880 resultados para Small-sized hospitals


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Fish bone assemblages are described that were recently discovered in the storage area of two rooms, dated to the 7th century AD, from the monastery of Bawit, Egypt. The species composition, the reconstructed sizes of the fish and the find contexts show that this material represents pickled fish (salsamenta). This product was made in one case of medium-sized Clarias catfish, whereas another assemblage, found inside an amphora, consisted of small-sized fish, mainly cyprinids and alestiids. The latter product was stored in a Late Roman Amphora 5/6 of Palestinian origin, traditionally considered as a container for wine. The amphora was clearly re-used since the fish found in it are Nilotic species which excludes that the salsamenta came from outside Egypt. A few additional finds of fish inside amphorae were available, but due to the low number of bones it was unclear if salted fish products were stored in them. Textual information provided by ostraca and papyri from the same site shows that the monks exerted fishing activities themselves and also suggests that the production of pickled fish took place locally. One of the two Nilotic fish taxa (Labeo) that is specifically mentioned by written evidence is the most common ingredient found in the amphora with abundant fish remains. The paper ends with a brief summary of other faunal evidence for salted fish products from monastic and other historic sites in Egypt.


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The trend towards miniaturization of electronic products leads to the need for very small sized solder joints. Therefore, there is a higher reliability risk that too large a fraction of solder joints will transform into Intermetallic Compounds (IMCs) at the solder interface. In this paper, fracture mechanics study of the IMC layer for SnPb and Pb-free solder joints was carried out using finite element numerical computer modelling method. It is assumed that only one crack is present in the IMC layer. Linear Elastic Fracture Mechanics (LEFM) approach is used for parametric study of the Stress Intensity Factors (SIF, KI and KII), at the predefined crack in the IMC layer of solder butt joint tensile sample. Contrary to intuition, it is revealed that a thicker IMC layer in fact increases the reliability of solder joint for a cracked IMC. Value of KI and KII are found to decrease with the location of the crack further away from the solder interfaces while other parameters are constant. Solder thickness and strain rate were also found to have a significant influence on the SIF values. It has been found that soft solder matrix generates non-uniform plastic deformation across the solder-IMC interface near the crack tip that is responsible to obtain higher KI and KII.


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The market for solder paste materials in the electronic manufacturing and assembly sector is very large and consists of material and equipment suppliers and end users. These materials are used to bond electronic components (such as flip-chip, CSP and BGA) to printed circuit boards (PCB's) across a range of dimensions where the solder interconnects can be in the order of 0.05mm to 5mm in size. The non-Newtonian flow properties exhibited by solder pastes during its manufacture and printing/deposition phases have been of practical concern to surface mount engineers and researchers for many years. The printing of paste materials through very small-sized stencil apertures is known to lead to increased stencil clogging and incomplete transfer of paste to the substrate pads. At these very narrow aperture sizes the paste rheology and particle-wall interactions become crucial for consistent paste withdrawal. These non-Newtonian effects must be understood so that the new paste formulations can be optimised for consistent printing. The focus of the study reported in this paper is the characterisation of the rheological properties of solder pastes and flux mediums, and the evaluation of the effect of these properties on the pastes' printing performance at the flip-chip assembly application level. Solder pastes are known to exhibit a thixotropic behaviour, which is recognised by the decrease in apparent viscosity of paste material with time when subjected to a constant shear rate. The proper characterisation of this time-dependent theological behaviour of solder pastes is crucial for establishing the relationships between the pastes' structure and flow behaviour; and for correlating the physical parameters with paste printing performance. In this paper, we present a number of methods which have been developed for characterising the time-dependent and non-Newtonian rheological behaviour of solder pastes and flux mediums as a function of shear rates. We also present results of the study of the rheology of the solder pastes and flux mediums using the structural kinetic modelling approach, which postulates that the network structure of solder pastes breaks down irreversibly under shear, leading to time and shear dependent changes in the flow properties. Our results show that for the solder pastes used in the study, the rate and extent of thixotropy was generally found to increase with increasing shear rate. The technique demonstrated in this study has wide utility for R&D personnel involved in new paste formulation, for implementing quality control procedures used in solder paste manufacture and packaging; and for qualifying new flip-chip assembly lines


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Four time-series of copepod species biomass in the north of Spain were contrasted to demonstrate spatial autocorrelation of local communities and their responses to short-term local and regional variability in oceanographic conditions. The series represented coastal and oceanic environments along a marked gradient of influence of seasonal upwelling from Galicia to the Mar Cantábrico (S Bay of Biscay), and each one included at least 10 years of continuous data collected at monthly frequency. Community composition (i.e. species number and diversity) was very consistent through the region, but local variations in the presence of new species and the relative proportions of common species allowed for the characterisation of the response to the environment at each site. Small-sized species were more frequent near the coast. A few species, however, captured the main patterns of variability in all series. Calanus helgolandicus and Acartia (mainly Acartia clausi) were generally the main contributors to total biomass, while other species as Paracalanus parvus and Clausocalanus spp. were important only at some locations. Most copepod indices were positively correlated with upwelling, either considering the whole community (biomass, species richness and diversity) or individual species, but only in the coastal series analysed since 1991. Copepods in the nearby ocean, however, showed negative correlations with upwelling in the period 1960–1986. The effects of upwelling may have been modulated by local factors, as showed by the increases in biomass, number of species and diversity in associations with increases in sea surface temperature in Galicia, while in the Mar Cantábrico only the warming-tolerant species increased and those typical of upwelling decreased. Density stratification of the water column was associated with decreases in total copepod biomass in Galicia, while it favoured the increase in species richness in the Mar Cantábrico. Nearly all significant responses of copepods to environmental variability were delayed by up to 5 months, showing the importance of considering time-lags in the analysis of temporal responses of zooplankton.


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Esta tese tem como objetivos identificar e caraterizar os modos de Comunicação Mediada por Computador (CMC) utilizados nas Comunidades Online (CO), relevantes para a prática de criação visual, contextualizando-os na produção de Type Design (TD). E concetualizar um modelo de CO de prática, desenvolvida segundo uma metodologia participativa, avaliando as estratégias de dinamização e viabilização no contexto nacional. Atualmente, com a disseminação das tecnologias de informação e comunicação a prática de TD, uma atividade isolada e individual, está sujeita a um paradigma de mudança—tornar-se uma atividade de partilha cada vez maior. A investigação dividiu-se em três fases. Na primeira fase procura perceber os modos relevantes de CMC para a prática de TD. Para isso, observa-se as motivações e comportamentos dos utilizadores nestas plataformas, apoiado pela recolha de dados sobre o uso destas plataformas no contexto académico. Juntamente com o desenvolvimento e avaliação de uma experiência preliminar numa plataforma online existente. Na segunda fase, apresenta-se o modelo concetual de uma CO para a produção de TD apoiado na identificação e caraterização das Virtual Community of Practice de TD existentes. E o respetivo desenvolvimento e implementação de um protótipo funcional. Na terceira fase o protótipo foi avaliado recorrendo à participação dos utilizadores—uma amostra de Type Designers profissionais portugueses—no desenvolvimento das estratégias comunitárias segundo uma abordagem participativa de Community-Centered Development. A utilização de um Focus Group de dimensões reduzidas, e as limitações temporais da investigação prática não permitem generalizar os resultados encontrados. No entanto, os resultados revelam que quanto mais específica for a atividade da prática partilhada na CO, mais especializados e restritos devem ser os modos de CMC implementados para a comunicação e interação dos membros online. A integração dos modos de CMC sobre a comunicação assíncrona através de artefactos visuais tem um potencial de comunicação mais eficaz e satisfatório para estes utilizadores. E as barreiras à participação, apesar de poderem ser minimizadas através da inovação nos modos implementados, são um desafio de sociabilização que devem ser geridos, equilibrando a comunicação explícita, os usos, perceções e expectativas dos diferentes papéis dos membros da comunidade.


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Wireless communications had a great development in the last years and nowadays they are present everywhere, public and private, being increasingly used for different applications. Their application in the business of sports events as a means to improve the experience of the fans at the games is becoming essential, such as sharing messages and multimedia material on social networks. In the stadiums, given the high density of people, the wireless networks require very large data capacity. Hence radio coverage employing many small sized sectors is unavoidable. In this paper, an antenna is designed to operate in the Wi-Fi 5GHz frequency band, with a directive radiation pattern suitable to this kind of applications. Furthermore, despite the large bandwidth and low losses, this antenna has been developed using low cost, off-the-shelf materials without sacrificing quality or performance, essential to mass production. © 2015 EurAAP.


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O objetivo deste trabalho consistiu em projetar, construir e testar um protótipo em laboratório de uma fonte de alimentação de alta tensão que permita descargas elétricas {estáveis e de dimensões reduzidas}, de modo a que possa ser utilizada, dada a sua essencialidade, na fabricação de redes de período longo (LPG) em fibra ótica nos chamados turning points. Estes são pontos de elevada sensibilidade, fundamentais no desenvolvimento tecnológico de sensores em fibra ótica, em particular, de sensores refractométricos. O protótipo da fonte de alimentação é composto por um regulador do tipo BUCK, um inversor para alimentação do transformador de alta tensão, o circuito de realimentação e controlo PWM e um microcontrolador para o comando da fonte. Posteriormente procedeu-se à otimização dos parâmetros de descarga, o que conduziu a fabricação de redes de período longo com períodos inferiores a 150 micrómetros. Este é um resultado sem paralelo a nível internacional no que concerne ao uso da técnica do arco elétrico.


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Tämän pro gradu-tutkielman tarkoituksena oli tutkia minkälaisia kasvupyrkimyksiä Suomessa toimivilla pienillä kiinteistösijoittajilla tai kiinteistösijoitusyhtiöillä on. Tutkimuksen pohjaksi esiteltiin yrityksen strategiateoriaa ja kasvun malleja pienyritysnäkökulmasta. Tutkimuksen tulokset voivat antaa yrittäjille mietteitä kasvamisen suunnitelmallisuudesta ja sen hyödyistä. Tutkimusosuus suoritettiin laadullisena tutkimuksena. Aineisto kerättiin haastattelemalla 16 pientä kiinteistösijoittajaa nettipohjaisen kyselyn avulla. Painopiste oli vapaissa vastauksissa ja tällä pyrittiin saamaan laajoja mielipiteitä. Kohdeyritykset valittiin sattumalta tutkijan lähipiiriin kuuluvien yrittäjien avulla. Maantieteellinen jakauma oli laaja, koko maan kattava. Kohdeyrityksistä haastateltiin yhtä henkilöä, joka oli tyypillisesti yrityksen omistaja. Haastatteluista saatua materiaalia analysoitiin strategisten näkemysten ja yrityksen kasvuteorioiden valossa. Tutkimuksessa todettiin, että pienyrittäjät suhtautuvat kiinteistösijoittamiseen lähinnä säästämismuotona eikä niinkään systemaattisena yrittämisenä. Useat vastaajat tekivät kiinteistösijoittamista osa-aikaisesti. Kasvua tavoittelee kyllä valtaosa yrityksistä, mutta sen eteen ei tehdä juuri mitään. Odotellaan vain sopivia kohteita ostettavaksi. Kasvamisen määrä riippuu hyvin pitkälti yrittäjän persoonasta. Jos yrittäjä on kunnianhimoinen toiminnan kasvattaja, niin se heijastuu myös hänen harjoittamaan kiinteistösijoittamiseen.


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Dark brown sediment with manly small sized clasts. Some medium and large clasts also present. Clasts range from sub-angular to sub-rounded. Lineations can be seen throughout the sample. Minor patches of clay/organic rich domains can also be seen as well as minor grain stacking.


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Dark grey sediment with medium to small sized grains. The grains are sub-angular in shape. Rotation structures and grain crushing are the most common microstructures seen. Dark organic material and lineations can also be seen.


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Light brown, coarse grained sediment with a few patches of a finer grained domain. Clasts range from small to medium in size. The finer grained domain mainly contains small sized grains that are very well dispersed. Clast shape ranges from angular to sub-rounded. Edge-to-edge grain crushing is common in the coarser domain, with a few grain stacks. The finer grained domain contains a few lineations.


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La technique du laser femtoseconde (fs) a été précédemment utilisée pour la production de nanoparticules d'or dans un environnement aqueux biologiquement compatible. Au cours de ce travail de maîtrise, cette méthode a été investiguée en vue d'une application pour la fabrication de nanocristaux de médicament en utilisant le paclitaxel comme modèle. Deux procédés distincts de cette technologie à savoir l'ablation et la fragmentation ont été étudiés. L'influence de la puissance du laser, de point de focalisation, et de la durée du traitement sur la distribution de taille des particules obtenues ainsi que leur intégrité chimique a été évaluée. Les paramètres ont ainsi été optimisés pour la fabrication des nanoparticules. L’évaluation morphologique et chimique a été réalisée par microscopie électronique et spectroscopie infrarouge respectivement. L'état cristallin des nanoparticules de paclitaxel a été caractérisé par calorimétrie differentielle et diffraction des rayons X. L'optimisation du procédé de production de nanoparticules par laser fs a permis d'obtenir des nanocristaux de taille moyenne (400 nm, polydispersité ≤ 0,3). Cependant une dégradation non négligeable a été observée. La cristallinité du médicament a été maintenue durant la procédure de réduction de taille, mais le paclitaxel anhydre a été transformé en une forme hydratée. Les résultats de cette étude suggèrent que le laser fs peut générer des nanocristaux de principe actif. Cependant cette technique peut se révéler problématique pour des médicaments sensibles à la dégradation. Grâce à sa facilité d'utilisation et la possibilité de travailler avec des quantités restreintes de produit, le laser fs pourrait représenter une alternative valable pour la production de nanoparticules de médicaments peu solubles lors des phases initiales de développement préclinique. Mots-clés: paclitaxel, nanocristaux, laser femtoseconde, ablation, fragmentation


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The present investigations have considerably enhanced the existing knowledge on the biology and distribution/availability pattern of D.incarnatus in the Malippuram region. The species occurs in good concentration during October - March/April, and disappears from the area during late premonsoon and monsoon months. Recolonising the area in September, it grows fast in the subsequent months. The life span of the species is estimated to be about an year. Studies on the reproductive biology of the species have revealed that there are two spawning peaks, the major peak in February - March and minor peak, in December. The salinity regime of the area influences the reproductive activity. These observations form the original contribution in the thesis. The information on variation in water content, protein,glycogen and lipid levels in relation to reproductive cycle has helped to a better understanding of the gametogenic activity and spawning of the species. Similarly, the findings on salinity tolerance and filtration rate have shown that small sized clams exhibit greater tolerance range than larger clams, and grow at a faster rate with active metabolism. It is hoped that these information would considerably add to the present knowledge of the basic facts which are relevant to the improvement and management of the clam fishery of this region.


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In the present study an attempt has been made to understand the microzooplankton community along the easr coast of India. Most of the earlier studies projected Bay of Bengal as an oligotrophic system where phytoplankton growth is limited by a number of factors among which nutrients are the foremost. Hence it is logical to consider that the most of the primary production in the Bay of Bengal could be contributed by small sized phytoplankton harnessing the available resources, which in turn can be utilized effiency by the microzooplankton only. Hence microzooplankton could play in transferring primary organic carbon to higher tropic levels in this region.


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Die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung ist ein attraktives Forschungsgebiet des vergangenen und aktuellen Jahrzehnts. Es handelt von unaufdringlicher Unterstützung von Menschen in ihren alltäglichen Aufgaben durch Rechner. Diese Unterstützung wird durch die Allgegenwärtigkeit von Rechnern ermöglicht die sich spontan zu verteilten Kommunikationsnetzwerken zusammen finden, um Informationen auszutauschen und zu verarbeiten. Umgebende Intelligenz ist eine Anwendung der ubiquitären Datenverarbeitung und eine strategische Forschungsrichtung der Information Society Technology der Europäischen Union. Das Ziel der umbebenden Intelligenz ist komfortableres und sichereres Leben. Verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke für die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung charakterisieren sich durch Heterogenität der verwendeten Rechner. Diese reichen von Kleinstrechnern, eingebettet in Gegenstände des täglichen Gebrauchs, bis hin zu leistungsfähigen Großrechnern. Die Rechner verbinden sich spontan über kabellose Netzwerktechnologien wie wireless local area networks (WLAN), Bluetooth, oder UMTS. Die Heterogenität verkompliziert die Entwicklung und den Aufbau von verteilten Kommunikationsnetzwerken. Middleware ist eine Software Technologie um Komplexität durch Abstraktion zu einer homogenen Schicht zu reduzieren. Middleware bietet eine einheitliche Sicht auf die durch sie abstrahierten Ressourcen, Funktionalitäten, und Rechner. Verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke für die ubiquitäre Datenverarbeitung sind durch die spontane Verbindung von Rechnern gekennzeichnet. Klassische Middleware geht davon aus, dass Rechner dauerhaft miteinander in Kommunikationsbeziehungen stehen. Das Konzept der dienstorienterten Architektur ermöglicht die Entwicklung von Middleware die auch spontane Verbindungen zwischen Rechnern erlaubt. Die Funktionalität von Middleware ist dabei durch Dienste realisiert, die unabhängige Software-Einheiten darstellen. Das Wireless World Research Forum beschreibt Dienste die zukünftige Middleware beinhalten sollte. Diese Dienste werden von einer Ausführungsumgebung beherbergt. Jedoch gibt es noch keine Definitionen wie sich eine solche Ausführungsumgebung ausprägen und welchen Funktionsumfang sie haben muss. Diese Arbeit trägt zu Aspekten der Middleware-Entwicklung für verteilte Kommunikationsnetzwerke in der ubiquitären Datenverarbeitung bei. Der Schwerpunkt liegt auf Middleware und Grundlagentechnologien. Die Beiträge liegen als Konzepte und Ideen für die Entwicklung von Middleware vor. Sie decken die Bereiche Dienstfindung, Dienstaktualisierung, sowie Verträge zwischen Diensten ab. Sie sind in einem Rahmenwerk bereit gestellt, welches auf die Entwicklung von Middleware optimiert ist. Dieses Rahmenwerk, Framework for Applications in Mobile Environments (FAME²) genannt, beinhaltet Richtlinien, eine Definition einer Ausführungsumgebung, sowie Unterstützung für verschiedene Zugriffskontrollmechanismen um Middleware vor unerlaubter Benutzung zu schützen. Das Leistungsspektrum der Ausführungsumgebung von FAME² umfasst: • minimale Ressourcenbenutzung, um auch auf Rechnern mit wenigen Ressourcen, wie z.B. Mobiltelefone und Kleinstrechnern, nutzbar zu sein • Unterstützung für die Anpassung von Middleware durch Änderung der enthaltenen Dienste während die Middleware ausgeführt wird • eine offene Schnittstelle um praktisch jede existierende Lösung für das Finden von Diensten zu verwenden • und eine Möglichkeit der Aktualisierung von Diensten zu deren Laufzeit um damit Fehlerbereinigende, optimierende, und anpassende Wartungsarbeiten an Diensten durchführen zu können Eine begleitende Arbeit ist das Extensible Constraint Framework (ECF), welches Design by Contract (DbC) im Rahmen von FAME² nutzbar macht. DbC ist eine Technologie um Verträge zwischen Diensten zu formulieren und damit die Qualität von Software zu erhöhen. ECF erlaubt das aushandeln sowie die Optimierung von solchen Verträgen.