833 resultados para Spanish teaching as a modern language


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The present corpus study aimed to examine whether Basque (OV) resorts more often than Spanish (VO) to certain grammatical operations, in order to minimi ze the number of arguments to be processed before the verb. Ueno & Polinsky (2009) argue that VO/OV languages use certain grammatical resources with different frequencies in order to facilitate real-time processing. They observe that both OV and VO languages in their sample (Japanese, Turkish and Spanish) have a similar frequency of use of subject pro-drop; however, they find that OV languages (Japanese, Turkish) use more intransitive sentences than VO languages (English, Spanish), and conclude this is an OV-specific strategy to facilitate processing. We conducted a comparative corpus study of Spanish (VO) and Basque (OV). Results show (a) that the fre- quency of use of subject pro-drop is higher in Basque than in Spanish; and (b) Basque does not use more intransitive sentences than Spanish; both languages have a similar frequency of intransitive sentences. Based on these findings, we conclude that the frequency of use of grammatical resources to facilitate the processing does not depend on a single typological trait (VO/OV) but it is modulated by the concurrence of other grammatical feature.


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O estudo situa-se no âmbito das investigações voltadas para documentos que sistematizam o trabalho do professor, dentre eles, o manual do professor que organiza a atividade docente junto ao livro didático. A dissertação analisa manuais do professor dos livros de espanhol selecionados pelo MEC para serem distribuídos a professores, em 2005, em função da lei 11161 da obrigatoriedade do ensino da língua espanhola para o ensino médio em todo o território nacional. O objetivo foi identificar imagens discursivas de docente e de ensino de espanhol como língua estrangeira neles construídas. Os fundamentos teóricos adotados advêm da Análise do Discurso de base enunciativa, além de recorrermos aos conceitos de dialogismo (BAKHTIN, 1979) e de polifonia (BAKHTIN, 1979; DUCROT, 1987). Os resultados nesses manuais apontam para a construção de imagens de professor como: aquele que necessita ser guiado em sua tarefa, incapaz de realizar suas escolhas em sala de aula, um professor recebedor de ordens; desatualizado com as metodologias de ensino atuais, necessitando, portanto, de atualização profissional; há ainda um professor que busca instruções facilitadoras para seu trabalho. Já no que se refere à visão de língua, deparamo-nos com um manual que dá ênfase ao trabalho com a leitura, voltado para uma concepção que valoriza aspectos discursivos; outros que afirmam seguir a abordagem comunicativa, com um olhar para a língua em uso, porém adotam procedimentos pautados numa concepção de língua como estrutura e/ou misturam ambas perspectivas


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O objetivo desta dissertação é verificar, de forma teórico-conceitual, como as escolhas do professor sobre o objeto da produção textual estão pautadas em documentos oficiais, tendo como base os estudos linguísticos ou a gramática normativa. Busca-se refletir sobre a abordagem que atualmente é encontrada no ensino da Língua Portuguesa, uma visão preponderantemente voltada para a interação discursiva, tendo como objetivo o estudo da textualidade e dos diferentes gêneros textuais. Como tal abordagem trabalha com o texto de forma reduzida, pois não considera o que é dito, mas atribui maior importância a estrutura do texto, o ensino acaba por não considerar o sujeito do discurso. Para entender a linha teórica escolhida pelos documentos oficiais e que acabam por refletir na prática do professor, realiza-se uma análise dos principais documentos oficiais que servem como base ao processo de ensino-aprendizagem (Parâmetros Curriculares Nacionais, Diretrizes Curriculares e Matrizes de Referência do Sistema de Avaliação da Educação Básica) e uma comparação com dados da histórica do ensino de Língua Portuguesa e da teoria do currículo, buscando relacionar o paradigma de educação Moderno e o Pós-moderno com as práticas em sala de aula.


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Mark Pagel, Quentin D. Atkinson & Andrew Meade (2007). Frequency of word-use predicts rates of lexical evolution throughout Indo-European history. Nature, 449,717-720. RAE2008


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This paper is relating a practical experience of teaching Romance philology students the translation from ancient French into Polish. The main scope is a restitution of an ancient text respecting not only the equivalence at the Iexical and syntactical level, but also the discourse structures, such as the linear sequence of events and events related from different points of view: some examples of solving particular problems are discussed. The whole procedure resembles that of translating from Latin, rather than a translation from one modern language to another.


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Basing the conception of language on the sign represents also an obstacle to the awareness of certain elements of human life, especially to a full understanding of what language or art do, Henri Meschonnic’s poetics of the continuum and of rhythm criticizes the sign based on Benveniste’s terms of rhythm and discourse, developing an anthropology of language. Rhythm, for Meschonnic, is no formal metrical but a semantic principle, each time unique and unforeseeable. As for Humboldt, his starting point is not the word but the ensemble of speech; language is not ergon but energeia. The poem then is not a literary form but a process of transformation that Meschonnic defines as the invention of a form of life by a form of language and vice versa. Thus a poem is a way of thinking and rhythm is form in movement. The particular subject of art and literature is consequently not the author but a process of subjectivation – this is the contrary of the conception of the sign. By demonstrating the limits of the sign, Meschonnic’s poetics attempts to thematize the intelligibility of presence. Art and literature raise our awareness of this element of human life we cannot grasp conceptually. This poetical thinking is a necessary counterforce against all institutionalization.


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This paper reports data from an on-line peer tutoring project, the objective being the learning and improvement of the Spanish and English language. Pupils aged between 9 and 12 years old from Scotland and Catalonia were paired for the purpose of each pupil acting as a tutor of their own language within his or her pair. The aim was to improve the knowledge and use of their own language (by correcting their tutee) as well as the modern language (through the help of their tutor) acting as tutors and also as a tutees. The research combines a quasi-experimental design, using control groups, and in depth analysis of the process throughout the exchanges (texts and corrections) and interviews with the subjects. The results show that the degree of help offered by the tutors appears to be a very relevant factor when assessing the improvement detected in the linguistic abilities. © 2010 Fundación Infancia y Aprendizaje.


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Ce travail se propose de démontrer la pertinence de l’utilisation du roman La Cité des Bêtes (Isabel Allende, 2002) comme recours pédagogique dans l’enseignement de l’espagnol langue étrangère (ELE) au niveau intermédiaire (B2) et dans un contexte scolaire multiculturel. Dans ce cadre, l’enseignement d’une langue étrangère vise à l’acquisition linguistique et à l’exploration d’une culture différente afin de favoriser la découverte des valeurs de l’autre et son intégration critique, attitude indispensable en vue du développement identitaire de l’individu au sein de sociétés exposées de l’intérieur et de l’extérieur au contact entre cultures. Le roman sélectionné facilite l’accès à des thématiques interdisciplinaires au sein des programmes collégiaux du Québec et encourage une attitude d’ouverture par rapport à la découverte d’autres cultures et valeurs, dans une perspective de disponibilité au questionnement des certitudes culturelles de l’étudiant, conformément aux positions des études interculturelles contemporaines. L’appartenance de l’œuvre au courant littéraire du Réalisme magique permet aussi d’introduire l’exploration de thématiques culturelles spécifiques au monde hispanique. Après un survol de la place de l’interculturalité et de l’interdisciplinarité dans l’enseignement d’ELE, le mémoire analyse la contribution spécifique du roman sélectionné à ces dimensions, pour ensuite procéder à la présentation d’exercices orientés à la pratique et la consolidation de la connaissance grammaticale et du vocabulaire, et au développement d’une sensibilité interculturelle dans les étudiants, à travers des activités individuelles et de groupe élaborées à partir des perspectives du texte.


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Ce projet de maîtrise se consacre à l’apprentissage des prépositions espagnoles chez les élèves francophones. L’identification et l’analyse des erreurs les plus fréquentes dans l’usage des prépositions par des francophones nous permettrons d’élaborer des exercices pratiques qui rendraient leur apprentissage moins difficile. Nous croyons que la difficulté dans l’utilisation des prépositions chez les étudiants réside en partie dans le fait de ne pas connaître leur emploi exact. Nous commencerons donc par présenter l’emploi des principales prépositions en espagnol à partir du Manual de la Nueva gramática de la lengua española et d’autres études. L’enseignement de la grammaire dans les cours d’espagnol comme langue étrangère (ELE) au Québec suit les règles établies par le Cadre européen commun et le Plan curricular de l’Institut Cervantès. Les étudiants développent leur compétence grammaticale de manière inductive; ils sont amenés à comprendre les règles par eux-mêmes et à créer leurs propres hypothèses qu’ils confirment ou réfutent après grâce à quelques explications formelles de l’enseignant et des exercices de pratique. Par contre, cette tendance à laisser l’apprentissage de la grammaire entre les mains des étudiants peut aussi amener à la fossilisation de leurs erreurs si les explications et la pratique ne sont pas suffisantes. Les erreurs sont perçues comme un point de départ pour comprendre où résident les difficultés des étudiants et permettent aux enseignants d’apporter les changements nécessaires à leurs méthodes d’enseignement. Notre révision de quelques investigations réalisées avec la méthode de l’analyse des erreurs, nous permet de cerner les raisons pour lesquelles les francophones commettent autant d’erreurs dans l’utilisation des prépositions espagnoles. Notre analyse de l’enseignement et de la pratique des prépositions dans trois manuels qui s’utilisent actuellement dans les cégeps et les universités du Québec nous permet de voir que les prépositions ne se pratiquent pas assez, surtout au niveau intermédiaire. Nous proposons donc des exercices pratiques qui permettront aux étudiants de pratiquer les prépositions de manière plus efficace.


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La enseñanza del español en Estados Unidos se remonta a un reglamento de la Academia Pública de Filadelfia de 1749. Desde entonces, en especial a partir de 1900, el interés por el español en los Estados Unidos no ha hecho más que aumentar. Así en 1966 el español está presente académicamente, en algo más de 2000 universidades estadounidenses. Ante este interés, se han estrechado los lazos de colaboración entre organizaciones académicas y profesionales estadounidenses e hispanas. Las más destacadas son la American Association of Teachers of Spanish and Portuguese (AA-TSP), la Modern Language Association of American (MLA) y la American Association of University Professors (AAUP). Se analiza en profundidad todas estas instituciones, sobre todo sus constituciones o reglamentos, que regulan aspectos tan variado como las publicaciones de la institución o los miembros que las integran y sus características.


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Greek speakers say "ovpa", Germans "schwanz'' and the French "queue'' to describe what English speakers call a 'tail', but all of these languages use a related form of 'two' to describe the number after one. Among more than 100 Indo-European languages and dialects, the words for some meanings (such as 'tail') evolve rapidly, being expressed across languages by dozens of unrelated words, while others evolve much more slowly-such as the number 'two', for which all Indo-European language speakers use the same related word-form(1). No general linguistic mechanism has been advanced to explain this striking variation in rates of lexical replacement among meanings. Here we use four large and divergent language corpora (English(2), Spanish(3), Russian(4) and Greek(5)) and a comparative database of 200 fundamental vocabulary meanings in 87 Indo-European languages(6) to show that the frequency with which these words are used in modern language predicts their rate of replacement over thousands of years of Indo-European language evolution. Across all 200 meanings, frequently used words evolve at slower rates and infrequently used words evolve more rapidly. This relationship holds separately and identically across parts of speech for each of the four language corpora, and accounts for approximately 50% of the variation in historical rates of lexical replacement. We propose that the frequency with which specific words are used in everyday language exerts a general and law-like influence on their rates of evolution. Our findings are consistent with social models of word change that emphasize the role of selection, and suggest that owing to the ways that humans use language, some words will evolve slowly and others rapidly across all languages.


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This article reports on the findings of an investigation into the attitudes of English students aged 16 to 19 years towards French and how they view the reasons behind their level of achievement. Those students who attributed success to effort, high ability, and effective learning strategies had higher levels of achievement, and students intending to continue French after age 16 were more likely than noncontinuers to attribute success to these factors. Low ability and task difficulty were the main reasons cited for lack of achievement in French, whereas the possible role of learning strategies tended to be overlooked by students. It is argued that learners' self-concept and motivation might be enhanced through approaches that encourage learners to explore the causal links between the strategies they employ and their academic performance, thereby changing the attributions they make for success or failure.