931 resultados para Teaching guiding activity


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Relatório Final apresentado à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ensino do 1º e do 2º Ciclo do Ensino Básico


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A good teacher was once described as being like a candle; consuming itself to light the way for others (Author unknown). But as Knox (2005) says, far too many yoimg flames flicker out before they ever get the opportvmity to bum their brightest. This self-study explores the phenomenon of teacher attrition through the stories and lived experiences of one elementary teacher. I strive throughout this self-study to delve deeper into the significance of my story and lived experiences in order to enhance our understanding of why teachers exit the profession. As a result, the guiding question throughout the study is, "Why do teachers, particularly those who have only taught for a few years, leave the classrooms they worked so hard to enter?" Through the writing of a narrative entitled Sarah 's Story, I was able to identify and give voice to a story openly sharing the feelings of despair; disappointment, frustration and disillusionment. This study has identified areas of tension that lead to dissatisfaction, discontent, and teacher disillusionment. It confronts the issues of complexity, uncertainty, and conflict that are experienced in teaching. It discusses the puzzling, powerfiil and upsetting experiences, highlighting the importance of talk between all members of the education system.


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The purpose of this study was to examine the student-teaching practicum as an opportunity for professional growth for associate-teachers. Three associate-teachers from one school board in southern Ontario were purposefully selected to participate in the study. Participants were interviewed before and after one 4-week teaching practicum. They were asked to keep a reflective journal during the practicum, and provided with questions to guide their reflection. The literature suggests that meaningful professional development is contextual and requires reflection on practice. For example, Schon's (l987b) hall of mirrors phenomenon occurs when teachers reflect on their own practice while observing and guiding the practice of others. Findings from this study suggest the teaching practicum has the potential to be a valuable professional development opportunity for associateteachers, but that the university and the school board affiliated with the participants do not conceptualize it as such. As well, the research suggests that although all participants found the teaching practicum valuable, the extent to which they were able to grow professionally depended on their professional personality. In addition, it was found that the reflective journal enhanced opportunities for associate teacher reflection. This research suggests that universities and school boards may wish to consider the studentteacher practicum as a professional development opportunity.


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Junior Core French students' motivation to learn a second language and students' French oral communication skills relating to drama instruction were investigated in this study. Students' increased and improved motivation and oral acquisition were measured by several forms of data collection including journals, questionnaires and surveys, interviews, outside observer and teacher observations, and anecdotal comments. The results indicated that as a result of drama integration in the Junior Core French classroom, grade 5 students, both male and female, were more motivated to participate in second language instruction, thereby increasing and improving their oral communication skills. The findings showed that more males than females reported that drama integration allowed them the opportunity to use their French speaking skills. Research shows that interactive approaches to teaching such as drama give students the motivation and enthusiasm to learn.


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The purpose of this research was to explore challenges to operationalizing and implementing relevant resources for Adapted Physical Activity (APA) and to develop a framework on how resources should be developed and implemented to foster appropriate APA. An unobtrusive methodology was used to examine existing resources and training/learning opportunities for practitioners teaching APA. Data were collected via unobtrusive methods: documents, records, literature and feedback forms. After the findings were summarized, expert consultations were completed using a modified Delphi- technique to confirm the findings. A constructivist approach and phenomenological orientation was used to analyze the data and develop the “ideal” resource. Results indicate there are limited APA resources and teaching/learning opportunities for practitioners and there is a need for practitioner facilitation through professional development on finding and implementing resources. Future research should develop and evaluate the “ideal” resource and strive to improve the connection and consistency of resources in APA.


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Certains symptômes sont les indicateurs incontestés des très graves problèmes que connaît l’Église. S’ils existent aussi dans des confessions et des religions diverses, seuls seront examinés ici ceux qui concernent l’Église catholique. Parmi les plus significatifs figurent un fort déclin dans la participation à des activités religieuses comme les célébrations eucharistiques dominicales, surtout chez les jeunes, une pénurie presque catastrophique de prêtres ordonnés, une perte de prestige et d’influence de l’enseignement dispensé par l’Église. Ces symptômes varient en intensité selon les pays, mais les statistiques indiquent qu’ils se multiplient. Nombre de ces problèmes sont attribuables à l’extrême vélocité de changements qui surviennent partout et à l’apparente inaptitude de l’Église à s’adapter, en raison notamment de son attachement à la pensée néo-scolastique et à la tradition tridentine. Cette fidélité absolue à une tradition vieille de quatre cents ans l’empêche de se faire à un environnement en évolution rapide et radicale. Des changements appropriés s’imposent pratiquement partout dans l’Église. Or, pour que ceux-ci soient efficaces et respectueux de la nature propre de l’Église, la tradition est un guide qui ne suffit pas. S’appuyant sur les termes de l’encyclique Ecclesia de Eucharistia, « le moment décisif où elle (l’Église) a pris forme est certainement celui où a eu lieu l’institution de l’Eucharistie, dans la chambre à l’étage », la thèse présentée suit le plus près possible l’interprétation donnée aux paroles de Jésus, ceci est mon corps, telles qu’elles ont été prononcées la première fois. Selon cette évidence, il est permis d’affirmer que les caractéristiques définitoires de l’Église provenant de ces mots sont agape, unité, service. Tel doit être le principe directeur des changements. C’est sur une telle base que sont décrits les secteurs où les changements s’imposent ainsi que les aspects visés. Ces changements comprennent les points suivants : liturgie, sacrements, catéchèse, mystagogie, théologie, structure, gouvernance de l’Église et ses enseignements, évangélisation. Ces secteurs exigent des efforts sérieux dans la préparation des personnes touchées par ces changements et dans l’attention portée à l’exigence primordiale voulant qu’agape, unité et service soient les principes actifs et évidents régissant l’Église.


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The objective of this study was to develop an internet-based seminar framework applicable for landscape architecture education. This process was accompanied by various aims. The basic expectation was to keep the main characteristics of landscape architecture education also in the online format. On top of that, four further objectives were anticipated: (1) training of competences for virtual team work, (2) fostering intercultural competence, (3) creation of equal opportunities for education through internet-based open access and (4) synergy effects and learning processes across institutional boundaries. This work started with the hypothesis that these four expected advantages would compensate for additional organisational efforts caused by the online delivery of the seminars and thus lead to a sustainable integration of this new learning mode into landscape architecture curricula. This rationale was followed by a presentation of four areas of knowledge to which the seminar development was directly related (1) landscape architecture as a subject and its pedagogy, (2) general learning theories, (3) developments in the ICT sector and (4) wider societal driving forces such as global citizenship and the increase of open educational resources. The research design took the shape of a pedagogical action research cycle. This approach was constructive: The author herself is teaching international landscape architecture students so that the model could directly be applied in practice. Seven online seminars were implemented in the period from 2008 to 2013 and this experience represents the core of this study. The seminars were conducted with varying themes while its pedagogy, organisation and the technological tools remained widely identical. The research design is further based on three levels of observation: (1) the seminar design on the basis of theory and methods from the learning sciences, in particular educational constructivism, (2) the seminar evaluation and (3) the evaluation of the seminars’ long term impact. The seminar model itself basically consists of four elements: (1) the taxonomy of learning objectives, (2) ICT tools and their application and pedagogy, (3) process models and (4) the case study framework. The seminar framework was followed by the presentation of the evaluation findings. The major findings of this study can be summed up as follows: Implementing online seminars across educational and national boundaries was possible both in term of organisation and technology. In particular, a high level of cultural diversity among the seminar participants has definitively been achieved. However, there were also obvious obstacles. These were primarily competing study commitments and incompatible schedules among the students attending from different academic programmes, partly even in different time zones. Both factors had negative impact on the individual and working group performances. With respect to the technical framework it can be concluded that the majority of the participants were able to use the tools either directly without any problem or after overcoming some smaller problems. Also the seminar wiki was intensively used for completing the seminar assignments. However, too less truly collaborative text production was observed which could be improved by changing the requirements for the collaborative task. Two different process models have been applied for guiding the collaboration of the small groups and both were in general successful. However, it needs to be said that even if the students were able to follow the collaborative task and to co-construct and compare case studies, most of them were not able to synthesize the knowledge they had compiled. This means that the area of consideration often remained on the level of the case and further reflections, generalisations and critique were largely missing. This shows that the seminar model needs to find better ways for triggering knowledge building and critical reflection. It was also suggested to have a more differentiated group building strategy in future seminars. A comparison of pre- and post seminar concept maps showed that an increase of factual and conceptual knowledge on the individual level was widely recognizable. Also the evaluation of the case studies (the major seminar output) revealed that the students have undergone developments of both the factual and the conceptual knowledge domain. Also their self-assessment with respect to individual learning development showed that the highest consensus was achieved in the field of subject-specific knowledge. The participants were much more doubtful with regard to the progress of generic competences such as analysis, communication and organisation. However, 50% of the participants confirmed that they perceived individual development on all competence areas the survey had asked for. Have the additional four targets been met? Concerning the competences for working in a virtual team it can be concluded that the vast majority was able to use the internet-based tools and to work with them in a target-oriented way. However, there were obvious differences regarding the intensity and activity of participation, both because of external and personal factors. A very positive aspect is the achievement of a high cultural diversity supporting the participants’ intercultural competence. Learning from group members was obviously a success factor for the working groups. Regarding the possibilities for better accessibility of educational opportunities it became clear that a significant number of participants were not able to go abroad during their studies because of financial or personal reasons. They confirmed that the online seminar was to some extent a compensation for not having been abroad for studying. Inter-institutional learning and synergy was achieved in so far that many teachers from different countries contributed with individual lectures. However, those teachers hardly ever followed more than one session. Therefore, the learning effect remained largely within the seminar learning group. Looking back at the research design it can be said that the pedagogical action research cycle was an appropriate and valuable approach allowing for strong interaction between theory and practice. However, some more external evaluation from peers in particular regarding the participants’ products would have been valuable.


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Much of the self-image of the Western university hangs on the idea that research and teaching are intimately connected. The central axiom here is that research and teaching are mutually supportive of each other. An institution lacking such a set of relationships between research and teaching falls short of what it means to be a university. This set of beliefs raises certain questions: Is it the case that the presence of such a mutually supportive set of relationships between research and teaching is a necessary condition of the fulfilment of the idea of the university? (A conceptual question). And is it true that, in practice today, such a mutually supportive set of relationships between research and teaching characterises universities? (An empirical question). In my talk, I want to explore these matters in a critical vein. I shall suggest that: a) In practice today, such a mutually supportive set of relationships between research and teaching is in jeopardy. Far from supporting each other, very often research and teaching contend against each other. Research and teaching are becoming two separate ideologies, with their own interest structures. b) Historically, the supposed tight link between research and teaching is both of recent origin and far from universally achieved in universities. Institutional separateness between research and teaching is and has been evident, both across institutions and even across departments in the same institution. c) Conceptually, research and teaching are different activities: each is complex and neither is reducible to the other. In theory, therefore, research and teaching may be said to constitute a holy alliance but in practice, we see more of an unholy alliance. If, then, in an ideal world, a positive relationship between research and teaching is still a worthwhile goal, how might it be construed and worked for? Seeing research and teaching as two discrete and unified sets of activity is now inadequate. Much better is a construal of research and teaching as themselves complexes, as intermingling pools of activity helping to form the liquid university that is emerging today. On this view, research and teaching are fluid spaces, ever on the move, taking up new shapes, and themselves dividing and reforming, as the university reworks its own destiny in modern society. On such a perspective, working out a productive relationship between research and teaching is a complex project. This is an alliance that is neither holy nor unholy. It is an uneasy alliance, with temporary accommodations and continuous new possibilities


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The UK Professional Standards Framework (UK PSF) for teaching and supporting learning, launched in February 2006, is a flexible framework which uses a descriptor-based approach to professional standards. There are three standard descriptors each of which is applicable to a number of staff roles and to different career stages of those engaged in teaching and supporting learning. The standard descriptors are underpinned by areas of professional activity, core knowledge and professional values. The framework provides a reference point for institutions and individuals as well as supporting ongoing development within any one standard descriptor.


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Este estudo tem como objectivo analisar os estilos de vida, a atitude face à disciplina de Educação Física, percepção de competência, clima motivacional e orientação de objectivos em alunos do género masculino e feminino do 3º ciclo e secundário. Participaram no estudo 199 alunos, sendo 102 do género masculino e 97 do género feminino, com idades compreendidas entre os 14 e os 20 anos, oriundos de Escolas com Estágio Pedagógico do Mestrado em Ensino da Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário. A escolha das turmas teve como critérios de selecção: (1) serem leccionadas por professores estagiários ou professores orientadores de estágio pedagógico e (2) pertencerem ao período de escolaridade entre o 9º e o 11º ano. Os dados foram recolhidos através de um questionário desenvolvido por Papaioannou, Milosis, Kosmidou e Tsigihis (2007) e validado para a população portuguesa por João Martins, bem como utilizado na tese de doutoramento que está a realizar na Faculdade de Motricidade Humana. A análise inferencial foi realizada através da aplicação dos testes estatísticos: T-test para amostras independentes e Teste de Correlação de Pearson. O resultado final permitiu concluir que os estilos de vida, a atitude face à disciplina de Educação Física, percepção de competência, clima motivacional e orientação de objectivos variam relativamente aos alunos do género masculino e feminino.


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O presente trabalho procurou abordar as práticas de leitura desenvolvidas no ensino médio nas aulas de Língua Portuguesa na rede pública estadual de Quipapá-PE, tendo como questão norteadora: a origem do insucesso da formação leitora está focalizada nos educandos ou n ausência de uma ação potencializadora de um educador leitor? Nessa perspectiva, no decorrer deste estudo, são debatidas algumas concepções teóricas e metodológicas que propõem uma reflexão sobre as relações que estruturam as práticas pedagógicas, sugerindo o redimensionamento dos saberes docentes dos professores de Língua Portuguesa e das práticas de leitura. Apontando multiplicidade de fatores envolvidos que dificultam, mas não impossibilitam a necessária adesão à perspectiva de linguagem textual- interacionista como subsídio na libertação do professor de Língua Portuguesa do seu aprisionamento à tradição metodológica do ensino de gramática, em detrimento as atividades de leitura no cotidiano escolar. Posto que a escola como espaço privilegiado para formação de leitores, não tem correspondido às demandas sociais, nem esta tem estado, tem sido priorizada na ação educativa. Visto que a esses profissionais, por vezes, falta clareza a respeito da concepção de linguagem que norteia seu fazer pedagógico, derivado das lacunas em sua formação acadêmica, que resultam em contradições, conflitos, rupturas e permanências, contribuindo para uma visão contraditória das concepções construídas a respeito do seu papel como professor de língua materna. Usamos como aporte teórico as contribuições advindas da linguística aplicada, com base na perspectiva sócio interacionista da linguagem. Do ponto de vista metodológico, optamos pela pesquisa quantitativa e qualitativa com aplicação de questionários aos alunos, itens apresentados sob a modalidade Likert, bem como entrevistas aos professores. Contudo, com a análise, nos veio à confirmação de que no modelo de ensino vigente, a leitura como processo de interação e sentido, não está totalmente efetivada na ação docente, pois as atividades de gramática têm predominado; relegando ao segundo plano a formação do leitor crítico. Em razão disso, coloca-se a questão da aprendizagem do professor que, enquanto sujeito singular que possui uma história de vida, aprende e reconstrói seus saberes na experiência, podendo a partir de novos conhecimentos, para os quais intentamos contribuir, aderir a essa perspectiva teórica. Diante desse contexto apresentado, acreditamos que essa pesquisa pode trazer uma importante contribuição para despertar estes profissionais sobre o tratamento que deve ser dado a leitura por todos os professores, dada a importância decisiva para a formação e o exercício efetivo da cidadania.


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The Rose Review into the teaching of early reading recommended that the conceptual framework incorporated into the National Literacy Strategy Framework for Teaching – the Searchlights model of reading and its development – should be replaced by the Simple View of Reading. In this paper, we demonstrate how these two frameworks relate to each other, and show that nothing has been lost in this transformation from Searchlights to Simple View: on the contrary, much has been gained. That nothing has been lost is demonstrated by consideration of the underlying complexity inherent in each of the two dimensions delineated in the Simple View. That much has been gained is demonstrated by the increased understanding of each dimension that follows from careful scientific investigation of each. The better we understand what is involved in each dimension, the better placed we are to unravel and understand the essential, complex and continual interactions between each dimension which underlie skilled reading. This has clear implications for further improving the early teaching of reading.


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The research project used to frame discussion in this chapter was a doctoral study of the experiences of English primary school teachers teaching pupils whose home language was not English in their previously monolingual classrooms. They taught in a region in the south of England which experienced a significant rise in the population of non-native English speakers following Eastern European member states’ accession to the EU in 2004 and 2007. The study focussed principally on the teachers’ responses to their newly arrived Polish children because Polish families were arriving in far greater numbers than those from other countries. The research aims focussed on exploring and analysing the pedagogical experiences of teachers managing the acquisition of English language for their Polish children. Critical engagement with their experiences and the ways in which they did or did not adapt their pedagogy for teaching English was channelled through Bourdieuian constructs of linguistic field, capital and habitus. The following sections explore my reasons for adopting Bourdieu’s work as a theoretical lens, the practicalities and challenges of incorporating Bourdieu’s tools for thinking in data analysis, and the subsequent impact on my research activity.


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O desvelamento das racionalidades imersas nas ações docentes de uma escola de qualificação profissional de auxiliares de enfermagem, compõem a área temática deste estudo. No intuito de atingirmos esta dimensão de análise, abordamos as seguintes questões de pesquisa: - Qual o entendimento das docentes sobre o seu trabalho enquanto enfermeiras e professoras?; - Qual o entendimento das docentes sobre o trabalho e a qualificação profissional de auxiliares de enfermagem?; - Quais as ações que orientam a prática docente na qualificação profissional, como indicativos da(s) racionalidade(s)?; - Que dimensões estariam presentes na ação docente que possibilitariam uma ação comunicativa?. A teoria de Jürgen Habermas é utilizado como aporte para as idéias trabalhadas neste estudo. A Teoria da Ação Comunicativa, em sua proposta básica, centra-se nas dimensões de desvelamento ideológico de interesses, uso do conhecimento e da racionalidade na busca da emancipação e da autonomia. Esta teoria diferencia três tipos de racionalidades ou ações: instrumental, estratégica e comunicativa. Na coleta de dados é empregada entrevista semi-estruturada, cujas perguntas contemplam as questões acima delineadas, aplicadas à oito professores de uma escola escolhida intencionalmente. A análise de dados utiliza o método de análise de discurso conforme a Pragmática Formal apresentada por Habermas (1987), a qual se preocupa com as dimensões internas e externas dos atos de fala, nem sempre vinculados a questões gramaticais, valendo mais o significado e a consideração de falibilidade da verdade expressa (Habermas, 1987). A dimensão do trabalho das Professoras como categoria teórica, envolve a atividade docente e de enfermeira. No significado que possuem de trabalho, o mesmo é concebido como um agir-racional-com-respeito-a-afins, uma vez que é entendido como uma relação meio-fim. A divisão social e técnica do trabalho, bem como a fragmentação entre a concepção intelectual e manual, são apresentadas em situações distintas ao se referirem ao seu trabalho e ao das auxiliares de enfermagem. Nos seus atos de fala expressam o descontentamento em seguirem normas pré-estabelecidas, com a rotinização dos cuidados e a burocratização dos serviços. No entanto, reproduzem este sistema hierarquizado na relação com as auxiliares de enfermagem, articulando o seu poder como forma de manterem o controle sobre o produto do trabalho. No relacionamento com profissionais de 3º grau surge a hegemonia médica, assumindo as Professoras um posicionamento de submissão, justificado por não considerarem o cuidado de enfermagem como detentor de saber próprio, além do que o trabalho médico teria um conhecimento reconhecido; outras Professoras, em menor expressão, reconhecem a existência de hegemonia, posicionam-se frente a esses profissionais em uma relação de iguais, questionando-os. A qualificação profissional das auxiliares de enfermagem é trazida nos atos de fala em uma racionalidade instrumental, visando a formação técnico-científica. As ações docentes não trazem as bases de uma racionalidade comunicativa. No entanto, é realizado pela pesquisadora, a proposta de desenvolvimento desta realidade na qualificação profissional de auxiliares de enfermagem.


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The study investigated the possibility of organizing a didactics unit for formation of hability of identifying and explaining the popular traditional games in the process of licensed formation in physical education. Had basic premised, the thesis formulated by Piorte Yakovleviche Galperin that the fundamental condition that mode determines the student s way of thinking and the theoretical structures thought. Is given by the method of organization activity that form the basis of guiding skills assimilates from this assumption the study defended the thesis that the contents of popular traditional games can be organizeds according the systemic functional-structural focus. As a method to plan a didactics unit that contributes to development of theoretical thought and the professional development of graduates in physical education. In this sense the general goal was studied and develop a training proposal of ability to identify and explain the popular traditional games for physical education teachers oriented to contribute to the development of theoretical thought. In the construction process of the thesis in a first moment was determined the invariant conceptual of popular traditional games from the method of analysis of activity, after was organized the content of popular traditional games according to the structural-functional systems revealing the essential properties elements and levels of relationship.These procedures provided to the construction elements of the concept popular traditional games, and was the basis for planning a didactical unit to the formation of ability to study. These strategies enable to build a set of prepositions to argue, as a result of the increases in the knowledge of the professional formation in physical education. The study was introduced the fallowing contributions; formulated a teaching proposal to develop the ability to identify popular traditional games, as a cultural and historical contribution and the development of an individual, in initial formation of physical education teacher, attuned to the demands of training and use of knowledge that requires this level of education, defined and organized the knowledge of popular traditional games , this enables a teaching able to raise the cognitive abilities and the theoretical concept of personality of graduated in physical education