993 resultados para Spin-orbit interactions


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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We performed ab initio calculations of the electronic structures of bulk CdSe and CdTe, and their interface band alignments on the CdSe in-plane lattice parameters. For this, we employed the LDA-1/2 self-energy correction scheme [L.G. Ferreira, M. Marques, L.K. Teles, Phys. Rev. B 78 (2008) 125116] to obtain corrected band gaps and band offsets. Our calculations include the spin-orbit effects for the bulk cases, which have shown to be of importance for the equilibrium systems and are possibly degraded in these strained semiconductors. Therefore, the SO showed reduced importance for the band alignment of this particular system. Moreover, the electronic structure calculated along the transition region across the CdSe/CdTe interface shows an interesting non-monotonic variation of the band gap in the range 0.8-1.8 eV, which may enhance the absorption of light for corresponding frequencies at the interface between these two materials in photovoltaic applications. (C) 2012 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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In this work, we study the effects of a longitudinal periodic potential on a parabolic quantum wire defined in a two-dimensional electron gas with Rashba spin-orbit interaction. For an infinite wire superlattice we find, by direct diagonalization, that the energy gaps are shifted away from the usual Bragg planes due to the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. Interestingly, our results show that the location of the band gaps in energy can be controlled via the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. We have also calculated the charge conductance through a periodic potential of a finite length via the nonequilibrium Green's function method combined with the Landauer formalism. We find dips in the conductance that correspond well to the energy gaps of the infinite wire superlattice. From the infinite wire energy dispersion, we derive an equation relating the location of the conductance dips as a function of the (gate controllable) Fermi energy to the Rashba spin-orbit coupling strength. We propose that the strength of the Rashba spin-orbit interaction can be extracted via a charge conductance measurement.


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Graphene has received great attention due to its exceptional properties, which include corners with zero effective mass, extremely large mobilities, this could render it the new template for the next generation of electronic devices. Furthermore it has weak spin orbit interaction because of the low atomic number of carbon atom in turn results in long spin coherence lengths. Therefore, graphene is also a promising material for future applications in spintronic devices - the use of electronic spin degrees of freedom instead of the electron charge. Graphene can be engineered to form a number of different structures. In particular, by appropriately cutting it one can obtain 1-D system -with only a few nanometers in width - known as graphene nanoribbon, which strongly owe their properties to the width of the ribbons and to the atomic structure along the edges. Those GNR-based systems have been shown to have great potential applications specially as connectors for integrated circuits. Impurities and defects might play an important role to the coherence of these systems. In particular, the presence of transition metal atoms can lead to significant spin-flip processes of conduction electrons. Understanding this effect is of utmost importance for spintronics applied design. In this work, we focus on electronic transport properties of armchair graphene nanoribbons with adsorbed transition metal atoms as impurities and taking into account the spin-orbit effect. Our calculations were performed using a combination of density functional theory and non-equilibrium Greens functions. Also, employing a recursive method we consider a large number of impurities randomly distributed along the nanoribbon in order to infer, for different concentrations of defects, the spin-coherence length.


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Diese Dissertation demonstriert und verbessert die Vorhersagekraft der Coupled-Cluster-Theorie im Hinblick auf die hochgenaue Berechnung von Moleküleigenschaften. Die Demonstration erfolgt mittels Extrapolations- und Additivitätstechniken in der Single-Referenz-Coupled-Cluster-Theorie, mit deren Hilfe die Existenz und Struktur von bisher unbekannten Molekülen mit schweren Hauptgruppenelementen vorhergesagt wird. Vor allem am Beispiel von cyclischem SiS_2, einem dreiatomigen Molekül mit 16 Valenzelektronen, wird deutlich, dass die Vorhersagekraft der Theorie sich heutzutage auf Augenhöhe mit dem Experiment befindet: Theoretische Überlegungen initiierten eine experimentelle Suche nach diesem Molekül, was schließlich zu dessen Detektion und Charakterisierung mittels Rotationsspektroskopie führte. Die Vorhersagekraft der Coupled-Cluster-Theorie wird verbessert, indem eine Multireferenz-Coupled-Cluster-Methode für die Berechnung von Spin-Bahn-Aufspaltungen erster Ordnung in 2^Pi-Zuständen entwickelt wird. Der Fokus hierbei liegt auf Mukherjee's Variante der Multireferenz-Coupled-Cluster-Theorie, aber prinzipiell ist das vorgeschlagene Berechnungsschema auf alle Varianten anwendbar. Die erwünschte Genauigkeit beträgt 10 cm^-1. Sie wird mit der neuen Methode erreicht, wenn Ein- und Zweielektroneneffekte und bei schweren Elementen auch skalarrelativistische Effekte berücksichtigt werden. Die Methode eignet sich daher in Kombination mit Coupled-Cluster-basierten Extrapolations-und Additivitätsschemata dafür, hochgenaue thermochemische Daten zu berechnen.


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We study the electronic properties of electrons in flat and curved zigzag graphene nanoribbons using a tight-binding model within the Slater Koster approximation, including spin-orbit interaction. We find that a constant curvature across the ribbon dramatically enhances the action of the spin-orbit term, strongly influencing the spin orientation of the edge states: Whereas spins are normal to the surface in the case of flat ribbons, this is no longer the case for curved ribbons. This effect is very pronounced, the spins deviating from the normal to the ribbon, even for very small curvature and a realistic spin orbit coupling of carbon. We find that curvature results also in an effective second neighbor hopping that modifies the electronic properties of zigzag graphene ribbons. We discuss the implications of our findings in the spin Hall phase of curved graphene ribbons.


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We study the helical edge states of a two-dimensional topological insulator without axial spin symmetry due to the Rashba spin-orbit interaction. Lack of axial spin symmetry can lead to so-called generic helical edge states, which have energy-dependent spin orientation. This opens the possibility of inelastic backscattering and thereby nonquantized transport. Here we find analytically the new dispersion relations and the energy dependent spin orientation of the generic helical edge states in the presence of Rashba spin-orbit coupling within the Bernevig-Hughes-Zhang model, for both a single isolated edge and for a finite width ribbon. In the single-edge case, we analytically quantify the energy dependence of the spin orientation, which turns out to be weak for a realistic HgTe quantum well. Nevertheless, finite size effects combined with Rashba spin-orbit coupling result in two avoided crossings in the energy dispersions, where the spin orientation variation of the edge states is very significantly increased for realistic parameters. Finally, our analytical results are found to compare well to a numerical tight-binding regularization of the model.