99 resultados para SVMs
This paper proposes an efficient learning mechanism to build fuzzy rule-based systems through the construction of sparse least-squares support vector machines (LS-SVMs). In addition to the significantly reduced computational complexity in model training, the resultant LS-SVM-based fuzzy system is sparser while offers satisfactory generalization capability over unseen data. It is well known that the LS-SVMs have their computational advantage over conventional SVMs in the model training process; however, the model sparseness is lost, which is the main drawback of LS-SVMs. This is an open problem for the LS-SVMs. To tackle the nonsparseness issue, a new regression alternative to the Lagrangian solution for the LS-SVM is first presented. A novel efficient learning mechanism is then proposed in this paper to extract a sparse set of support vectors for generating fuzzy IF-THEN rules. This novel mechanism works in a stepwise subset selection manner, including a forward expansion phase and a backward exclusion phase in each selection step. The implementation of the algorithm is computationally very efficient due to the introduction of a few key techniques to avoid the matrix inverse operations to accelerate the training process. The computational efficiency is also confirmed by detailed computational complexity analysis. As a result, the proposed approach is not only able to achieve the sparseness of the resultant LS-SVM-based fuzzy systems but significantly reduces the amount of computational effort in model training as well. Three experimental examples are presented to demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed learning mechanism and the sparseness of the obtained LS-SVM-based fuzzy systems, in comparison with other SVM-based learning techniques.
This research presents a fast algorithm for projected support vector machines (PSVM) by selecting a basis vector set (BVS) for the kernel-induced feature space, the training points are projected onto the subspace spanned by the selected BVS. A standard linear support vector machine (SVM) is then produced in the subspace with the projected training points. As the dimension of the subspace is determined by the size of the selected basis vector set, the size of the produced SVM expansion can be specified. A two-stage algorithm is derived which selects and refines the basis vector set achieving a locally optimal model. The model expansion coefficients and bias are updated recursively for increase and decrease in the basis set and support vector set. The condition for a point to be classed as outside the current basis vector and selected as a new basis vector is derived and embedded in the recursive procedure. This guarantees the linear independence of the produced basis set. The proposed algorithm is tested and compared with an existing sparse primal SVM (SpSVM) and a standard SVM (LibSVM) on seven public benchmark classification problems. Our new algorithm is designed for use in the application area of human activity recognition using smart devices and embedded sensors where their sometimes limited memory and processing resources must be exploited to the full and the more robust and accurate the classification the more satisfied the user. Experimental results demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of the proposed algorithm. This work builds upon a previously published algorithm specifically created for activity recognition within mobile applications for the EU Haptimap project [1]. The algorithms detailed in this paper are more memory and resource efficient making them suitable for use with bigger data sets and more easily trained SVMs.
A classificação automática de sons urbanos é importante para o monitoramento ambiental. Este trabalho apresenta uma nova metodologia para classificar sons urbanos, que se baseia na descoberta de padrões frequentes (motifs) nos sinais sonoros e utiliza-los como atributos para a classificação. Para extrair os motifs é utilizado um método de descoberta multi-resolução baseada em SAX. Para a classificação são usadas árvores de decisão e SVMs. Esta nova metodologia é comparada com outra bastante utilizada baseada em MFCC. Para a realização de experiências foi utilizado o dataset UrbanSound disponível publicamente. Realizadas as experiências, foi possível concluir que os atributos motif são melhores que os MFCC a discriminar sons com timbres semelhantes e que os melhores resultados são conseguidos com ambos os tipos de atributos combinados. Neste trabalho foi também desenvolvida uma aplicação móvel para Android que permite utilizar os métodos de classificação desenvolvidos num contexto de vida real e expandir o dataset.
Les logiciels de correction grammaticale commettent parfois des détections illégitimes (fausses alertes), que nous appelons ici surdétections. La présente étude décrit les expériences de mise au point d’un système créé pour identifier et mettre en sourdine les surdétections produites par le correcteur du français conçu par la société Druide informatique. Plusieurs classificateurs ont été entraînés de manière supervisée sur 14 types de détections faites par le correcteur, en employant des traits couvrant di-verses informations linguistiques (dépendances et catégories syntaxiques, exploration du contexte des mots, etc.) extraites de phrases avec et sans surdétections. Huit des 14 classificateurs développés sont maintenant intégrés à la nouvelle version d’un correcteur commercial très populaire. Nos expériences ont aussi montré que les modèles de langue probabilistes, les SVM et la désambiguïsation sémantique améliorent la qualité de ces classificateurs. Ce travail est un exemple réussi de déploiement d’une approche d’apprentissage machine au service d’une application langagière grand public robuste.
We present a trainable system for detecting frontal and near-frontal views of faces in still gray images using Support Vector Machines (SVMs). We first consider the problem of detecting the whole face pattern by a single SVM classifer. In this context we compare different types of image features, present and evaluate a new method for reducing the number of features and discuss practical issues concerning the parameterization of SVMs and the selection of training data. The second part of the paper describes a component-based method for face detection consisting of a two-level hierarchy of SVM classifers. On the first level, component classifers independently detect components of a face, such as the eyes, the nose, and the mouth. On the second level, a single classifer checks if the geometrical configuration of the detected components in the image matches a geometrical model of a face.
We describe a system that learns from examples to recognize people in images taken indoors. Images of people are represented by color-based and shape-based features. Recognition is carried out through combinations of Support Vector Machine classifiers (SVMs). Different types of multiclass strategies based on SVMs are explored and compared to k-Nearest Neighbors classifiers (kNNs). The system works in real time and shows high performance rates for people recognition throughout one day.
We present a new method to select features for a face detection system using Support Vector Machines (SVMs). In the first step we reduce the dimensionality of the input space by projecting the data into a subset of eigenvectors. The dimension of the subset is determined by a classification criterion based on minimizing a bound on the expected error probability of an SVM. In the second step we select features from the SVM feature space by removing those that have low contributions to the decision function of the SVM.
We compare Naive Bayes and Support Vector Machines on the task of multiclass text classification. Using a variety of approaches to combine the underlying binary classifiers, we find that SVMs substantially outperform Naive Bayes. We present full multiclass results on two well-known text data sets, including the lowest error to date on both data sets. We develop a new indicator of binary performance to show that the SVM's lower multiclass error is a result of its improved binary performance. Furthermore, we demonstrate and explore the surprising result that one-vs-all classification performs favorably compared to other approaches even though it has no error-correcting properties.
Support Vector Machines (SVMs) perform pattern recognition between two point classes by finding a decision surface determined by certain points of the training set, termed Support Vectors (SV). This surface, which in some feature space of possibly infinite dimension can be regarded as a hyperplane, is obtained from the solution of a problem of quadratic programming that depends on a regularization parameter. In this paper we study some mathematical properties of support vectors and show that the decision surface can be written as the sum of two orthogonal terms, the first depending only on the margin vectors (which are SVs lying on the margin), the second proportional to the regularization parameter. For almost all values of the parameter, this enables us to predict how the decision surface varies for small parameter changes. In the special but important case of feature space of finite dimension m, we also show that there are at most m+1 margin vectors and observe that m+1 SVs are usually sufficient to fully determine the decision surface. For relatively small m this latter result leads to a consistent reduction of the SV number.
We study the relation between support vector machines (SVMs) for regression (SVMR) and SVM for classification (SVMC). We show that for a given SVMC solution there exists a SVMR solution which is equivalent for a certain choice of the parameters. In particular our result is that for $epsilon$ sufficiently close to one, the optimal hyperplane and threshold for the SVMC problem with regularization parameter C_c are equal to (1-epsilon)^{- 1} times the optimal hyperplane and threshold for SVMR with regularization parameter C_r = (1-epsilon)C_c. A direct consequence of this result is that SVMC can be seen as a special case of SVMR.
The capability of estimating the walking direction of people would be useful in many applications such as those involving autonomous cars and robots. We introduce an approach for estimating the walking direction of people from images, based on learning the correct classification of a still image by using SVMs. We find that the performance of the system can be improved by classifying each image of a walking sequence and combining the outputs of the classifier. Experiments were performed to evaluate our system and estimate the trade-off between number of images in walking sequences and performance.
When training Support Vector Machines (SVMs) over non-separable data sets, one sets the threshold $b$ using any dual cost coefficient that is strictly between the bounds of $0$ and $C$. We show that there exist SVM training problems with dual optimal solutions with all coefficients at bounds, but that all such problems are degenerate in the sense that the "optimal separating hyperplane" is given by ${f w} = {f 0}$, and the resulting (degenerate) SVM will classify all future points identically (to the class that supplies more training data). We also derive necessary and sufficient conditions on the input data for this to occur. Finally, we show that an SVM training problem can always be made degenerate by the addition of a single data point belonging to a certain unboundedspolyhedron, which we characterize in terms of its extreme points and rays.
Motivation: A new method that uses support vector machines (SVMs) to predict protein secondary structure is described and evaluated. The study is designed to develop a reliable prediction method using an alternative technique and to investigate the applicability of SVMs to this type of bioinformatics problem. Methods: Binary SVMs are trained to discriminate between two structural classes. The binary classifiers are combined in several ways to predict multi-class secondary structure. Results: The average three-state prediction accuracy per protein (Q3) is estimated by cross-validation to be 77.07 ± 0.26% with a segment overlap (Sov) score of 73.32 ± 0.39%. The SVM performs similarly to the 'state-of-the-art' PSIPRED prediction method on a non-homologous test set of 121 proteins despite being trained on substantially fewer examples. A simple consensus of the SVM, PSIPRED and PROFsec achieves significantly higher prediction accuracy than the individual methods. Availability: The SVM classifier is available from the authors. Work is in progress to make the method available on-line and to integrate the SVM predictions into the PSIPRED server.
This letter presents an effective approach for selection of appropriate terrain modeling methods in forming a digital elevation model (DEM). This approach achieves a balance between modeling accuracy and modeling speed. A terrain complexity index is defined to represent a terrain's complexity. A support vector machine (SVM) classifies terrain surfaces into either complex or moderate based on this index associated with the terrain elevation range. The classification result recommends a terrain modeling method for a given data set in accordance with its required modeling accuracy. Sample terrain data from the lunar surface are used in constructing an experimental data set. The results have shown that the terrain complexity index properly reflects the terrain complexity, and the SVM classifier derived from both the terrain complexity index and the terrain elevation range is more effective and generic than that designed from either the terrain complexity index or the terrain elevation range only. The statistical results have shown that the average classification accuracy of SVMs is about 84.3% ± 0.9% for terrain types (complex or moderate). For various ratios of complex and moderate terrain types in a selected data set, the DEM modeling speed increases up to 19.5% with given DEM accuracy.
Support vector machines (SVMs) were originally formulated for the solution of binary classification problems. In multiclass problems, a decomposition approach is often employed, in which the multiclass problem is divided into multiple binary subproblems, whose results are combined. Generally, the performance of SVM classifiers is affected by the selection of values for their parameters. This paper investigates the use of genetic algorithms (GAs) to tune the parameters of the binary SVMs in common multiclass decompositions. The developed GA may search for a set of parameter values common to all binary classifiers or for differentiated values for each binary classifier. (C) 2008 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.