997 resultados para Silicoaluminophosphate Molecular-sieves
A new biomaterial, based on silica organofunctionalized with p-phenylenediamine (p-PDA) and the enzyme peroxidase, was used in the development of an enzymatic solid-phase reactor. The analytical techniques used in the characterization showed that the organic ligand was incorporated into the silica matrix. Thus, the silica modified with p-PDA allowed the incorporation of peroxidase by the electrostatic interaction between the carboxylic groups present in the enzyme molecules and the amino groups attached to the silica. The enzymatic solid-phase reactor was used for chemical oxidation of phenols in 1, 4-benzoquinone that was then detected by chronoamperometry. The system allowed the analysis of hydroquinone with a detection limit of 83.6 nmol L-1. Thus, the new material has potential in the determination of phenolic compounds river water samples.
A range of catalysts based on Pd nanoparticles supported on inorganic supports such as BETA and ZSM-5 zeolites, a silicoaluminophosphate molecular sieve (SAPO-5) and γ-alumina as a standard support have been tested for the total oxidation of naphthalene (100 ppm, total flow 50 ml/min) showing a conversion to carbon dioxide of 100% between 165 and 180 °C for all the analysed catalysts. From the combined use of zeolites with PVP polymer protected Pd based nanoparticles, enhanced properties have been found for the total abatement of naphthalene in contrast with other kinds of catalysts. A Pd/BETA catalyst has been demonstrated to have excellent activity, with a high degree of stability, as shown by time on line experiments maintaining 100% conversion to CO2 during the 48 h tested.
A great deal of effort has been made at searching for alternative catalysts to replace conventional Lewis acid catalyst aluminum trichloride (AlCl3). In this paper, immobilization of AlCl3 on mesoporous MCM-41 silica with and without modification was carried out. The catalytic properties of the immobilized catalyst systems for liquid-phase isopropylation of naphthalene were studied and compared with those of H/MCM-41 and H/mordenite. The structures of the surface-immobilized aluminum chloride catalysts were studied and identified by using solid-state magic angle spinning nuclear magnetic resonance (MAS NMR), Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy, X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS), nitrogen adsorption, and X-ray diffraction (XRD) techniques. The catalytic activity of the immobilized catalysts was found to be similar to that of acidic mordenite zeolite. A significant enhancement in the selectivity of 2,6-diisopropylnaphthalene (2,6-DIPN) was observed over the immobilized aluminum chloride catalysts. Immobilization of aluminum chloride on mesoporous silica coupled with surface silylation is a promising way of developing alternative catalyst system for liquid-phase Friedel-Crafts alkylation reactions. (C) 2002 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.
We study here the adsorption of hexane on nanoporous MCM-41 silica at 303, 313, and 323 K, for various pore diameters between 2.40 and 4.24 nm. Adsorption equilibria, measured thermogravimetrically, show that all the isotherms, that are somewhat akin to those of type V, exhibit remarkably sharp capillary adsorption phase transition steps and are reversible. The position of the phase transition step gradually shifts from low to high relative pressure with an increase in the temperature as well as the pore sizes. The isosteric heats of adsorption derived from the equilibrium information using the Clapeyron equation reveal a gradual decrease with increasing adsorbed amount because of the surface heterogeneity but approach a constant value near the phase transition. A decrease in the pore size results in an increase in the isosteric heat of adsorption because of the increased dispersion forces. A simple strategy, based on the Broekhoff and De Boer adsorption theory, successfully interprets the hexane adsorption isotherms for the different pore size MCM-41 samples. The parameters of an empirical expression, used to represent the potential of interaction between the adsorbate and adsorbent, are obtained by fitting the monolayer region prior to capillary condensation and the experimental phase transition simultaneously, for some pore sizes. Subsequently, the parameters are used to predict the adsorption isotherm on other pore size samples, which showed good agreement with experimental data.
A modified-templated- hydrothermal technique was used to prepare mesoporous titania powders through the interaction of tiny anatase seeds (
In this paper, we applied a version of the nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) accounting radial and longitudinal density distributions to study the adsorption and desorption of argon in finite as well as infinite cylindrical nanopores at 87.3 K. Features that have not been observed before with one-dimensional NLDFT are observed in the analysis of an inhomogeneous fluid along the axis of a finite cylindrical pore using the two-dimensional version of the NLDFT. The phase transition in pore is not strictly vapor-liquid transition as assumed and observed in the conventional version, but rather it exhibits a much elaborated feature with phase transition being complicated by the formation of solid phase. Depending on the pore size, there are more than one phase transition in the adsorption-desorption isotherm. The solid formation in finite pore has been found to be initiated by the presence of the meniscus. Details of the analysis of the extended version of NLDFT will be discussed in the paper. (C) 2004 American Institute of Physics.
We investigate here the diffusion of n-decane in nanoporous MCM-41 silicas with pore diameters between 3.0 and 4.3 nm, and at various temperatures and purge flow rates, by the Zero Length Column method. A complete-time-range analysis of desorption curves is used to derive the diffusion coefficient, and the effect of pore size, purge flow rate and temperature on the diffusion character is systematically studied. The results show that the calculated low-coverage diffusivity values are strongly dependent on temperature but only weakly dependent on pore size. The study reveals that transport is controlled by intracrystalline diffusion and dominated by sorbate-sorbent interaction, with the experimental isosteric heat matching the potential energy of flat-lying n-decane molecules on the surface, determined using a united atom model. The diffusion activation energy and adsorption isosteric heat at zero loading for the different pore size MCM-41 samples vary in a narrow range respectively, and their ratio is essentially constant over the pore size range studied. The study shows that the ZLC method is an effective tool to investigate the diffusion kinetics of hydrocarbons in mesoporous MCM-41 materials. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
Adsorption of argon and nitrogen at their respective boiling points in cylindrical pores of MCM-41 type silica-like adsorbents is studied by means of a non-local density functional theory (NLDFT), which is modified to deal with amorphous solids. By matching the theoretical results of the pore filling pressure versus pore diameter against the experimental data, we arrive at a conclusion that the adsorption branch (rather than desorption) corresponds to the true thermodynamic equilibrium. If this is accepted, we derive the optimal values for the solid–fluid molecular parameters for the system amorphous silica–Ar and amorphous silica–N2, and at the same time we could derive reliably the specific surface area of non-porous and mesoporous silica-like adsorbents, without a recourse to the BET method. This method is then logically extended to describe the local adsorption isotherms of argon and nitrogen in silica-like pores, which are then used as the bases (kernel) to determine the pore size distribution. We test this with a number of adsorption isotherms on the MCM-41 samples, and the results are quite realistic and in excellent agreement with the XRD results, justifying the approach adopted in this paper.
Adsorption of nitrogen in spherical pores of FDU-1 silica at 77 K is considered by means of a nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT) accounting for a disordered structure of pore walls. Pore size distribution analysis of various FDU-1 samples subject to different temperatures of calcination revealed three distinct groups of pores. The principal group of pores is identified as ordered spherical mesopores connected with each other by smaller interconnecting pores and irregular micropores present in the mesopore walls. To account for the entrances (connecting pores) into spherical mesopores, a concept of solid mass distribution with respect to the apparent density was introduced. It is shown that the introduction of the aforementioned distribution was sufficient to quantitatively describe experimental adsorption isotherms over the entire range of relative pressures spanning six decades.
In this paper, we present an analysis of argon adsorption in cylindrical pores having amorphous silica structure by means of a nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT). In the modeling, we account for the radial and longitudinal density distributions, which allow us to consider the interface between the liquidlike and vaporlike fluids separated by a hemispherical meniscus in the canonical ensemble. The Helmholtz free energy of the meniscus was determined as a function of pore diameter. The canonical NLDFT simulations show the details of density rearrangement at the vaporlike and liquidlike spinodal points. The limits of stability of the smallest bridge and the smallest bubble were also determined with the canonical NLDFT. The energy of nucleation as a function of the bulk pressure and the pore diameter was determined with the grand canonical NLDFT using an additional external potential field. It was shown that the experimentally observed reversibility of argon adsorption isotherms at its boiling point up to the pore diameter of 4 nm is possible if the potential barrier of 22kT is overcome due to density fluctuations.
In this work, we propose an improvement of the classical Derjaguin-Broekhoff-de Boer (DBdB) theory for capillary condensation/evaporation in mesoporous systems. The primary idea of this improvement is to employ the Gibbs-Tolman-Koenig-Buff equation to predict the surface tension changes in mesopores. In addition, the statistical film thickness (so-called t-curve) evaluated accurately on the basis of the adsorption isotherms measured for the MCM-41 materials is used instead of the originally proposed t-curve (to take into account the excess of the chemical potential due to the surface forces). It is shown that the aforementioned modifications of the original DBdB theory have significant implications for the pore size analysis of mesoporous solids. To verify our improvement of the DBdB pore size analysis method (IDBdB), a series of the calcined MCM-41 samples, which are well-defined materials with hexagonally ordered cylindrical mesopores, were used for the evaluation of the pore size distributions. The correlation of the IDBdB method with the empirically calibrated Kruk-Jaroniec-Sayari (KJS) relationship is very good in the range of small mesopores. So, a major advantage of the IDBdB method is its applicability for small mesopores as well as for the mesopore range beyond that established by the KJS calibration, i.e., for mesopore radii greater than similar to4.5 nm. The comparison of the IDBdB results with experimental data reported by Kruk and Jaroniec for capillary condensation/evaporation as well as with the results from nonlocal density functional theory developed by Neimark et al. clearly justifies our approach. Note that the proposed improvement of the classical DBdB method preserves its original simplicity and simultaneously ensures a significant improvement of the pore size analysis, which is confirmed by the independent estimation of the mean pore size by the powder X-ray diffraction method.
This paper presents a thermodynamic analysis of capillary condensation phenomena in cylindrical pores. Here, we modified the Broekhoff and de Boer (BdB) model for cylindrical pores accounting for the effect of the pore radius on the potential exerted by the pore walls. The new approach incorporates the recently published standard nitrogen and argon adsorption isotherm on nonporous silica LiChrospher Si-1000. The developed model is tested against the nonlocal density functional theory (NLDFT), and the criterion for this comparison is the condensation/evaporation pressure versus the pore diameter. The quantitative agreement between the NLDFT and the refined version of the BdB theory is ascertained for pores larger than 2 nm. The modified BdB theory was applied to the experimental adsorption branch of adsorption isotherms of a number of MCM-41 samples to determine their pore size distributions (PSDs). It was found that the PSDs determined with the new BdB approach coincide with those determined with the NLDFT (also using the experimental adsorption branch). As opposed to the NLDFT, the modified BdB theory is very simple in its utilization and therefore can be used as a convenient tool to obtain PSDs of all mesoporous solids from the analysis of the adsorption branch of adsorption isotherms of any subcritical fluids.
Adsorption of argon at its boiling point infinite cylindrical pores is considered by means of the non-local density functional theory (NLDFT) with a reference to MCM-41 silica. The NLDFT was adjusted to amorphous solids, which allowed us to quantitatively describe argon adsorption isotherm on nonporous reference silica in the entire bulk pressure range. In contrast to the conventional NLDFT technique, application of the model to cylindrical pores does not show any layering before the phase transition in conformity with experimental data. The finite pore is modeled as a cylindrical cavity bounded from its mouth by an infinite flat surface perpendicular to the pore axis. The adsorption of argon in pores of 4 and 5 nm diameters is analyzed in canonical and grand canonical ensembles using a two-dimensional version of NLDFT, which accounts for the radial and longitudinal fluid density distributions. The simulation results did not show any unusual features associated with accounting for the outer surface and support the conclusions obtained from the classical analysis of capillary condensation and evaporation. That is, the spontaneous condensation occurs at the vapor-like spinodal point, which is the upper limit of mechanical stability of the liquid-like film wetting the pore wall, while the evaporation occurs via a mechanism of receding of the semispherical meniscus from the pore mouth and the complete evaporation of the core occurs at the equilibrium transition pressure. Visualization of the pore filling and empting in the form of contour lines is presented.
A systematic study on the structural properties and external morphologies of large-pore mesoporous organosilicas synthesized using triblock copolymer EO20PO70EO20 as a template under low-acid conditions was carried out. By employing the characterization techniques of SAXS, FE-SEM, and physical adsorption of N-2 in combination with alpha(s)-plot method, the structural properties and external morphologies of large-pore mesoporous organosilicas were critically examined and compared with that of their pure-silica counterparts synthesized under similar conditions. It has been observed that unlike mesoporous pure silicas, the structural and morphological properties of mesoporous organosilicas are highly acid-sensitive. High-quality mesoporous organosilicas can only be obtained from synthesis gels with the molar ratios of HCl/H2O between 7.08 x 10(-4) and 6.33 x 10(-3), whereas mesoporous pure silicas with well-ordered structure can be obtained in a wider range of acid concentration. Simply by adjusting the HCl/H2O molar ratios, the micro-, meso-, and macroporosities of the organosilica materials can be finely tuned without obvious effect on their structural order. Such a behavior is closely related to their acid-controlled morphological evolution: from necklacelike fibers to cobweb-supported pearl-like particles and to nanosized particulates.
Nitrogen adsorption on a surface of a non-porous reference material is widely used in the characterization. Traditionally, the enhancement of solid-fluid potential in a porous solid is accounted for by incorporating the surface curvature into the solid-fluid Potential of the flat reference surface. However, this calculation procedure has not been justified experimentally. In this paper, we derive the solid-fluid potential of mesoporous MCM-41 solid by using solely the adsorption isotherm of that solid. This solid-fluid potential is then compared with that of the non-porous reference surface. In derivation of the solid-fluid potential for both reference surface and mesoporous MCM-41 silica (diameter ranging front 3 to 6.5 nm) we employ the nonlocal density functional theory developed for amorphous solids. It is found that, to out, surprise, the solid-fluid potential of a porous solid is practically the same as that for the reference surface, indicating that there is no enhancement due to Surface curvature. This requires further investigations to explain this unusual departure from our conventional wisdom of curvature-induced enhancement. Accepting the curvature-independent solid-fluid potential derived from the non-porous reference surface, we analyze the hysteresis features of a series of MCM-41 samples. (c) 2005 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.