902 resultados para SURGICAL REMOVAL
Despite the nomenclature suggested to be a tumor, torus palatinus (TP) is an overgrowth of the bone in the palatal region and represents an anatomic variation. Its prevalence varies among the population studied and its etiology is still unclear; however, it seems to be a multifactorial disorder with genetics and environmental involvement. Surgical removal of the TP is indicated in the following circumstances: (1) deglutition and speech impairment, (2) cancer phobia, (3) traumatized mucosa over the torus, and (4) prosthetic reasons. The aim of this case report is describe cases that occurred in two sisters, emphasizing the genetic etiology of this anatomic variation. In addition, intra-oral exam and computed tomography scan (axial, coronal and sagittal view) provided a detailed assessment of the TP and elimination of other possible diagnoses, furthermore allowed a better analyzes of the anatomic relation with adjacentes structures. No surgical removal was indicated for both cases.
The objective of this work was to evaluate photodynamic therapy (PDT) by using a hematoporphyrin derivative as a photosensitizer and light-emitting diodes (LEDs) as light source in induced mammary tumors of Sprague–Dawley (SD) rats. Twenty SD rats with mammary tumors induced by DMBAwere used. Animals were divided into four groups: control (G1), PDT only (G2), surgical removal of tumor (G3), and submitted to PDT immediately after surgical removal of tumor (G4). Tumors were measured over 6 weeks. Lesions and surgical were LEDs lighted up (200 J/cm2 dose). The light distribution in vivo study used two additional animals without mammary tumors. In the control group, the average growth of tumor diameter was approximately 0.40 cm/week. While for PDT group, a growth of less than 0.15 cm/week was observed, suggesting significant delay in tumor growth. Therefore, only partial irradiation of the tumors occurred with a reduction in development, but without elimination. Animals in G4 had no tumor recurrence during the 12 weeks, after chemical induction, when compared with G3 animals that showed 60 % recurrence rate after 12 weeks of chemical induction. PDT used in the experimental model of mammary tumor as a single therapy was effective in reducing tumor development, so the surgery associated with PDT is a safe and efficient destruction of residual tumor, preventing recurrence of the tumor.
Introduction. Craniopharyngioma (CF) is a malformation of the hypothalamicpituitary region and it is the most common nonglial cerebral tumor in children with an high overall survival rate. In some case severe endocrinologic and metabolic sequelae may occur during follow up. 50% of patients (pts), in particular those with radical removal of suprasellar lesions, develop intractable hyperphagia and morbid obesity, with dyslypidemia and high cardiovascular risk. We studied the auxological and metabolic features of a series of 29 patients (18 males) treated at a mean age of 7,6 years, followed up in our Centre from 1973 to 2008 with a mean follow up of 8,3 years. Patients features at the onset. 62% of pts showed as first symptoms of disease visual impairment and neurological disturbancies (headache); 34% growth arrest; 24% signs of raised intracranial pressure and 7% diabetes insipidus. Diagnosis. Diagnosis of CF was reached finally by TC or MRI scans which showed endo-suprasellar lesion in 23 cases and endosellar tumour in 6 cases. Treatment and outcome. 25/29 pts underwent surgical removal of CF (19 by transcranial approach and 6 by endoscopic surgery); 4 pts underwent stereotactic surgery as first line therapy. 3 pts underwent local irradiation with yttrium-90, 5 pts post surgery radiotherapy. 45% of pts needed more than one treatment procedure. Results. After CF treatment all patients suffered from 3 or more pituitary hormone deficiencies and diabetes insipidus. They underwent promptly substitutive therapy with corticosteroids, l-thyroxine and desmopressin. In 28/29 pts we found growth hormone (GH) deficiency. 20/28 pts started GH substitutive therapy and 15 pts reached final height(FH) near target height(TH). 8 pts were not GH treated for good growth velocity, even without GH, or for tumour residual. They reached in 2 cases FH over TH showing the already known phenomenon of growth without GH. 38% of patients showed BMI SDS >2 SDS at last assessment, in particular pts not GH treated (BMI 2,5 SDS) are more obese than GH treated (BMI 1,2 SDS). Lipid panel of 16 examined pts showed significative differencies among GH treated (9 pts) and not treated (7 pts) with better profile in GH treated ones for Total Cholesterol/C-HDL and C-LDL/C-HDL. We examined intima media thickness of common carotid arteries in 11 pts. 3/4 not GH treated pts showed ultrasonographic abnormalities: calcifications in 2 and plaque in 1 case. Of them 1 pt was only 12,6 years old and already showed hypothalamic obesity with hyperphagia, high HOMA index and dyslipidemia. In the GH treated group (7) we found calcifications in 1 case and a plaque in another one. GH therapy was started in the young pt with carotid calcifications, with good improvement within 6 months of treatment. 5/29 pts showed hypothalamic obesity, related to hypothalamic damage (type of surgical treatment, endo-suprasellar primitive lesion, recurrences). 48% of patients recurred during follow up ( mean time from treatment: 3 years) and underwent, in some cases up to 4 transcranial surgical treatments. GH seems not to increase recurrence rate since 40% of GH treated recurred vs 66,6% of not GH treated pts. Discussion. Our data show the extereme difficulties that occur during follow up of craniopharyngioma treated patients. GH therapy should be offered to all patients even with good growth velocity after CF treatment, to avoid dislypidemia and reduce cardiovascular risk. The optimal therapy is not completely understood and whether gross tumor removal or partial surgery is the best option remains to be decided only on one patient tumour features and hypothalamic involvement. In conclusion the gold standard treatment of CF remains complete tumour removal, when feasible, or partial resection to preserve hypothalamic function in endosuprasellar large neoplasms.
Lo studio ha posto l'attenzione sul rapporto costo-efficacia tra le metodiche più utilizzate per la rimozione di carcinomi basocellulari: l'asportazione chirurgica e la terapia fotodinamica. Dai dati si evince che la rimozione chirurgica è la metodica più efficace per la minore frequenza di recidive (4.7%) rispetto alla terapia fotodinamica (6%). Questo dato è valido unicamente per i carcinomi superficiali; per i carcinomi nodulari la frequenza di recidiva con la terapia fotodinamica risulta essere più elevata (35%). La chirurgia è una metodica più costosa rispetto alla fotodinamica. La variabile dolore risulta essere minore per la chirurgia rispetto alla fotodinamica. Il risultato estetico invece è migliore per la fotodinamica rispetto alla terapia chirurgica. I costi invece sono più elevati per la terapia chirurgica. Rimane un'ultima considerazione: la terapia fotodinamica richiede talvolta un nuovo intervento a distanza di mesi o anni e pertanto questa scelta comporta costi aggiuntivi.
L’approccio chirurgico agli adenomi ipofisari ACTH secernenti è la terapia d’elezione nell’uomo. L’ipofisectomia transfenoidale è invece una tecnica poco diffusa in ambito veterinario. La terapia più diffusa nel cane con ipercortisolismo ipofisi dipendente (PDH) è di tipo medico e prevede la somministrazione di farmaci inibitori della sintesi del cortisolo. Gli adenomi ipofisari possono aumentare di volume e determinare una conseguente sintomatologia neurologica; in questi casi le uniche opzioni terapeutiche sono rappresentate dall’asportazione chirurgica della neoplasia e dalla radioterapia. Nella presente tesi vengono descritti 8 interventi di ipofisectomia transfenoidale effettuati su 7 cani con macroadenoma ipofisario presso il Dipartimento di Scienze Mediche Veterinarie dell’Università di Bologna. La difficoltà maggiore per il chirurgo è rappresentata dalla localizzazione della fossa ipofisaria rispetto ai punti di repere visibile in tomografia computerizzata o in risonanza magnetica nucleare, oltre ai problemi di sanguinamento durante la rimozione della neoplasia. Nel periodo post-operatorio maggiori complicazioni si riscontrano in soggetti con adenomi ipofisari di maggiori dimensioni. Al contrario, in presenza di adenomi di dimensioni più contenute, la ripresa post-operatoria risulta più rapida e il tasso di successo maggiore. Al fine di poter eseguire nel cane l’exeresi mirata della sola neoplasia ipofisaria, al pari di quanto avviene nell’uomo, è stato condotto uno studio sulla tomografia computerizzata (TC) in 86 cani con PDH. Il protocollo TC non ha tuttavia permesso di individuare con precisione la posizione della neoplasia per guidare il chirurgo nella sua rimozione. In due casi riportati nel presente lavoro si è verificata una recidiva della neoplasia ipofisaria. In un soggetto si è optato per il reintervento, mentre nell’altro caso per la radioterapia. Entrambe le opzioni hanno garantito una buona qualità di vita per più di un anno dall’intervento terapeutico. Questi casi clinici dimostrano come il reintervento e la radioterapia possano essere considerate valide opzioni in caso di recidiva.
Nowadays the number of hip joints arthroplasty operations continues to increase because the elderly population is growing. Moreover, the global life expectancy is increasing and people adopt a more active way of life. For this reasons, the demand of implant revision operations is becoming more frequent. The operation procedure includes the surgical removal of the old implant and its substitution with a new one. Every time a new implant is inserted, it generates an alteration in the internal femur strain distribution, jeopardizing the remodeling process with the possibility of bone tissue loss. This is of major concern, particularly in the proximal Gruen zones, which are considered critical for implant stability and longevity. Today, different implant designs exist in the market; however there is not a clear understanding of which are the best implant design parameters to achieve mechanical optimal conditions. The aim of the study is to investigate the stress shielding effect generated by different implant design parameters on proximal femur, evaluating which ranges of those parameters lead to the most physiological conditions.
An unusual case is presented of a tourist who developed fatal cerebral air embolism, pneumomediastinum and pneumopericardium while ascending from low altitude to Europe's highest railway station. Presumably the air embolism originated from rupture of the unsuspected bronchogenic cyst as a result of pressure changes during the ascent. Cerebral air embolism has been observed during surgery, in scuba diving accidents, submarine escapes and less frequently during exposure to very high altitude. People with known bronchogenic cysts should be informed about the risk of cerebral air embolism and surgical removal should be considered. Cerebral air embolism is a rare cause of coma and stroke in all activities with rapid air pressure changes, including alpine tourism, as our unfortunate tourist illustrates.
Prevalence of findings compatible with carotid artery calcifications on dental panoramic radiographs
Cerebrovascular accidents are responsible for killing or disabling more than half a million Americans every year. They are the third leading cause of death in this country. In Germany, the annual stroke incidence reaches 182 cases per 100,000 inhabitants. Stroke there is the fourth leading cause of death. There is a need of finding cost-effective means of decreasing stroke mortality and morbidity. Instruments for early diagnosis are of great humanitarian and economic importance. All possible clinical findings should be taken into account. It is not the demand of this study to present the panoramic radiograph as a screening test method for early diagnosis of atherosclerosis. The aim is to show the potential of this radiograph used in everyday clinical dental practice by the prevalence of radiopaque findings in the carotid region. This study included panoramic dental radiographs of 2,557 patients older than 30 years of age. Fifty-nine percent of the patients were women and 41% were men. The radiographs were adjudged for signs compatible with carotid arterial calcifications appearing as a radiopaque nodular mass adjacent to the cervical vertebrae at or below the intervertebral space C3-4. Of all these radiographs, 4.8% showed radiopaque findings compatible with atherosclerotic lesions. The proportion of women reached 64.8% and that of men reached 35.2%. In accordance to recent literature, the results of this study show that about 5% of the patients show radiological findings compatible with carotid arterial calcifications. Some of these patients at risk for a cerebrovascular accident may be identified in the dentist's office by appropriate review of the panoramic dental radiograph. The suspicion of carotid artery calcifications demands an impetuous referral to an appropriate practitioner who can assist in the control of risk factors and if necessary arrange surgical removal of the carotid arterial plaque. So, the dentist should be aware of this problem and able to make a contribution to stroke prevention.
PURPOSE: The present pilot study evaluates the histopathological characteristics and suitability of CO2 and diode lasers for performing excisional biopsies in the buccal mucosa with special emphasis on the extent of the thermal damage zone created. PATIENTS AND METHODS: 15 patients agreed to undergo surgical removal of their fibrous hyperplasias with a laser. These patients were randomly assigned to one diode or two CO2 laser groups. The CO2 laser was used in a continuous wave mode (cw) with a power of 5 W (Watts), and in a pulsed char-free mode (cf). Power settings for the diode laser were 5.12 W in a pulsed mode. The thermal damage zone of the three lasers and intraoperative and postoperative complications were assessed and compared. RESULTS: The collateral thermal damage zone on the borders of the excisional biopsies was significantly smaller with the CO, laser for both settings tested compared to the diode laser regarding values in pm or histopathological index scores. The only intraoperative complication encountered was bleeding, which had to be controlled with electrocauterization. No postoperative complications occurred in any of the three groups. CONCLUSIONS: The CO2 laser seems to be appropriate for excisional biopsies of benign oral mucosal lesions. The CO2 laser offers clear advantages in terms of smaller thermal damage zones over the diode laser. More study participants are needed to demonstrate potential differences between the two different CO2 laser settings tested.
Despite the fact that consensus guidelines recommend long-term dopamine agonist (DA) therapy as a first-line approach to the treatment of small prolactinoma, some patients continue to prefer a primary surgical approach. Concerns over potential adverse effects of long-term medical therapy and/or the desire to become pregnant and avoid long-term medication are often mentioned as reasons to pursue surgical removal. In this retrospective study, 34 consecutive patients (30 female, 4 male) preferably underwent primary pituitary surgery without prior DA treatment for small prolactinomas (microprolactinoma 1-10 mm, macroprolactinoma 11-20 mm) at the Department of Neurosurgery, University of Bern, Switzerland. At the time of diagnosis, 31 of 34 patients (91%) presented with symptoms. Patients with microprolactinomas had significantly lower preoperative prolactin (PRL) levels compared to patients with macroprolactinomas (median 143 μg/l vs. 340 μg/l). Ninety percent of symptomatic patients experienced significant improvement of their signs and symptoms upon surgery. The postoperative PRL levels (median 3.45 μg/l) returned to normal in 94% of patients with small prolactinomas. There was no mortality and no major morbidities. One patient suffered from hypogonadotropic hypogonadism after surgery despite postoperative normal PRL levels. Long-term remission was achieved in 22 of 24 patients (91%) with microprolactinomas, and in 8 of 10 patients (80%) with macroprolactinomas after a median follow-up period of 33.5 months. Patients with small prolactinomas can safely consider pituitary surgery in a specialized centre with good chance of long-term remission as an alternative to long-term DA therapy.
A 19-year old female patient was referred for removal of her wisdom teeth. The panoramic radiograph showed bilateral retromolar canals in the mandible. Since the retromolar canal is neglected in anatomical textbooks and is rarely documented in scientific publications, the case prompted us to perform further diagnostic examinations with informed consent by the patient. A limited cone beam computed tomography was made and, during the surgical removal of the patient's lower right wisdom tooth, a biopsy of the soft tissue bundle emerging from the retromolar foramen was taken. In accordance with the literature, the histology revealed myelinated nerve fibers, small arteries and venules. The limited data available in the literature about the retromolar canal report that this bony canal may convey an aberrant buccal nerve. In addition, sensory nerve fibers entering the retromolar canal from above and branching to the mandibular molars may evade a block anesthesia at the mandibular foramen. These rare anatomic features may explain why the elements of the retromolar canal account for failures of mandibular block anesthesia or postsurgical sensitivity changes in the supply area of the buccal nerve.
Foreign bodies are common findings in the maxillofacial region, most commonly the result of accidents and physical aggression. Among the objects frequently found in the orofacial tissues are fragments of metal, plastic, wood, and glass. Visualization and exact identification of the location of these objects can be challenging but is of major importance prior to surgical removal. The present case report describes the use of cone beam computed tomography to locate, visualize, and surgically remove glass particles in the oral cavity.
The purpose of this study was to evaluate the effect of continuously released BDNF on peripheral nerve regeneration in a rat model. Initial in vitro evaluation of calcium alginate prolonged-release-capsules (PRC) proved a consistent release of BDNF for a minimum of 8 weeks. In vivo, a worst case scenario was created by surgical removal of a 20-mm section of the sciatic nerve of the rat. Twenty-four autologous fascia tubes were filled with calcium alginate spheres and sutured to the epineurium of both nerve ends. The animals were divided into 3 groups. In group 1, the fascial tube contained plain calcium alginate spheres. In groups 2 and 3, the fascial tube contained calcium alginate spheres with BDNF alone or BDNF stabilized with bovine serum albumin, respectively. The autocannibalization of the operated extremity was clinically assessed and documented in 12 additional rats. The regeneration was evaluated histologically at 4 weeks and 10 weeks in a blinded manner. The length of nerve fibers and the numbers of axons formed in the tube was measured. Over a 10-week period, axons have grown significantly faster in groups 2 and 3 with continuously released BDNF compared to the control. The rats treated with BDNF (groups 2 and 3) demonstrated significantly less autocannibalization than the control group (group 1). These results suggest that BDNF may not only stimulate faster peripheral nerve regeneration provided there is an ideal, biodegradable continuous delivery system but that it significantly reduces the neuropathic pain in the rat model.
PURPOSE: Although metabolic changes make diagnosis of insulinoma relatively easy, surgical removal is hampered by difficulties in locating it, and there is no efficient treatment for malignant insulinoma. We have previously shown that the high density of glucagon-like peptide-1 receptors (GLP-1R) in human insulinoma cells provides an attractive target for molecular imaging and internal radiotherapy. In this study, we investigated the therapeutic potential of [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4, an (111)In-labeled agonist of GLP-1, in a transgenic mouse model of human insulinoma. EXPERIMENTAL DESIGN: [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4 was assessed in the Rip1Tag2 mouse model of pancreatic beta-cell carcinogenesis, which exhibits a GLP-1R expression comparable with human insulinoma. Mice were injected with 1.1, 5.6, or 28 MBq of the radiopeptide and sacrificed 7 days after injection. Tumor uptake and response, the mechanism of action of the radiopeptide, and therapy toxicity were investigated. RESULTS: Tumor uptake was >200% injected activity per gram, with a dose deposition of 3 Gy/MBq at 40 pmol [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4. Other GLP-1R-positive organs showed > or =30 times lower dose deposition. A single injection of [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4 resulted in a reduction of the tumor volume by up to 94% in a dose-dependent manner without significant acute organ toxicity. The therapeutic effect was due to increased tumor cell apoptosis and necrosis and decreased proliferation. CONCLUSIONS: The results suggest that [Lys(40)(Ahx-DTPA-(111)In)NH(2)]-Exendin-4 is a promising radiopeptide capable of selectively targeting insulinoma. Furthermore, Auger-emitting radiopharmaceuticals such as (111)In are able to produce a marked therapeutic effect if a high tumor uptake is achieved.
PURPOSE: The aim of this follow-up study was to evaluate the clinical usefulness of a new type of 3-dimensional (3D) miniplate for open reduction and monocortical fixation of mandibular angle fractures. PATIENTS AND METHODS: In 20 consecutive patients, noncomminuted mandibular angle fractures were treated with open reduction and fixation using a 2 mm 3D miniplate system in a transoral approach. All patients were systematically monitored until 6 months postoperatively. Among the outcome parameters recorded were infection, hardware failure, wound dehiscence, and sensory disturbance of the inferior alveolar nerve. RESULTS: The mean operation time from incision to wound closure was 65 minutes. Two patients had a mucosal wound dehiscence with no consequences. None developed an infection requiring a plate removal. All but 2 patients had normal sensory function 3 months after surgery. Plate fracture occurred in one patient in whom a preceding surgical removal of the third molar had been the reason for the mandibular fracture. In the absence of clinical symptoms, the patient declined plate removal. On final follow-up, fracture healing was considered clinically complete in all patients. CONCLUSIONS: The 3D plating system described here is suitable for fixation of simple mandibular angle fractures and is an easy-to-use alternative to conventional miniplates. The system may be contraindicated in patients in whom insufficient interfragmentary bone contact causes minor stability of the fracture.