952 resultados para The Ananconda Company


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Vol. i includes list of members. Vol. iii contains additions 1835-56 and index to all three vols.


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No More Published, After Ser.3 No.38(?)


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At head of title, 1910/11-1911/12: Interstate Commerce Commission; 1912/13-1915/16: Interstate Commerce Commission. Division of Statistics; 1916-53: Interstate Commerce Commission. Bureau of Statistics.


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The evolution of the pianoforte, by T.L. Southgate.- Our English songs, by W.H. Cummings.- The early English viols and their music, by H. Watson.- Madrigals, rounds, catches, glees, and part-songs, by E.M. Lee.- The recorder, flute, fife, and piccolo, by J. Finn.- Music in England in the year 1604, by Sir F. Bridge.- Our dances of bygone days, by A.S. Rose.- Masques and early operas, by A.H.D. Prendergast.- English opera after Purcell, by F.J. Sawyer.- Our cathedral composers and their works, by G.F. Huntley.- The single and double reed instruments, by D.J. Blaikley.- The water-organ of the ancients and the organ of to-day, by F.W. Galpin.- The regal and its successors: the harmonica, by T.L. Southgate.- The violin family and its music, by W.W. Cobbett.- The brass wind instruments, by J.E. Borland.- Some notes on early printed music, by A.H. Littleton.- Music of the country-side, by Sir E. Clarke.


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Beszállító, gyártó és vevő vállalatok alkotnak egy ellátási láncot. Optimális esetben a vállalatok integrált rendszerben működnek, az együttműködés bizal mi alapon nyugszik, így a közös stratégiai döntések révén versenyképes lesz a lánc. Az ellátási láncban lehet egy kulcsfontosságú vállalat, amelyik domináns hatalmi pozícióval rendelkezik. A kutatás célja, hogy feltárja a hatalommal rendelkező vállalat szerepét a partnercégek és az ellátási lánc versenyképességének alakulásában. A szakirodalom alapján a hipotézis feltételezi, hogy van kapcsolat a versenyképesség és a domináns vállalat szerepvállalása között. A szerzők elemzése primer kutatáson alapul, a kérdőív válaszait SPSS statisztikai kiértékeléssel végezték. Az eredmények azt mutatták, hogy a domináns vállalat versenyképességétől valóban függ a partnercégek versenyképessége. Szignifikáns kapcsolat megléte bizonyítja a hipotézist. A vizsgálatok kiemelik, hogy a verseny már egy szinttel feljebb, az ellátási lánc szintjén értelmezhető: globális ellátási láncok versenyeznek egymással. _____ Supplier, producer and buyer companies make up a supply chain. In an optimal case the companies are integrated, partnership rests on trust which results in common strategic decisions leading to competitiveness. Each supply chain has a key company with dominant power position. The objective of the research is to analyse how the company with power affects competitiveness of partner firms and the supply chain as a whole. Based on theories hypothesis assumes a link between competitiveness and power position and its influence. Methodology of the analysis is based on primary research; the authors used SPSS statistical analysis to evaluate the answers of questionnaire. Findings include that partner firms’ competitiveness rely on competitiveness of the company with dominant power position. Significant connections prove that the hypothesis is true. Results show that competitiveness is being moved up to supply chain level. Global supply chains compete with each other.


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The purpose of this research is to examine the role of the mining company office in the management of the copper industry in Michigan’s Keweenaw Peninsula between 1901 and 1946. Two of the largest and most influential companies were examined – the Calumet & Hecla Mining Company and the Quincy Mining Company. Both companies operated for more than forty years under general managers who were arguably the most influential people in the management of each company. James MacNaughton, general manager at Calumet and Hecla, worked from 1901 through 1941; Charles Lawton, general manager at Quincy Mining Company, worked from 1905 through 1946. In this case, both of these managers were college-educated engineers and adopted scientific management techniques to operate their respective companies. This research focused on two main goals. The first goal of this project was to address the managerial changes in Michigan’s copper mining offices of the early twentieth century. This included the work of MacNaughton and Lawton, along with analysis of the office structures themselves and what changes occurred through time. The second goal of the project was to create a prototype virtual exhibit for use at the Quincy Mining Company office. A virtual exhibit will allow visitors the opportunity to visit the office virtually, experiencing the office as an office worker would have in the early twentieth century. To meet both goals, this project used various research materials, including archival sources, oral histories, and material culture to recreate the history of mining company management in the Copper Country.


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Tutkielman tavoitteena on tutkia, mikä olisi parhaiten case-yritykselle sopiva menetelmä tulla tekemään kauppaa ulkomaan markkinoille. Kaikki yleiset kansainvälisille markkinoilletulomenetelmät esitetään ja niiden edut ja haitat tuodaan esille. Selvittäessä tehtävänantajayrityksen resurssit, odotukset ja vaatimukset todetaan, että yhteistyössä tehtävä markkinoilletulo on pätevin vaihtoehto. Tämän jälkeen valitaan parhaiten tarkoitukseen sopiva yritys ennalta valitusta yritysvaihtoehtojen ryhmästä ja testataan tämän yrityksen yhteistyösopivuus case-yrityksen kanssa. Yritysten välinen yhteistyösopivuus arvioidaan analysoimalla yritykset haastattelujen avulla ja tutkielmassa esitettyjen teorioiden avulla. Sopivuus todetaan hyväksi, kattaen 71 prosenttia analysoiduista kohdista. Kaksikymmentäyhdeksän prosenttia kohdista todetaan kohdiksi, joissa yritysten välinen yhteisymmärrys ei ole toimeksiantajayrityksen minimivaatimukset täyttävää. Näitä kohtia tullaan käyttämään suunnittelun pohjana kun suunnitellaan jatkoneuvotteluja yhteistyön käynnistämiseksi.


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The purpose of this thesis was to determine, what kind of service offering the case company should provide to its customers in the Australian market. For this, a model for analysing the competitive environment was developed. In the model, three players were considered: customers, competitors and the case company. Benchmarking was used in identifying competitors’ offerings currently available in the market. Experts inside the case company were consulted for determining the customer need. The competitors’ offerings were analysed on the basis of Pekkarinen et al.’s (2009) framework, dividing the offerings to services supporting the supplier’s product (SSP), supporting the client (SSC), supporting the client’s network (SSN), supporting mutual actions (SSM) and benefit and risk sharing elements. After this, they were compared to the competitive environment in order to identify areas where the case company can differentiate itself from its competitors in the Australian market. On the basis of the company’s key success factors, and the Finnish service concept currently in use, some additional offerings were suggested for the case company in order to further outperform its competitors in the market. Finally, on the basis of the suggested offerings and competitors’ offerings, a service concept was suggested for the case company to introduce in the Australian market.


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Tutkimuksen tavoitteena on selvittää tarkoituksenmukaisin etabloitumismenetelmä teräsyhtiön kansainvälistymisessä Pietarin markkinoille. Vaikka kansainvälistymistä onkin tutkittu paljon, kyseisen kontekstin erityispiirteisiin on aiemmissa tutkimuksissa kiinnitetty vain vähän huomiota. Kansainvälistymisteorioista työhön valittiin John Dunningin eklektinen paradigma sekä Uppsala-malli. Etabloitumismenetelmän valintaa puolestaan tarkastellaan eri vaihtoehtojen kautta, jotka kattavat viennin, suorat ulkomaan investoinnit, sopimusjärjestelyt sekä yhteisyrityksen. Valintaa selitetään taustalla vaikuttavien tekijöiden sekä kansainvälistymisprosessin kautta. Kohteena olevan markkina-alueen potentiaalin, ongelmien sekä yrityksen kilpailuetujen arvioinnin jälkeen ehdotetaan optimaalista ratkaisua. Omat haasteensa operaatiomuodon valintaan luovat potentiaalinen mutta haastava kohdemarkkina-alue sekä yrityksen sisäiset tekijät. Kontekstiin parhaiten sopivaksi etabloitumismenetelmäksi esitetään aloittamista välittömällä viennillä asiakkaiden etsimiseksi ja suhteiden luomiseksi. Kun asiakkuuksia alueella on riittävästi, myyntikonttorin perustaminen Pietarin lähelle nähdään tarkoituksenmukaisena paikallisen läsnäolon lisäämiseksi. Empiirinen data kattaa kahdeksan asiantuntijahaastattelua, jotka yhdessä muun lähdeaineiston kanssa rakentavat perustan empiirisille tuloksille. Tutkimuksen tulokset tarjoavat yritykselle perustellun ratkaisuehdotuksen siitä, kuinka Pietarin markkinoille tulisi etabloitua.


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Open innovation paradigm states that the boundaries of the firm have become permeable, allowing knowledge to flow inwards and outwards to accelerate internal innovations and take unused knowledge to the external environment; respectively. The successful implementation of open innovation practices in firms like Procter & Gamble, IBM, and Xerox, among others; suggest that it is a sustainable trend which could provide basis for achieving competitive advantage. However, implementing open innovation could be a complex process which involves several domains of management; and whose term, classification, and practices have not totally been agreed upon. Thus, with many possible ways to address open innovation, the following research question was formulated: How could Ericsson LMF assess which open innovation mode to select depending on the attributes of the project at hand? The research followed the constructive research approach which has the following steps: find a practical relevant problem, obtain general understanding of the topic, innovate the solution, demonstrate the solution works, show theoretical contributions, and examine the scope of applicability of the solution. The research involved three phases of data collection and analysis: Extensive literature review of open innovation, strategy, business model, innovation, and knowledge management; direct observation of the environment of the case company through participative observation; and semi-structured interviews based of six cases involving multiple and heterogeneous open innovation initiatives. Results from the cases suggest that the selection of modes depend on multiple reasons, with a stronger influence of factors related to strategy, business models, and resources gaps. Based on these and others factors found in the literature review and observations; it was possible to construct a model that supports approaching open innovation. The model integrates perspectives from multiple domains of the literature review, observations inside the case company, and factors from the six open innovation cases. It provides steps, guidelines, and tools to approach open innovation and assess the selection of modes. Measuring the impact of open innovation could take years; thus, implementing and testing entirely the model was not possible due time limitation. Nevertheless, it was possible to validate the core elements of the model with empirical data gathered from the cases. In addition to constructing the model, this research contributed to the literature by increasing the understanding of open innovation, providing suggestions to the case company, and proposing future steps.


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In the globalising business environment ever fewer market areas remain unknown. Mongolia is yet only considered as an isolated strip between two power states. The purpose of this study is to put Mongolia on the map of academic business research. This is done by describing the transforming network of a foreign company operating in Mongolia. The objective of the study is approached through a case study, which presents the transformation of a Finnish company operating in Mongolia. This study aims at providing understanding on how the foreign case company observes the transformations of its network. The transformation within the case company is reflected to the transformations that occur in the Mongolian business environment. This study was conducted through a qualitative, intrinsic case study approach. The empirical data was gathered by using the method of network pictures. The network pictures were completed with the assistance of themed interviews. In order to be able to analyse the transformation within a network, three different time periods were observed: the past period around 2000, the present around 2014, and the estimated future around 2020. The data was collected from four executives positioned either in Finland, Russia or Mongolia. The respondents have a long experience within the case company, they hold managerial position, and therefore were able to offer valuable data for this study. The analytical framework used to analyse the collected data was built on the industrial network model, the ARA (actors-resources-activities)-model. The study shows that the changing business environment of Mongolia was utilised by the case company. In order to better meet the transforming customer wishes, the case company transformed from being a retailer to being a manufacturer. The case company was able to become a pioneer in the market. Thus, the case company has undergone similar kind of rapid transformation as the economy of Mongolia in entirety. This study shows that the general nature of the ARA-model makes it usable for new research contexts. The initial ARA-model offers a way to identify the dimensions of a network and a mean to understand these dimensions. The ARA-model can be applied to different contexts and to all time dimensions, past, present and future. The managerial recommendations offered in this study are directed towards the managers that plan to start operations in Mongolia. While this study is the first of its kind, it offers a good starting point for the future research on the change of Mongolian business networks. Valuable information could, for example, be obtained from a comparative study between the case company of this study and a multinational mining company operating in Mongolia.


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The purpose of this research was to examine the most optimal way to arrange meetings and events management and source to pay –process in a global company. The research is a qualitative multi-method case study and is a commission from a global company. The theoretical framework of this research structures around two approaches. First approach focus on a purchasing strategy and management that shows the current role of procure-ment and introduce different ways to organize purchasing functions. Second approach focus on purchasing process management and improvement methods. Annual spend analyze, external and internal interviews and internal survey were done to gain compre-hensive knowledge about the current state of operations and possible solutions. Gathered data were then combined to theoretical framework in order to create optimal solution for the case company. Based on the research a source to pay –process and global policy for meeting and event category was created. The solution includes all relevant matters that are needed in order to secure efficient and profitable operations. The results show that optimal way to arrange meetings and events structures around standardized source to pay –processes, central-ized procurement, preferred supplier and clearly defined roles and responsibilities be-tween different stakeholders.