923 resultados para Sermones inter unius auctoris collectionem. De Trinitate


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PROFIBUS is an international standard (IEC 61158, EN 50170) for factory-floor communications, with several thousands of installations worldwide. Taking into account the increasing need for mobile devices in industrial environments, one obvious solution is to extend traditional wired PROFIBUS networks with wireless capabilities. In this paper, we outline the major aspects of a hybrid wired/wireless PROFIBUS-based architecture, where most of the design options were made in order to guarantee the real-time behaviour of the overall network. We also introduce the timing unpredictability problems resulting from the co-existence of heterogeneous physical media in the same network. However, the major focus of this paper is on how to guarantee real-time communications in such a hybrid network, where nodes (and whole segments) can move between different radio cells (inter-cell mobility). Assuming a simple mobility management mechanism based on mobile nodes performing periodic radio channel assessment and switching, we propose a methodology to compute values for specific parameters that enable an optimal (minimum) and bounded duration of the handoff procedure.


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In order to maximize their productivity, inter-disciplinary multi-occupation teams of professionals need to maximize inter-occupational cooperation in team decision making. Cooperation, however, is challenged by status anxiety over organizational careers and identity politics among team members who differ by ethnicity-race, gender, religion, nativity, citizenship status, etc. The purpose of this paper is to develop hypotheses about how informal and formal features of bureaucracy influence the level of inter-occupation cooperation achieved by socially diverse, multi-occupation work teams of professionals in bureaucratic work organizations. The 18 hypotheses, which are developed with the heuristic empirical case of National Science Foundation-sponsored university school partnerships in math and science curriculum innovation in the United States, culminate in the argument that cooperation can be realized as a synthesis of tensions between informal and formal features of bureaucracy in the form of participatory, high performance work systems.


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Due to the growing complexity and dynamism of many embedded application domains (including consumer electronics, robotics, automotive and telecommunications), it is increasingly difficult to react to load variations and adapt the system's performance in a controlled fashion within an useful and bounded time. This is particularly noticeable when intending to benefit from the full potential of an open distributed cooperating environment, where service characteristics are not known beforehand and tasks may exhibit unrestricted QoS inter-dependencies. This paper proposes a novel anytime adaptive QoS control policy in which the online search for the best set of QoS levels is combined with each user's personal preferences on their services' adaptation behaviour. Extensive simulations demonstrate that the proposed anytime algorithms are able to quickly find a good initial solution and effectively optimise the rate at which the quality of the current solution improves as the algorithms are given more time to run, with a minimum overhead when compared against their traditional versions.


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Real-time scheduling usually considers worst-case values for the parameters of task (or message stream) sets, in order to provide safe schedulability tests for hard real-time systems. However, worst-case conditions introduce a level of pessimism that is often inadequate for a certain class of (soft) real-time systems. In this paper we provide an approach for computing the stochastic response time of tasks where tasks have inter-arrival times described by discrete probabilistic distribution functions, instead of minimum inter-arrival (MIT) values.


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The goal of this paper is to discuss the benefits and challenges of yielding an inter-continental network of remote laboratories supported and used by both European and Latin American Institutions of Higher Education. Since remote experimentation, understood as the ability to carry out real-world experiments through a simple Web browser, is already a proven solution for the educational community as a supplement to on-site practical lab work (and in some cases, namely for distance learning courses, a replacement to that work), the purpose is not to discuss its technical, pedagogical, or economical strengths, but rather to raise and try to answer some questions about the underlying benefits and challenges of establishing a peer-to-peer network of remote labs. Ultimately, we regard such a network as a constructive mechanism to help students gain the working and social skills often valued by multinational/global companies, while also providing awareness of local cultural aspects.


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do Grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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Comunicação apresentada na «19th International Conference on Health Promoting Hospitals and Health Services», Turku, Finlândia de 1 a 3 de Junho de 2011.


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ABSTRACT - Derek Jarman was a multifaceted artist whose intermedial versatility reinforces a strong authorial discourse. He constructs an immersive allegorical world of hybrid art where different layers of cinematic, theatrical and painterly materials come together to convey a lyrical form and express a powerful ideological message. In Caravaggio (1986) and Edward II (1991), Jarman approaches two european historical figures from two different but concomitant perspectives. In Caravaggio, through the use of tableaux of abstract meaning and by focusing on the detailing of the models’ poses, Jarman re-enacts the allegorical spirit of Caravaggio’s paintings through entirely cinematic resources. Edward II was a king, and as a statesman he possessed a certain dose of showmanship. In this film Jarman reconstructs the theatrical basis of Christopher Marlowe’s Elizabethan play bringing it up to date in a successfully abstract approach to the musical stage. In this article, I intend to conjoin the practice of allegory in film with certain notions of existential phenomenology as advocated by Vivian Sobchack and Laura U. Marks, in order to address the relationship between the corporeality of the film and the lived bodies of the spectators. In this context, the allegory is a means to convey intradiegetically the sense-ability at play in the cinematic experience, reinforcing the textural and sensual nature of both film and viewer, which, in turn, is also materially enhanced in the film proper, touching the spectator in a supplementary fashion. The two corporealities favour an inter-artistic immersion achieved through coenaesthesia.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Ciência Política e Relações Internacionais


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Giardia duodenalis isolates from asymptomatic or symptomatic patients and from animals present similarities and differences in the protein composition, antigenic profile, pattern of proteases and isoenzymes, as well as in nucleic acids analysis. In the present overview, these differences and similarities are reviewed with emphasis in the host-parasite interplay and possible mechanisms of virulence of the protozoon.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology by Universidade Nova de Lisboa, Instituto de Tecnologia Química e Biológica, Instituto Gulbenkian de Ciência.


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Dissertação apresentada para cumprimento dos requisitos necessários à obtenção do grau de Mestre em Didáctica do Inglês,


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Como Calhoun (1996) e Mennell (1996) referem, apesar da atenção acrescida dada às construções, estratégias e políticas da identidade, permanece uma evidente dificuldade de articulação entre diferentes corpora e, nomeadamente, daqueles que derivam da utilização de um nível micro de observação e análise e de um nível de macro-focalização. (í^om base num estudo de caso, tentaremos evidenciar que (a) os processos identitários articulam as duas dimensões de análise e que (b) o nível micro- familiar constitui o referente e o mediador simbôlico-identitário adequado da articulação entre as micro e as macro-perspectivas,^ (c) a partir do qual emerge toda uma gama de idiomas simbólicos (familialistas, instrumentais e morais). O papel desempenhado pela experiência arcaica familiar tem a ver com o facto de que é nesse nível que se cruzam os gêneros e as gerações, se negoceia e gere a dimensão identitária da sexualidade, a moral e a construção diferenciada de identidades categoriais, e são organizadas as primeiras fronteiras entre «nós» e «eles»^, ao mesmo tempo que se vai diferenciando a identidade pessoal, sob a forma da construção do «indivíduo» que será progressivamente confrontado com a transposição projectiva do(s) poder(es) intra-familiar(es) para o nível macro do poder transcendental e dos poderes de Estado.


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Em pesquisas anteriores, procurámos mostrar que (i) as representações identitárias possuem uma estrutura multidimensional, cujos níveis (pessoal, bio-cultural, sócio-histórico / político, ideal, «moral», etc.) estão inter-relacionados, e formam um sistema identitário pessoal, se bem que partilhado, em proporções variáveis, com os outros emissores identitários inseridos na mesma categoria sócio-histórica; (ii) sistema identitário esse detentor de potencialidades estratégicas (Kastersztein, 1990) - ideológicas, simbólicas e fantasmáticas -, derivadas da articulação inconsciente entre os diferentes níveis mobilizados. Tentámos evidenciar ainda, no nível mais abrangente das representações identitárias dos grupos sócio-históricos, (iii) como o grau de sobreposição e convergência das atribuições identitárias, tanto ao grupo.de identificação como aos grupos de comparação interactiva, é parcial, indiciando estratégias de maior ou menor distanciação / aproximação identitária inter-nacional ou inter-étnica; (iv) e como, no seu conjunto, as representações identitárias apresentam uma lógica e uma economia retórica, tendenciosa e performativa (pro domo sua), criando para os sujeitos, no interior dos seus grupos, e para os seus grupos identitários, na comparação com os outros, uma imagem de primo inter pares, na medida em que constroiem como «real» o «real identitariamente conveniente» e não aquele que «objectivamente » é «objectivado» (em termos de poder tecnológico, econômico ou militar).