926 resultados para Swedish nine-year compulsory school


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Jenny Isberg (2009): Viljan till fysisk aktivitet – en intervention avsedd att stimulera ungdomar att bli fysiskt aktiva. Örebro Studies in Sport Sciences 6, 141 pp. Physical education (PE) at school may play an important role in the process of becoming physically active in the adolescence and in developing a physically active lifestyle. The opportunities for teachers to provide positive physical activity experiences to the student population extend regularly over the school terms. For some students, PE can be the only opportunity they have to be physically active. Therefore it is important that the students become motivated to practice physical activity and know the purpose with physical activity. The overall purpose of this dissertation was to investigate the possibilities to motivate youth, 12-16 years old, to practice physical activity and hopefully to stimulate them to continue to be physically active in young adulthood. The sample consisted of 122 Swedish compulsory school students (12-16 years old), 51 girls and 71 boys, who were either physically inactive, physically active but not formal members of sport clubs, or physically active and members of a sport club. They used a self-monitoring instrument to describe their physical activity and we compared their self-reported physical activity with their actual VO2 capacity and physical status. The self-monitoring instrument was further validated against an activity monitor, RT3. The intervention lasted one and a half years, and four to five years later a follow-up study was done. Using a quasi-experimental design, the three groups of participants were compared with youths who did not use the self-monitoring instrument. The main findings were that the associations between the accelerometer counts and the activities the students recorded in the self-monitoring instrument were high. The participants  in Group 1 (physically inactive) continued exercising nearly to the same extent as during the intervention while youths in a matched control group did not develop regular physical activity habits. Concerning Group 2 (exercisers), participants in the intervention group were more physically active both during the intervention and at follow-up, compared with a matched control group of exercisers who did not use the self-monitoring instrument. In Group 3 (sport team members), there was no difference between the intervention group and a matched control group after the intervention or at follow-up.  The conclusion of these main findings was that when someone motivates students to continue being physically active and to change their physical activity patterns in a positive direction, the self-monitoring instrument can be a door-opener for youths who are physically inactive or regularly active outside sports clubs.


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This thesis deals with the use of inquiry-based approaches in primary school science. The aim is to investigate the goals and purposes that are constituted by the curriculum and by the teachers in interviews and through their teaching in the classroom. The results are used to develop conceptual tools that can be used by teachers’ in their work to support students’ learning of science when using an inquiry-based approach. The thesis is comprised of four papers. In paper one a comparative analysis is made of five Swedish national curricula for compulsory school regarding what students should learn about scientific inquiry. In paper two 20 teachers were interviewed about their own teaching using inquiry. Classroom interactions were filmed and analyzed in papers three and four, which examine how primary teachers use the various activities and purposes of the inquiry classroom to support learning progressions in science. The results of paper one show how the emphasis within and between the two goals of learning to carry out investigations and learning about the nature of science shifted and changed over time in the different curricula. Paper two describes the selective traditions and qualities that were emphasized in the teachers’ accounts of their own teaching. The results of papers three and four show how students need to be involved in the proximate and ultimate purposes of the teaching activities for progression to happen. The ultimate purposes are the scientific purposes for the lesson (as given by the teacher or by the curriculum), whereas the proximate purposes are the more student-centered purposes that through different activities should allow the students to relate their own experiences and language to the ultimate purpose. The results show the importance of proximate purposes working as ends-in-viewin the sense of John Dewey, meaning that the students see the goal of the activity and that they are able to relate to their experiences and familiar language.


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The purpose of this study is to contribute to an understanding of which changes related to scientific inquiry have been made historically in curriculum documents. A comparative analysis is made of five Swedish national curricula– Lgr 62, Lgr 69, Lgr 80, Lpo 94 and Lgr 11 – during the last 50 years regarding what compulsory school students (school years 1–9) should learn about scientific inquiry. It focuses 1) what students should learn about carrying out scientific inquiries, and 2) what students should learn about the nature of science. All of the curricula examined have aims concerning scientific inquiry. The results show that during the period there have been many shifts in emphasis and changes of aims, for example from learning an inductive method to a more deductive one, and from an emphasis on carrying out investigations to an emphasis on more conceptual understanding of scientific investigations. Because teaching traditions tend to conserve aspects of earlier curricula, it is discussed how the results can help teachers, teacher students and curriculum developers to better see the consequences of the changes for teaching and learning.


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A cohort of 3300 students from high schools across Victoria, Australia, were surveyed regarding their patterns of alcohol consumption from mid-1993 to 1995. The first wave of data was collected halfway through the students' final year of school (year 12). Students were then resurveyed 3 months following school completion and on two subsequent occasions, each separated by 6-month intervals. Analysis of the four waves of data indicated that five longitudinal patterns (trajectories) characterized temporal trends in male and female alcohol use through the transition from high school. Stable non-use trajectories were evident for 17% of males and 16% of females. Trajectories of less than weekly use characterized 45% of females and 46% of males, and showed little tendency to escalate toward harmful use. Among those using alcohol on a weekly or more frequent basis in high school, with few exceptions, use continued with at least the same frequency, but the quantity of alcohol consumed tended to escalate over time toward harmful levels. Overall, findings indicate that patterns of alcohol use tend to be stable over time, and more frequent alcohol use during the final year of high school tends to precede potentially harmful alcohol use following high school. Encouraging those high school students who consume alcohol once per week or more often to use alcohol on a less than weekly basis may be a valuable yet neglected harm minimization strategy.


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This paper adds to the prior literature examining publishing patterns in the accounting history discipline by undertaking a content analysis of publications in the first nine years of the new series of the journal Accounting History. The paper commences by providing an historical background to the introduction of the new series of the journal and the journal's editorial team. This is followed by an authorship analysis of the journal's research publications. This analysis examines patterns of authorship (single and multi-authored papers), the journal's most published authors, institutional and geographical affiliations of authors (including international collaboration and changes over the nine year period) and author gender.


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This thesis describes changes in the spatial thinking of Year 2 and Year 4 students who participated in a six-week long spatio-mathematical program. The main investigation, which contained quantitative and qualitative components, was designed to answer questions which were identified in a comprehensive review of pertinent literatures dealing with (a) young children's development of spatial concepts and skills, (b) how students solve problems and learn in different types of classrooms, and (c) the special roles of visual imagery, equipment, and classroom discourse in spatial problem solving. The quantitative investigation into the effects of a two-dimensional spatial program used a matched-group experimental design. Parallel forms of a specially developed spatio-mathematical group test were administered on three occasions—before, immediately after, and six to eight weeks after the spatial program. The test contained items requiring spatial thinking about two-dimensional space and other items requiring transfer to thinking about three-dimensional space. The results of the experimental group were compared with those of a ‘control’ group who were involved in number problem-solving activities. The investigation took into account gender and year at school. In addition, the effects of different classroom organisations on spatial thinking were investigated~one group worked mainly individually and the other group in small cooperative groups. The study found that improvements in scores on the delayed posttest of two-dimensional spatial thinking by students who were engaged in the spatial learning experiences were statistically significantly greater than those of the control group when pretest scores were used as covariates. Gender was the only variable to show an effect on the three-dimensional delayed posttest. The study also attempted to explain how improvements in, spatial thinking occurred. The qualitative component of the study involved students in different contexts. Students were video-taped as they worked, and much observational and interview data were obtained and analysed to develop categories which were described and inter-related in a model of children's responsiveness to spatial problem-solving experiences. The model and the details of children's thinking were related to literatures on visual imagery, selective attention, representation, and concept construction.


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The prevalence of intestinal parasitosis was investigated in a primary school located in Rubiao Junior, a peri-urban district of Botucatu, Sao Paulo state, Brazil, in order to assess the effect of treatment and practical measures of prophylaxis in the control of parasitic infections among 7-to-18-year-old school children of a low socio-economic status. The first series of parasitological examinations included 219 school children, of which 123 (56.1%) were found to be infected with one or more parasite species. Eighty-four children carrying pathogenic parasites were submitted to various anti-parasitic treatment schedules. We re-evaluated 75 (89%) students after 4 to 6 months postchemotherapy. The results indicate that the combination of treatment with prophylactic measures has been successful in the control of parasitic infections, since reinfection rates were generally low (≤5.3%), except for Giardia lamblia infections (18.6%), and a marked reduction on the prevalence rates was observed with a significant percentage of cure (≤73.1%) in children infected with most parasite species. The reasons for the apparent failure in the control of infections caused by Hymenolepsis nana and Strongyloides stercoralis are discussed.


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Pós-graduação em Estudos Linguísticos - IBILCE


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Estudiosos apontam a escola como local estratégico para o fortalecimento da ação de enfrentamento ao abuso sexual de crianças e adolescentes. A partir de 2000, com a elaboração do Plano Nacional de Enfrentamento à Violência Sexual Contra Crianças e Adolescentes, a política pública destinada ao tratamento desse problema ganhou maior visibilidade e organicidade no Brasil. O abuso sexual de crianças e adolescentes é a principal ocorrência registrada pelo Disque Direitos Humanos (2011) e pelos Conselhos Tutelares de Belém (2010). O bairro do Guamá – Belém/PA apresenta o maior índice de denúncias dessa natureza e as meninas são a maioria das vítimas. Esse contexto revela a relevância social do problema. A presente tese tem como objeto de estudo da avaliação da implementação da política pública de enfrentamento à violência sexual de crianças e adolescentes em escolas públicas de ensino fundamental do Guamá. Para conseguir imprimir uma análise contextual a pesquisa foi desenvolvida por meio de uma abordagem qualitativa apoiada nas técnicas de análise documental e entrevistas semiestruturadas. Os dados de pesquisa são documentos relativos aos planos, programas e projetos governamentais que tem em seu escopo o enfrentamento a esse tipo de violência e são voltados às escolas. Também foram realizadas entrevistas nas treze escolas públicas de ensino fundamental do bairro com diretores ou funcionários indicados por eles. A análise do material se deu por meio da técnica de análise de conteúdo dividida nas etapas da pré-análise, descrição analítica e a interpretação inferencial. A análise dos dados apontaram que: 1) as políticas formuladas em âmbito federal na área da formação dos profissionais da educação e dos materiais didáticos pedagógicos elaborados com a finalidade de subsidiá-los na apropriação da temática não chegaram às escolas pesquisadas; 2) planos/projetos que têm entre os seus objetivos o enfrentamento a esse tipo de violação devido a problemas de infraestrutura e de pessoal não foram executados como planejados; 3) nove entrevistados consideram que há a abordagem da temática no currículo das escolas, porém, não como conteúdo específico, mas como uma discussão pontual em meio a outras questões. Conclui-se dessa maneira, que pelas debilidades apresentadas a política pública de enfrentamento à violência sexual contra crianças e adolescentes não foi implementada nas escolas públicas de ensino fundamental do Guamá – Belém/PA. Crianças e adolescentes, em idade escolar obrigatória, são as principais vítimas de violência sexual. Por isso, a importância da inserção efetiva da escola na rede de enfrentamento com condições para identificar e notificar casos dessa natureza. Mas, para isso, é preciso fazer com que às políticas elaboradas com essa finalidade cheguem às unidades escolares, sobretudo a política de formação e que tenha intersecção com a política educacional.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This paper presents the results of a study that investigated the use of simulators to improve physics teaching. The study population consisted of eight classes totaling 205 second year high school students from Brazilian public school. The research methodology adopted compares the average performance of students on tests conducted in the classroom to performance on tests conducted in the laboratory using computer simulators. The results obtained showed that students’ performance on tests improved after the use of simulators. It was found that the students had more homogeneous test results when using the simulator.


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Since there are few physical education teachers working in kindergarten, now, due to the elementary school for nine years - getting children 6 years of age, this seems to be a challenge for teachers. Therefore, interested in mobilizing efforts to understand how your training is on this new context, and how is this entry of students from 6 years old in elementary school. From the perspective of the physical education teacher who is acting in this context. In this sense, the objective of this study was to analyze teacher training and teaching of physical education among children 6 years of age entering the first grade of elementary school from the perspective of physical education teachers who work in this field. This study was guided by the principles of qualitative research, making the collection through semi-structured interview, 11 participated in the investigation of physical education teachers working in the first grade of elementary school. The categories of analysis that have emerged from our study were: 1 Teacher training; 2 The 9-year elementary school for children 6 years of age; 3 Teaching physical education in early childhood education: Reflections on its limits and its possibilities. We can point out that physical education in school is still recognized as unimportant, although the LDB 9394/96 art. 26 § 3, have given your requirement, this is not enough to change the scenario that presents itself. School is still considered by many as a space in which the body is separated from the cognitive. Therefore, for many, the play of children is worthless and physical education is worthless. Teachers interviewed here reveal that has focused efforts on making a better quality of physical education, especially among children 1 year, trying to meet their expectations and need characteristics of the universe of childhood


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This study aimed to evaluate the effects of a systematic teaching of relation between printed words and Brazilian Sign Language on the emergence of reading in one child with deafness, user of Brazilian Sign Language, diagnosed with deafness bi-lateral deep user of hearing, with 9 years and 4 months of age, enrolled in 4th year elementary school. Baseline evaluation selected nine words and their signs and figures to compose the teaching steps and tests that consisted of: (a) relationship between a sign and figure teaching, (b) the relationship between sign and printed word, (c) test of relationship between figure and the printed word and its symmetric (d) test signal in front of picture and the printed word. The participant learned the relationship between sign, figure and printed word and demonstrated reading. This procedure was effective for the participant to emit signals, verbally agreed with the community of Libras in front of textual stimuli, which is characterized as reading.