102 resultados para THYMINE
The fluorinated olefinic peptide nucleic acid analogue (F-OPA) monomer containing the base thymine was synthesised in 13 steps. PNAs containing this unit were prepared and their pairing properties assessed by means of UV-melting experiments
The olefinic peptide nucleic acid analogues (OPA) monomers containing the bases thymine and adenine were synthesised in 11 steps. Fully modified oligomers containing these units were prepared and their pairing properties assessed by means of UV-melting experiments
cpa-DNA monomers containing the bases adenine and thymine have been synthesized starting from the known compound 1 in 12 steps. Partially and fully modified cpa-thymidine and cpa-adenosine containing oligodeoxynucleotides were synthesized by standard oligonucleotide chemistry. Fully modified homo-cpa-A sequences lead to duplex destabilization by -1.4 degrees C/mod. relative to DNA. As its congener bca-DNA, cpa-DNA prefers left-handed duplex formation where possible
We describe the synthesis and incorporation into alpha-DNA of a novel conformationally constrained alpha-nucleoside analogue. The carbohydrate part of this analogue was prepared in 4 steps from the known bicyclic precursor 1 via a stereospecific, intramolecular, Et 3B mediated radical addition to a keto-function as the key step. The thus obtained intermediate 4 was transformed stereoselectively into the corresponding alpha-nucleoside analogues 7 and 8 containing the bases adenine and thymine, and were further elaborated into the phosphoramidite building blocks 11 and 12 . Both building blocks were incorporated into alpha-oligodeoxynucleotides and their pairing behavior to parallel complementary DNA studied by UV-melting experiments. Single substitutions of alpha-deoxyribnucleoside units by the new analogues in the center of duplexes were found to be thermally destabilizing by only -0.8 to -3.1›C.
The DNA analogue tricyclo-DNA, built from conformationally rigid nucleoside analogues that were linked via tertiary phosphodiester functions, can efficiently be synthesized from the corresponding phosphoramidites by conventional solid-phase cyanoethyl phosphoramidite chemistry. 5'-End phosphorylated tricyclo-DNA sequences are chemically stable in aqueous, pH-neutral media at temperatures from 0 to 90 C. Tricyclo-DNA sequences resist enzymatic hydrolysis by the 3'-exonuclease snake venom phosphodiesterase. Homobasic adenine- and thymine-containing tricyclo-DNA octa- and nonamers are extraordinarily stable A-T base-pairing systems, not only in their own series but also with complementary DNA and RNA. Base mismatch formation is strongly destabilized. As in bicyclo-DNA, the tricyclo-DNA purine sequences preferentially accept a complementary strand on the Hoogsteen face of the base. A thermodynamic analysis reveals entropic benefits in the case of hetero-backbone duplex formation (tricyclo-DNA/DNA duplexes) and both an enthalpic and entropic benefit for duplex formation in the pure tricyclo-DNA series compared to natural DNA. Stability of tricyclo-DNA duplex formation depends more strongly on monovalent salt concentration compared to natural DNA. Homopyrimidine DNA sequences containing tricyclothymidine residues form triplexes with complementary double-stranded DNA. Triple-helix stability depends on the sequence composition and can be higher when compared to that of natural DNA. The use of one tricyclothymidine residue in the center of the self-complementary dodecamer duplex (d(CGCGAAT t CGCG), t = tricyclothymidine) strongly stabilizes its monomolecular hairpin loop structure relative to that of the corresponding pure DNA dodecamer ( T m = +20 C), indicating (tetra)loop-stabilizing properties of this rigid nucleoside analogue.
The efficient recognition of the pyrimidine base uracil by hypoxanthine or thymine in the parallel DNA triplex motif is based on the interplay of a conventional N−H⋅⋅⋅O and an unconventional C−H⋅⋅⋅O hydrogen bond.
Establishment of phylogenetic relationships remains a challenging task because it is based on computational analysis of genomic hot spots that display species-specific sequence variations. Here, we identify a species-specific thymine-to-guanine sequence variation in the Glrb gene which gives rise to species-specific splice donor sites in the Glrb genes of mouse and bushbaby. The resulting splice insert in the receptor for the inhibitory neurotransmitter glycine (GlyR) conveys synaptic receptor clustering and specific association with a particular synaptic plasticity-related splice variant of the postsynaptic scaffold protein gephyrin. This study identifies a new genomic hot spot which contributes to phylogenetic diversification of protein function and advances our understanding of phylogenetic relationships.
Lodestar, a Drosophila maternal-effect gene, is essential for proper chromosome segregation during embryonic mitosis. Mutations in lodestar cause chromatin bridging in anaphase, preventing the sister chromatids from fully separating and leaving chromatin tangled at the metaphase plate. Drosophila lodestar protein was originally identified, in purified fractions of Drosophila Kc cell nuclear extracts, by its ability to suppress the generation of long RNA polymerase II transcripts. The human homolog of this protein (hLodestar) was cloned and studied in comparison to the Drosophila lodestar activities. The results of these studies show, similar to the Drosophila protein, hLodestar has dsDNA-dependent ATPase and transcription termination activity in vitro. hLodestar has also been shown to release RNA polymerase I and II stalled at a cyclobutane thymine dimer. Lodestar belongs to the SNF2 family of proteins, which are members of the DExH/D helicase super-family. The SNF2 family of proteins are believed to play a critical role in altering protein-DNA interactions in a variety of cellular contexts. We have recently isolated a human cDNA (hLodestar) that shares significant homology to the Drosophila lodestar gene. The 4.6 kb clone contains an open reading frame of 1162 amino acids, and shares 55% similarity and 46% identity to the Drosophila Lodestar protein sequence. Our studies looking for hLodestar interacting proteins revealed an association with CDC5L in the yeast two-hybrid system and co-immunoprecipitation experiments. CDC5L has been well documented to be a component of the spliceosome. Our data suggests hLodestar is involved in splicing through in vitro assembly and splicing reactions, in addition to its association with spliceosomes purified from HeLa nuclear extract. Although many other members of the DExH/D helicase super-family have been linked to splicing, this is the first SNF2 family member to be implicated in the splicing reaction. ^
A universal base that is capable of substituting for any of the four natural bases in DNA would be of great utility in both mutagenesis and recombinant DNA experiments. This paper describes the properties of oligonucleotides incorporating two degenerate bases, the pyrimidine base 6H,8H-3,4-dihydropyrimido[4,5-c][1,2]oxazin-7-one and the purine base N6-methoxy-2,6-diaminopurine, designated P and K, respectively. An equimolar mixture of the analogues P and K (called M) acts, in primers, as a universal base. The thermal stability of oligonucleotide duplexes were only slightly reduced when natural bases were replaced by P or K. Templates containing the modified bases were copied by Taq polymerase; P behaved as thymine in 60% of copying events and as cytosine in 40%, whereas K behaved as if it were guanine (13%) or adenine (87%). The dUTPase gene of Caenorhabditis elegans, which we have found to contain three nonidentical homologous repeats, was used as a model system to test the use of these bases in primers for DNA synthesis. A pair of oligodeoxyribonucleotides, each 20 residues long and containing an equimolar mixture of P and K at six positions, primed with high specificity both T7 DNA polymerase in sequencing reactions and Taq polymerase in PCRs; no nonspecific amplification was obtained on genomic DNA of C. elegans. Use of P and K can significantly reduce the complexity of degenerate oligonucleotide mixtures, and when used together, P and K can act as a universal base.
The spectrum of mutations induced by the naturally occurring DNA adduct pyrimido[1,2-α]purin-10(3H)-one (M1G) was determined by site-specific approaches using M13 vectors replicated in Escherichia coli. M1G was placed at position 6256 in the (−)-strand of M13MB102 by ligating the oligodeoxynucleotide 5′-GGT(M1G)TCCG-3′ into a gapped-duplex derivative of the vector. Unmodified and M1G-modified genomes containing either a cytosine or thymine at position 6256 of the (+)-strand were transformed into repair-proficient and repair-deficient E. coli strains, and base pair substitutions were quantitated by hybridization analysis. Modified genomes containing a cytosine opposite M1G resulted in roughly equal numbers of M1G→A and M1G→T mutations with few M1G→C mutations. The total mutation frequency was ≈1%, which represents a 500-fold increase in mutations compared with unmodified M13MB102. Transformation of modified genomes containing a thymine opposite M1G allowed an estimate to be made of the ability of M1G to block replication. The (−)-strand was replicated >80% of the time in the unadducted genome but only 20% of the time when M1G was present. Correction of the mutation frequency for the strand bias of replication indicated that the actual frequency of mutations induced by M1G was 18%. Experiments using E. coli with different genetic backgrounds indicated that the SOS response enhances the mutagenicity of M1G and that M1G is a substrate for repair by the nucleotide excision repair complex. These studies indicate that M1G, which is present endogenously in DNA of healthy human beings, is a strong block to replication and an efficient premutagenic lesion.
Xeroderma pigmentosum (XP) patients fail to remove pyrimidine dimers caused by sunlight and, as a consequence, develop multiple cancers in areas exposed to light. The second most common sign, present in 20–30% of XP patients, is a set of neurological abnormalities caused by neuronal death in the central and peripheral nervous systems. Neural tissue is shielded from sunlight-induced DNA damage, so the cause of neurodegeneration in XP patients remains unexplained. In this study, we show that two major oxidative DNA lesions, 8-oxoguanine and thymine glycol, are excised from DNA in vitro by the same enzyme system responsible for removing pyrimidine dimers and other bulky DNA adducts. Our results suggest that XP neurological disease may be caused by defective repair of lesions that are produced in nerve cells by reactive oxygen species generated as by-products of an active oxidative metabolism.
Cockayne syndrome (CS) is characterized by impaired physical and mental development. Two complementation groups, CSA and CSB, have been identified. Here we report that the CSB gene product enhances elongation by RNA polymerase II. CSB stimulated the rate of elongation on an undamaged template by a factor of about 3. A thymine-thymine cyclobutane dimer located in the template strand is known to be a strong block to transcription. Addition of CSB to the blocked polymerase resulted in addition of one nucleotide to the nascent transcript. Finally, addition of transcription factor IIS is known to cause polymerase blocked at a thymine-thymine cyclobutane dimer to digest its nascent transcript, and CSB counteracted this transcript shortening action of transcription factor IIS. Thus a deficiency in transcription elongation may contribute to the CS phenotype.
Upstream A-tracts stimulate transcription from a variety of bacterial promoters, and this has been widely attributed to direct effects of the intrinsic curvature of A-tract-containing DNA. In this work we report experiments that suggest a different mechanism for the effects of upstream A-tracts on transcription. The similarity of A-tract-containing sequences to the adenine- and thymine-rich upstream recognition elements (UP elements) found in some bacterial promoters suggested that A-tracts might increase promoter activity by interacting with the α subunit of RNA polymerase (RNAP). We found that an A-tract-containing sequence placed upstream of the Escherichia coli lac or rrnB P1 promoters stimulated transcription both in vivo and in vitro, and that this stimulation required the C-terminal (DNA-binding) domain of the RNAP α subunit. The A-tract sequence was protected by wild-type RNAP but not by α-mutant RNAPs in footprints. The effect of the A-tracts on transcription was not as great as that of the most active UP elements, consistent with the degree of similarity of the A-tract sequence to the UP element consensus. A-tracts functioned best when positioned close to the −35 hexamer rather than one helical turn farther upstream, similar to the positioning optimal for UP element function. We conclude that A-tracts function as UP elements, stimulating transcription by providing binding site(s) for the RNAP αCTD, and we suggest that these interactions could contribute to the previously described wrapping of promoter DNA around RNAP.
Deamination of 5-methylcytosine residues in DNA gives rise to the G/T mismatched base pair. In humans this lesion is repaired by a mismatch-specific thymine DNA glycosylase (TDG or G/T glycosylase), which catalyzes specific excision of the thymine base through N-glycosidic bond hydrolysis. Unlike other DNA glycosylases, TDG recognizes an aberrant pairing of two normal bases rather than a damaged base per se. An important structural issue is thus to understand how the enzyme specifically targets the T (or U) residue of the mismatched base pair. Our approach toward the study of substrate recognition and processing by catalytic DNA binding proteins has been to modify the substrate so as to preserve recognition of the base but to prevent its excision. Here we report that replacement of 2′-hydrogen atoms with fluorine in the substrate 2′-deoxyguridine (dU) residue abrogates glycosidic bond cleavage, thereby leading to the formation of a tight, specific glycosylase–DNA complex. Biochemical characterization of these complexes reveals that the enzyme protects an ≈20-bp stretch of the substrate from DNase I cleavage, and directly contacts a G residue on the 3′ side of the mismatched U derivative. These studies provide a mechanistic rationale for the preferential repair of deaminated CpG sites and pave the way for future high-resolution studies of TDG bound to DNA.
Etheno adducts in DNA arise from multiple endogenous and exogenous sources. Of these adducts we have reported that, 1,N6-ethenoadenine (ɛA) and 3,N4-ethenocytosine (ɛC) are removed from DNA by two separate DNA glycosylases. We later confirmed these results by using a gene knockout mouse lacking alkylpurine-DNA-N-glycosylase, which excises ɛA. The present work is directed toward identifying and purifying the human glycosylase activity releasing ɛC. HeLa cells were subjected to multiple steps of column chromatography, including two ɛC-DNA affinity columns, which resulted in >1,000-fold purification. Isolation and renaturation of the protein from SDS/polyacrylamide gel showed that the ɛC activity resides in a 55-kDa polypeptide. This apparent molecular mass is approximately the same as reported for the human G/T mismatch thymine-DNA glycosylase. This latter activity copurified to the final column step and was present in the isolated protein band having ɛC-DNA glycosylase activity. In addition, oligonucleotides containing ɛC⋅G or G/T(U), could compete for ɛC protein binding, further indicating that the ɛC-DNA glycosylase is specific for both types of substrates in recognition. The same substrate specificity for ɛC also was observed in a recombinant G/T mismatch DNA glycosylase from the thermophilic bacterium, Methanobacterium thermoautotrophicum THF.