175 resultados para Slate roofing.
Dissertação de natureza científica para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Civil na Área de Especialização de Edificações
Mestrado em Engenharia Civil – ramo Tecnologia e Gestão das Construções
Extracting the semantic relatedness of terms is an important topic in several areas, including data mining, information retrieval and web recommendation. This paper presents an approach for computing the semantic relatedness of terms using the knowledge base of DBpedia — a community effort to extract structured information from Wikipedia. Several approaches to extract semantic relatedness from Wikipedia using bag-of-words vector models are already available in the literature. The research presented in this paper explores a novel approach using paths on an ontological graph extracted from DBpedia. It is based on an algorithm for finding and weighting a collection of paths connecting concept nodes. This algorithm was implemented on a tool called Shakti that extract relevant ontological data for a given domain from DBpedia using its SPARQL endpoint. To validate the proposed approach Shakti was used to recommend web pages on a Portuguese social site related to alternative music and the results of that experiment are reported in this paper.
Existent computer programming training environments help users to learn programming by solving problems from scratch. Nevertheless, initiating the resolution of a program can be frustrating and demotivating if the student does not know where and how to start. Skeleton programming facilitates a top-down design approach, where a partially functional system with complete high level structures is available, so the student needs only to progressively complete or update the code to meet the requirements of the problem. This paper presents CodeSkelGen - a program skeleton generator. CodeSkelGen generates skeleton or buggy Java programs from a complete annotated program solution provided by the teacher. The annotations are formally described within an annotation type and processed by an annotation processor. This processor is responsible for a set of actions ranging from the creation of dummy methods to the exchange of operator types included in the source code. The generator tool will be included in a learning environment that aims to assist teachers in the creation of programming exercises and to help students in their resolution.
The teaching-learning process is increasingly focused on the combination of the paradigms “learning by viewing” and “learning by doing.” In this context, educational resources, either expository or evaluative, play a pivotal role. Both types of resources are interdependent and their sequencing would create a richer educational experience to the end user. However, there is a lack of tools that support sequencing essentially due to the fact that existing specifications are complex. The Seqins is a sequencing tool of digital resources that has a fairly simple sequencing model. The tool communicates through the IMS LTI specification with a plethora of e-learning systems such as learning management systems, repositories, authoring and evaluation systems. In order to validate Seqins we integrate it in an e-learning Ensemble framework instance for the computer programming learning.
The two largest causes for battery consumption on mobile devices are related with the display and network operations. Since most application need to share data and communicate with remote servers, communications should be as lightweight and efficient as possible. In network communication, serialization plays a central role as the process of converting an object into a stream of bytes. One of the most popular data-interchange format is JSON (JavaScript Object Notation). This paper presents a survey on JSON parsers in mobile scenarios. The aim of the survey is to find the most efficient JSON parser in mobile communications characterised by high transfer rate of small amounts of data. In the performance benchmark we compare the time required to read and write data with several popular JSON parser implementations such as Gson, Jackson, org.json and others. The results of this survey are important for others that need to select an efficient parser for mobile communication.
O presente trabalho tem como objetivo o estudo da utilização do zinco e do cobre como revestimento de coberturas e de fachadas em edifícios. O trabalho inicia-se com uma introdução sobre as características do zinco e cobre e a sua aplicação desde os primeiros tempos até à atualidade. Incluiu-se uma breve explanação sobre a sua produção, extração, disponibilidade de recursos, reciclagem e compatibilidade com outros materiais. O trabalho inclui também um capítulo destinado a compreender os princípios que justificam o seu uso em revestimentos, onde se aborda a sua importância na ventilação, sistemas de drenagem e noutras temáticas associadas ao processo construtivo. Em seguida desenvolve-se um capítulo orientado para os sistemas de revestimento mais comuns, onde se faz a separação entre sistemas com e sem ventilação e as diferentes técnicas e formas de instalação. Apresenta-se finalmente um caso prático de estudo de um sistema de revestimento de uma cobertura, onde se completa com um subcapítulo destinado à quantificação da ação do vento, da chuva e dos seus efeitos, mas também, onde se realça a importância da análise do comportamento e desempenho dos respetivos órgãos de drenagem.
Tide prevalence of intestinal parasitosis ivas investigated in a primaiy school located in Rubiâo Júnior, a peri-urban district of Botucatu, São Paulo slate, Brazil, in order to assess the effect of treatment and practical measures of prophylaxis in the control of parasitic infections among 7-to- 18-year-old school children of a low socio-economic status. The first series of parasitological examinations included 219 school children, ef which 123 (56.1 %) were found to be infected with one or more parasite species. Eighty- four children canying pathogenic parasites were submitted to various anti-parasitic treatment schedules. We re-evaluated 15 (89 %) students after 4 to 6 months post- chemotherapy. The results indicate that the combination of treatment with prophylactic measures has been successful in the control of parasitic infections, since reinfection rates were generally low (< 5-3 %), except for Giardia lamblia infections (18.6 %), and a marked reduction oti the prevalence rates was obsewed with a significant percentage of cure (> 73-1 %) in children infected with most parasite species. The reasons for the apparent failure in the control of infections caused by Hymenolepis nana and Strongyloides stercoralis are discussed.
Dissertação de mestrado em Construção e Reabilitação Sustentável
Artificial ecotopes of 121 peridomiciliary environments in four rural localities in the state of Ceará, Brazil, were studied and the type of material of the ecotopes was identified as triatomine infestation. Two thousand two hundred and four Triatoma brasiliensis Neiva, 340 Triatoma pseudomaculata Corrêa and Espínola, 121 Rhodnius nasutus Stall, and 5 Panstrongylus lutzi (Neiva and Pinto) were captured. Out of the 323 ecotopes found (X =2.0 ± 1.8 per dwelling) such as pigpens, henhouses, corrals, perches, dovecotes, piles of roofing tiles, bricks, wood, and straw 30.3% were infested by triatomines in all different developmental stages, including eggs. A substantial number of triatomines were found in perches, however the largest infestation took place in roofing materials used in the construction of goat/sheep corrals, henhouses, and pigpens, where 98% of them were captured: 1372 triatomines were located in the roofing tile covers, 285 in the straw, 187 in the perches, 77 in the coverings of roofing tiles and straw, and 13 in the straw and wood. Among all the different pile of materials, roofing tiles were the most infested (50%) followed by bricks (38.9%) and woods (36.1%). T. brasiliensis colonized mainly brick piles (chi2=16.539; p < 0.05) and roofing tiles (chi2=5,090.58; p < 0.05); T. pseudomaculata preferred wood perches (chi2= 472.39; p < 0.05) and woodpiles (chi2=126.0 p < 0.05), and R. nasutus was principally found in roofing straw (chi2=384.43; p < 0.05). These findings suggest that triatomines tend to colonize peridomiciliary ecotopes similar to their original habitats.
Dans les années trente, Ella Maillart et Annemarie Schwarzenbach quittent la Suisse pour l'Afghanistan. Deux décennies plus tard, L. Pestelli et N. Bouvier s'embarquent à leur tour sur les routes d'Orient. Filles et fils de grands industriels, d'universitaires ou de diplomates, ces quatre écrivains-voyageurs mettent un point d'honneur à s'éloigner d'une conception bourgeoise du voyage en présentant leur départ comme un moyen de se définir dans l'ailleurs, c'est-à-dire en dehors de leur héritage social, familial, national et occidental. L'Orient leur semble le lieu des possibles. Or, malgré leur désir de table rase, ils s'aperçoivent vite que, quoi qu'ils fassent, leur corps porte les stigmates de l'Occident. Ils vont donc tenter de le modifier. Si le but du voyage n'est pas de faire totalement disparaître le corps, ce n'est qu'en le risquant, en l'offrant au monde, pour le meilleur et souvent pour le pire, que les voyageurs croient pouvoir goûter aux délices du dehors. Mais ce bonheur charnel, physique, sensuel voire érotique, comment le dire ? Et quelle langue adopter pour rendre compte de sa présence physique au monde ? La réunion de ces quatre auteurs d'époques, de genres et de plumes différents, nous permet d'observer l'évolution des représentations du corps dans le récit de voyage au vingtième siècle tout en questionnant nos habitudes de lecture. Quelle représentation attendons-nous du corps dans un récit de voyage ? Celui-ci est-il vraiment le lieu privilégié pour remettre le corps à l'ouvrage ? The Boby at work. Body representations ìn the narratives of Eila Maillart, Annemarie Schwarzenbach, Nicolas Bouvier and Lorenzo Pestelli. In the 1930s, Ella Maillart and Annemarie Schwarzenbach left Switzerland for Afghanistan. Two decades later, Lorenzo Pestelli and Nicolas Bouvier set out on the routes to the East. Daughters and sons of prominent industrialists, academics or diplomats, these four writer-travellers made a point of straying away from the bourgeois conception of travel by presenting their departure as a way of defining the self away from social, family, national and Western inheritance. The East appears to them as the location of many possibilities. Yet, in spite of their desire for a clean slate, they soon realise that, no matter what they do, their body carries the stigma of the West. They will thus try to modify it. If the aim of their travelling is not to make the body disappear completely, it is only by putting it at risk and by offering it to the world, for better and often for worse, that the travellers believe they can taste the delights from the outside. But how to put in words this carnal, physical, sensual and even erotic pleasure? And what language can be chosen to account for one's presence in the world? Working jointly on four writers, from different eras, genres and styles, helps us to observe the evolution of the representations of the body in travel literature in the 20`h century and at the same time it questions our reading habits. What representations of the body do we expect in travel literature? Is travel literature really the privileged location to put the body back to work?
This work offers an approach to the vegetation of the Pyrenean area mentioned above according to three successive and related levels -vascularflora, plant communities and plant landscape. The study area stretches over 147.5 square km (projected surface), nearly 70% belonging to Cadí-Moixeró Natural Park. Altitudes rise from 720 m a.s.l. (Southern part) and 1100 m a.s.l. (Northern part) to 2536 m a.s.l. at the top ofla Tosa d'Alp. Limestone, the most common substrate, constitutes the highest mountain ranges in the area and also the roughest relief. Slate, carbonated slate, marl, sandstone and different kinds of conglomerate are also present. The bioclimate of lower parts is axeromeric sub-mediterranean type in the Gaussen scale, with a marked continental factor in the Northern sector (Cerdanya district). High parts have high mountain climates -cold axeric, subalpine and alpine types.
The inadequate supply of suitable road surfacing material in the southern part of Iowa raises the question of the possibility of utilizing certain shales abundant in this area. These carbonaceous shales commonly overlie the coal beds and may also be found as impurities in the coal seams. They constitute the "slate" which with minor amounts of coal makes up the "gob" piles at the mines. These shales frequently contain enough carbonaceous material to burn. Those which do not usually require only a relatively small amount of coal mixed with them to support combustion. As a result, the "gob" piles frequently burn. The residual shale material is frequently used locally as a road surfacing material. However, since there is no control over the burning, there is no assurance that the product is the most suitable which might be produced or that it is even uniform in its properties. To determine if a controlled burning would produce a suitable road building product economically a research project "Use of Shales as Highway Materials" (ISHC Project HR-21, IEES Project 299-S) was set up in the Iowa Engineering Experiment Station with funds provided by the Iowa State Highway Commission, This project was supervised by Charles Frush, formerly Assistant Professor of Mining Engineering at Iowa State University. The various shales were subjected to controlled burning, and the solid residues were tested for their suitability for highway use.