776 resultados para Self-service technology problem solving


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Está escrito para facilitar la enseñanza y el aprendizaje en los primeros años de la escuela y en la etapa de primaria. Las matemáticas son una asignatura troncal y su uso y aplicación en actividades de resolución de problemas es fundamental para que los niños utilicen sus conocimientos y habilidades en una amplia variedad de situaciones. Muestra, además, cómo enseñar conceptos matemáticos a través de otras materias: historia, geografía, artes, ciencia y tecnología, salud y bienestar,y desarrollo físico. También, se tratan temas de planificación y evaluación, organización y práctica en la clase y el empleo de otros recursos.


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Recurso dirigido principalmente a profesores de alumnos entre once y dieciséis años. Cada problema se acompaña de una guía que incluye información sobre conocimientos previos, esquema de la clase y notas de soluciones. Está escrito con tres ideas principales: la resolución de problemas; el uso d e hojas de cálculo para ayudar en el planteamiento o la solución de problemas, adquisición de destrezas de aprendizaje de hoja de cálculo que pueden convertir la solución de problemas en una labor menos complicada. Trata de alentar a los alumnos a ser matemáticos en el sentido de participar en actividades de resolución de problemas; pensar y comunicar sus ideas, crear e identificar los problemas matemáticos en determinados contextos. Las veintitrés actividades se pueden trabajar con toda la clase, con los alumnos, o con grupos. En el CD-ROM se incluyen recursos complementarios.


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Resumen tomado de la publicaci??n


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The well-studied link between psychotic traits and creativity is a subject of much debate. The present study investigated the extent to which schizotypic personality traits - as measured by O-LIFE (Oxford-Liverpool Inventory of Feelings and Experiences) - equip healthy individuals to engage as groups in everyday tasks. From a sample of 69 students, eight groups of four participants - comprised of high, medium, or low-schizotypy individuals - were assembled to work as a team to complete a creative problem-solving task. Predictably, high scorers on the O-LIFE formulated a greater number of strategies to solve the task, indicative of creative divergent thinking. However, for task success (as measured by time taken to complete the problem) an inverted U shaped pattern emerged, whereby high and low-schizotypy groups were consistently faster than medium schizotypy groups. Intriguing data emerged concerning leadership within the groups, and other tangential findings relating to anxiety, competition and motivation were explored. These findings challenge the traditional cliche that psychotic personality traits are linearly related to creative performance, and suggest that the nature of the problem determines which thinking styles are optimally equipped to solve it. (C) 2009 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.


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Objective. To examine the association between worry and problem-solving skills and beliefs (confidence and perceived control) in primary school children. Method. Children (8–11 years) were screened using the Penn State Worry Questionnaire for Children. High (N ¼ 27) and low (N ¼ 30) scorers completed measures of anxiety, problem-solving skills (generating alternative solutions to problems, planfulness, and effectiveness of solutions) and problem-solving beliefs(confidence and perceived control). Results. High and low worry groups differed significantly on measures of anxiety and problem-solving beliefs (confidence and control) but not on problem-solving skills. Conclusions. Consistent with findings with adults, worry in children was associated with cognitive distortions, not skills deficits. Interventions for worried children may benefit froma focus on increasing positive problem-solving beliefs.


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Inom Business Intelligence har begreppet Self-Service Business Intelligence (Self-Service BI) vuxit fram. Self-Service BI omfattar verktyg vilka möjliggör för slutanvändare att göra analyser och skapa rapporter utan teknisk support. Ett av dessa verktyg är Microsoft PowerPivot.På Transportstyrelsens Järnvägsavdelning finns behov av ett Self-Service BI-verktyg. Vi fick i uppdrag av Sogeti att undersöka om PowerPivot var ett lämpligt verktyg för Transportstyrelsen. Målet med uppsatsen har varit att testa vilka tekniska möjligheter och begränsningar PowerPivot har samt huruvida PowerPivot är användbart för Transportstyrelsen.För att få en djupare förståelse för Self-Service BI har vi kartlagt vilka möjligheter och begränsningar med Self-Service BI-verktyg som finns beskrivna i litteraturen. Vi har sedan jämfört dessa med våra testresultat vilket har varit syftet med uppsatsen.Resultatet av testerna har visat att Transportstyrelsens Järnvägsavdelning initialt behöver teknisk support för att använda PowerPivot. Testerna har även visat att vissa av Transportstyrelsens krav inte kan uppfyllas. Detta minskar användbarheten för Transportstyrelsen.Vidare har vi kommit fram till att Self-Service BI inte alltid är enkelt att använda för slutanvändare utan teknisk support. Resultatet visar även att det krävs en BI-infrastruktur för att enkelt skapa rapporter med god kvalitet och högsta möjliga korrekthet.


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Dissertação apresentada ao programa de Pós-Graduação em Administração da Uni- versidade Municipal de São Caetano do Sul como requisito para a obtenção do título de Mestre em Administração


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This paper shows a comparative study between the Artificial Intelligence Problem Solving and the Human Problem Solving. The study is based on the solution by many ways of problems proposed via multiple-choice questions. General techniques used by humans to solve this kind of problems are grouped in blocks and each block is divided in steps. A new architecture for ITS - Intelligent Tutoring System is proposed to support experts' knowledge representation and novices' activities. Problems are represented by a text and feasible answers with particular meaning and form, to be rigorously analyzed by the solver to find the right one. Paths through a conceptual space of states represent each right solution.


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Currently, with the competitiveness that is seen in the market, it is crucial to the success of the business, develop new strategies to keep and win new customer preference. To ensure the success of a particular service or product, the secret is to continually meet the wishes and demands of the customers, which are the key parts of the business, through innovation, variety and quality assurance. To achieve this goal managers should be aware of all types of process that exist in the company, as they are primarily responsible and interested by quality service, customer satisfaction and consequently, generating favorable financial results. A tool used to ensure good results to business is the Quality Function Deployment (QFD) that seeks to hear and interpret customers requirements and turn them into essential features for a project