982 resultados para Simone de Beauvoir


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This study investigates the influence of the built environment upon residents' sense of familiarity, concept of self and thus, their facilitation of place through the theory of "The Bondage of Imposed Visual Discourse". Simone de Beauvoir's theory "The Bondage of Feminine Elegance" provides the conceptual understanding of the visual discourse between the physicality of clothing and the wearer's personal identity. This fashion theory is transposed to explore the influence of the built environment's physicality upon aged care residents' personal identity. This paper presents findings from a study of professionals' opinions in reference to the built environment of permanent residential aged care for the 'oldest-old' of Australia. The researcher conducted qualitative interviews with four participants: an architect, occupational therapist, nursing home facility manager and an aged care lobbyist in the South-East Queensland. This study is structured towards proposing "place-focused" qualitative design principles to encourage residents' sense of place through the built environment. These proposed principles are addressed with reference to existing Standards and Principles outlined by the Australian Government.


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Paris 1947 is the site of one of twentieth century fashion’s fictive highpoints. The New Look combined drama and poetics through an abiding rhetoric of elegance. In doing so it employed traditional modes of femininity, casting the woman of fashion in the guise of an ambiguous ‘new’ figure: half fairytale princess, half evil witch. This fashionable ideal was widely disseminated through key photographic representations, Willy Maywald’s 1947 image of the Bar Suit being a case in point. It was precisely such mythic formulations of ‘woman’ which Simone de Beauvoir was to take to task just two years later with the publication of The Second Sex. Driven by frustration with the status quo of real women, de Beauvoir recognised the role of fictive representations, both textual and visual in defining women. This paper reads key sections of The Second Sex through a comparative analysis of two iconic images of French women from 1947; Cartier-Bresson’s classic portrait of de Beauvoir and Willy Mayhold’s spectacular evocation of Christian Dior’s New Look. Cued by a compelling range of similarities between these images this paper explores links between fashion, feminism and fiction in mid-century French culture.


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Tese apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Doutor em Ciências da Comunicação


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Abstract (Re)thinking Bodies: Deleuze and Guattari 's becoming-woman seeks to explore the notion of becoming-woman, as put forth by Gilles Deleuze and Felix Guattari in their collaborative 1982 text, A Thousand Plateaus: Capitalism and Schizophrenia, and as received by such prominent feminist theorists as Rosi Braidotti and Elizabeth Grosz. Arguing that the fairly decisive repudiation of this concept by some feminist theorists has been based on a critical misunderstanding, this project endeavors to clarify becomingwoman by exploring various conceptions of the body put forth by Baruch de Spinoza, Friedrich Nietzsche and Simone de Beauvoir. These conceptions of the body are indispensible to an appreciation of Deleuze and Guattari's notion of a body lived on both an immanent and transcendent plane, which, in turn, is indispensable to an appreciation of the concept of becoming (and, in particular, the concept of becoming-woman) as intended by Deleuze and Guattari.


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Resumen basado en la publicación


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Presentada a los Premios Nacionales Educación y Sociedad. Anexo Memoria en C-Innov.88


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Contiene: Presentaciones: A propósito del primer centenario de Sartre / Alicia Ortega Caicedo. -- Un obrero infatigable / François Cousin. -- Motivos: Trayectorias y memorias del diálogo con Sartre en la escena cultural de Quito / Alicia Ortega Caicedo. -- Referentes: ¿Es Sartre el autor de su tiempo? / François Noudelmann. -- Políticas del compromiso / François Noudelmann. -- Situaciones: El lenguaje de la libertad / Fernando Tinajero. -- Sartre y la soberanía del escritor / Fernando Balseca. -- A puerta cerrada: el infierno son los otros / Jorge Dávila Vázquez. -- Itinerarios: Sartre en Cuba, Cuba en Sartre / Zuleika Cruz. -- Sartre y el psicoanálisis: sujeto, libertad y creación literaria / Marie-Astrid Dupret .-- No se nace Simone de Beauvoir, se llega a serlo / Florence Baillon. -- Memorias: Sartre fue para nosotros el maestro de una filosofía de la vida / Entrevista de Alicia Ortega a Alejandro Moreano. -- La galaxia Sartre / Abdón Ubidia. -- El radicalismo de los tzántzicos / Entrevista de Hernán Ibarra a Ulises Estrella. -- Dinámicas porteñas: el Montreal, Toña la Negra y Jean-Paul Sartre / Martha Rodríguez. -- El Sartre que pervive es el del compromiso / Entrevista de Martha Rodríguez a Fernando Balseca. -- La literatura era una forma de existencia / Entrevista de Martha Rodríguez a Raúl Vallejo. -- Más que intelectuales orgánicos éramos intelectuales orgásmicos / Entrevista de Martha Rodríguez a Fernando Nieto. -- Sartre, una cronología. -- Autoras y autores. -- Presentaciones


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Esta investigación visual tiene como objetivo indagar en la construcción de la feminidad en la práctica fotográfica de Lucía Chiriboga, Sara Roitman y Wendy Ribadeneira, para ello consta de tres capítulos. El primer capítulo relata brevemente, la construcción del género femenino a través de la imagen, pensándolo desde la perspectiva de Georges Vigarello y atravesado por las construcciones sociales propuestas por Simone de Beauvoir. El primer capítulo relata también en una segunda instancia la aparición de la figura femenina en el arte, primero como musa y segundo como creadora. El segundo capítulo entra en la indagación visual de las obras escogidas de Chiriboga, Ribadeneira y Roitman. Esta indagación será hecha apoyada en los planteamientos realizados en el primer capítulo. El tercer capítulo será un análisis, primero individual y después comparativo de las imágenes analizadas de las tres fotógrafas.


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Although two hundred years separate Jane Austen and Helen Fielding and, subsequently, also their portrayals of society, the similarities outweigh the differences. When juxtaposing Pride and Prejudice and Bridget Jones’s Diary in the light of feminism it is evident that both books provide clear examples of the prevailing situation of women in each time and place. The aspects of the study, which are especially important today, show both the development and some degree of stagnation of women’s rights and identities.


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In dem Aufsatz werden Geschlecht und Geschlechtsidentität in dem Roman Die Wand von Marlen Haushofer untersucht. Anhand der Theorien und Begriffen Simone de Beauvoirs und Judith Butlers wird die Veränderung bei der Ich-Erzählerin des Werkes analysiert, die sich von typischer Frau in geschlechtloses Ich verwandelt. 


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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La finalità di questa tesi è un excursus a posteriori sulle derive degli estremismi ideologici come il femminismo e la misoginia. Ci si è avvalsi delle teorie di studiosi quali Freud, Lacan, Weininger, Simone de Beauvoir, come anche Maria Zambrano, Adriana Cavarero, John Berger, Judith Butler, Luce Irigay, Camille Paglia e altri esponenti pertinenti alla materia analizzata. Si è infine concluso con le teorie innovative di Silvia Montefoschi, formulando una soluzione ipotetica alle discriminazioni di genere, applicabile al campo socio-linguistico.


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