920 resultados para Shopping centers.


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In itinerant film projects made in Brazil, the unique experience of watching movies on the big screen is held in open spaces, through the establishment of a contemporary ritual, under which the presence of spectators is primordial. Considering this dynamic of the performance of itinerant cinema, the main objective of this research is to analyze the process of reception of the spectators of the sessions of Cine Sesi Cultural, conducted by the Social Service Industry - Sesi, in Rio Grande do Norte state. The body of research was composed by the audience of the movie sessions of the edition developed in 2010. Analyses were made from the look on the specific audience of open sessions of this cinema project throughout a case study. Theoretical authors of Latin American as Jesus Martin-Barbero, Guillermo Orozco, Eliseo Veron and Nestor Garcia Canclini, which have important theoretical basis for the analysis of research on the cinematographic reception of the spectators, were taken as a basis. In this discussion are associated with contributions from Brazilian authors as Roseli Paulino, Fernando Mascarello, Mauro Wilton Souza, Nilda Jacks and Carolina Escostesguy. Besides the reception study, the research focuses on aspects that relate to and explain the circumstances in which itinerant cinema emerges as an alternative exhibition, for example, the context of the exhibition of films in the country, lack of public policies in the audiovisual sector, and mainly the closing of movie theaters in the inner cities of the country and the consequent migration of these rooms to the malls. Seeking to reduce the existing gap in the studies of the reception of spectators to the cinema in the country, this research presents a deeper analysis of the reception of the public of the itinerant cinema as a contribution to an important database for the diagnosis of projects such as the Cine Sesi Cultural


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This work introduces an innovative urinal for public convenience, that promotes at the same time water reuse and personal higiene, in a safe and economical way . Furthermore it demonstrates the latest technology and its technical and economical viabillity of utilization in new and already existing buildings facilities. This new model of personal higiene equipment offers as main benefits the improved economy with subsequent decrease in drinkable water consumption, sanitary safety, low cost and easy installation due to its simplicity and to the fact that it can be installed in already existing facilities. The proposal is constituted by a higienic, ecological and smart system for flushing of public urinals. It is a conjugated system of lavatory and urinal that reuses hands higienization water from the lavatory for flushing purpose. The proposed urinal can be operated manually or automatically by means of a presential sensor. The system promotes drinkable water economy by a rational utilization by avoiding the use of waste water from hand washing in place of clean water for flushing. The proposed equipment increases the economy of clean water in a simple and economical way and it can be installed in any type of public lavatory facilitie such as schools, public buildings, hospitals, commercial buildings, bus terminals, airports, stadiums, parking buildings and shopping centers. Additional benefits of the proposed system is the suggestion of hands washing before and after the use of the urinal without contamination risks from focet handling.and render more attractive the installation for a rational use of clean water in commercial and industrial buildings. Pay-back has shown to be very attractive for a number of internal return rates and also very attractive from the point of view of environmental protection.


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A autora procura discutir as consequências de a cultura juvenil ser hoje o ingrediente fundamental da comunicação digital, e os efeitos desta cultura sobre o comportamento dos jovens e sobre o próprio conceito de juventude. Ela enfatiza que nas últimas décadas tal conceito passou definir, mais do que uma faixa etária, uma espécie de mercadoria, oferecida, para qualquer interessado, na mídia, em academias de ginástica, casas de shows, shopping centers e nos mais variados espaços urbanos. A pesquisadora analisa o comportamento de várias gerações de jovens, especialmente depois da Segunda Guerra Mundial, a partir da consolidação da TV e de mídias voltadas especificamente para esse público, como os suplementos teen. E mostra que as novas tecnologias digitais - com sua portabilidade, mobilidade e interatividade - estão trazendo novos cenários, novas conformações da vida social, múltiplas configurações de tempo e desenhando espaços antes inimagináveis, ocupados principalmente pelos jovens. Trata-se de uma geração extremamente conectada e rebelde à sua maneira contra os valores tradicionais, que está desenvolvendo um novo estilo e um novo modo de entender o processo comunicativo, com grande dinamismo. No entanto, trata-se também de uma geração que não consegue fugir do aspecto mais perverso das tecnologias digitais, pois estas, ao evoluírem e se transformarem praticamente a cada dia e quase sempre a reboque do mercado, exigem seguidas adaptações, que os jovens nem sempre conseguem acompanhar de forma rápida e sistemática, de modo a ficarem imunes a frustrações.


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The tertiary sector is largely responsible for the growth of electricity consumption in Brazil. The large commercial and public buildings, hypermarkets and shopping centers stand out as major consumers of electricity for lighting, power and thermal energy. Brazil presents significant potential for the deployment of small cogeneration plants, especially in the tertiary sector. Allied to this, the possibility of natural gas supply and the growing demands in favor of maintaining and preserving the environment favor the implementation of cogeneration plants. In this context, this paper presents a technical and economic analysis of installing a cogeneration plant using internal combustion engine with natural gas in a mall


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This research aimed to analyze the spatial area for the design of the Heat Island of Subprefecture Sé, in São Paulo-SP, with the support of geotecnology and based on the study of environmental perception. We used remote sensing products such as maps ofland use and soil temperature and apparent surface to evaluate the thermal conditions considered critical points in the central area of the municipality. The methodology used was qualitative analysis, based on interviews with the people, allowing rescue geoecology the conditioning aspects of the city, with an emphasis on environmental perception. This study aimed toanalyze the perception of the variation of the thermal field in São Paulo. The results indicated that (95%) of respondents feel that the temperature of the central area has increased each year, and the district that stood out was the Sé, due to intense use and occupation of land and contribute one of the largest shopping centers. Districts with points given for having better thermal comfort were Santa Cecília, the República and Bela Vista, due to their larger amount of green areas by fiscal court, which act as local refrigerators. It was found that the respondents have the perception and awareness of their spa directly related to the quality of life. Through analysis of several variables involved, proposals and strategies may support public policies and urban planning


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The development of medium-sized cities in recent decade, caused, partly, by the industrial deconcentration process generated, beyond benefits, several problems for these cities population. The unplanned rapid growth of these cities, together with the capitalist model of production collaborated for the increase of socioeconomics questions in these locations. The urban mobility became one of these problems, embarrassing citizen’s lives, especially in downtown area. Therefore, the State began looking for solutions to improve urban mobility of the population, contributing to their quality of life and also to adapt the city to new market demand. In these work, we analyzed the situation of Brazilian medium-sized cities downtown area, as well as its growth process, tanking as an example the case of the city of Rio Claro – SP and it´s Public Administration proposal to improve the flow and urban mobility in a particular street in the town´s commercial centre


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This papper aims to discuss Ribeirão Preto as a switched-over intermediate city classification, contrastating with the concept of Metropolitan Region of Ribeirão Preto. The agribusiness sector will be analysed as the main responsible for the representation of Ribeirão Preto city as an Agribusiness Center. Due to this fact, Sertãozinho city example will be presented as Agribusiness City, where acctually concentrates the agro-industrial complex of sugarcane production, while Ribeirão Preto is in fact centralizes management activities. According to the balance of trade analysis, other elements showed up and fortifies the role of this cities. These elements unfolded the analysis of higher education guideline and shopping malls. We also analyzed the urban network of Ribeirão Preto under the concept of the Região de Influência das Cidades (REGIC) and the creation of the project Metropolitan Region of Ribeirão Preto in order to strengthen the central hypothesis as a switched-over medium sized city. In order to reach this point, besides the analysis of the data we had t literature review of the Medium Sized Cities and Urban Network concepts and Spatial Interactions and Switched- over terms


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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INTRODUCTION About 10,000 escalator-related injuries per year result in emergency department treatment in the United States. Since the 1990s, a steady increase has been reported, but few statistics on escalator-related injuries have been published worldwide. We have therefore analyzed escalator accident statistics in admissions to our hospital in Switzerland since 2000. METHODS Using retrospective electronic patient chart analysis, we included in our study patients >16 years treated over an 11-year period. We categorized patients in terms of gender, age and associated risk factors, and classified accidents according to day, time, location and cause. Resulting trauma was categorized according to type and location. We divided post-admission treatment into surgical and conservative, and into treatment as an outpatient, in a short-stay unit, or as a hospital admission. Women and men were compared using Fisher's exact test. RESULTS We identified 173 patients with 285 discrete injuries. Of these, 87 patients (50%) were women. Fifty-three (61%) of the women and 38 (44%) of the men were >60 years old (P = 0.033). Fifty percent of the men (43/86) of the men, but only 7% (6/87) of the women showed signs of alcohol intoxication (P < 0.0001). Accidents in women occurred predominantly on Tuesdays (19/87; 22%) between 12pm and 6pm (35/87; 40%), and in men on Saturdays (16/86; 19%) between 6pm and 12am (29/86; 34%; P = 0.0097). Sixty-two percent (44/71) of the accidents were in public transport facilities and 30% (21/71) in shopping centers. The majority of injuries in women were to the lower extremities (49/87; 56%), while most accidents in men were to the head and neck (51/86; 59%; P = 0.0052). About half (90; 52%) of the patients were treated conservatively. Almost half of all patients (76, 44%) required hospital admission. Of those, 45% left the hospital within 24 hours of admission (short stay unit) and 55% stayed longer than 24 hours. CONCLUSION Escalator accidents can result in severe trauma. Significant gender differences in escalator accidents have been observed. Alcohol intoxication and age are significant risk factors in escalator-related accidents and might be possible targets for preventive measures.


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Point-of-decision signs to promote stair use have been found to be effective in various environments. However, these signs have been more consistently successful in public access settings that use escalators, such as shopping centers and transportation stations, compared to worksite settings, which are more likely to contain elevators that are not directly adjacent to the stairs. Therefore, this study tested the effectiveness of two point-of-decision sign prompts to increase stair use in a university worksite setting. Also, this study investigated the importance of the message content of the signs. One sign displayed a general health promotion message, while the other sign presented more specific information. Overall, this project examined whether the presence of the point-of-decision signs increases stair use. In addition, this research determined whether the general or specific sign promotes greater stair use. ^ Inconspicuous observers measured stair use both before the signs were present and while they were posted. The study setting was the University of Texas School of Nursing, and the target population was anyone who entered the building, including employees, students, and visitors. The study was conducted over six weeks and included two weeks of baseline measurement, two weeks with the general sign posted, and two weeks with the specific sign posted. Each sign was displayed on a stand in the decision point area near the stairs and the elevator. Logistic regression was used to analyze the data. ^ After adjustment for covariates, the odds of stair use were significantly greater during the intervention period than the baseline period. Furthermore, the specific sign period showed significantly greater odds of stair use than the general sign period. These results indicate that a point-of-decision sign intervention can be effective at promoting stair use in a university worksite setting and that a sign with a specific health information message may be more effective at promoting stair use than a sign with a general health promotion message. These findings can be considered when planning future worksite and university based stair promotion interventions.^


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En Argentina el auge de las urbanizaciones cerradas se produjo a fines de los ochenta y principios de los noventa y ocurrió en las principales ciudades del país: Buenos Aires (Janoschka 2003; Svampa 2003), Rosario (Bragos et al 2003), Mendoza (Roitman 2003) y Tucumán (Malizia y Paolasso 2007). El fenómeno de las urbanizaciones cerradas también se reproduce, en menor escala, en ciudades intermedias como el Gran San Miguel de Tucumán -GSMT- (Mertins 1995). Este trabajo hace análisis de la distribución espacial de las urbanizaciones cerradas, cambios que se producen en la estructura urbana y procesos sociales resultantes de la interacción entre “los de adentro" y “los de afuera". El mismo se focaliza en el municipio de Yerba Buena, ubicado al oeste del GSMT, dado que concentra la mayor cantidad de urbanizaciones cerradas del aglomerado; en el 2005 ya se habían construido 45 emprendimientos de este tipo. En la actualidad en esta zona se conjugan la vivienda social, la ocupación ilegal de terrenos, los asentamientos precarios y los emprendimientos residenciales destinados a la clase media alta y alta (Müller 2000/01; Mertins 1995). Estos últimos impulsan la conformación de un CBD en rápida expansión y la construcción de centros comerciales, entretenimientos y otros en sus fronteras de avance. Esta expansión produce, a su vez, la fragmentación de la ciudad que se manifiesta en una marcada tendencia hacia una “ciudad de islas", tal como lo expresa Janoschka (2002) en su nuevo modelo de análisis de las metrópolis latinoamericanas.


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En el periodo actual, la expansión del consumo en el territorio se materializa en las ciudades evidenciándose el avance y la instalación de diferentes espacios de consumo. Por un lado, espacios de consumo de grandes capitales del circuito superior como son los shopping center, supermercados e hipermercados y por otro lado, espacios de consumo populares como las ferias comerciales de indumentaria y accesorios, denominadas muchas veces shopping populares, con características distintivas del circuito inferior de la economía urbana (Santos, 1979). En este sentido, se observa que cada vez más las variables distintivas del período como son la técnica, la información, la publicidad, las finanzas, el crédito, entre otras, se hacen presentes en este tipo de actividades.Proponemos en este artículo reflexionar sobre la importancia de estas variables haciendo énfasis en el consumo y en los diversos espacios comerciales. Se presentan brevemente las características del periodo actual y la centralidad del consumo. Luego, se profundiza sobre los espacios de consumo populares como son las ferias comerciales de indumentaria en Argentina para finalmente explicar sintéticamente el caso de la mega- feria "La Salada".


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En el periodo actual, la expansión del consumo en el territorio se materializa en las ciudades evidenciándose el avance y la instalación de diferentes espacios de consumo. Por un lado, espacios de consumo de grandes capitales del circuito superior como son los shopping center, supermercados e hipermercados y por otro lado, espacios de consumo populares como las ferias comerciales de indumentaria y accesorios, denominadas muchas veces shopping populares, con características distintivas del circuito inferior de la economía urbana (Santos, 1979). En este sentido, se observa que cada vez más las variables distintivas del período como son la técnica, la información, la publicidad, las finanzas, el crédito, entre otras, se hacen presentes en este tipo de actividades.Proponemos en este artículo reflexionar sobre la importancia de estas variables haciendo énfasis en el consumo y en los diversos espacios comerciales. Se presentan brevemente las características del periodo actual y la centralidad del consumo. Luego, se profundiza sobre los espacios de consumo populares como son las ferias comerciales de indumentaria en Argentina para finalmente explicar sintéticamente el caso de la mega- feria "La Salada".