980 resultados para Small fish


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In this study we identify the size-dependent risk of winter starvation mortality as a strong selective pressure on age-0 rainbow trout (Oncorhynchus mykiss) that could promote the risk-taking behaviour and allocation of energy to lipids previously observed in young trout cohorts. Age-0 trout subjected to simulated winter starvation conditions gradually depleted lipid reserves to a critical minimum lipid content below which death occurred. Small fish with lower lipid content exhausted lipid reserves earlier, and experienced high mortality rates sooner, than larger fish with greater lipid content. Consequently, winter starvation endurance was dependent upon size-dependent lipid reserves and winter duration. To validate the laboratory findings in the field, we stocked several size classes of hatchery-raised trout with known lipid content at the start of winter into two experimental lakes, and estimated survival and lipid depletion at winter's end. Larger age-0 trout had greater initial lipid reserves than smaller trout. Individuals depleted most of their lipid reserves over the winter, and experienced mortality that ranged from just under 60% for the largest individuals to just over 90% of the smallest individuals. Many survivors had lipid contents near, but none were below, the minimum lipid content determined in the laboratory.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Ornamental fish may be severely affected by a stressful environment. Stressors impair the immune response, reproduction and growth rate; thus, the identification of possible stressors will aid to improve the overall quality of ornamental fish. The aim of this study was to determine whole-body cortisol of adult zebrafish, Danio rerio, following visual or direct contact with a predator species. Zebrafish were distributed in three groups: the first group, which consisted of zebrafish reared completely isolated of the predator, was considered the negative control; the second group, in which the predator, Parachromis managuensis was stocked together with zebrafish, was considered the positive control; the third group consisted of zebrafish stocked in a glass aquarium, with direct visual contact with the predator. The mean whole-body cortisol concentration in zebrafish from the negative control was 6.78 +/- 1.12 ng g(-1), a concentration statistically lower than that found in zebrafish having visual contact with the predator (9.26 +/- 0.88 ng g(-1)) which, in turn, was statistically lower than the mean whole-body cortisol of the positive control group (12.35 +/- 1.59 ng g(-1)). The higher whole-body cortisol concentration found in fish from the positive control can be attributed to the detection, by the zebrafish, of relevant risk situations that may involve a combination of chemical, olfactory and visual cues. One of the functions of elevated cortisol is to mobilize energy from body resources to cope with stress. The elevation of whole-body cortisol in fish subjected to visual contact with the predator involves only the visual cue in the recognition of predation risk. We hypothesized that the zebrafish could recognize predator characteristics in P managuensis, such as length, shape, color and behavior. Nonetheless, the elevation of whole-body cortisol in zebrafish suggested that the visual contact of the predator may elicit a stress response in prey fish. This assertion has a strong practical application concerning the species distribution in ornamental fish markets in which prey species should not be allowed to see predator species. Minimizing visual contact between prey and predator fish may improve the quality, viability and welfare of small fish in ornamental fish markets. (c) 2007 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Five-day-old pacu larvae (Piaractus mesopotamicus) with average length and weight of 5.96 mm and 0.42 mg, respectively, were reared as follows: in a semi-intensive system with larvae stocked directly into fertilized ponds (IL0)-and an initial intensive larviculture system with larvae maintained in a laboratory for 3 (IL3), 6 (IL6) and 9 (IL9) days, before being transferred to fertilized ponds. During the indoor phase, larvae were fed Artemia nauplii. Intensive-culture survivals were high (95.6%, 86.4% and 83.8% for IL3, IL6 and IL9, respectively) and at the end of the 45-day period, the longer the larvae were kept in the intensive system, the better the juvenile survival in the ponds. IL9 and IL6 survival rates were 54.0% and 45.4%, respectively, significantly higher (P < 0.05) than IL0 (11%) and IL3 presented an intermediate rate (25.3%). Due to the low survival rate of IL0, length and weight were higher (P < 0.05) when compared to IL6 and IL9; and the differences between their survival rates affected size distribution of juveniles among treatments. Treatments, which resulted in high survival (IL6 and IL9), presented a great number of small fish. In contrast, IL0 and IL3 produced many large and extra large individuals. In general, the results indicate that pacu juvenile production by initial intensive larviculture (IL6 and IL9) was the most efficient method. Therefore, further studies should be conducted in order to improve larval growth in the laboratory and handling techniques in both the laboratory and ponds. (C) 2003 Elsevier B.V. B.V. All rights reserved.


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Schools of mullets, Mugilidae, are abundant in estuaries and shallow marine waters. We report on the schooling behavior of juvenile white mullet, Mugil curema, in the estuary of the Canto da Paciência stream, in Ubatuba, southeastern Brazil. Schools of small fish (15 to 35 mm TL) were composed of a larger number of individuals (up to a hundred individuals), and were found feeding mainly in shallow nearshore waters, whereas schools of larger fish (40 to 100 mm TL) were observed only in deeper waters. Three patterns of swimming were observed for the schools: stationary feeding, slow movement while searching for food, and rapid displacement. The variations observed in school structure and behavior seem to be related to the balance between predation risk and increasing food intake. Copyright © 2007 Sociedade Brasileira de Ictiologia.


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The aim of the present study was to evaluate the diet and biological attributes of the population of Galeocharax knerii residing near net cage fish farming activities in the Chavantes reservoir (Paranapanema River, Brazil) to check their possible impacts. Samples were collected from two populations: one near the net cages (NC) and one from an area not influenced by these cages denominated the reference site (RS). Monthly sampling was carried out from March 2008 to February 2009. Fish were caught with a standardized effort using gill nets deployed for 14 hours. The alimentary index (AI) and degree of repletion (RD) were calculated to determine diet composition. Analyses of the sex ratio and the gonadosomatic index (GSI) were also performed. The calculations of AI revealed that fish wastes constituted the most frequent food item in the diet in both study areas (NC = 70.43; RS = 87.55), followed by the consumption of Apareiodon affinis (AI = 29.56), which was abundant near the NC, and prawn at the reference site (AI = 12.28). The sex ratio differed from 1:1 and mature individuals were only found in the population near the NC. The findings demonstrate that G. knerii indirectly benefits from the input of organic matter, using small fish as its main food resource. We conclude that the activities of fish farming influence diet and biological attributes of the species G. knerii, evidenced mainly by higher feeding activity, numerical abundance and biomass in the area of the cages.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Partial or full life-cycle tests are needed to assess the potential of endocrine-disrupting compounds (EDCs) to adversely affect development and reproduction of fish. Small fish species such as zebrafish, Danio rerio, are under consideration as model organisms for appropriate test protocols. The present study examines how reproductive effects resulting from exposure of zebrafish to the synthetic estrogen 17alpha-ethinylestradiol (EE2) vary with concentration (0.05 to 10 ng EE2 L(-1), nominal), and with timing/duration of exposure (partial life-cycle, full life-cycle, and two-generation exposure). Partial life-cycle exposure of the parental (F1) generation until completion of gonad differentiation (0-75 d postfertilization, dpf) impaired juvenile growth, time to sexual maturity, adult fecundity (egg production/female/day), and adult fertilization success at 1.1 ng EE2 L(-1) and higher. Lifelong exposure of the F1 generation until 177 dpf resulted in lowest observed effect concentrations (LOECs) for time to sexual maturity, fecundity, and fertilization success identical to those of the developmental test (0-75 dpf), but the slope of the concentration-response curve was steeper. Reproduction of zebrafish was completely inhibited at 9.3 ng EE2 L(-1), and this was essentially irreversible as a 3-mo depuration restored fertilization success to only a very low rate. Accordingly, elevated endogenous vitellogenin (VTG) synthesis and degenerative changes in gonad morphology persisted in depurated zebrafish. Full life-cycle exposure of the filial (F2) generation until 162 dpf impaired growth, delayed onset of spawning and reduced fecundity and fertilization success at 2.0 ng EE2 L(-1). In conclusion, results show that the impact of estrogenic agents on zebrafish sexual development and reproductive functions as well as the reversibility of effects, varies with exposure concentration (reversibility at < or = 1.1 ng EE2 L(-1) and irreversibility at 9.3 ng EE2 L(-1)), and between partial and full life-cycle exposure (exposure to 10 ng EE2 L(-1) during critical period exerted no permanent effect on sexual differentiation, but life-cycle exposure did).


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Large-scale genetic screens for mutations affecting early neurogenesis of vertebrates have recently been performed with an aquarium fish, the zebrafish. Later stages of neural morphogenesis have attracted less attention in small fish species, partly because of the lack of molecular markers of developing structures that may facilitate the detection of discrete structural alterations. In this context, we report the characterization of Ol-Prx 3 (Oryzias latipes-Prx 3). This gene was isolated in the course of a large-scale screen for brain cDNAs containing a highly conserved DNA binding region, the homeobox helix-three. Sequence analysis revealed that this gene belongs to another class of homeobox genes, together with a previously isolated mouse ortholog, called OG-12 [Rovescalli, A. C., Asoh, S. & Nirenberg, M. (1996) Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 93, 10691–10696] and with the human SHOX gene [Rao, E., Weiss, B., Fukami, M., Rump, A., Niesler, B., et al. (1997) Nat. Genet. 16, 54–62], thought to be involved in the short-stature phenotype of Turner syndrome patients. These three genes exhibit a moderate level of identity in the homeobox with the other genes of the paired-related (PRX) gene family. Ol-Prx 3, as well as the PRX genes, are expressed in various cartilaginous structures of head and limbs. These genes might thus be involved in common regulatory pathways during the morphogenesis of these structures. Moreover, this paper reports a complex and monophasic pattern of Ol-Prx 3 expression in the central nervous system, which differs markedly from the patterns reported for the PRX genes, Prx 3 excluded: this gene begins to be expressed in a variety of central nervous system territories at late neurula stage. Strikingly, it remains turned on in some of the derivatives of each territory during the entire life of the fish. We hope this work will thus help identify common features for the PRX 3 family of homeobox genes.


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British Imperial policy in Southern Africa in the last three decades of the nineteenth century oscillated between two extremes. It began in the early 1870's with Lord Kimberley's attempt to effect confederation as a means of devolving Imperial responsibility and expenditure. It ended in 1899 with Britain's active intervention against the Boers. For most of the remaining years of those decades a middle course was adopted while the British Government struggled to reconcile its diverse political interests. Strategy, supremacy, economy, humanitarianism, and recognition of colonial aspirations were all at one time or another, in varying degrees, motivating forces behind Imperial policy. Many historians have pointed out how incompatible many of these ends were and how the attempt to pursue them all at once almost inevitably ended in at least one of them being sacrificed on the way. This study focusses on a relatively minor problem over a period of about seven years. It attempts to show how the British Government tried to reconcile, in this case, the predominant motives of economy and supremacy. The problem of the Disputed Territory now seems like a small fish in a big ocean because non the great hopes and fears that it raised were ever realized. But the anticlimactic nature of the outcome of events should not be allowed to conceal two important points: first, that the problem loomed large at the time in the eyes of the Imperial Government; and second, that in the case of its policy towards the Disputed Territory, the Government gained a greater degree of success in trying to reconcile seemingly incompatible ends than it did in many other instances.


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This cross-sectional study investigated the prevalence of anaemia and vitamin A deficiency (VAD) among pregnant women in a poor urban population of Bangladesh. It also examined the association of various socio-economic and dietary factors with anaemia and vitamin A status. A maternal and child health clinic in Dhaka city, Bangladesh was used to obtain the sample. Three hundred and eighty three pregnant women, aged 20-30 years, of 20-30 weeks gestation were randomly selected from women on their first presentation for antenatal care. Socio-economic, pregnancy related information, usual dietary pattern, and anthropometric data were collected. Blood haemoglobin and serum retinol (vitamin A) concentrations were determined. About 40% of the pregnant women were anaemic (haemoglobin <11.0 g/dl) and 45% had low serum vitamin A levels (<30 mug/dl); with 8.6% having sub-clinical VAD (serum retinol <20 μg/dl). The women with low serum vitamin A levels had 1.8 times greater risk of being anaemic than did the women with normal vitamin A status. Food frequency data revealed that a large proportion of these women did not consume egg (49%), milk (25%), meat (31%), liver (83%), large fish (32%), small fish (39%) and sweet pumpkin (52%) at all; while about 25% of the women reported consuming dark green leafy vegetables (DGLV) and 64% reported an intake of fruit at least four servings a week. The pregnant women who were either illiterate or received only informal education (up to grade ten) had significantly lower haemoglobin and serum vitamin A levels compared to those who completed at least a secondary school certificate. The women whose husbands were illiterate or received only informal education had significantly (P=0.01) lower serum vitamin A levels than those whose husbands had received at least a secondary school certificate. The women who came from families with a per-capita income below the poverty line had significantly lower haemoglobin and serum vitamin A levels compared to those who came from families with a per-capita income above the poverty line. The women who consumed three servings or less of DGLV and fruit per week had significantly lower haemoglobin and serum vitamin A levels than those who consumed four or more servings a week. The women who never consumed large fish had significantly lower haemoglobin compared to those who reported at least one serving a week. Furthermore, the women who never consumed sweet pumpkin had significantly lower serum vitamin A than the women who ate at least one serving a week. By multiple regression analysis, intake of meat, DGLV and fruit, and serum vitamin A levels were found to have a significant independent relationship with haemoglobin. The overall F-ratio (9.9) was highly significant (P=0.000), the adjusted R-square was 0.086 (multiple R=0.309). Multiple regression analysis for serum vitamin A also revealed a significant independent relationship with per capita income, haemoglobin levels, intakes of DGLV and sweet pumpkin. The overall F-ratio (10.2) was highly significant (P=0.000), the adjusted R-square was 0.10 (multiple R=0.312). In conclusion, anaemia and vitamin A deficiency were highly prevalent among poor urban pregnant women in Bangladesh. Various socio-economic and dietary factors may influence the anaemia and vitamin A status of these women. The present study emphasizes the need for a comprehensive intervention strategy, which include both nutritional and environmental factors, to improve the nutritional status of this population.