999 resultados para Solar concentration
The red Fe2+-phenanthroline complex is the basis of a classical spectrophotometric method for determination of iron. Due to the toxicity of this complexing agent, direct disposal of the wastewaters generated in analytical laboratories is not environmentally safe. This work evaluates the use of the solar photo-Fenton process for the treatment of laboratory wastewaters containing phenanthroline. Firstly, the degradation of phenanthroline in water was evaluated at two concentration levels (0.1 and 0.01%, w/v) and the efficiencies of degradation using ferrioxalate (FeOx) and ferric nitrate were compared. The 0.01% w/v solution presented much higher mineralization, achieving 82% after 30 min of solar irradiation with both iron sources. The solar photo-Fenton treatment of laboratory wastewater containing, in addition to phenanthroline, other organic compounds such as herbicides and 4-chlorophenol, equivalent to 4500 mg L-1 total organic carbon (TOC) resulted in total degradation of phenanthroline and 25% TOC removal after 150 min, in the presence of either FeOx or ferric nitrate. A ratio of 1: 10 dilution of the residue increased mineralization in the presence of ferrioxalate, achieving 38% TOC removal after 120 min, while use of ferric nitrate resulted in only 6% mineralization over the same period. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
The degradation of the antibiotic tetracycline (TC) by the photo-Fenton process was evaluated under black-light and solar irradiation. The influences of iron source (Fe(NO3)(3) or ferrioxalate), hydrogen peroxide and matrix (pure water, surface water and a sewage treatment plant effluent-STP) were evaluated. Under black-light irradiation, TC degradation was favored in the presence of Fe(NO3)(3), achieving total degradation after 1 min irradiation, while under solar light the use of ferrioxalate favors the degradation. Nevertheless, no significant difference in total organic carbon removal was observed between these two iron sources, achieving a residual concentration of around 5 mg L-1 under black-light and 2 mg L-1 under solar light irradiation. No decrease of the degradation efficiency relative to pure water was observed when TC was irradiated in a sample of surface water, under either black-light or solar irradiation. However, lower efficiency was obtained under black-light when TC was present in a sample of STP effluent, indicating the interference of the constituents of this sample on the overall efficiency of the process. on the other hand, under solar irradiation in the presence of ferrioxalate, no influence of the matrix was observed, even in the sample of STP effluent, achieving total degradation of TC in 1.5 min. (c) 2006 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
Seasonal variations in the diurnal evolution of the global, diffuse and direct solar radiation at the surface, the clearness index, diffuse fraction and direct fraction are described in detail for the City of Sao Paulo, Brazil. The description is based on measurements of global and diffuse solar radiation carried out over 5.25 years. The diffuse component was measured with a shadow-band device. The annual evolution of the amplitude of the diurnal cycle of all radiometric parameters indicates a seasonal pattern with two distinct periods: autumn-winter and spring-summer. About 10% of the observed period was characterized by clear sky days. This seasonal variation is determined by a larger incidence of clear sky days in the autumn-winter period. Reductions of up to 10% in hourly and daily values of global radiation were observed in conjunction with an increase in particulate matter concentration on clear sky days. The pollution effect may be responsible for the discrepancy, of 16%, found between local and more regional estimates of global solar radiation in Sao Paulo. The diurnal evolution of hourly values of monthly-averaged global and diffuse solar radiation were successfully estimated by the empirical expressions derived here. Daily values of monthly-averaged global solar radiation were satisfactorily estimated using the Angstrom expression.
The photo-Fenton process using potassium ferrioxalate as a mediator was investigated for the photodegradation of dichloracetic acid (DCA) and 2,4-dichlorophenol (DCP) in aqueous medium using solar light as source of irradiation. The influence of the solution depth, the light intensity and the effect of stirring the solution during irradiation process were evaluated using DCA as a model compound. A negligible influence of stirring the solution was observed when the concentration of ferrioxalate (FeOx) was 0.8 mM and solution depth was 4.5 or 14 cm. The optimum FeOx concentration determined for solution depths between 4.5 and 14 cm was 0.8 mM considering total organic carbon (TOC) removal during DCA irradiation. The high efficiency of the photo-Fenton process was demonstrated on summer days, when only 10 min of exposition (around noon) were sufficient to completely destroy the organic carbon of a 1.0 mM DCA solution in the presence of 0.8 mM FeOx and 6.0 mM H2O2 using a solution depth of 4.5 cm. It was observed that the photodegradation efficiency increases linearly with the solar light intensity up to values around 15 Wm-2 but this linear relationship does not hold above this value showing a square root dependence. The photodegradation of a solution of DCP/FeOx showed a lower TOC removal rate than that observed for DCA/FeOx, achieving ∼90% after 35 min irradiation under 19 Wm-2, while under this light intensity, the same TOC removal of DCA/FeOx was achieved in only 10 min irradiation. © 2002 Elsevier Science Ltd. All rights reserved.
The effect of combining the photocatalytic processes using TiO 2 and the photo-Fenton reaction with Fe3+ or ferrioxalate as a source of Fe2+ was investigated in the degradation of 4-chlorophenol (4CP) and dichloroacetic acid (DCA) using solar irradiation. Multivariate analysis was used to evaluate the role of three variables: iron, H2O2 and TiO2 concentrations. The results show that TiO2 plays a minor role when compared to iron and H2O2 in the solar degradation of 4CP and DCA in the studied conditions. However, its presence can improve TOC removal when H2O2 is totally consumed. Iron and peroxide play major roles, especially when Fe(NO3)3 used in the degradation of 4CP. No significant synergistic effect was observed by the addition of TiO 2 in this process. On the other hand, synergistic effects were observed between FeOx and TiO2 and between H 2O2 and TiO2 in the degradation of DCA. © IWA Publishing 2004.
Pós-graduação em Agronomia (Irrigação e Drenagem) - FCA
Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)
The food dye tartrazine (CI 19140) was exposed to UV irradiation from an artificial source, a mercury vapor lamp, and a natural one, sunlight. It was observed that conditions such as energy dose, irradiation time, pH and initial dye concentration affected its discoloration. There was 100% of color removal, after 30 min of irradiation, when a dye solution 1 x 10(-5) mol L-1 was submitted to an energy dose of 37.8 J cm(-2). Liquid Chromatography coupled to Diode Array Detection and Mass Spectrometry confirmed the cleavage of the chromophore group and the formation of five by-products at low concentration. Although by-products were formed, the Salmonella/microsome mutagenicity assay performed for both, the dye solution at a dose of 5.34 mg/plate and the solutions obtained after exposure to UV irradiation, did not present mutagenic activity for TA98 and TA100 with and without S9. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The study introduces a new regression model developed to estimate the hourly values of diffuse solar radiation at the surface. The model is based on the clearness index and diffuse fraction relationship, and includes the effects of cloud (cloudiness and cloud type), traditional meteorological variables (air temperature, relative humidity and atmospheric pressure observed at the surface) and air pollution (concentration of particulate matter observed at the surface). The new model is capable of predicting hourly values of diffuse solar radiation better than the previously developed ones (R-2 = 0.93 and RMSE = 0.085). A simple version with a large applicability is proposed that takes into consideration cloud effects only (cloudiness and cloud height) and shows a R-2 = 0.92. (C) 2011 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The present study investigates the use of solar heterogeneous photocatalyis (TiO2) for the destruction of [D-Leu]-Microcystin-LR, powerful toxin of widespread occurrence within cyanobacteria blooms. We extracted [D-Leu]-Microcystin-LR from a culture of Microcystis spp. and used a flat plate glass reactor coated with TiO2 (Degussa, P25) for the degradation studies. The irradiance was measured during the experiments with the aid of a spectroradiometer. After the degradation experiments, toxin concentrations were determined by HPLC and mineralization by TOC analyses. Acute and chronic toxicities were, quantified using mice and phosphatase inhibition in vitro assays, respectively. According to the performed experiments, 150 min were necessary to reduce the toxin concentration to the WHO's guideline for drinking water (from 10 to 1 mu g L-1) and to mineralize 90% of the initial carbon content. Another important finding is that solar heterogeneous photocatalysis was a destructive process indeed, not only for the toxin, but also for the other extract components and degradation products generated. Moreover, toxicity tests using mice have shown that the acute effect caused by the initial sample was removed. However, tests using the phosphatase enzyme indicated that it may be formed products capable of inducing chronic effects on mammals. The performed experiments indicate the feasibility of using solar heterogeneous photocatalysis for treating contaminated water with [D-Leu]-Microcystin-LR, not only due to its destruction, but also to the significant removal of organic matter and acute toxicity that can be achieved. (C) 2012 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
The goal of this thesis is the application of an opto-electronic numerical simulation to heterojunction silicon solar cells featuring an all back contact architecture (Interdigitated Back Contact Hetero-Junction IBC-HJ). The studied structure exhibits both metal contacts, emitter and base, at the back surface of the cell with the objective to reduce the optical losses due to the shadowing by front contact of conventional photovoltaic devices. Overall, IBC-HJ are promising low-cost alternatives to monocrystalline wafer-based solar cells featuring front and back contact schemes, in fact, for IBC-HJ the high concentration doping diffusions are replaced by low-temperature deposition processes of thin amorphous silicon layers. Furthermore, another advantage of IBC solar cells with reference to conventional architectures is the possibility to enable a low-cost assembling of photovoltaic modules, being all contacts on the same side. A preliminary extensive literature survey has been helpful to highlight the specific critical aspects of IBC-HJ solar cells as well as the state-of-the-art of their modeling, processing and performance of practical devices. In order to perform the analysis of IBC-HJ devices, a two-dimensional (2-D) numerical simulation flow has been set up. A commercial device simulator based on finite-difference method to solve numerically the whole set of equations governing the electrical transport in semiconductor materials (Sentuarus Device by Synopsys) has been adopted. The first activity carried out during this work has been the definition of a 2-D geometry corresponding to the simulation domain and the specification of the electrical and optical properties of materials. In order to calculate the main figures of merit of the investigated solar cells, the spatially resolved photon absorption rate map has been calculated by means of an optical simulator. Optical simulations have been performed by using two different methods depending upon the geometrical features of the front interface of the solar cell: the transfer matrix method (TMM) and the raytracing (RT). The first method allows to model light prop-agation by plane waves within one-dimensional spatial domains under the assumption of devices exhibiting stacks of parallel layers with planar interfaces. In addition, TMM is suitable for the simulation of thin multi-layer anti reflection coating layers for the reduction of the amount of reflected light at the front interface. Raytracing is required for three-dimensional optical simulations of upright pyramidal textured surfaces which are widely adopted to significantly reduce the reflection at the front surface. The optical generation profiles are interpolated onto the electrical grid adopted by the device simulator which solves the carriers transport equations coupled with Poisson and continuity equations in a self-consistent way. The main figures of merit are calculated by means of a postprocessing of the output data from device simulation. After the validation of the simulation methodology by means of comparison of the simulation result with literature data, the ultimate efficiency of the IBC-HJ architecture has been calculated. By accounting for all optical losses, IBC-HJ solar cells result in a theoretical maximum efficiency above 23.5% (without texturing at front interface) higher than that of both standard homojunction crystalline silicon (Homogeneous Emitter HE) and front contact heterojuction (Heterojunction with Intrinsic Thin layer HIT) solar cells. However it is clear that the criticalities of this structure are mainly due to the defects density and to the poor carriers transport mobility in the amorphous silicon layers. Lastly, the influence of the most critical geometrical and physical parameters on the main figures of merit have been investigated by applying the numerical simulation tool set-up during the first part of the present thesis. Simulations have highlighted that carrier mobility and defects level in amorphous silicon may lead to a potentially significant reduction of the conversion efficiency.
The diameters of traditional dish concentrators can reach several tens of meters, the construction of monolithic mirrors being difficult at these scales: cheap flat reflecting facets mounted on a common frame generally reproduce a paraboloidal surface. When a standard imaging mirror is coupled with a PV dense array, problems arise since the solar image focused is intrinsically circular. Moreover, the corresponding irradiance distribution is bell-shaped in contrast with the requirement of having all the cells under the same illumination. Mismatch losses occur when interconnected cells experience different conditions, in particular in series connections. In this PhD Thesis, we aim at solving these issues by a multidisciplinary approach, exploiting optical concepts and applications developed specifically for astronomical use, where the improvement of the image quality is a very important issue. The strategy we propose is to boost the spot uniformity acting uniquely on the primary reflector and avoiding the big mirrors segmentation into numerous smaller elements that need to be accurately mounted and aligned. In the proposed method, the shape of the mirrors is analytically described by the Zernike polynomials and its optimization is numerically obtained to give a non-imaging optics able to produce a quasi-square spot, spatially uniform and with prescribed concentration level. The freeform primary optics leads to a substantial gain in efficiency without secondary optics. Simple electrical schemes for the receiver are also required. The concept has been investigated theoretically modeling an example of CPV dense array application, including the development of non-optical aspects as the design of the detector and of the supporting mechanics. For the method proposed and the specific CPV system described, a patent application has been filed in Italy with the number TO2014A000016. The patent has been developed thanks to the collaboration between the University of Bologna and INAF (National Institute for Astrophysics).
CIGS-Dünnschichtsolarzellen verbinden hohe Effizienz mit niedrigen Kosten und sind damit eine aussichtsreiche Photovoltaik-Technologie. Das Verständnis des Absorbermaterials CIGS ist allerdings noch lückenhaft und benötigt weitere Forschung. In dieser Dissertation werden Computersimulationen vorgestellt, die erheblich zum besseren Verständnis von CIGS beitragen. Es wurden die beiden Systeme Cu(In,Ga)Se2 und (Cu,In,Vac)Se betrachtet. Die Gesamtenergie der Systeme wurde in Clusterentwicklungen ausgedrückt, die auf der Basis von ab initio Dichtefunktionalrechnungen erstellt wurden. Damit war es möglich Monte Carlo (MC)-Simulationen durchzuführen. Kanonische MC-Simulationen von Cu(In,Ga)Se2 zeigen das temperaturabhängige Verhalten der In-Ga-Verteilung. In der Nähe der Raumtemperatur findet ein Übergang von einer geordneten zu einer ungeordneten Phase statt. Unterhalb separiert das System in CuInSe2 und CuGaSe2. Oberhalb existiert eine gemischte Phase mit inhomogen verteilten In- und Ga-Clustern. Mit steigender Temperatur verkleinern sich die Cluster und die Homogenität nimmt zu. Bei allen Temperaturen, bis hin zur Produktionstemperatur der Solarzellen (¼ 870 K), ist In-reiches CIGS homogener als Ga-reiches CIGS. Das (Cu,In,Vac)Se-System wurde mit kanonischen und großkanonischen MC-Simulationen untersucht. Hier findet sich für das CuIn5Se8-Teilsystem ein Übergang von einer geordneten zu einer ungeordneten Phase bei T0 = 279 K. Großkanonische Simulationen mit vorgegebenen Werten für die chemischen Potentiale von Cu und In wurden verwendet, um die Konzentrations- Landschaft und damit die sich ergebenden Stöchiometrien zu bestimmen. Stabilitätsbereiche wurden für stöchiometrisches CuInSe2 und für die Defektphasen CuIn5Se8 und CuIn3Se5 bei einer Temperatur von 174 K identifiziert. Die Bereiche für die Defektphasen sind bei T = 696 K verschwunden. Die Konzentrations-Landschaft reproduziert auch die leicht Cu-armen Stöchiometrien, die bei Solarzellen mit guten Effizienzen experimentell beobachtet werden. Die Simulationsergebnisse können verwendet werden, um den industriellen CIGS-Produktionspr
In order to reduce the costs of crystalline silicon solar cells, low-cost silicon materials like upgraded metallurgical grade (UMG) silicon are investigated for the application in the photovoltaic (PV) industry. Conventional high-purity silicon is made by cost-intensive methods, based on the so-called Siemens process, which uses the reaction to form chlorosilanes and subsequent several distillation steps before the deposition of high-purity silicon on slim high-purity silicon rods. UMG silicon in contrast is gained from metallurgical silicon by a rather inexpensive physicochemical purification (e.g., acid leaching and/or segregation). However, this type of silicon usually contains much higher concentrations of impurities, especially 3d transition metals like Ti, Fe, and Cu. These metals are extremely detrimental in the electrically active part of silicon solar cells, as they form recombination centers for charge carriers in the silicon band gap. This is why simple purification techniques like gettering, which can be applied between or during solar cell process steps, will play an important role for such low-cost silicon materials. Gettering in general describes a process, whereby impurities are moved to a place or turned into a state, where they are less detrimental to the solar cell. Hydrogen chloride (HCl) gas gettering in particular is a promising simple and cheap gettering technique, which is based on the reaction of HCl gas with transition metals to form volatile metal chloride species at high temperatures.rnThe aim of this thesis was to find the optimum process parameters for HCl gas gettering of 3d transition metals in low-cost silicon to improve the cell efficiency of solar cells for two different cell concepts, the standard wafer cell concept and the epitaxial wafer equivalent (EpiWE) cell concept. Whereas the former is based on a wafer which is the electrically active part of the solar cell, the latter uses an electrically inactive low-cost silicon substrate with an active layer of epitaxially grown silicon on top. Low-cost silicon materials with different impurity grades were used for HCl gas gettering experiments with the variation of process parameters like the temperature, the gettering time, and the HCl gas concentration. Subsequently, the multicrystalline silicon neighboring wafers with and without gettering were compared by element analysis techniques like neutron activation analysis (NAA). It was demonstrated that HCl gas gettering is an effective purification technique for silicon wafers, which is able to reduce some 3d transition metal concentrations by over 90%. Solar cells were processed for both concepts which could demonstrate a significant increase of the solar cell efficiency by HCl gas gettering. The efficiency of EpiWE cells could be increased by HCl gas gettering by approximately 25% relative to cells without gettering. First process simulations were performed based on a simple model for HCl gas gettering processes, which could be used to make qualitative predictions.
The Genesis mission Solar Wind Concentrator was built to enhance fluences of solar wind by an average of 20x over the 2.3 years that the mission exposed substrates to the solar wind. The Concentrator targets survived the hard landing upon return to Earth and were used to determine the isotopic composition of solar-wind—and hence solar—oxygen and nitrogen. Here we report on the flight operation of the instrument and on simulations of its performance. Concentration and fractionation patterns obtained from simulations are given for He, Li, N, O, Ne, Mg, Si, S, and Ar in SiC targets, and are compared with measured concentrations and isotope ratios for the noble gases. Carbon is also modeled for a Si target. Predicted differences in instrumental fractionation between elements are discussed. Additionally, as the Concentrator was designed only for ions ≤22 AMU, implications of analyzing elements as heavy as argon are discussed. Post-flight simulations of instrumental fractionation as a function of radial position on the targets incorporate solar-wind velocity and angular distributions measured in flight, and predict fractionation patterns for various elements and isotopes of interest. A tighter angular distribution, mostly due to better spacecraft spin stability than assumed in pre-flight modeling, results in a steeper isotopic fractionation gradient between the center and the perimeter of the targets. Using the distribution of solar-wind velocities encountered during flight, which are higher than those used in pre-flight modeling, results in elemental abundance patterns slightly less peaked at the center. Mean fractionations trend with atomic mass, with differences relative to the measured isotopes of neon of +4.1±0.9 ‰/amu for Li, between -0.4 and +2.8 ‰/amu for C, +1.9±0.7‰/amu for N, +1.3±0.4 ‰/amu for O, -7.5±0.4 ‰/amu for Mg, -8.9±0.6 ‰/amu for Si, and -22.0±0.7 ‰/amu for S (uncertainties reflect Monte Carlo statistics). The slopes of the fractionation trends depend to first order only on the relative differential mass ratio, Δ m/ m. This article and a companion paper (Reisenfeld et al. 2012, this issue) provide post-flight information necessary for the analysis of the Genesis solar wind samples, and thus serve to complement the Space Science Review volume, The Genesis Mission (v. 105, 2003).