937 resultados para Stuart Hall
Dissertação (mestrado)—Universidade de Brasília, Instituto de Letras, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Literatura, 2016.
Punk subculture is often assumed to have an antagonistic disposition towards religion. In this thesis, I examine this relationship in the Indonesian context, where the level of religious devotion is higher than in Western societies. I concentrate on how Indonesian punks who belong to secular punk communities negotiate the relationship between their religious or non-religious and subcultural identities. In addition, I examine the status of religion on the collective level in the punk communities. I collected the ethnographic data on Java in 2012. In addition to semi-structured interviews and participant observation, the analyzed data consists of social media sites, punk records and an online enquiry. I utilized thematic analysis in the study. The notion of identity is understood the way Stuart Hall has conceptualized it. Another essential concept, affect, is derived from Lawrence Grossberg’s theorization. The religious participants separated punk and religion in their lives. Many Muslim informants used an Islamic typology to separate one’s personal relationship with Allah and one’s relationship with other people. While some participants filtered away certain elements of “Western punk”, the majority of them saw ideological similarities between punk and Islam. This relationship was negotiated using both affective and ideological rationalizations. Non-religious punks respected religious people, but criticized radical forms of religiosity. Some of them described the difficulties of maintaining a non-religious identity in Indonesia, and that they have felt less marginalized in the punk community. Almost all of the participants stated that punk scenes should be religiously neutral and viewed integrating punk and religion as a problematic phenomenon.
Tese (doutorado)—Universidade de Brasília, Faculdade de Comunicação, Programa de Pós-Graduação em Comunicação, 2016.
La presente tesis doctoral tiene por objeto el estudio crítico-literario de la obra del escritor y dramaturgo británico John Osborne (1929-1994) en su contexto histórico-social y político. Una aproximación analítica de carácter cultural – materialista a la obra de Osborne, siguiendo para ello los estudios critico-literarios reflejados por el crítico literario Alan Sinfield en su libro Literature, Politics and Culture in Postwar Britain (2004), acerca al lector al contexto histórico-sociales y político en el que la obra de Osborne fue recibida por lectores y público en general (incluida la crítica especializada). El termino cultural-materialista fue utilizado por R. Williams en su libro Marxism and Literature, texto clave, así como la obra de Stuart Hall y del Círculo de Estudios Culturales de Birmingham que dirigió, llegando a una mejor comprensión de cómo han influido las autoridades políticas en la producción y recepción de obras literarias. El objetivo general de esta tesis es proporcionar al lector un conocimiento global de las circunstancias socio-políticas y culturales en las que se circunscriben las obras de John Osborne ofreciendo una perspectiva nueva, original e incluso sorprendente del propio autor así como sus implicaciones, para llegar a una mejor comprensión del teatro británico en la primera década del nuevo milenio. Los manuales de Historia de la Literatura Británica contemplan el año 1956 como la fecha que marca el comienzo de una nueva etapa del teatro británico del periodo de posguerra. Y la razón de esto es la puesta en escena de la obra Mirando Hacia Atrás con Ira en mayo de ese mismo año. El año 1956 es clave por la coincidencia de su estreno con el comienzo de la Crisis de Suez unas semanas más tarde. La obra de Osborne fue importante por lo que supuso para el joven y novato Royal Court Theatre, situándolo en el panorama contemporáneo del teatro subvencionado de posguerra. En torno a esta fecha Bertolt Bretch visita Gran Bretaña por primera vez, estimulando el interés y la controversia en torno al género dramático en los círculos literarios de la época...
Este trabalho tem como objetivo apresentar algumas reflexões sobre a relação território – representação, a partir do estudo de caso do município de Guapimirim localizado no estado do Rio de Janeiro, Brasil. Busca-se reflexões teóricas sobre representações em Bourdieu, Lefebvre, Stuart Hall e Duncan e sua relação com a noção de políticas de significado de Geertz e de trunfos de legitimidade territorial de Ivaldo Lima e André Rocha. A partir de Raffestin, entendemos que a construção da representação é um recurso delimitador e fundador de um território. A construção da representação de um território se dá numa constante disputa de “políticas de significado”, onde são mobilizados “trunfos territoriais” (posição ou situação geográfica, legado geo-histórico, recursos materiais etc) para legitimar uma representação. O caso do município de Guapimirim, coloca em evidência esse jogo de representações onde a imagem que se cria sobre o território de Guapimirim pode incidir sobre as políticas territoriais de inclusão-exclusão em duas regiões – Baixada Fluminense e Serra Verde Imperial, que por sua vez estabelece diferentes vantagens e desvantagens para este município. As representações aparecem em propagadas de diferentes veículos midiáticos e ações da administração municipal que criam e recriam a imagem de Guapimirim de acordo com seus interesses.
We study the transport properties of HgTe-based quantum wells containing simultaneously electrons and holes in a magnetic field B. At the charge neutrality point (CNP) with nearly equal electron and hole densities, the resistance is found to increase very strongly with B while the Hall resistivity turns to zero. This behavior results in a wide plateau in the Hall conductivity sigma(xy) approximate to 0 and in a minimum of diagonal conductivity sigma(xx) at nu = nu(p) - nu(n) = 0, where nu(n) and nu(p) are the electron and hole Landau level filling factors. We suggest that the transport at the CNP point is determined by electron-hole ""snake states'' propagating along the nu = 0 lines. Our observations are qualitatively similar to the quantum Hall effect in graphene as well as to the transport in a random magnetic field with a zero mean value.
Previous resistively detected NMR (RDNMR) studies on the nu approximate to 1 quantum Hall state have reported a ""dispersionlike"" line shape and extremely short nuclear-spin-lattice relaxation times, observations which have been attributed to the formation of a skyrme lattice. Here we examine the evolution of the RDNMR line shape and nuclear-spin relaxation for Zeeman: Coulomb energy ratios ranging from 0.012 to 0.036. According to theory, suppression of the skyrme crystal, along with the associated Goldstone mode nuclear-spin-relaxation mechanism, is expected at the upper end of this range. However, we find that the anomalous line shape persists at high Zeeman energy, and only a modest decrease in the RDNMR-detected nuclear-spin-relaxation rate is observed.
Emergent and reentrant fractional quantum Hall effect in trilayer systems in a tilted magnetic field
Magnetotransport measurements in triple-layer electron systems with high carrier density reveal fractional quantum Hall effect at total filling factors nu>2. With an in-plane magnetic field we are able to control the suppression of interlayer tunneling which causes a collapse of the integer quantum Hall plateaus at nu=2 and nu=4, and an emergence of fractional quantum Hall states with increasing tilt angles. The nu=4 state is replaced by three fractional quantum Hall states with denominator 3. The state nu=7/3 demonstrates reentrant behavior and the emergent state at nu=12/5 has a nonmonotonic behavior with increasing in-plane field. We attribute the observed fractional quantum Hall plateaus to correlated states in a trilayer system.
The influence of microwave irradiation on dissipative and Hall resistance in high-quality bilayer electron systems is investigated experimentally. We observe a deviation from odd symmetry under magnetic-field reversal in the microwave-induced Hall resistance boolean AND R(xy), whereas the dissipative resistance boolean AND R(xx) obeys even symmetry. Studies of Delta R(xy) as a function of the microwave electric field and polarization exhibit a strong and nontrivial power and polarization dependence. The obtained results are discussed in connection to existing theoretical models of microwave-induced photoconductivity.
We investigate the intrinsic spin Hall effect in two-dimensional electron gases in quantum wells with two subbands, where a new intersubband-induced spin-orbit coupling is operative. The bulk spin Hall conductivity sigma(z)(xy) is calculated in the ballistic limit within the standard Kubo formalism in the presence of a magnetic field B and is found to remain finite in the B=0 limit, as long as only the lowest subband is occupied. Our calculated sigma(z)(xy) exhibits a nonmonotonic behavior and can change its sign as the Fermi energy (the carrier areal density n(2D)) is varied between the subband edges. We determine the magnitude of sigma(z)(xy) for realistic InSb quantum wells by performing a self-consistent calculation of the intersubband-induced spin-orbit coupling.
The influence of interlayer coupling on the formation of the quantized Hall phase at the filling factor nu=2 was studied in multilayer GaAs/AlGaAs heterostructures. The disorder broadened Gaussian photoluminescence line due to localized electrons was found in the quantized Hall phase of the isolated multi-quanturn-well structure. On the other hand, the quantized Hall phase of weakly coupled multilayers emitted an unexpected asymmetrical line similar to that observed in metallic electron systems. We demonstrated that the observed asymmetry is caused by the partial population of extended electron states formed in the insulating quantized Hall phase due to spin-assisted interlayer percolation. A sharp decrease in the single-particle scattering time associated with these extended states was observed for the filling factor nu=2. (C) 2008 American Institute of Physics. [DOI: 10.1063/1.2978194]
View to landscape beyond through windows of upper level of tower.
As seen from below.
View to landscape beyond from interior of house.