1000 resultados para Short Arm


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Os cariótipos de Phyllostomus discolor e P. hastatus da Amazônia oriental são estudados por bandeamentos G, C, G/C sequencial e coloração Ag-NOR. Ambas as espécies apresentaram 2n = 32, sendo o complemento autossômico composto por 15 pares bi-armed em P. discolor e 14 bi-armed mais 1 par acrocêntrico em P. hastatus. O cromossomo X é um submetacêntrico médio e o Y é um pequeno acrocêntrico em ambas as espécies. O presente estudo encontrou apenas uma diferença entre os cariótipos de P. discolor e P. hastatus: o menor autossomo (par 15) é metacêntrico em discolor e acrocêntrico em hastatus. Este resultado é melhor explicado por uma inversão pericêntrica. O bandeamento C revelou heterocromatina constitutiva na região centromérica de todos os cromossomos, e os sítios NOR foram localizados na região distal do par 15, em ambas as espécies. O táxon P. discolor é considerado primitivo para o gênero Phyllostomus e supõe-se que a forma metacêntrica do par 15 seja a condição primitiva, que foi rearranjada por uma inversão pericêntrica, originando a forma acrocêntrica encontrada em P. hastatus.


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A subfamília Ancistrinae é uma das mais diversificadas entre os Loricariidae, incluindo cerca de 200 espécies distribuídas em 26 gêneros. Esses peixes são facilmente reconhecidos pela presença de placas ósseas dispostas em séries ao longo do corpo e pela presença de boca em posição ventral anterior. São vulgarmente conhecidos por acaris, bodós, cascudos. As espécies da subfamília Ancistrinae representam um importante recurso sócio-econômico, constituindo uma das mais importantes atividades comerciais no município de Altamira-PA. Foram analisadas, através das técnicas convencionais (Giemsa, bandeamento C e Ag-NORs) e técnica de fluorocromo (Cromomicina A3), dez espécies de peixes da subfamília Ancistrinae pertencentes a quatro gêneros (Baryancistrus, Parancistrus, Peckoltia e Ancistrus). As espécies do gênero Baryancistrus revelaram um número diplóide 2n= 52 e NF=104. A NOR foi encontrada em posição intersticial no braço curto de um par cromossômico do tipo meta/submetacêntrico. A espécie B. aff. niveatus apresentou grandes blocos heterocromáticos ricos em pares de bases G-C como apomorfia, sendo esta espécie considerada como mais derivada cariotipicamente entre os Baryancistrus. As espécies do gênero Parancistrus apresentaram uma estrutura cariotípica muito similar àquela encontrada em Baryancistrus, apresentando as Regiões Organizadoras de Nucléolos como uma provável sinapomorfia entre os dois gêneros. Os representantes do gênero Peckoltia possuem número diplóide 2n=52 e NF=102. Todas as espécies analisadas apresentaram grandes blocos heterocromáticos, envolvendo quase todos os braços longos de alguns pares cromossomos do tipo submetacêntricos e subtelocêntricos, sendo esta característica uma provável sinapornorfia para este grupo. A NOR foi localizada no braço longo de um par de cromossomos submetacêntricos em P. vittata e em no máximo três cromossomos nas espécies Peckoltia sp.1 e Peckoltia sp.2. A espécie Ancistrus ranunculus foi a que apresentou o cariótipo mais derivado entre as espécies estudadas, com o número dipló ide igual a 48 cromossomos e NF 80. As análises citogenéticas feitas até agora sugerem que os principais eventos de diversificação cariotípica para os Ancistrinae foram às inversões, a exceção de Ancistrus ranunculus que apresentou também rearranjos Robertsonianos.


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Pacientes portadores de Distúrbios da Diferenciação Sexual (DDS) apresentam maior risco de desenvolver neoplasias. As alterações neoplásicas mais frequentes nestes pacientes são: o gonadoblastoma, o carcinoma in situ/tumores de células germinativas intra-tubulares não classificados. As células germinativas tipo II são as percussoras destas lesões na maioria dos casos. O gonadoblastoma é uma neoplasia benigna que não metastiza, mas pela alta prevalência e risco de evolução para as formas malignas de neoplasias gonadais, merece especial atenção. Em uma região próxima ao centrômero no braço curto do cromossomo Y, foi mapeado o gene TSPY, imputado como o gene do gonadoblastoma. Este gene expressa-se em grande quantidade nas células que constituem o gonadoblastoma. Foram avaliados 47 pacientes com DDS nos seus cariótipos e na pesquisa da prevalência do TSPY através da técnica da reação em cadeia de polimerase (PCR). As análises revelaram que 50% das pacientes com síndrome de Turner, mesmo sem o cromossomo Y, íntegro ou não, evidente no cariótipo, foram positivas para a presença do gene TSPY. Estes dados evidenciam a importância da investigação do referido gene no acompanhamento e orientação de gonadectomia em pacientes com DDS.


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Os cariótipos referentes a quatro machos de Alouatta fusca clamitans oriundos do Rio de Janeiro foram analisados através de técnicas de bandamento G, C e NOR. O número diplóide em todos os espécimes foi igual a 49, com a presença de três cromossomos não pareados. A comparação dos padrões de bandamento G com espécimes previamente descritos com 2n = 50 revelou a ocorrência de uma translocação do tipo Y-autossomo, modificando o sistema cromossômico de determinação sexual para o tipo múltiplo, X1X2Y/X1X1 X2X2. Os blocos de heterocromatina constitutiva se distribuíram na região pericentromérica de todos os cromossomos; segmentos intercalares e teloméricos foram visualizados em um par acrocêntrico e em outro submetacêntrico, respectivamente. As regiões organizadoras de nucléolo se localizaram no braço longo de dois pares de pequenos acrocêntricos.


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As análises citogenéticas de diversos Falconiformes mostraram que os acipitrídeos têm uma organização cromossômica atípica na classe Aves, com um número diplóide relativamente baixo (média de 2n= 66) e poucos pares de microcromossomos (4 a 6 pares). Propostas baseadas em citogenética clássica sugeriram que esse fato devia-se à fusão de microcromossomos presentes no cariótipo ancestral das Aves. No intuito de contribuir para o esclarecimento das questões referentes à evolução cromossômica e filogenética dessa família, três espécies da subfamília Buteoninae (Rupornis magnirostris, Buteogallus meridionales e Asturina nitida) e duas espécies da subfamília Harpiinae (Harpia harpyja e Morphnus guianensis) foram analisados citogeneticamente através da aplicação de técnicas de citogenética clássica e molecular. As espécies de Buteoninae apresentaram cariótipos muito semelhantes, com número diplóide igual a 68; o número de cromossomos de dois braços entre 17 e 21, o cromossomo Z submetacêntrico e o W metacêntrico em R. magnirostris e submetacêntrico em Asturina nitida. O uso de sondas de 18/28S rDNA mostrou a localização de regiões organizadoras de nucléolo em um par submetacêntrico médio nas três espécies, correspondendo ao braço curto do par 7. Sequências teloméricas foram mapeadas não só na região terminal dos braços, mas também em algumas posições intersticiais. Sondas de cromossomo inteiro derivadas dos pares 1 a 10 de Gallus gallus (GGA) produziram o mesmo número de sinais nessas três espécies. A disponibilidade das sondas de cromossomos totais derivadas de Leucopternis albicollis confirmou a existência de uma assinatura citogenética comum para as espécies de Buteoninae analisadas por FISH, que se trata da associação entre GGA1p e GGA6, inclusive com um sítio de sequência telomérica intersticial reforçando esse fato. As espécies de Harpiinae analisadas mostraram que o número diplóide das espécies de H. harpyja e M. guianensis foi igual a 58 e 54, respectivamente, e que ambas as espécies apresentam vinte e dois pares de cromossomos de dois braços, mesmo Harpia apresentando dois pares a mais. 18/28S rDNA produziram sinais no braço curto do par 1 em M. guianensis e em dois pares em H. harpyja (pares 6 e 25). Sequências teloméricas intersticiais também foram observadas em alguns pares. Apesar da similaridade na morfologia cromossômica, não foram observadas associações compartilhadas por essas duas espécies. As diferentes associações observadas em Morphnus e Harpia mostram que essas espécies sofreram uma reorganização genômica expressiva após sua separação em linhagens independentes. Além disso, ausência de associações semelhantes sugere que houve fissões nos macrocromossomos do ancestral em comum desse grupo, e as fusões foram subsequentes ao seu isolamento como linhagens diferentes. Os resultados aqui apresentados, somados àqueles publicados anteriormente com outras espécies de Accipitridae indicam que os processos de fissões envolvendo os macrocromossomos de GGA e fusões entre esses segmentos e entre esses e microcromossomos são rearranjos recorrentes nesse grupo. Apesar dos Falconidae também apresentarem cariótipos atípicos, e números diploides baixos, os dados globais da citogenética de Accipitridae indicam que, assim como postulado para as semelhanças morfológicas entre esses dois grupos, os cariótipos rearranjados corresponderiam a homoplasias, do ponto de vista evolutivo, apoiando que essas duas famílias não formam um grupo monofilético.


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Espécies de Eigenmannia estão amplamente distribuídas na região Neotropical, com oito espécies válidas atualmente reconhecidas. Populações de Eigenmannia de três localidades do leste da Amazônia foram investigadas usando técnicas citogenéticas e morfológicas, revelando dois táxons designados aqui comoEigenmannia sp. "A" e Eigenmannia sp. "B". As espécies diferem em três caracteres morfométricos, dois merísticos e um osteológico. Eigenmannia sp. "A" apresenta 2n = 34 (22 m/sm+12st/a) e Eigenmannia sp. "B" apresenta 2n = 38 (14 m/sm+24st/a) e cromossomos sexuais de diferenciação simples, do tipo XX/XY. Em ambas espécies a Heterocromatina Constitutiva (HC) rica em bases A-T está distribuída na região centromérica de todos os cromossomos. Eigenmannia sp. "B" também apresenta blocos de HC na região intersticial dos pares cromossômicos 8, 9 e X que coraram positivamente para CMA3, indicando regiões ricas em G-C. A NOR está localizada no braço curto do par 17 em Eigenmannia sp. "A" e no braço curto do par 14 em Eigenmannia sp. "B". FISH com sondas de rDNA hibridizaram em regiões de tamanhos diferentes entre os homólogos, sugerindo heteromorfismo. A diferenciação do cromossomo X em Eigenmannia sp. "B" pode ser o resultado de amplificação de sequências repetitivas de DNA.


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Infertility is directly related to chromosomal abnormalities in germ cells. Among them, the aneuploidies are the most frequent chromosomal abnormalities and responsible for embryo implantation failures, miscarriages, fetal losses and newborns with congenital malformations, mental disability and neuropsychomotor developmental delay. Male patients with normal somatic karyotype may present different rates of aneuploidies in sperm, resulting in abnormal embryos. This study aimed to correlate the frequency of chromosomal aneuploidies in spermatozoa with embryo implantation rate in couples undergoing assisted reproductive techniques. The methodology has included chromosomal analysis by GTG banding and molecular cytogenetic study using Fluorescent In Situ Hybridization technique for evaluation of chromosomes 9, X and Y in germ cells of 22 patients referred to the Human Reproduction Service of the Clinical Hospital FMRP-USP. Embryo implantation rates were determined by hormonal evaluation in maternal peripheral blood and ultrasound confirmation. Two patients presented abnormal karyotype, characterized by polymorphism of the heterochromatic region of the long arm of chromosome 9 and a satellite in the short arm of chromosome 22. Both alterations, usually considered variants of normality, have been related to infertility phenotype and miscarriages. Significant differences were detected between couples who presented pregnancy (group 1) and couples with embryo implantation failure (group 2), with higher frequency of aneusomy and diploidy of chromosome 9, as well as total aneuploidy in sperm of group 2 patients. Our results suggest a correlation between aneuploidy and embryo implantation rates, since the infertile group with reproductive failure has showed higher frequency of aneuploidy. Screening for aneuploidies detection in male germ cells should be included in order to decrease embryo implantation failures, miscarriages and fetuses with chromosomal ...


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This paper chronicles a 2-year-old girl who presented with acute leukemia/lymphoma syndrome of the T cell immuno-phenotype. At this time, the cytogenetic analysis of her bone marrow cells showed a reciprocal translocation between the short arm of chromosome 12 and the long arm of chromosome 13, t(12;13)(p13;q14). The immunophenotyping of bone marrow blast cells by flow cytometry revealed a population of cells positive for CD56, CD117, CD45, partial CD33, partial HLA-DR, CD13, CD7, CD2 and CD5. Therefore, a diagnosis of acute leukemia with a mixed T cell/myeloid phenotype was made. The patient had a poor response to classic T cell acute lymphocytic leukemia/lymphoma therapy; thus, her treatment was changed to a myeloid leukemia protocol, which produced a good response. She underwent a successful cord blood transplantation from an unrelated HLA partially matched donor. The coexistence of these two phenotypes prompts questions about the existence of clonal instability, which might influence the choice of therapy. The rarity of the t(12;13)(p13;q14) and the coexistence of T cell/myeloid markers suggest a nonrandom association. To the best of our knowledge, this is the first reported case in which a cell clone bearing a t(12;13)(p13;q14) translocation in a mixed T cell/myeloid lesion was detected. Copyright (C) 2012 S. Karger AG, Basel


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The genus Crotalaria is one of the largest within the family Leguminosae-Papilionoideae, with more than 600 species. However, few karyotypes have been described. In the present paper, five species belonging to the section Hedriocarpae were studied (subsection Machrostachyae), in order to better understand chromosomal evolution in Crotalaria. The results reveals that all species presented 2n = 2x = 16 with symmetrical karyotypes, and slight differences in the chromosome morphology. A secondary constriction was identified at short arm of the pair 1. The 45S rDNA was mapped in the secondary constriction and adjacent heterochromatin (NOR-heterochromatin) and a minor site was identified in C. ochroleuca. The 5S rDNA was mapped linked to 45S rDNA at chromosome 1 short arm in all species. Additional sites for 5S rDNA were identified in C. pallida, C. striata and C. mucronata. Heterochromatin blocks around the centromeres are not CMA(+) neither DAPI(+). The karyotypes of the subsection Macrostachyae are characterized by an inversion at chromosome pair one in relation to previous specialized floral species analyzed. Additional sites of 45S and 5S rDNA were assumed to be a result of transposition events by different ways. The results suggest heterochromatin differentiation and the position of ribosomal genes indicates chromosomal rearrangements during evolution. Karyotype characteristics corroborate the morphological infrageneric classification.


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Ionizing radiation is the most recognized risk factor for meningioma in pediatric long-term cancer survivors. Information in this rare setting is exceptional. We report the clinical and cytogenetic findings in a radiation-induced atypical meningioma following treatment for desmoplastic medulloblastoma in a child. This is the second study to describe the cytogenetic aspects on radiation-induced meningiomas in children. Chromosome banding analysis revealed a 46, XX, t(1;3)(p22;q12), del(1)(p?)[8]/46, XX[12]. Loss of chromosome 1p as a consequence of irradiation has been proposed to be more important in the development of secondary meningiomas in adults. Deletions in the short arm of chromosome 1 also appear to be a shared feature in both pediatric cases so far analyzed.


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Breast carcinoma, one of the most frequent malignancies in women, is a complex disease in which a number of different factors combine to drive pathogenesis. The biopathological characterization of these tumors is essential to determine their aggressiveness and to find the most appropriate therapy. As in others neoplasms, the deregulation of signal transduction pathways is frequently responsible for conferring selective biological advantages to the tumor. Phosphoinositides play an essential role in diverse cellular functions, their metabolism is highly active, and is tightly controlled. Among the enzymes implicated in this pathway, phospholipase C beta 1 (PLCβ1) is one of the key regulators, both at the cytoplasmic and the nuclear level. The PLCβ1 gene maps onto the short arm of chromosome 20, a region that has been shown to be altered in several solid tumors, including breast cancer. In the present study a FISH approach was used to investigate the genetic alterations of the PLCβ1 gene in various classes of breast cancer which differ in their invasiveness and proliferation status, according to their mitotic index. The overall aim was to find out whether this enzyme could be a suitable prognostic marker for this neoplasm. Our results show that 83% of cases had aneusomies at the 20p12 level, and the most frequent alteration is a gain in this specific locus. Indeed, we found that this amplification is not related to the invasion status since there were no differences in amplified tumor frequencies between in situ and invasive breast cancer. On the contrary, the gain of PLCβ1 was significantly related to the mitotic index (p = 0.001). To verify if the change in genetic dosage influences the expression of PLCβ1 we performed Real Time PCR and Immunohystochemical analysis. Our results confirmed that amplified tumors have higher levels of PLCβ1 mRNA, which is the sum of the two splicing isoforms 1a and 1b. On the other hand, even if protein levels were higher in the majority of cases compared to the nontumoral specimens, there were no significant associations between gain and overexpression. Finally, the significant association between the amplification of PLCβ1 and others important clinicopathological parameters, such as grading and hormonal receptors status, confirmed a correlation of this enzyme with the aggressiveness of breast cancer. This suggests that PLCβ1 has the potential to be a prognostic marker in these tumors. However, further work needs to be carried out to validate these preliminary findings.


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Ziel der vorliegenden Arbeit war die vergleichende Sequenzierung und nachfolgende Analyse des syntänen chromosomalen Abschnitts auf dem kurzen Arm des humanen Chromosoms 11 in der Region 11p15.3 mit den Genen LMO1, TUB und dem orthologen Genomabschnitt der Maus auf Chromosom 7 F2. Die im Rahmen dieser Arbeit durchgeführte Kartierung dieser beiden chromosomalen Bereiche ermöglichte die Komplettierung einer genomischen Karte auf insgesamt über eine Megabase, die im Kooperationssequenzierprojekt der Universitäts-Kinderklinik und dem Institut für Molekulargenetik in Mainz erstellt wurde. Mit Hilfe von 28 PAC- und Cosmid-Klonen konnten in dieser Arbeit 383 kb an genomischer DNA des Menschen und mit sechs BAC- und PAC-Klonen 412 kb an genomischer DNA der Maus dargestellt werden. Dies ermöglichte erstmals die exakte Festlegung der Reihenfolge der in diesem chromosomalen Abschnitt enthaltenen Gene und die genaue Kartierung von acht STS-Markern des Menschen, bzw. vier STS-Sonden der Maus. Es zeigte sich dabei, dass die chromosomale Orientierung telomer-/centromerwärts des orthologen Bereichs in der Maus im Vergleich zum Menschen in invertierter Ausrichtung vorliegt. Die Sequenzierung von drei humanen Klonen ermöglichte die Bestimmung von 319.119 bp an zusammenhängender genomischer DNA. Dadurch konnte die genaue Lokalisation und Strukturaufklärung der Gene LMO1, ein putatives Tumorsuppressorgen, das mit der Entstehung von Leukämien assoziiert ist, und TUB, ein Transkriptionsmodulator, der in die Fettstoffwechselregulation involviert ist, vorgenommen werden. Für das murine Genom wurden 412.827 bp an neuer DNA-Sequenz durch Sequenzierung von ebenfalls drei Klonen generiert. Der im Vergleich zum Menschen ca. 100 kb größere Genombereich beinhaltete zudem die neuen Gene Stk33 und Eif3. Es handelte sich dabei um zwei Gene, die erst im Rahmen dieser Arbeit entdeckt und charakterisiert wurden. Die parallele Bearbeitung beider Genombereiche ermöglichte eine umfassende komparative Analyse nach kodierenden, funktionellen und strukturgebenden Sequenzabschnitten in beiden Spezies. Es konnten dabei für beide Organismen die Exon-Intron-Strukturen der Gene LMO1/Lmo1 und TUB/Tub geklärt. Zudem konnten vier neue Exons und zwei neue speziesspezifischer Spleißvarianten für TUB/Tub beschrieben werden. Die Identifizierung dieser neuen Spleißvarianten offenbart neue Möglichkeiten für alternative Regulation und Funktion, oder für eine veränderte Proteinstruktur, die weitere Erklärungsansätze für die Entstehung der mit diesen Genen assoziierten Erkrankungen zulässt. In der sequenzierten, größeren Genomsequenz der Maus konnte in den flankierenden, nicht mit der sequenzierten Humansequenz überlappenden Bereich das neue Gen Eif3 in seiner Exon-Intron-Struktur und die beiden letzten Exons 11 und 12 des Gens Stk33 kartiert und charakterisiert werden. Die umfangreiche Sequenzanalyse beider sequenzierter Genombereiche ergab für den Abschnitt des Menschen insgesamt 229 potentielle Exonsequenzen und für den Bereich der Maus 527 mögliche Exonbereiche. Davon konnten beim Menschen explizit 21 Exons und bei der Maus 31 Exons als exprimierte Bereiche identifiziert und experimentell mittels RT-PCR, bzw. durch cDNA-Sequenzierung verifiziert werden. Diese Abschnitte beschrieben nicht nur die Exonbereiche der oben genannten vier Gene, sondern konnten auch neuen nicht weiter definierten EST-Sequenzen zugeordnet werden. Mittels des Interspeziesvergleiches war darüber hinaus auch die Analyse der nichtkodierenden Intergen-Bereiche möglich. So konnten beispielsweise im ersten Intron des LMO1/Lmo1 sieben Sequenzbereiche mit Konservierungen von ca. 90% bestimmt werden. Auch die Charakterisierung von Promotor- und putativ regulatorischen Sequenzabschnitten konnte mit Hilfe unterschiedlicher bioinformatischer Analyse-Tools durchgeführt werden. Die konservierten Sequenzbereiche der DNA zeigen im Durchschnitt eine Homologie von mehr als 65% auf. Auch die Betrachtung der Genomorganisation zeigte Gemeinsamkeiten, die sich meist nur in ihrer graduellen Ausprägung unterschieden. So weist ein knapp 80 kb großer Bereich proximal zum humanen TUB-Gen einen deutlich erhöhten AT-Gehalt auf, der ebenso im murinen Genom nur in verkürzter Version und schwächer ausgeprägt in Erscheinung tritt. Die zusätzliche Vergleichsanalyse mit einer weiteren Spezies, den orthologen Genomabschnitten von Fugu, zeigte, dass es sich bei den untersuchten Genen LMO1 und TUB um sehr konservierte und evolutiv alte Gene handelt, deren genomisches Organisationsmuster sich auch bei den paralogen Genfamilienmitglieder innerhalb derselben Spezies wiederfindet. Insgesamt konnte durch die Kartierung, Sequenzierung und Analyse eine umfassende Datenbasis für die betrachtete Genomregion und die beschriebenen Gene generiert werden, die für zukünftige Untersuchungen und Fragestellungen wertvolle Informationen bereithält.


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The chromosomal region 17p13.3 is frequently deleted or epigenetically silenced in a variety of human cancers. It includes the hypermethylated in cancer 1 (HIC1) gene placed telomerically to the p53 tumour suppressor gene. HIC1 encodes a transcriptional repressor, and its targets identified to date are genes involved in proliferation, tumour growth and angiogenesis. In addition, HIC1 functionally cooperates with p53 to suppress cancer development. Frequent allelic loss at position 17p13.1 in human cancers often points to mutations of the tumour suppressor p53. However, in a variety of cancer types, allelic loss of the short arm of chromosome 17 may hit regions distal to p53 and, interestingly, without leading to p53 mutations. Furthermore, the neighbouring region 17p13.3 often shows loss of heterozygosity or DNA hypermethylation in various types of solid tumours and leukaemias. In line with this concept, Wales et al. described a new potential tumour suppressor in this region and named it hypermethylated in cancer 1 (HIC1). Further, it was shown that in the majority of cases hypermethylation of this chromosomal region leads to epigenetic inactivation of HIC1. A role for HIC1 in tumour development is further supported by a mouse model, since various spontaneous, age- and gender-specific malignant tumours occur in heterozygous Hic1+/- knockout mice. Furthermore, exogenously delivered HIC1 leads to a significant decrease in clonogenic survival in cancer cell lines. This review highlights the role of HIC1 inactivation in solid tumours and particularly in leukaemia development.


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Soilborne wheat mosaic virus (SBWMV) is one of the most important winter wheat pathogens worldwide. To identify genes for resistance to the virus in U.S. winter wheat, association study was conducted using a selected panel of 205 elite experimental lines and cultivars from U.S. hard and soft winter wheat breeding programs. Virus symptoms were evaluated twice in virus-infected fields for the panel at Manhattan, KS in spring 2010 and 2011 and for a subpanel of 137 hard winter wheat accessions at Stillwater, OK in spring 2008. At the two locations, 69.8 and 79.5% of cultivars were resistant or moderately resistant to the disease, respectively. After 282 simple-sequence repeat markers covering all wheat chromosome arms were scanned for association in the panel, marker Xgwm469 on the long arm of chromosome 5D (5DL) showed a significant association with the disease rating. Three alleles (Xgwm469-165bp, -167bp, and -169bp) were associated with resistance and the null allele was associated with susceptibility. Correlations between the marker and the disease rating were highly significant (0.80 in Manhattan at P < 0.0001 and 0.63 in Stillwater at P < 0.0001). The alleles Xgwm469-165bp and Xgwm469-169bp were present mainly in the hard winter wheat group, whereas allele Xgwm469-167bp was predominant in the soft winter wheat. The 169 bp allele can be traced back to 'Newton', and the 165 bp allele to Aegilops tauschii. In addition, a novel locus on the short arm of chromosome 4D (4DS) was also identified to associate with the disease rating. Marker Xgwm469-5DL is closely linked to SBWMV resistance and highly polymorphic across the winter wheat accessions sampled in the study and, thus, should be useful in marker-assisted selection in U.S. winter wheat.


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Pineoblastoma represents a class of primitive neuroectodermal tumors (PNET) with poorly differentiated neuroepithelial cells that are histologically indistinguishable from medulloblastomas. It is a rare tumor, typically arising in childhood, and to date only a few cytogenetic cases have been published. We report four new cases in which conventional cytogenetics demonstrated the presence of an abnormal clone. The tumors showed a variety of ploidy levels, from hypodiploid to hypertetraploid. Both structural and numerical aberrations were frequent, and in three out of the four cases a large degree of cell-to-cell variation was observed. The most frequently involved chromosome in structural rearrangements was chromosome 1, observed in three of the four cases. The short arm was involved in two of the three cases; in the third case, the anomaly was in the long arm. Two cases showed unbalanced gain of chromosome 17q, one of them showing i(17)(q10). Together, the four cases illustrate the complex karyotypic nature of this tumor type and represent a step toward determining whether a nonrandom cytogenetic picture exists and how this may be related to other associated tumor types.