985 resultados para Signal conditioning circuits
A new method of frequency-shifting for a diode laser is realized. Using a sample-and-hold circuit, the error signal can be held by the circuit during frequency shifting. It can avoid the restraint of locking or even lock-losing caused by the servo circuit when we input a step-up voltage into piezoelectric transition (PZT) to achieve laser frequency-shifting.
The dynamic interaction of limb segments during movements that involve multiple joints creates torques in one joint due to motion about another. Evidence shows that such interaction torques are taken into account during the planning or control of movement in humans. Two alternative hypotheses could explain the compensation of these dynamic torques. One involves the use of internal models to centrally compute predicted interaction torques and their explicit compensation through anticipatory adjustment of descending motor commands. The alternative, based on the equilibrium-point hypothesis, claims that descending signals can be simple and related to the desired movement kinematics only, while spinal feedback mechanisms are responsible for the appropriate creation and coordination of dynamic muscle forces. Partial supporting evidence exists in each case. However, until now no model has explicitly shown, in the case of the second hypothesis, whether peripheral feedback is really sufficient on its own for coordinating the motion of several joints while at the same time accommodating intersegmental interaction torques. Here we propose a minimal computational model to examine this question. Using a biomechanics simulation of a two-joint arm controlled by spinal neural circuitry, we show for the first time that it is indeed possible for the neuromusculoskeletal system to transform simple descending control signals into muscle activation patterns that accommodate interaction forces depending on their direction and magnitude. This is achieved without the aid of any central predictive signal. Even though the model makes various simplifications and abstractions compared to the complexities involved in the control of human arm movements, the finding lends plausibility to the hypothesis that some multijoint movements can in principle be controlled even in the absence of internal models of intersegmental dynamics or learned compensatory motor signals.
This paper investigates a nonlinear amplitude saturation behavior in an electrostatically transduced, silicon MEMS disk resonator operating in its secondary elliptical bulk-mode (SEBM) at 3.932 MHz towards its implementation as an all-mechanical automatic gain control (AGC) element. The nonlinear vibration behavior of the SEBM mode is experimentally observed in open-loop testing such that above a threshold small signal drive voltage at a given polarization voltage, the vibration amplitude of the SEBM mode saturates. We also study this nonlinearity in an oscillator circuit designed such that the driving power level at the resonator input can be manually tuned as the circuit operates. The measurements of the voltage amplitudes show a clear transition from the linear to the nonlinear saturation region as the driving power is increased. Short-term frequency stability measurements were also conducted for different v ac and the resulting Allan deviation plots show an improvement in the short-term stability from 1.4 ppb in the linear region to 0.4 ppb in the amplitude saturation region. © 2013 IEEE.
For realization of hexagonal BDD-based digital systems, active and sequential circuits including inverters, flip flops and ring oscillators are designed and fabricated on GaAs-based hexagonal nanowire networks controlled by Schottky wrap gates (WPGs), and their operations are characterized. Fabricated inverters show comparatively high transfer gain of more than 10. Clear and correct operation of hexagonal set-reset flip flops (SR-FFs) is obtained at room temperature. Fabricated hexagonal D-type flip flop (D-FF) circuits integrating twelve WPG field effect transistors (FETs) show capturing input signal by triggering although the output swing is small. Oscillatory output is successfully obtained in a fabricated 7-stage hexagonal ring oscillator. Obtained results confirm that a good possibility to realize practical digital systems can be implemented by the present circuit approach.
Small signal equivalent circuit model of vertical cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSEL's) is given in this paper. The modulation properties of VCSEL are simulated using this model in Pspice program. The simulation results are good agree with experiment data. Experiment is performed to testify the circuit model.
OBJECTIVE: The authors sought to increase understanding of the brain mechanisms involved in cigarette addiction by identifying neural substrates modulated by visual smoking cues in nicotine-deprived smokers. METHOD: Event-related functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI) was used to detect brain activation after exposure to smoking-related images in a group of nicotine-deprived smokers and a nonsmoking comparison group. Subjects viewed a pseudo-random sequence of smoking images, neutral nonsmoking images, and rare targets (photographs of animals). Subjects pressed a button whenever a rare target appeared. RESULTS: In smokers, the fMRI signal was greater after exposure to smoking-related images than after exposure to neutral images in mesolimbic dopamine reward circuits known to be activated by addictive drugs (right posterior amygdala, posterior hippocampus, ventral tegmental area, and medial thalamus) as well as in areas related to visuospatial attention (bilateral prefrontal and parietal cortex and right fusiform gyrus). In nonsmokers, no significant differences in fMRI signal following exposure to smoking-related and neutral images were detected. In most regions studied, both subject groups showed greater activation following presentation of rare target images than after exposure to neutral images. CONCLUSIONS: In nicotine-deprived smokers, both reward and attention circuits were activated by exposure to smoking-related images. Smoking cues are processed like rare targets in that they activate attentional regions. These cues are also processed like addictive drugs in that they activate mesolimbic reward regions.
A novel application-specific instruction set processor (ASIP) for use in the construction of modern signal processing systems is presented. This is a flexible device that can be used in the construction of array processor systems for the real-time implementation of functions such as singular-value decomposition (SVD) and QR decomposition (QRD), as well as other important matrix computations. It uses a coordinate rotation digital computer (CORDIC) module to perform arithmetic operations and several approaches are adopted to achieve high performance including pipelining of the micro-rotations, the use of parallel instructions and a dual-bus architecture. In addition, a novel method for scale factor correction is presented which only needs to be applied once at the end of the computation. This also reduces computation time and enhances performance. Methods are described which allow this processor to be used in reduced dimension (i.e., folded) array processor structures that allow tradeoffs between hardware and performance. The net result is a flexible matrix computational processing element (PE) whose functionality can be changed under program control for use in a wider range of scenarios than previous work. Details are presented of the results of a design study, which considers the application of this decomposition PE architecture in a combined SVD/QRD system and demonstrates that a combination of high performance and efficient silicon implementation are achievable. © 2005 IEEE.
We discuss the quantum-circuit realization of the state of a nucleon in the scope of simple simmetry groups. Explicit algorithms are presented for the preparation of the state of a neutron or a proton as resulting from the composition of their quark constituents. We estimate the computational resources required for such a simulation and design a photonic network for its implementation. Moreover, we highlight that current work on three-body interactions in lattices of interacting qubits, combined with the measurement-based paradigm for quantum information processing, may also be suitable for the implementation of these nucleonic spin states.
The highly structured nature of many digital signal processing operations allows these to be directly implemented as regular VLSI circuits. This feature has been successfully exploited in the design of a number of commercial chips, some examples of which are described. While many of the architectures on which such chips are based were originally derived on heuristic basis, there is an increasing interest in the development of systematic design techniques for the direct mapping of computations onto regular VLSI arrays. The purpose of this paper is to show how the the technique proposed by Kung can be readily extended to the design of VLSI signal processing chips where the organisation of computations at the level of individual data bits is of paramount importance. The technique in question allows architectures to be derived using the projection and retiming of data dependence graphs.
Modern wireless systems are expected to operate in multiple frequency bands and support diverse communications standards to provide the high volume and speed of data transmission. Today's major limitations of their performance are imposed by interference, spurious emission and noise generated by high-power carriers in antennas and passive components of the RF front-end. Passive Intermodulation (PIM), which causes the combinatorial frequency generation in the operational bands, presents a primary challenge to signal integrity, system efficacy and data throughput. © 2013 IEEE.
Field programmable gate array devices boast abundant resources with which custom accelerator components for signal, image and data processing may be realised; however, realising high performance, low cost accelerators currently demands manual register transfer level design. Software-programmable ’soft’ processors have been proposed as a way to reduce this design burden but they are unable to support performance and cost comparable to custom circuits. This paper proposes a new soft processing approach for FPGA which promises to overcome this barrier. A high performance, fine-grained streaming processor, known as a Streaming Accelerator Element, is proposed which realises accelerators as large scale custom multicore networks. By adopting a streaming execution approach with advanced program control and memory addressing capabilities, typical program inefficiencies can be almost completely eliminated to enable performance and cost which are unprecedented amongst software-programmable solutions. When used to realise accelerators for fast fourier transform, motion estimation, matrix multiplication and sobel edge detection it is shown how the proposed architecture enables real-time performance and with performance and cost comparable with hand-crafted custom circuit accelerators and up to two orders of magnitude beyond existing soft processors.
Esta tese investiga a caracterização (e modelação) de dispositivos que realizam o interface entre os domínios digital e analógico, tal como os buffers de saída dos circuitos integrados (CI). Os terminais sem fios da atualidade estão a ser desenvolvidos tendo em vista o conceito de rádio-definido-por-software introduzido por Mitola. Idealmente esta arquitetura tira partido de poderosos processadores e estende a operação dos blocos digitais o mais próximo possível da antena. Neste sentido, não é de estranhar que haja uma crescente preocupação, no seio da comunidade científica, relativamente à caracterização dos blocos que fazem o interface entre os domínios analógico e digital, sendo os conversores digital-analógico e analógico-digital dois bons exemplos destes circuitos. Dentro dos circuitos digitais de alta velocidade, tais como as memórias Flash, um papel semelhante é desempenhado pelos buffers de saída. Estes realizam o interface entre o domínio digital (núcleo lógico) e o domínio analógico (encapsulamento dos CI e parasitas associados às linhas de transmissão), determinando a integridade do sinal transmitido. Por forma a acelerar a análise de integridade do sinal, aquando do projeto de um CI, é fundamental ter modelos que são simultaneamente eficientes (em termos computacionais) e precisos. Tipicamente a extração/validação dos modelos para buffers de saída é feita usando dados obtidos da simulação de um modelo detalhado (ao nível do transístor) ou a partir de resultados experimentais. A última abordagem não envolve problemas de propriedade intelectual; contudo é raramente mencionada na literatura referente à caracterização de buffers de saída. Neste sentido, esta tese de Doutoramento foca-se no desenvolvimento de uma nova configuração de medição para a caracterização e modelação de buffers de saída de alta velocidade, com a natural extensão aos dispositivos amplificadores comutados RF-CMOS. Tendo por base um procedimento experimental bem definido, um modelo estado-da-arte é extraído e validado. A configuração de medição desenvolvida aborda não apenas a integridade dos sinais de saída mas também do barramento de alimentação. Por forma a determinar a sensibilidade das quantias estimadas (tensão e corrente) aos erros presentes nas diversas variáveis associadas ao procedimento experimental, uma análise de incerteza é também apresentada.