956 resultados para Temperature increase


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Objective To quantify the temperature changes in the dental pulp associated with equine dental procedures using power grinding equipment. Design A matrix experimental design with replication on the same sample was followed to allow the following independent variables to be assessed: horse age (young or old), tooth type (premolar or molar), powered grinding instrument (rotating disc or die grinder), grinding time (15 or 20 seconds) and the presence or absence of water coolant. Procedure Sound premolar and molar teeth from a 6-year-old horse and a 15-year-old horse, which had been removed postmortem, were sectioned parallel to the occlusal plane to allow placement of a miniature thermocouple at the level of the dental pulp. The maximum temperature increase, the time taken to reach this maximum and the cooling time were measured (n=10 in each study). The teeth were placed in a vice and the instrument used on the tooth as per clinical situation. Results Significant differences were recorded for horse age (P < 0.001), instrument type (P < 0.001), grinding time (P < 0.001) and presence or absence of coolant (P < 0.001). There was no significant difference for tooth type. Conclusion Thermal insult to the dental pulp from the use of power instruments poses a significant risk to the tooth. This risk can be reduced or eliminated by appropriate selection of treatment time and by the use of water irrigation as a coolant. The increased dentine thickness in older horses appears to mitigate against thermal injury from frictional heat.


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The effect of deposition conditions on characteristic mechanical properties - elastic modulus and hardness - of low-temperature PECVD silicon nitrides is investigated using nanoindentation. lt is found that increase in substrate temperature, increase in plasma power and decrease in chamber gas pressure all result in increases in elastic modulus and hardness. Strong correlations between the mechanical properties and film density are demonstrated. The silicon nitride density in turn is shown to be related to the chemical composition of the films, particularly the silicon/nitrogen ratio. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Eukaryotic initiation factor 5A (eIF5A) is the only protein in nature that contains hypusine, an unusual amino acid derived from the modification of lysine by spermidine. Two genes, TIF51A and TIF51B, encode eIF5A in the yeast Saccharomyces cerevisiae. In an effort to understand the structure-function relationship of eIF5A, we have generated yeast mutants by introducing plasmid-borne tif51A into a double null strain where both TIF51A and TIF51B have been disrupted. One of the mutants, tsL102A strain (tif51A L102A tif51aDelta tif51bDelta) exhibits a strong temperature-sensitive growth phenotype. At the restrictive temperature, tsL102A strain also exhibits a cell shape change, a lack of volume change in response to temperature increase and becomes more sensitive to ethanol, a hallmark of defects in the PKC/WSC cell wall integrity pathway. In addition, a striking change in actin dynamics and a complete cell cycle arrest at G1 phase occur in tsL102A cells at restrictive temperature. The temperature-sensitivity of tsL102A strain is due to a rapid loss of mutant eIF5A with the half-life reduced from 6 h at permissive temperature to 20 min at restrictive temperature. Phenylmethyl sulfonylfluoride (PMSF), an irreversible inhibitor of serine protease, inhibited the degradation of mutant eIF5A and suppressed the temperature-sensitive growth arrest. Sorbitol, an osmotic stabilizer that complement defects in PKC/WSC pathways, stabilizes the mutant eIF5A and suppresses all the observed temperature-sensitive phenotypes.


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A significant focus of hydrothermal vent ecological studies has been to understand how species cope with various stressors through physiological tolerance and biochemical resistance. Yet, the environmental conditions experienced by vent species have not been well characterized. This objective requires continuous observations over time intervals that can capture environmental variability at scales that are relevant to animals. We used autonomous temperature logger arrays (four roughly parallel linear arrays of 12 loggers spaced every 10–12 cm) to study spatial and temporal variations in the thermal regime experienced by hydrothermal vent macrofauna at a diffuse flow vent. Hourly temperatures were recorded over eight months from 2010 to 2011 at Grotto vent in the Main Endeavour vent field on the Juan de Fuca Ridge, a focus area of the Ocean Networks Canada cabled observatory. The conspicuous animal assemblages in video footage contained Ridgeia piscesae tubeworms, gastropods (primarily Lepetodrilus fucensis), and polychaetes (polynoid scaleworms and the palm worm Paralvinella palmiformis). Two dimensional spatial gradients in temperature were generally stable over the deployment period. The average temperature recorded by all arrays, and in some individual loggers, revealed distinctive fluctuations in temperature that often corresponded with the tidal cycle. We postulate that this may be related to changes in bottom currents or fluctuations in vent discharge. A marked transient temperature increase lasting over a period of days was observed in April 2011. While the distributions and behavior of Juan de Fuca Ridge vent invertebrates may be partially constrained by environmental temperature and temperature tolerance, except for the one transient high-temperature event, observed fluid temperatures were generally similar to the thermal preferences for some species, and typically well below lethal temperatures for all species. Average temperatures of the four arrays ranged from 4.1 to 11.0 °C during the deployment, indicating that on an hourly timescale the temperature conditions in this tubeworm community were fairly moderate and stable. The generality of these findings and behavioural responses of vent organisms to predictable rhythmicity and non-periodic temperature shifts are areas for further investigation


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Acclimation and adaptation, which are key to species survival in a changing climate, can be observed in terms of membrane lipid composition. Remodelling membrane lipids, via homeoviscous adaptation (HVA), counteracts membrane dysfunction due to temperature in poikilotherms. In order to assess the potential for acclimation and adaptation in the honeycomb worm, Sabellaria alveolata, a reef-building polychaete that supports high biodiversity, we carried out common-garden experiments using individuals from along its latitudinal range. Individuals were exposed to a stepwise temperature increase from 15 °C to 25 °C and membrane lipid composition assessed. Our results suggest that S. alveolata was able to acclimate to higher temperatures, as observed by a decrease in unsaturation index and 20:5n-3. However, over the long-term at 25 °C, lipid composition patterns are not consistent with HVA expectations and suggest a stress response. Furthermore, unsaturation index of individuals from the two coldest sites were higher than those from the two warmest sites, with individuals from the thermally intermediate site being in-between, likely reflecting local adaptation to temperature. Therefore, lipid remodelling appears limited at the highest temperatures in S. alveolata, suggesting that individuals inhabiting warm environments may be close to their upper thermal tolerance limits and at risk in a changing climate.


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With the accelerated trend of global warming, the thermal behavior of existing buildings, which were typically designed based on current weather data, may not be able to cope with the future climate. This paper quantifies, through computer simulations, the increased cooling loads imposed by potential global warming and probable indoor temperature increases due to possible undersized air-conditioning system. It is found from the sample office building examined that the existing buildings would generally be able to adapt to the increasing warmth of 2030 year Low and High scenarios projections and 2070 year Low scenario projection. However, for the 2070 year High scenario, the study indicates that the existing office buildings, in all capital cities except for Hobart, will suffer from overheating problems. When the annual average temperature increase exceeds 2°C, the risk of current office buildings subjected to overheating will be significantly increased. For existing buildings which are designed with current climate condition, it is shown that there is a nearly linear correlation between the increase of average external air temperature and the increase of building cooling load. For the new buildings, in which the possible global warming has been taken into account in the design, a 28-59% increase of cooling capacity under 2070 High scenario would be required to improve the building thermal comfort level to an acceptable standard.


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Promoted ignition testing [1–3] is used to determine the relative flammability of metal rods in oxygen-enriched atmospheres. In these tests, a promoter is used to ignite each metal rod to start the sample burning. Experiments were performed to better understand the promoted ignition test by obtaining insight into the effect a burning promoter has on the preheating of a test sample. Test samples of several metallic materials were prepared and coupled to fast-responding thermocouples along their length. Various ignition promoters were used to ignite the test samples. The thermocouple measurements and test video were synchronized to determine temperature increase with respect to time and length along each test sample. A recommended length of test sample that must be consumed to be considered a flammable material was determined based on the preheated zone measured from these tests. This length was determined to be 30 mm (1.18 in.). Validation of this length and its rationale are presented.


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The relationship between organic matter (OM) lability and temperature sensitivity is disputed, with recent observations suggesting that responses of relatively more resistant OM to increased temperature could be greater than, equivalent to, or less than responses of relatively more labile OM. This lack of clear understanding limits the ability to forecast carbon (C) cycle responses to temperature changes. Here, we derive a novel approach (denoted Q(10-q)) that accounts for changes in OM quality during decomposition and use it to analyze data from three independent sources. Results from new laboratory soil incubations (labile Q(10-q)=2.1 +/- 0.2; more resistant Q(10-q)=3.8 +/- 0.3) and reanalysis of data from other soil incubations reported in the literature (labile Q(10-q)=2.3; more resistant Q(10-q)=3.3) demonstrate that temperature sensitivity of soil OM decomposition increases with decreasing soil OM lability. Analysis of data from a cross-site, field litter bag decomposition study (labile Q(10-q)=3.3 +/- 0.2; resistant Q(10-q)=4.9 +/- 0.2) shows that litter OM follows the same pattern, with greater temperature sensitivity for more resistant litter OM. Furthermore, the initial response of cultivated soils, presumably containing less labile soil OM (Q(10-q)=2.4 +/- 0.3) was greater than that for undisturbed grassland soils (Q(10-q)=1.7 +/- 0.1). Soil C losses estimated using this approach will differ from previous estimates as a function of the magnitude of the temperature increase and the proportion of whole soil OM comprised of compounds sensitive to temperature over that temperature range. It is likely that increased temperature has already prompted release of significant amounts of C to the atmosphere as CO2. Our results indicate that future losses of litter and soil C may be even greater than previously supposed.


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Chromium oxide gel material was synthesised and appeared to be X-ray amorphous. The changes in the structure of the synthetic chromium oxide gel were investigated using hot-stage Raman spectroscopy based upon the results of thermogravimetric analysis. The thermally decomposed product of the synthetic chromium oxide gel in nitrogen atmosphere was confirmed to be crystalline Cr2O3 as determined by the hot-stage Raman spectra. Two bands were observed at 849 and 735 cm-1 in the Raman spectrum at 25 °C, which were attributed to the symmetric stretching modes of O-CrIII-OH and O-CrIII-O. With temperature increase, the intensity of the band at 849 cm-1 decreased, while the band at 735 cm-1 increased. These changes in intensity are attributed to the loss of OH groups and formation of O-CrIII-O units in the structure. A strongly hydrogen bonded water H-O-H bending band was found at 1704 cm-1 in the Raman spectrum of the chromium oxide gel, however this band shifted to around 1590 cm-1 due to destruction of the hydrogen bonds upon thermal treatment. Six new Raman bands were observed at 578, 540, 513, 390, 342 and 303 cm-1 attributed to the thermal decomposed product Cr2O3. The use of the hot-stage Raman microscope enabled low-temperature phase changes brought about through dehydration and dehydroxylation to be studied.


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Promoted ignition testing (NASA) Test 17) [1] is used to determine the relative flammability of metal rods in oxygen-enriched atmospheres. A promotor is used to ignite a metal sample rod, initiating sample burning. If a predetermined length of the sample burns, beyond the promotor, the material is considered flammable at the condition tested. Historically, this burn length has been somewhat arbitrary. Experiments were performed to better understand this test by obtaining insight into the effect a burning promotor has on the preheating of a test sample. Test samples of several metallic materials were prepared and coupled to fast-responding thermocouples along their length. Thermocouple measurements and test video were synchronized to determine temperature increase with respect to time and length along each test sample. A recommended flammability burn length, based on a sample preheat of 500 degrees fahrenheit, was determined based on the preheated zone measured from these tests. This length was determined to be 30 mm (1.18 in.). Validation of this length and its rationale are presented.


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As global warming entails new conditions for the built environment, the thermal and energy performance of existing buildings, which are designed based on current weather data, may become unclear and remain a great concern. Through building computer simulation and qualitative analysis of the weighted factor for the outdoor temperature impact on building energy and thermal performance, this paper investigates the sensitivity of different office building zoning to the potential global warming. A standard office building type is examined for all eight capital cities in Australia. Results show that comparing the middle and top floors, except for cool climate (i.e. Hobart), the ground floor appears to be the most sensitive to the effect of global warming and has the highest tendency for a overheating problem. From the analysis of the responses of different zone orientations to the outdoor air temperature increase, it is also found that there are widely varied responses between zone orientations, with South zone (in the southern hemisphere) being the most sensitive. With an increased external air temperature, the variation between different floors or zone orientations will become more significant, up to 53 percent increase of overheating hours in Darwin and 47 percent increase of cooling load in Hobart.


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As global warming entails new conditions for the built environment, the thermal behavior of existing buildings, which were designed based on current weather data, may become unclear and remain a great concern. Through building computer simulation, this paper investigates the sensitivity of different office building zoning to the potential global warming. From the sample office building examined, it is found that compared with the middle and top floors, the ground floor for most cities appears to be most sensitive to the effect of global warming and has the highest tendency to having the overheating problem. From the analysis of the responses of different zone orientations to the outdoor air temperature increase, it is also found that there are widely different responses between different zone orientations, with South or Core zone being most sensitive. With an increased external air temperature, the difference between different floors or different zone orientations will become more significant.


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A major challenge in modern photonics and nano-optics is the diffraction limit of light which does not allow field localisation into regions with dimensions smaller than half the wavelength. Localisation of light into nanoscale regions (beyond its diffraction limit) has applications ranging from the design of optical sensors and measurement techniques with resolutions as high as a few nanometres, to the effective delivery of optical energy into targeted nanoscale regions such as quantum dots, nano-electronic and nano-optical devices. This field has become a major research direction over the last decade. The use of strongly localised surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures is one of the most promising approaches to overcome this problem. Therefore, the aim of this thesis is to investigate the linear and non-linear propagation of surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures. This thesis will focus on two main areas of plasmonic research –– plasmon nanofocusing and plasmon nanoguiding. Plasmon nanofocusing – The main aim of plasmon nanofocusing research is to focus plasmon energy into nanoscale regions using metallic nanostructures and at the same time achieve strong local field enhancement. Various structures for nanofocusing purposes have been proposed and analysed such as sharp metal wedges, tapered metal films on dielectric substrates, tapered metal rods, and dielectric V-grooves in metals. However, a number of important practical issues related to nanofocusing in these structures still remain unclear. Therefore, one of the main aims of this thesis is to address two of the most important of issues which are the coupling efficiency and heating effects of surface plasmons in metallic nanostructures. The method of analysis developed throughout this thesis is a general treatment that can be applied to a diversity of nanofocusing structures, with results shown here for the specific case of sharp metal wedges. Based on the geometrical optics approximation, it is demonstrated that the coupling efficiency from plasmons generated with a metal grating into the nanofocused symmetric or quasi-symmetric modes may vary between ~50% to ~100% depending on the structural parameters. Optimal conditions for nanofocusing with the view to minimise coupling and dissipative losses are also determined and discussed. It is shown that the temperature near the tip of a metal wedge heated by nanosecond plasmonic pulses can increase by several hundred degrees Celsius. This temperature increase is expected to lead to nonlinear effects, self-influence of the focused plasmon, and ultimately self-destruction of the metal tip. This thesis also investigates a different type of nanofocusing structure which consists of a tapered high-index dielectric layer resting on a metal surface. It is shown that the nanofocusing mechanism that occurs in this structure is somewhat different from other structures that have been considered thus far. For example, the surface plasmon experiences significant backreflection and mode transformation at a cut-off thickness. In addition, the reflected plasmon shows negative refraction properties that have not been observed in other nanofocusing structures considered to date. Plasmon nanoguiding – Guiding surface plasmons using metallic nanostructures is important for the development of highly integrated optical components and circuits which are expected to have a superior performance compared to their electronicbased counterparts. A number of different plasmonic waveguides have been considered over the last decade including the recently considered gap and trench plasmon waveguides. The gap and trench plasmon waveguides have proven to be difficult to fabricate. Therefore, this thesis will propose and analyse four different modified gap and trench plasmon waveguides that are expected to be easier to fabricate, and at the same time acquire improved propagation characteristics of the guided mode. In particular, it is demonstrated that the guided modes are significantly screened by the extended metal at the bottom of the structure. This is important for the design of highly integrated optics as it provides the opportunity to place two waveguides close together without significant cross-talk. This thesis also investigates the use of plasmonic nanowires to construct a Fabry-Pérot resonator/interferometer. It is shown that the resonance effect can be achieved with the appropriate resonator length and gap width. Typical quality factors of the Fabry- Pérot cavity are determined and explained in terms of radiative and dissipative losses. The possibility of using a nanowire resonator for the design of plasmonic filters with close to ~100% transmission is also demonstrated. It is expected that the results obtained in this thesis will play a vital role in the development of high resolution near field microscopy and spectroscopy, new measurement techniques and devices for single molecule detection, highly integrated optical devices, and nanobiotechnology devices for diagnostics of living cells.


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The renovation of biomass waste in the form of date seed waste into activated carbon and biofuel by fixed bed pyrolysis reactor has been focused in this study to obtain gaseous, liquid, and solid products. The date seed in particle form is pyrolysed in an externally heated fixed bed reactor with nitrogen as the carrier gas. The reactor is heated from 400◦C to 600◦C. A maximum liquid yield of 50wt.% and char of 30wt.% are obtained at a reactor bed temperature of 500◦C with a running time of 120 minutes. The oil is found to possess favorable flash point and reasonable density and viscosity. The higher calorific value is found to be 28.636 MJ/kg which is significantly higher than other biomass derived. Decolonization of 85–97% is recorded for the textile effluent and 75–90% for the tannery effluent, in all cases decreasing with temperature increase. Good adsorption capacity of the prepared activated carbon in case of diluted textile and tannery effluent was found.