128 resultados para Schnitzler


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The use of chemically modified starches is widely accepted in various industries, with several applications. In this research, natural cassava starch granules were treated with standard sodium hypochlorite solution at 0.8, 2.0, and 5.0 g Cl/100 g starch. The native and modified starch samples were investigated by means of the following techniques: simultaneous thermogravimetry-differential thermal analysis, which allowed us to verify the thermal decomposition associated with endothermic or exothermic phenomena; and differential scanning calorimetry that was used to determine gelatinization enthalpy as well as the rapid viscoamylographic analysis that provided the pasting temperature and viscosity. By means of non-contact-atomic force microscopy method and X-ray powder patterns diffractometry, it was possible to observe the surface morphology, topography of starch granules, and alterations in the granules' crystallinity. © 2012 Akadémiai Kiadó, Budapest, Hungary.


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Pós-graduação em Psicologia - FCLAS


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José Artur Molina busca nesta obra identificar na sociedade vienense de fins do século XIX as razões que levaram Sigmund Freud a analisar as mulheres a partir de um ponto de vista essencialmente falocêntrico. Naquela época, Viena, capital do Império Austro-Húngaro, assistia a uma verdadeira revolução social, política e cultural, que seria o canto do cisne de sua frágil construção política que se desintegraria depois da I Guerra Mundial. Este cenário borbulhante forneceria as condições ideais para o nascimento da psicanálise. Freud construiu uma teoria singular, com conceitos como inconsciente, pulsão e um método que incluía a escuta, a associação livre e a transferência. As mulheres histéricas foram as protagonistas desta criação. Freud encontra a razão do sofrimento delas: o cerceamento de seus desejos. A psicanálise revoluciona o tratamento das histerias, mas seu conceito de feminino se enclausura numa lógica fálica. Molina tenta desvendar porque isto aconteceu, não apenas discutindo as imagens de mulheres presentes na obra de Freud, mas também as construções femininas de autores vienenses seminais, como o romancista Schnitzler e o pintor Klimt, e o quanto tais concepções se deviam ao visível colapso das condições estabelecidas para a mulher e às mudanças que estavam perceptivelmente a caminho na Viena da Belle Époque.


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Conselho Nacional de Desenvolvimento Científico e Tecnológico (CNPq)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior (CAPES)


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Solid-state M-2-MeO-BP compounds, where M represents bivalent Mn, Fe, Co, Ni, Cu, Zn and 2-MeO-BP is 2-methoxybenzylidenepyruvate have been synthesized. Simultaneous thermogravinietry-differential thermal analysis (TG-DTA), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), X-ray powder diffractometry, infrared spectroscopy, elemental analysis and complexometry were used to characterize and to study the thermal stability and thermal decomposition of these compounds. The results led to information about the composition, dehydration, crystallinity and thermal decomposition of the isolated compounds.


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Starch is one of the most important sources of reserve of carbohydrate in plants and the main source in the human diet due to its abundance in the nature. There no other food ingredient that can be compared with starch in terms of sheer versatility of application in the food industry. Unprocessed native starches are structurally too weak and functionally too restricted for application in today’s advanced food and industrial technologies. The main objective of this study was to compare the thermal behavior of native cassava starch and those treated with hydrogen peroxide, as well as those treated with hydrogen peroxide and ferrous sulfate. The cassava starch was extracted from cassava roots (Manihot esculenta, Crantz) and treated by standardized hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) solutions at 1, 2 and 3% (with or without FeSO4 ). Investigated by using they are thermoanalytical techniques: thermogravimetry - TG, differential thermal analysis – DTA and differential scanning calorimetry - DSC, as well as optical microscopy and X-ray powder diffractometry. The results showed the steps of thermal decomposition, changes in temperatures and in gelatinization enthalpy and small changes in crystallinity of the granules.


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Die Arbeit verfolgt Genese und Wirkungsgeschichte von Stanley Kubricks letztem Film EYES WIDE SHUT (GB 1999) mit dem Anliegen, durch die intensive Auseinandersetzung mit den narrativen und ästhetischen Gestaltungsfaktoren eines einzelnen Films den kalkulierten Einsatz filmsprachlicher Mittel nachzuvollziehen und den solcherart kreierten (Be-) Deutungsspielraum zu diskutieren. Dabei kommen die hinter Kubricks Inszenierungsentscheidungen erkennbaren Intentionen ebenso zur Sprache wie rezeptive Muster auf seiten des Publikums.Den ersten Untersuchungskomplex bildet die adaptierte Literaturvorlage, Arthur Schnitzlers TRAUMNOVELLE (1926), die sowohl hinsichtlich ihrer inhaltlich-thematischen als auch ihrer sprachlich-erzähltechnischen Gestaltung gewürdigt wird. Kernstück der Arbeit bildet eine detaillierte, wirkungsbezogene Analyse der Inszenierungskomponenten einzelner Szenen, die hinsichtlich ihres von Regieentscheidungen geprägten Zusammenspiels betrachtet und häufig mit den jeweiligen literarischen Gestaltungsmerkma-len der Vorlage verglichen werden. Auf diese Weise wird Kubricks kreative Leistung eines Transfers von einer bedeutenden Novelle hin zu einem künstlerisch eigenständigen Film erfaßt. Dabei fällt unter anderem auf, daß die Gedankengänge Fridolins im Film durch ein subtiles Netzwerk von Andeutungen, Auslassungen und inneren Querverweisen ersetzt wurden, welches der individuellen Zuschauerwahrnehmung einen hohen Stellenwert zuweist – der Betrachter rückt gewissermaßen ins Zentrum des Films, soll den Platz des recht blaß bleibenden Protagonisten einnehmen, der nur als Stellvertreter fungiert.


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Die vorgelegte Dissertation beschäftigt sich mit der Darstellung und Untersuchung von funktionellen Farbstoffen auf der Basis von Rylendiimiden. Diese Substanzklasse zeichnet sich durch gute Funktionalisierbarkeit, hohe chemische und photochemische Stabilität sowie durch hohe Fluoreszenzquantenausbeuten und Extinktionskoeffizienten aus. Rylendiimide spielen eine bedeutsame Rolle in den modernen Materialwissenschaften. Ein Schwerpunkt der Arbeit liegt auf der Synthese und Untersuchung von neuen Perylendiimiden (PDI) im Hinblick auf eine Anwendung in der organischen Elektronik. Das Substitutionsmuster der PDI hat einen signifikanten Einflussrnauf deren supramolekulares Verhalten und die Leistungsfähigkeit in elektronischen Bauteilen. Durch das Einführen neuer Substituenten konnten weitergehende Erkenntnisse über das supramolekulare Verhalten der PDI gewonnenrnwerden. Multichromophore sind wichtige Modellsysteme zur Untersuchung vonrnEnergietransportprozessen und Einzelphotonenquellen. Daher liegt ein weiterer Schwerpunkt auf der Synthese multichromophorer PDI-Systeme. Neben der Darstellung definierter dendritischer Nanoteilchen auf Basis von Poly(phenylenethinylen)-Dendrimeren beschäftigt sich dieser Teil auch mit der Synthese hochverzweigter ethinylverknüpfter Polymere auf Basis von PDI-Monomeren. Aufgrund ihrer außergewöhnlichen photochemischen Eigenschaften spielen Perylen- und Terrylendiimide eine wichtige Rolle als Fluoreszenzmarker.rnDaher beschäftigt sich ein weiterer Aspekt dieser Arbeit mit der Synthese vonrnFluoreszenzmarkern, die sowohl in Polymerisationsreaktionen als auch inrnbiologischen Systemen Anwendung finden können.


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BACKGROUND: Recently, an association of the NFKB1 polymorphism -94ins/delATTG with ulcerative colitis (UC) has been reported. This 4-bp insertion/deletion polymorphism is localized in the promoter region of the NFKB1 gene and appears to be functionally relevant. The aim of the present study was to confirm the association of the -94ins/delATTG (W/D) NFKB1 promoter polymorphism with UC in a population of German origin and to test for a potential association with Crohn's disease (CD). Furthermore, potential interactions of the -94ins/delATTG polymorphism with the IKBL and the IL-1RN genes should be determined. MATERIALS AND METHODS: The study population comprised 630 patients with CD, 365 patients with UC, and 974 healthy controls. Genotyping was performed using polymerase chain reaction and restriction fragment length polymorphism analysis. For statistical evaluation, the chi-square test and the Fisher exact test were used. RESULTS: No significant association of the W/D NFKB1 polymorphism with CD or UC was detected. In addition, no significant interactions between the -94ins/delATTG NFKB1 polymorphism and polymorphisms within the IKBL and the IL-1RN genes, respectively, were found in CD or UC. Also, no significant interactions of the NFKB1 polymorphism with mutations of the CARD15/NOD2 gene and with clinical phenotypes were detected in CD. Moreover, no associations of the NFKB1 polymorphism were found in UC depending on disease localization. CONCLUSIONS: The present study could not confirm the reported association of the -94ins/delATTG NFKB1 polymorphism with UC and also found no evidence for a role of this polymorphism in CD. The results do not give evidence for a role of this NFKB1 polymorphism in the pathogenesis of UC and CD.


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BACKGROUND Subthalamic stimulation reduces motor disability and improves quality of life in patients with advanced Parkinson's disease who have severe levodopa-induced motor complications. We hypothesized that neurostimulation would be beneficial at an earlier stage of Parkinson's disease. METHODS In this 2-year trial, we randomly assigned 251 patients with Parkinson's disease and early motor complications (mean age, 52 years; mean duration of disease, 7.5 years) to undergo neurostimulation plus medical therapy or medical therapy alone. The primary end point was quality of life, as assessed with the use of the Parkinson's Disease Questionnaire (PDQ-39) summary index (with scores ranging from 0 to 100 and higher scores indicating worse function). Major secondary outcomes included parkinsonian motor disability, activities of daily living, levodopa-induced motor complications (as assessed with the use of the Unified Parkinson's Disease Rating Scale, parts III, II, and IV, respectively), and time with good mobility and no dyskinesia. RESULTS For the primary outcome of quality of life, the mean score for the neurostimulation group improved by 7.8 points, and that for the medical-therapy group worsened by 0.2 points (between-group difference in mean change from baseline to 2 years, 8.0 points; P=0.002). Neurostimulation was superior to medical therapy with respect to motor disability (P<0.001), activities of daily living (P<0.001), levodopa-induced motor complications (P<0.001), and time with good mobility and no dyskinesia (P=0.01). Serious adverse events occurred in 54.8% of the patients in the neurostimulation group and in 44.1% of those in the medical-therapy group. Serious adverse events related to surgical implantation or the neurostimulation device occurred in 17.7% of patients. An expert panel confirmed that medical therapy was consistent with practice guidelines for 96.8% of the patients in the neurostimulation group and for 94.5% of those in the medical-therapy group. CONCLUSIONS Subthalamic stimulation was superior to medical therapy in patients with Parkinson's disease and early motor complications. (Funded by the German Ministry of Research and others; EARLYSTIM ClinicalTrials.gov number, NCT00354133.).