970 resultados para Stable sexual partner


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En una muestra de 119 estudiantes de cuarto de Educación Secundaria Obligatoria (ESO) y primero de Bachillerato (52,6% mujeres) se analizan los conocimientos sobre la prevención de la transmisión sexual del virus del sida, las expectativas de resultados y de autoeficacia respecto a los métodos preventivos y el tipo de prevención utilizada durante la última relación sexual. Para evitar las respuestas inducidas respecto a los comportamientos preventivos se emplea un formato de pregunta abierta. Los resultados muestran que sólo el 23,5% de los estudiantes han dado dos respuestas totalmente correctas sobre estrategias consideradas eficaces en la prevención sexual del VIH: uso del preservativo y abstinencia (por este orden). El 70,5% valoran totalmente o muy eficaz el preservativo para evitar la transmisión sexual del VIH y el 95% de los que dan la segunda respuesta juzgan totalmente eficaz la práctica de la abstinencia con la misma finalidad. En el caso del preservativo se sienten totalmente o muy capaces de usarlo el 64,3%, mientras que cuando se trata de la abstinencia sólo se perciben con esa competencia el 20%. Por lo que se refiere al uso autoinformado de métodos preventivos en la última relación, por parte de los 29 estudiantes que tuvieron actividad sexual durante el mes anterior, se observa que 21 de ellos emplearon el preservativo, dos la píldora anticonceptiva, otros dos no precisan el tipo de precaución y el resto no tomó ninguna. Tanto el reducido nivel de conocimientos sobre prevención, como la baja percepción de autoeficacia para mantenerse abstinentes, nos alertan sobre la necesidad de hacer un mayor esfuerzo de información para eliminar creencias equivocadas, como por ejemplo: sobre la pretendida eficacia protectora de tener relaciones sexuales con una pareja estable o conocida. Así mismo, conviene insistir en el uso del preservativo como anticonceptivo de elección entre los adolescentes


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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In 3 studies we recorded gay men's estimates of the likelihood that HIV would be transmitted in various sexual behaviours. In Study 1 (data collected 1993, n=92), the men were found to believe that transmissibility is very much greater than it actually is; that insertive unprotected anal intercourse (UAI) by an HIV-infected partner is made safer by withdrawal before ejaculation, and very much safer by withdrawal before either ejaculation or pre-ejaculation; that UAI is very much safer when an infected partner is receptive rather than insertive; that insertive oral sex by an infected partner is much less risky than even the safest variant of UAI; that HIV is less transmissible very early after infection than later on; and that risk accumulates over repeated acts of UAI less than it actually does. In Study 2 (data collected 1997/8, n=200), it was found that younger and older uninfected men generally gave similar estimates of transmissibility, but that infected men gave somewhat lower estimates than uninfected men; and that estimates were unaffected by asking the men to imagine that they themselves, rather than a hypothetical other gay man, were engaging in the behaviours. Comparison of the 1993 and 1997/8 results suggested that there had been some effect of an educational campaign warning of the dangers of withdrawal; however, there had been no effect either of a campaign warning of the dangers of receptive UAI by an infected partner, or of publicity given to the greater transmissibility of HIV shortly after infection. In Study 3 (data collected 1999, n=59), men induced into a positive mood were found to give lower estimates of transmissibility than either men induced into a neutral mood or men induced into a negative mood. It is argued that the results reveal the important contribution made to gay men's transmissibility estimates by cognitive strategies (such as the 'availability heuristic' and 'anchoring and adjustment') known to be general characteristics of human information-processing. Implications of the findings for AIDS education are discussed.


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Three experiments are reported demonstrating that levels of penile tumescence and subjective sexual arousal are greater when men employ participant-oriented rather than spectator-oriented attentional focus while viewing an erotic film segment. Under each instructional set, there was a reduction in sexual arousal during repeated erotic stimulation. As sexual arousal habituated, the men reported feeling less absorbed during erotic stimulation. When these associated changes in attentional focus (absorption) were partialled out through analysis of covariance, sexual arousal remained relatively stable over trials, suggesting that sexual arousal is less likely to habituate if attentional focus remains constant during repeated erotic stimulation. Further directions for studying associations between habituation of sexual arousal and cognitive processing are discussed.


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The study evaluated relationships and sexuality among people with multiple sclerosis (MS) and their partners. The results were compared to findings among couples in the general population. Participants were 45 heterosexual people with MS and their partners and 32 heterosexual people from the general population and their partners. There was a high level of concordance between the views of couples from the general population, but not among couples where one partner had MS. Partners of people with MS were more likely than people with MS to feel that MS had a negative impact on the physical and emotional support in their relationship. People with MS also experienced more problems in their relationship and sexual functioning, but not their sexual satisfaction, than people from the general population. The implications of these results in terms of support programs for people with MS and their partners are discussed.


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Introduction: Erectile dysfunction (ED) is a common condition estimated to affect more than 150 million men worldwide. ED should be regarded as a shared sexual problem which has significant detrimental effects both on the men who experience this condition and on their partners.
Evidence to support partner involvement in ED therapy: Evidence shows that the partner plays a key supportive role in the man's ED treatment and in successful long-term ED therapy. Including the partner in consultations may highlight discordant attitudes and communication problems between couple members which may indicate treatment acceptance or rejection, or realistic or unrealistic treatment expectations.
Options for partner involvement in ED therapy: Most patients with ED consult their physician in the absence of their partner. Therefore, involving the partner in therapy can be challenging. Two options which physicians should consider are: encouraging the patient to bring the partner into the office and, often more realistically, seeking information about, and providing information to, the partner, via the patient.
The objective of these recommendations is to provide practical guidance on treating couples affected by ED, and suggest techniques that may be helpful in integrating the partner into the process of ED treatment.


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Introduction: Several preference studies comparing a short-acting with a longer-acting phosphodiesterase type 5 inhibitor have been conducted in men. Most men in those studies preferred tadalafil rather than sildenafil, and recent post hoc analysis of one study described several factors associated with men’s treatment preference. No prospective studies have investigated the woman partners’ preferences.

Aim: To investigate the treatment preference of women who were partners of men using oral medications for erectile dysfunction (ED) in a single-center open-label crossover study.

Methods: One hundred heterosexual couples in stable relationships, with male partners having ED based on the erectile function subscale of the International Index of Erectile Function, were randomly assigned to receive sildenafil or  tadalafil for a 12-week phase, followed by another 12-week period using the alternate drug. Male and female participants completed sexual event diaries during both study phases, and the female participants were interviewed at  baseline, midpoint, and end of study.

Main Outcome Measures
: Primary outcome data were the women’s final  interviews during which they were asked which drug they preferred and their reasons for that preference.

Results: A total of 79.2% of the women preferred their partners’ use of tadalafil, while 15.6% preferred sildenafil. Preference was not affected by age or treatment order randomization. Women preferring tadalafil reported feeling more relaxed, experiencing less pressure, and enjoying a more natural or spontaneous sexual experience as reasons for their choice. Mean number of tablets used, events recorded, events per week, and days between events were not significantly different during each study phase.

Conclusion: Women’s preferences were similar to men when using these two drugs. While the women’s reasons for preferring tadalafil emphasized relaxed, satisfying, longer-lasting sexual experiences, those preferring sildenafil focused on satisfaction and drug effectiveness for their partner.


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Introduction. No previous population-based studies have used validated instruments to measure female sexual dysfunction (FSD) in Australian women across a broad age range.
Aim. To estimate prevalence and explore factors associated with the  components of FSD.
Main Outcome Measures. Sexual Function Questionnaire measured low sexual function. Female Sexual Distress Scale measured sexual distress.
Methods. Multivariate analysis of postal survey data from a random sample of 356 women aged 20–70 years.
Results. Low desire was more likely to occur in women in relationships for 20–29 years (odds ratio 3.7, 95% confidence intervals 1.1–12.8) and less likely in women reporting greater satisfaction with their partner as a lover (0.3, 0.1–0.9) or who placed greater importance on sex (0.1, 0.03–0.3). Low genital arousal was more likely among women who were perimenopausal (4.4, 1.2–15.7), postmenopausal (5.3, 1.6–17.7), or depressed (2.5, 1.1–5.3), and was less likely in women taking hormone therapy (0.2, 0.04–0.7), more educated (0.5, 0.3–0.96), in their 30s (0.2, 0.1–0.7) or 40s (0.2, 0.1–0.7), or placed greater importance on sex (0.2, 0.05–0.5). Low orgasmic function was less likely in women who were in their 30s (0.3, 0.1–0.8) or who placed greater importance on sex (0.3, 0.1–0.7). Sexual distress was positively associated with depression (3.1, 1.2–7.8) and was inversely associated with better communication of sexual needs (0.2, 0.05–0.5). Results were adjusted for other covariates including age, psychological, socioeconomic, physiological, and relationship factors.
Conclusions. Relationship factors were more important to low desire than age or menopause, whereas physiological and psychological factors were more important to low genital arousal and low orgasmic function than relationship factors. Sexual distress was associated with both psychological and relationship factors.


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Assessment of color using human vision (or standards based thereon) is central to tests of many evolutionary hypotheses. Yet fundamental differences in color Vision between humans and other animals call this approach into question. Here we use techniques for objectively assessing color patterns that avoid reliance on species-specific (e.g., human) perception. Reflectance spectra are the invariant features that we expect the animal's color cognition to have evolved to extract. We performed multivariate analyses on principal components derived from >2,600 reflectance spectra (300-720 nm) sampled in a stratified random design from different body regions of male and female starlings in breeding plumage. Starlings possess spatially complex plumage patterns and extensive areas of iridescence. Our study revealed previously unnoticed sex differences in plumage coloration and the nature of iridescent and noniridescent sex differences. Sex differences occurred in some body regions bur not others, were more pronounced at some wavelengths (both ultraviolet and human visible), and involved differences in mean reflectance and spectral shape. Discriminant analysis based on principal components were sufficient to sex correctly 100% of our sample. If hidden sexual dichromatism is widespread, then it has important implications for classifications of animals as mono- or dimorphic and for taxonomic and conservation purposes.


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One explanation for the evolution of sexual monomorphism is the sexual indistinguishability hypothesis, which argues that in group-living species individuals might benefit by concealing their sex to reduce sexual competition. We tested this hypothesis in long-tailed finches Poephila acuticauda. Males and females could not be reliably distinguished morphologically or by analysis of the reflectance spectra (300-700 nm) from the plumage and bill. Males seemed unable to distinguish the sex of an unfamiliar individual in the absence of behavioural cues; they were equally likely to court and copulate with unfamiliar males and females but rarely courted familiar males. Here we report the first experimental evidence that sexual monomorphism enables strategic concealment of sex. Males were more likely to reveal their sex when faced with a solitary unfamiliar individual than a group of unfamiliar individuals. When encountering an unfamiliar male that revealed his sex, subordinate males were more likely to conceal their sex than dominant males.


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This thesis highlights the importance of workers’ perceptions of and attitudes to sexual harassment. Past researchers have found that a variety of individual factors (age, gender, gender role, and past experiences of sexual harassment), and organisational factors (gender ratio, sexual harassment policies and the role of employers), correlate with the incidence of sexually harassing behaviours. Two studies presented in this thesis extend this research and were designed to investigate how these factors relate to workers’ attitudes towards and perceptions of sexual harassment. Study one investigated 176 workers from a large, white-collar organisation. Study two sampled 75 workers from a smaller, blue-collar organisation. By comparing two different workplaces the effect of the organisational climate was investigated. Individuals from Study two experienced more sexual harassment, were more tolerant of sexual harassment and perceived less behaviour as sexual harassment compared with individuals from Study one. The organisational context was found to affect the way in which organisational and individual factors related to workers' attitudes to and their experiences of sexual harassment. However, the factors that influenced workers’ perceptions of sexual harassment were stable across both studies. Although workers’ attitudes to and their perceptions of sexual harassment were significantly correlated, they were influenced by different factors. Overall, workers’ perceptions of sexual harassment were influenced by their attitudes, the behavioural context, and the gender of the victim and perpetrator. In contrast, attitudes to sexual harassment appeared to be more strongly influenced by individual factors, such as age, gender, gender role, past experiences of sexual harassment, and perceptions of management’s tolerance of sexual harassment. The broader implications of these findings are discussed and recommendations for future research are suggested.


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There is sparse information on how treatments for erectile dysfunction (ED) affects couples. This study investigated the effects of ED treatments on 100 heterosexual couples' sexual functioning and whether function achieved using a short-acting versus a long-acting ED medication differed significantly. Couples were randomized to use tadalafil or sildenafil for each of two 12-week study phases; they completed questionnaires (International Index of Sexual Function and Female Sexual Function Index) and kept sexual event diaries. All participants experienced significant improvements over baseline sexual functioning, while the men used short- or long-acting ED medications with no significant differences related to the duration of drug action recorded for either the men or women. Despite this lack of difference in efficacy there was a strong preference by women (79%) and their partners (16%) for the longer-acting medication. The reasons for this warrant further investigation. Understanding the effects on couples of the use of ED medications is a necessary aspect of ensuring ongoing sexual satisfaction in couples treated for ED.


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Introduction: Hypogonadism is a common endocrine condition characterized by low levels of testosterone (T) and marked by numerous symptoms, one of which is low sexual desire. Studies comparing T delivery systems have suggested that hypogonadal men’s partners may be at risk from exposure to T gels. Little other mention is found of the impact of hypogonadism and its treatment on a man’s partner and the couple’s sexual function.

Aim: To assess sexual desire and sexual function in hypogonadal men and their woman partners before and after treatment with T replacement therapy.

: Twenty-one hypogonadal men and 18 partners were recruited from a   tertiary endocrine clinic, and were compared with a control group of 20 eugonadal age-matched men and their partners. All men had baseline blood tests to confirm their status as hypogonadal or eugonadal, and hypogonadal men repeated tests at 3-month intervals. All participants completed the Sexual Desire Inventory (SDI) and sexual function questionnaires at baseline and at 3-month intervals until the hypogonadal men attained normal T levels.

Main Outcome Measures
: Pre- and post-treatment SDI and sexual function questionnaires were compared once T normalization was achieved. Between- and within-group comparisons were carried out.

Results: Pretreatment hypogonadal men recorded lower levels of sexual desire and function than controls, but significantly improved once hypogonadism was corrected. Eugonadal controls recorded no significant changes in either sexual desire or function during the study. Partners of the hypogonadal men reported no changes on the SDI, but significant improvements in sexual function as their partners recovered.

Conclusion: SDI and sexual function measures reflect sexual changes that  accompany rising serum T levels during correction of male hypogonadism. Women partners reported more satisfaction, less pain, and improved sexual function following the men’s treatment. Treatments affecting one partner potentially have important effects on the other.