): stable version of jumble(); _jumble2(): stable version of _jumble(); pieces(): break string into pieces; npieces(): count number of pieces; _npieces(): count number of pieces; invtokens(): reverse of tokens(); realofstr(): convert string into real; strexpand(): expand string argument; matlist(): display a (real) matrix; insheet(): read spreadsheet file; infile(): read free-format file; outsheet(): write spreadsheet file; callf(): pass optional args to function; callf_setup(): setup for mm_callf().