988 resultados para Self-sustainable


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There is a growing interest in the use of geophysical methods to aid investigation and monitoring of complex biogeochemical environments, for example delineation of contaminants and microbial activity related to land contamination. We combined geophysical monitoring with chemical and microbiological analysis to create a conceptual biogeochemical model of processes around a contaminant plume within a manufactured gas plant site. Self-potential, induced polarization and electrical resistivity techniques were used to monitor the plume. We propose that an exceptionally strong (>800 mV peak to peak) dipolar SP anomaly represents a microbial fuel cell operating in the subsurface. The electromagnetic and electrical geophysical data delineated a shallow aerobic perched water body containing conductive gasworks waste which acts as the abiotic cathode of microbial fuel cell. This is separated from the plume below by a thin clay layer across the site. Microbiological evidence suggests that degradation of organic contaminants in the plume is dominated by the presence of ammonium and its subsequent degradation. We propose that the degradation of contaminants by microbial communities at the edge of the plume provides a source of electrons and acts as the anode of the fuel cell. We hypothesize that ions and electrons are transferred through the clay layer that was punctured during the trial pitting phase of the investigation. This is inferred to act as an electronic conductor connecting the biologically mediated anode to the abiotic cathode. Integrated electrical geophysical techniques appear well suited to act as rapid, low cost sustainable tools to monitor biodegradation.


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What if capitalism, understood as an economic, social and cultural complex, was on the agenda of a world summit on sustainable development? How has the culture of capitalism - its psychic investment in colonizing our attention - compromised our ability to respond meaningfully to the challenges of sustainable development? These are two of the questions behind this exploration of the constraints that appear to limit the scope of economic debate at conferences such as the Rio+20 conference


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Key Points

International research has long since established a gradient between health and socio-economic status and it is now clear that the social and physical context in which people live can have a negative influence on health.

Recent research has established an adverse effect on the health of people who remained in an area that had become more deprived over time

The mechanisms thought to influence health in declining communities include stress, loss of self-esteem, stigma, powerlessness, a lack of hope and fatalism.

These mechanisms are related to the concept of social capital, a resource produced when people co-operate for mutual benefit

Residents’ key concerns relating to the decline in the community are housing shortages which are perceived to be contributing to the breakdown of the family-based community, along with traffic; pollution; non-resident parking problems; a lack of youth facilities; and the influx of ethnic minorities who are less inclined to become involved with the community

In the Donegall Pass a dual process of outward migration and business development has resulted in a decline in social capital within the community which was particularly evident amongst the younger generations

People living in deprived areas, such as the Donegall Pass, that are adjacent to affluent areas, such as the new apartment developments surrounding the area, can often feel relatively more deprived due to such direct comparisons. Although relative deprivation was evident, peer comparisons with the Donegal Road/Sandy Row community were more commonly expressed

The area can be described as a ‘food desert’ as no affordable fresh grocery supplies are available within walking distance

Residents expressed mixed opinions about the future of the Donegall Pass including a common sense of resignation towards the decline in the core community

Many residents recognise the need for people to work together and gain empowerment in order to work with the authorities (i.e., the Housing Executive and the Council) towards progressive re-development that is in keeping with the aims of the community members, however, equally many were impervious towards these suggestions feeling that previous efforts had gone unrewarded.


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The aim of this research was to study the impact that different mineral powders have on the properties of self-compacting concrete (SCC) in order to obtain relations that make it possible to optimize their dosages for being used in precast concrete applications. Different combinations and contents of cement, mineral additions (active and inert), superplasticizers, and aggregates are considered. A new approach for determining the saturation point of superplasticizers is introduced. The fresh state performance was assessed by means of the following tests: slump flow, V-funnel, and J-ring. Concrete compressive strength values at different ages up to 56 days have been retained as representative of the materials’ performance in its hardened state. All these properties have been correlated with SCC proportioning. As a result, a number of recommendations for the precast concrete industry arise to design more stable SCC mixes with a reduced carbon footprint.


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The large-scale production of clean energy is one of the major challenges society is currently facing. Molecular hydrogen is envisaged as a key green fuel for the future, but it becomes a sustainable alternative for classical fuels only if it is also produced in a clean fashion. Here, we report a supramolecular biomimetic approach to form a catalyst that produces molecular hydrogen using light as the energy source. It is composed of an assembly of chromophores to a bis(thiolate)-bridged diiron ([2Fe2S]) based hydrogenase catalyst. The supramolecular building block approach introduced in this article enabled the easy formation of a series of complexes, which are all thoroughly characterized, revealing that the photoactivity of the catalyst assembly strongly depends on its nature. The active species, formed from different complexes, appears to be the [Fe-2(mu-pdt)(CO)(4){PPh2(4-py)}(2)] (3) with 2 different types of porphyrins (5a and 5b) coordinated to it. The modular supramolecular approach was important in this study as with a limited number of building blocks several different complexes were generated.


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Due to the changing nature of the facilities management (FM) profession, facilities managers are increasingly engaged with the evolving sustainability agenda in the UK and the development or uptake of sustainability policies within their organisations. This study investigates how facilities managers are engaging with the sustainability agenda and the drivers, policy issues and information they use to improve their sustainability performance management. A web based self-administered questionnaire survey of facilities managers in the UK was conducted to identify drivers and issues that influence and support good sustainable practices. A total of 268 facilities managers responded. The results indicate that legislation is the most important driver for the implementation of sustainable practices. Corporate image and Organisational ethos are also recognised. However demand for efficient monitoring, management and reporting on environmental impact is not highly rated even though the top three issues of sustainability managed by facilities managers are energy management, waste and recycling management and carbon footprint. In addition, facilities managers are expected to take ownership of activities assigned to the reduction of carbon emission. Government industries and organisation with high turnover are more likely to have a sustainability policy. Financial constraints are the main barriers while legislations are the main driver for implementing sustainability. For non-profit organisations and the charitable sector, financial constraints are no hindrance to implementing a sustainability policy. The conclusion drawn is that sustainability agendas continue to be influenced by regulated environmental issues rather than a balanced approach which takes into consideration the wider social and economic aspects of sustainability. While this scenario is far from ideal, the expectation is that the organisation will trust FM to take a vital role in delivering a comprehensive sustainability policy due to the rising tide of legislation, public scrutiny, as well as the needed business case for genuinely embracing sustainability. However, as the integration of sustainability with core business strategies is continuously evolving the emphasis on different drivers will vary from organisation to organisation as well as the responsibilities of facilities managers.


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Failure to maintain weight losses in lifestyle change programs continues to be a major problem and warrants investigation of innovative approaches to weight control.
The goal of this study was to compare two novel group interventions, both aimed at improving weight loss maintenance, with a control group.
Methods and Procedures:
A total of 103 women lost weight on a meal replacement–supplemented diet and were then randomized to one of three conditions for the 14-week maintenance phase: cognitive-behavioral treatment (CBT); CBT with an enhanced food monitoring accuracy (EFMA) program; or these two interventions plus a reduced energy density eating (REDE) program. Assessments were conducted periodically through an 18-month postintervention. Outcome measures included weight and self-reported dietary intake. Data were analyzed using completers only as well as baseline-carried-forward imputation.
Participants lost an average of 7.6 plusminus 2.6 kg during the weight loss phase and 1.8 plusminus 2.3 kg during the maintenance phase. Results do not suggest that the EFMA intervention was successful in improving food monitoring accuracy. The REDE group decreased the energy density (ED) of their diets more so than the other two groups. However, neither the REDE nor the EFMA condition showed any advantage in weight loss maintenance. All groups regained weight between 6- and 18-month follow-ups.
Although no incremental weight maintenance benefit was observed in the EFMA or EFMA + REDE groups, the improvement in the ED of the REDE group's diet, if shown to be sustainable in future studies, could have weight maintenance benefits.


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The problems of unsustainable development and the increased-awareness of corporate power in the global era have contributed to an agenda of corporate citizenship. This thesis explores the meanings and practices that fall under the banner of the triple bottom line of corporate citizenship through forty-two in-depth interviews with representatives from the corporate sector and NGO sector (including trade unions) in Australia. This purposive sample includes a specific range of corporate industries and NGO types, all of which have involvement with various areas of sustainability. Interviewees described their feelings and experiences in relation to the concept of the triple bottom line, the potential and limitations of this type of sustainability and the purpose and impacts of partnerships between NGOs and the corporate sector. On the basis of this research, this thesis argues that corporate citizenship is at best, a set of initiatives for making minor adjustments to the way companies perform their day-to-day operations and at worst, a program for improving corporate image rather than performance and for shifting the agenda of sustainable development toward corporate interests. While radical steps are required to achieve a sustainable society and environment, the terms of corporate citizenship offer very limited opportunities for change. The self-regulatory and market based model of citizenship does not challenge the impact of consumerism or the legitimacy of particular industry types and their products, except where threats are perceived to the longevity of the companies involved. Furthermore, while the exploitation of the environment and society has occurred as a result of corporate self-interest, corporate citizenship is justified on the same basis. The self-interest rationale and the tyranny of the economic bottom line in particular, substantially limit the fields of responsibility that can be included in the citizenship paradigm. While there are undoubtedly some well-intentioned corporate representatives who are working toward attaining a more sustainable corporate culture, the discourse is primarily used to shift the sustainable development agenda toward corporate paradigms and interests.


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Aims & rationale/Objectives : Chronic disease self-management programs (CDSMP) are increasingly being integrated into the health system to improve the care of people with chronic conditions. Despite activity at both policy and program levels, GPs as the 'gatekeepers' to the health system have generally not been well informed or engaged in this process. This study, in collaboration with 3 Victorian Divisions of General Practice, sought both GP and patient perspectives on enablers and barriers to engagement in self-management programs.
Methods : Interviews were conducted with GPs (n=20) and consumers (n=45) purposefully recruited from metropolitan and rural Victoria, representing key demographics of interest including low socioeconomic areas.
Principal findings : Lack of education/information and uncertainty about the effectiveness of self-management programs were key barriers for both GP and patient engagement. Programs that were sustainable and utilised existing community resources were viewed as enablers to increase uptake. GP and patient preferences for disease specific or generic CDSMP differed.
Discussion : Outcomes from the recent Council of Australian Governments' meeting suggest that self-management will be a centerpiece in forthcoming chronic disease initiatives. International evidence has highlighted the need for GP and patient engagement as critical in ensuring the recruitment of a critical mass of individuals to participate in CDSMP to ensure the sustainability of such initiatives. Insight from this study indicates that GPs and patients are not well informed about self-management, have different preferences to current policy trends and identifies several other barriers which need to be addressed if CDSMP are to be successful.
Implications : Identification of barriers and enablers of GP and patient engagement in self-management is essential in shaping current policy initiatives and delivery of future programs. This is supported by international evidence which indicates strongly that GP engagement in particular is crucial to the success of these programs.
Presentation type : Paper


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Objective: The growing burden of chronic disease and the increasing realisation that the current health system is ill equipped to deal with this trend has resulted in a health policy shift away from the traditional medical model to a more patient centred approach. As such, chronic disease self-management programs (CDSMP) have emerged as a potentially important component within this approach. Policy and program trends at the international level highlight several critical factors that need to be considered by governments and health care providers alike if CDSMP are to be integrated within the broader health system. This study reviewed international and local policy literature and sought perspectives from key stakeholders to determine the value and potential for integrating a generic group-based CDSMP into the care continuum.
Method: Prominent self-management policies were identified through a comprehensive literature search. Interviews were conducted with policy makers across Australia (n=20), health practitioners (n=20) and consumers (n=42) purposefully recruited from metropolitan and rural Victoria, representing key demographics of interest including low socioeconomic areas.
Results: Whilst CDSMP were viewed as having significant potential to be integrated into the health sector it was identified that the delivery and content of CDSMP needs to be flexible in order to address the needs of people across the disease, age and care continuums. Critical issues to be addressed if CDSMP are to be successfully integrated include increasing the profile of self-management; actively engaging and training health practitioners in self-management and overcoming system barriers such as lack of integrated referral pathways and networks.
Discussion: Policy directions at the national level suggest that self-management will be a centrepiece in forthcoming chronic disease initiatives. International evidence has highlighted the requirement for a ‘suite’ of programs to adequately cater to different stages of the disease continuum, age groups, ethnic backgrounds and sociogeographical areas. Furthermore engagement with key stakeholders (particularly GPs) is identified as critical to ensure the successful integration of CDSMP into the health system.
Conclusion: Evidence suggests that CDSMP is an important facet in improving care of people with chronic conditions. Findings from this study suggest that current infrastructure and policy direction, which have been found to be critical factors in facilitating integration of CDSMP into the health sector, are either absent or inadequate in Victoria. CDSMPs are currently lacking a sustainable workforce, referral infrastructure and specific policy. Such factors need to be addressed before the integration of CDSMP can be considered across the healthcare continuum in Victoria.


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Coping skills training interventions have been found to be efficacious in helping both patients and their partners manage the physical and emotional challenges they face following a cancer diagnosis. However, many of these interventions are costly and not sustainable. To overcome these issues, a self-directed format is increasingly used. The efficacy of self-directed interventions for patients has been supported; however, no study has reported on the outcomes for their partners. This study will test the efficacy of Coping-Together—a multimedia, self-directed, coping skills training intervention for patients with cancer and their partners.

Methods and analysis:
The proposed three-group, parallel, randomised controlled trial will recruit patients diagnosed in the past 4 months with breast, prostate, colorectal cancer or melanoma through their treating clinician. Patients and their partners will be randomised to (1) a minimal ethical care (MEC) condition—selected Cancer Council New South Wales booklets and a brochure for the Cancer Council Helpline, (2) Coping-Together generic—MEC materials, the six Coping-Together booklets and DVD, the Cancer Council Queensland relaxation audio CD and login to the Coping-Together website or (3) Coping-Together tailored—MEC materials, the Coping-Together DVD, the login to the website and only those Coping-Together booklet sections that pertain to their direct concerns. Anxiety (primary outcome), distress, depression, dyadic adjustment, quality of life, illness or caregiving appraisal, self-efficacy and dyadic and individual coping will be assessed before receiving the study material (ie, baseline) and again at 3, 6 and 12 months postbaseline. Intention-to-treat and per protocol analysis will be conducted.

Ethics and dissemination:
This study has been approved by the relevant local area health and University ethics committees. Study findings will be disseminated not only through peer-reviewed publications and conference presentations but also through educational outreach visits, publication of lay research summaries in consumer newsletters and publications targeting clinicians.