266 resultados para Sponteneous perforation


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The present, paper deals with the CAE-based study Of impact of jacketed projectiles on single- and multi-layered metal armour plates using LS-DYNA. The validation of finite element modelling procedure is mainly based on the mesh convergence study using both shell and solid elements for representing single-layered mild steel target plates. It, is shown that the proper choice of mesh density and the strain rate-dependent material properties are essential for all accurate prediction of projectile residual velocity. The modelling requirements are initially arrived at by correlating against test residual velocities for single-layered mild steel plates of different depths at impact velocities in the ran.-c of approximately 800-870 m/s. The efficacy of correlation is adjudged, in terms of a 'correlation index', defined in the paper: for which values close to unity are desirable. The experience gained for single-layered plates is next; used in simulating projectile impacts on multi-layered mild steel target plates and once again a high degree of correlation with experimental residual velocities is observed. The study is repeated for single- and multi-layered aluminium target plates with a similar level of success in test residual velocity prediction. TO the authors' best knowledge, the present comprehensive study shows in particular for the first time that, with a. proper modelling approach, LS-DYNA can be used with a great degree of confidence in designing perforation-resistant single and multi-layered metallic armour plates.


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This paper deals with the development of simplified semi-empirical relations for the prediction of residual velocities of small calibre projectiles impacting on mild steel target plates, normally or at an angle, and the ballistic limits for such plates. It has been shown, for several impact cases for which test results on perforation of mild steel plates are available, that most of the existing semi-empirical relations which are applicable only to normal projectile impact do not yield satisfactory estimations of residual velocity. Furthermore, it is difficult to quantify some of the empirical parameters present in these relations for a given problem. With an eye towards simplicity and ease of use, two new regression-based relations employing standard material parameters have been discussed here for predicting residual velocity and ballistic limit for both normal and oblique impact. The latter expressions differ in terms of usage of quasi-static or strain rate-dependent average plate material strength. Residual velocities yielded by the present semi-empirical models compare well with the experimental results. Additionally, ballistic limits from these relations show close correlation with the corresponding finite element-based predictions.


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The present article deals with the development of a finite element modelling approach for the prediction of residual velocities of hard core ogival-nose projectiles following normal impact on mild steel target plates causing perforation. The impact velocities for the cases analysed are in the range 818–866.3 m/s. Assessment of finite element modelling and analysis includes a comprehensive mesh convergence study using shell elements for representing target plates and solid elements for jacketed projectiles with a copper sheath and a rigid core. Dynamic analyses were carried out with the explicit contact-impact LS-DYNA 970 solver. It has been shown that proper choice of element size and strain rate-based material modelling of target plate are crucial for obtaining test-based residual velocity.The present modelling procedure also leads to realistic representation of target plate failure and projectile sheath erosion during perforation, and confirms earlier observations that thermal effects are not significant for impact problems within the ordnance range. To the best of our knowledge, any aspect of projectile failure or degradation obtained in simulation has not been reported earlier in the literature. The validated simulation approach was applied to compute the ballistic limits and to study the effects of plate thickness and projectile diameter on residual velocity, and trends consistent with experimental data for similar situations were obtained.


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The dielectric response of BaBi2Nb2O9 (BBN) thin films has been studied as a function of frequency over a wide range of temperatures. Both dielectric constant and loss tangent of BBN thin films showed a ‘power law’ dependence with frequency, which was analyzed using the Jonscher's universal dielectric response model. Theoretical fits were utilized to compare the experimental results and also to estimate the value of temperature dependence parameters such as n(T) and a(T) used in the Jonscher's model. The room temperature dielectric constant (ε') of the BBN thin films was 214 with a loss tangent (tanδ) of 0.04 at a frequency of 100 kHz. The films exhibited the second order dielectric phase transition from ferroelectric to paraelectric state at a temperature of 220 °C. The nature of phase transition was confirmed from the temperature dependence of dielectric constant and sponteneous polarization,respectively. The calculated Currie constant for BBN thin films was 4 × 105°C.


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Heat exchanger design plays a significant role in the performance of solid state hydrogen storage device. In the present study, a cylindrical hydrogen storage device with an embedded annular heat exchanger tube with radial circular copper fins, is considered. A 3-D mathematical model of the storage device is developed to investigate the sorption performance of metal hydride (MH). A prototype of the device is fabricated for 1 kg of MH alloy, LaNi5, and tested at constant supply pressure of hydrogen, validating the simulation results. Absorption characteristics of storage device have been examined by varying different operating parameters such as hydrogen supply pressure and cooling fluid temperature and velocity. Absorption process is completed in 18 min when these parameters are 15 bar, 298 K and 1 m/s respectively. A study of geometric parameters of copper fins (such as perforation, number and thickness of fin) has been carried out to investigate their effects on absorption process. Copyright (C) 2015, Hydrogen Energy Publications, LLC. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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A new failure mode is observed in circular brass foils induced by laser beam. The new failure is based on the following experimental facts : (1) the peripheries of the circular brass foils are fixed and the surfaces of the foils are radiated by laser beam ; (2) the laser beam used is considered to be non-Gaussian spatially, actually an approximately uniform distribution limited in a certain size spot ; (3) the pulse on time of laser beam should be 250 μs, i.e. so called long duration pulse laser. The failure process consists of three stages ; i.e. thermal bulging, localized shear deformation and perforation by plugging. The word reverse in reverse bulging and plugging mode means that bulging and plugging occur in the direction of incident laser beam. To study the newly-discovered type of failure quantitatively, analytical solutions for the axisymmetric temperature field and deflection curve are derived. The calculated results show that the newly discovered failure mode is attributed to the spatial structure effect of laser beam indeed.


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A new kind of failure mode is observed in circular brass foils in which their peripheries are fixed and their surfaces are subjected to a long pulsed laser over a central region. The failure is classified into three stages; they are referred to as thermal bulging, localized shear deformation and perforation by plugging. A distinct feature of the failure mode is that bulging and plugging occurred in the direction opposite to the incident laser beam. To study the failure mode, we investigate the non-linear response of heated, non-homogeneous circular plates. Based on the large deflection equations of Berger [J. Appl. Mech. 22 (3), 465-472 (1965)], Ohnabe and Mizuguchi [Int. J. Non-Linear Mech. 28 (4), 365-372 (1993)] and the parabolic shear deformation theory of Bhimaraddi and Stevens [J. Appl. Mech. 51 (1), 195-198 (1984)], we have derived new coupled governing equations of shear deformation and deflection. The new equations are solved, for the plate with a clamped edge, by the Galerkin and iterative methods. The numerical results for the shear deformation distribution are in good agreement with the experimental observation.


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A new kind of failure mode is observed in circular brass foils whose peripheries are fixed and whose surfaces are subjected to a long pulsed laser over a central region. The failure is classified into three stages; they are referred to as thermal bulging, localized shear deformation and perforation by plugging. A distinct feature of the failure mode is that bulging and plugging occurred in the direction opposite to the incident laser beam. The failure mode is different from the well-known types of laser induced material damage, such as spallation, melting and/or vaporization.


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The peripheries of circular foils of 30 mm in diameter and 0.1 mm thick are fixed while their surfaces are subjected to a long pulsed laser over a central region that may vary from 2 mm to 6 mm in diameter. Failure is observed and classified into three stages; they are referred to as thermal bulging, localized shear deformation, and perforation by plugging. A distinct feature of the failure mode is that bulging and plugging occurred in the direction opposite to the incident laser beam. Such a phenomenon can be expected to occur for a laser intensity threshold value of about 0.61 x 10(6) W/cm(2) beyond which local melting of the material begins to take place.


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A new kind of failure induced by long pulsed laser, named as reverse plugging effect (RPE), was experimentally observed in thin foil of brass. The whole failure process can be divided into three stages, namely thermal reverse bulging, shear deformation localization and reverse perforation. In this paper, a description of experimental and theoretical study on this newly discovered phenomenon is presented in detail.


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Hypervelocity impact of meteoroids and orbital debris poses a serious and growing threat to spacecraft. To study hypervelocity impact phenomena, a comprehensive ensemble of real-time concurrently operated diagnostics has been developed and implemented in the Small Particle Hypervelocity Impact Range (SPHIR) facility. This suite of simultaneously operated instrumentation provides multiple complementary measurements that facilitate the characterization of many impact phenomena in a single experiment. The investigation of hypervelocity impact phenomena described in this work focuses on normal impacts of 1.8 mm nylon 6/6 cylinder projectiles and variable thickness aluminum targets. The SPHIR facility two-stage light-gas gun is capable of routinely launching 5.5 mg nylon impactors to speeds of 5 to 7 km/s. Refinement of legacy SPHIR operation procedures and the investigation of first-stage pressure have improved the velocity performance of the facility, resulting in an increase in average impact velocity of at least 0.57 km/s. Results for the perforation area indicate the considered range of target thicknesses represent multiple regimes describing the non-monotonic scaling of target perforation with decreasing target thickness. The laser side-lighting (LSL) system has been developed to provide ultra-high-speed shadowgraph images of the impact event. This novel optical technique is demonstrated to characterize the propagation velocity and two-dimensional optical density of impact-generated debris clouds. Additionally, a debris capture system is located behind the target during every experiment to provide complementary information regarding the trajectory distribution and penetration depth of individual debris particles. The utilization of a coherent, collimated illumination source in the LSL system facilitates the simultaneous measurement of impact phenomena with near-IR and UV-vis spectrograph systems. Comparison of LSL images to concurrent IR results indicates two distinctly different phenomena. A high-speed, pressure-dependent IR-emitting cloud is observed in experiments to expand at velocities much higher than the debris and ejecta phenomena observed using the LSL system. In double-plate target configurations, this phenomena is observed to interact with the rear-wall several micro-seconds before the subsequent arrival of the debris cloud. Additionally, dimensional analysis presented by Whitham for blast waves is shown to describe the pressure-dependent radial expansion of the observed IR-emitting phenomena. Although this work focuses on a single hypervelocity impact configuration, the diagnostic capabilities and techniques described can be used with a wide variety of impactors, materials, and geometries to investigate any number of engineering and scientific problems.


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Este estudo teve por objetivo avaliar, in vitro, a influência do material de confecção das matrizes, traçando um perfil da conversão monomérica de um compósito micro-híbrido, além de avaliar qual dos materiais testados mais se assemelha a uma matriz de dentina. A avaliação foi feita através da análise do grau de conversão (GC). Foram confeccionadas 3 matrizes bipartidas, sendo estas de teflon negro, tefon branco e aço inoxidável, ambas com 10mm de diâmetro e 2 mm de profundidade. Para o grupo controle foi utilizado um incisivo central bovino, o qual teve sua face vestibular aplainada em uma lixadeira sob refrigeração constante, com o auxílio de uma lixa de carbeto de silício, número 800. Após, este dente foi preparado com uma broca diamantada número 2294 (KG Sorensen) em alta rotação, própria para a preparação de cavidades padronizadas para ensaios de laboratório, apresentando um limitador de penetração. Em seguida, com um motor de baixa rotação foi realizado o acabamento das paredes, obtendo-se uma cavidade de 2,0 mm de profundidade por 9,0 mm de diâmetro. Pela palatina desse dente, com uma broca carbide cilíndrica de numeração 2056 (KG Sorensen), fez-se uma penetração até se obter uma parede de dentina extremamente fina, porém sem que esta fosse rompida. Assim, com uma agulha, fez-se uma pequena perfuração no centro dessa dentina para que este instrumental servisse como um pino para remoção do corpo de prova de dentro da matriz de dente. Os corpos de prova (CP) foram obtidos a partir da inserção do compósito no interior da perfuração das matrizes em um único incremento e cobertos na superfície externa com uma matriz de poliéster mais uma lamínula de vidro. Os CP foram fotopolimerizados por 40 s pela fonte de luz halógena Optilux 501 (Demetron), com 500 mW/cm. Imediatamente após a polimerização, os corpos de prova eram submetidos no topo e na base para a análise de espectrometria no infravermelho para a determinação da profundidade de polimerização, pela técnica do filme vazado para o compósito não polimerizado e pela técnica da pastilha de brometo de potássio (KBr) para o compósito polimerizado. Foram confeccionados 5 CP de cada grupo. Em cada grupo, o compósito da base e do topo das amostras foi moído até se obter de 1,5 a 2,0 mg de pó e misturado com 70 mg de KBr, para obtenção da pastilha de KBr. Foi feita a análise de espectrofotometria no infravermelho por Transformada de Fourier (FTIR). As absorções selecionadas para o cálculo foram 1610 cm-1 e 1637 cm-1, os picos dos espectros das ligações dos carbonos aromáticos e alifáticos, respectivamente. Os dados obtidos foram tratados estatisticamente. Os grupos Gr1B, Gr2B, Gr3B e Gr4B representam, respectivamente, as bases dos CP confeccionados pelas matrizes de DB, TN, TB e AI. Já os Gr1T, Gr2T, Gr3T e Gr4T representam os topos. Médias (%) e DP: Gr1T (46,461,99), Gr2T (39,864,51), Gr3T (44,053,44) e Gr4T (38,045,08). Gr1B (40,441,49), Gr2B (36,153,81), Gr3B (40,093,18) e Gr4B (35,593,35). Em posse dos resultados, pôde-se concluir que os grupos do teflon negro, teflon branco e aço inoxidável não apresentaram diferenças entre o grau de conversão do topo e da base, enquanto que o grupo da dentina apresentou maior conversão do topo. Comparando as matrizes entre elas, pôde-se perceber que no topo, o GC do dente bovino é maior que o GC do aço inoxidável e do que o de teflon negro, o GC do teflon branco é maior que o GC do aço inoxidável e do que o de teflon negro. Já o topo dos grupos de dente bovino e teflon banco foram semelhantes. Nas bases dos CPs, não houve diferença significativa entre os grupos testados. De acordo com os resultados obtidos no experimento, pôde-se concluir que nos grupos do teflon negro, teflon branco e aço inoxidável não houve diferença entre 0 e 2 mm, ou seja, topo e base, o que mostra que o material de confecção da matriz não influênciou o grau de conversão do compósito. Já para o grupo da matriz de dentina, o topo apresentou valor de conversão monomérica maior, mostrando que, neste caso, o material da matriz interferiu no grau de conversão. Pode-se perceber também que existe uma tendência da matriz de teflon branco se assemelhar mais a matriz de dentina, pois foi o único grupo que apresentou semelhança nos valores de conversão monomérica no topo das amostras. Porém analisando a base das amostras, percebe-se que todos os grupos se comportaram de forma semelhante, obtendo valores do grau de conversão sem diferença significante.


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O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a espessura mínima radicular remanescente e o desgaste porcentual do terço cervical em raízes mesiais de molares inferiores, após a instrumentação com as técnicas ProTaper Universal e Lima única F2. Foram obtidos 100 primeiros molares inferiores com raízes completamente separadas. Desse total, foram selecionados e incluídos no estudo somente 22 que possuíam dois canais distintos na raiz mesial, comprimento entre 20 e 22 mm e grau de curvatura da raiz mesial com angulação variando entre 10 e 20. Destes, 8 foram eliminados por possuírem uma anatomia muito discrepante, o que limitava o processamento e análise digital das imagens (PADI). Os dentes foram acessados e a patência apical foi realizada em todos os canais determinando o comprimento de trabalho. Em cada dente, cada canal mesial foi instrumentado por uma técnica diferente. As amostras foram posicionadas em um dispositivo de montagem e digitalizadas através de microtomografia computadorizada antes e depois de serem completamente instrumentadas. O volume de interesse, correspondente à região de zona de risco, com uma grande margem de tolerância, tanto em direção apical quanto em direção cervical, foi determinado por 234 fatias, totalizando um comprimento vertical de 3,5 mm, para avaliação quantitativa comparativa. Através de PADI mediu-se, de forma automática, a espessura mínima radicular nos dois canais mesiais, antes e após a instrumentação, para todas as fatias de todos os dentes. A partir destes dados foi calculado o desgaste porcentual. Após o tratamento estatístico das mais de 6500 medidas obtidas, pôde-se concluir que não existiu diferença no desgaste da zona de risco produzido pelas duas técnicas de instrumentação testadas. Em todos os casos a espessura radicular remanescente permaneceu dentro de uma margem de segurança, não havendo, portanto, nenhum caso de rasgo ou perfuração. Dessa forma, ambas as técnicas estudadas foram consideradas seguras quanto ao desgaste da zona de risco da raiz mesial dos molares inferiores.


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A família Convolvulaceae é cosmopolita, com ampla distribuição nos trópicos e subtrópicos. No Brasil, ocorrem 18 gêneros e cerca de 340 espécies, sendo 151 endêmicas de campos rupestres, cerrados ou caatingas. Este trabalho refere-se ao estudo palinotaxonômico dos grãos de pólen de táxons de Convolvulaceae ocorrentes na região sudeste, Brasil tribos Merremieae e Cuscuteae. Foram analisados os grãos de pólen de 6 táxons de Cuscuta L., 12 táxons de Merremia Dennst. e 2 táxons de Operculina S. Manso. O material botânico utilizado foi obtido através de exsicatas depositadas nos principais herbários nacionais. Os grãos de pólen foram tratados pelo método de acetólise, sendo posteriormente mensurados, descritos, fotomicrografados em microscopia de luz. Para análise em microscópio eletrônico de varredura (MEV), as anteras foram rompidas e os grãos de pólen, não acetolisados, espalhados sobre uma fita de carbono. Os resultados obtidos neste estudo demonstraram que: na tribo Cuscuteae foram registrados pela primeira vez, grãos de pólen colporados; na tribo Merremieae, a morfologia polínica das espécies de Merremia mostraram variações já registradas em publicações anteriores porém, a ausência de polaridade em alguns táxons é um resultado inédito. O número, a forma das aberturas e a presença de opérculo, a ornamentação de base, ou seja, microrretículo, retículo ou perfuração e as supra ornamentações (grânulos, espinhos e microespinhos) também foram registros importantes aqui mencionados. No gênero Operculina, os resultados aqui expressos foram novos, uma vez que as poucas bibliografias anteriores fizeram menção apenas à quantidade de aberturas para o gênero.O Tamanho, a forma e a ornamentação da sexina características são descritas pela primeira vez neste estudo. Os resultados aqui obtidos permitem confirmar que Cuscuta, Merremia e Operculina puderam ser identificados através dos atributos polínicos bem como, suas espécies foram separadas na chave aqui elaborada. Confirma-se, assim, que os gêneros estudados são euripolínicos.