303 resultados para STS


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Water quality of three stations representing polluted (Sts. B & S) and relatively unpolluted (St. M) areas along the coast of Bombay was studied during Mar 1981 to May 1982. Stations B & S were characterized by relatively wider fluctuations in salinity, low range of dissolved oxygen and higher BOD, phosphate and nitrate levels. At St. M higher range of dissolved oxygen coupled with low values of BOD and nutrients suggest the prevailing good water quality. The deteriorating water quality of the polluted station probably lead to retarded growth of Saccostrea cucullata and Cerithium rubus living in the shallow intertidal region.


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The findings presented herein show that the electronic properties of CVD graphene on nickel can be altered from metallic to semiconducting by introducing oxygen adsorbates via UV/ozone or oxygen plasma treatment. These properties can be partially recovered by removing the oxygen adsorbates via vacuum annealing treatment. The effect of oxidation is studied by scanning tunneling microscopy/spectroscopy (STM/STS) and X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). As probed by STM/STS, an energy gap opening of 0.11-0.15 eV is obtainable as the oxygen/carbon atomic ratio reaches 13-16%. The corresponding XPS spectra show a significant monotonic increase in the concentration of oxygenated functional groups due to the oxidation treatments. This study demonstrates that the opening of energy gap in CVD graphene can be reasonably controlled by a combination of UV/ozone or oxygen plasma treatment and vacuum annealing treatment. © 2013 Elsevier B.V.


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青藏高原东南缘由于特殊的生态地理条件,有着丰富的森林资源,这些资源是长江上游涵养水源、保持水土的生态屏障,是生物多样性的资源宝库。但随着过量的森林采伐,使该区曾经丰富的生物多样性资源遭受了前所未有的破坏,天然林的质量严重下降,生态系统退化,功能减弱。与此同时,许多物种的种群规模正在锐减,物种的遗传多样性也严重丧失。川西云杉是西部地区分布最广的云杉树种之一,在较高海拔的地区有着重要的生态学功能,是一种适应性很强的乡土树种。本项目采用简单序列重复标记(SSR)和特定序列位点(STS)研究不同生境条件下川西云杉群体的遗传变异及其时空分布格局,考察遗传变异与复杂的山地生态环境间的潜在联系,系统地揭示川西云杉天然群体与环境系统相互作用的生态适应与分子进化机制。研究成果能有效地为该树种遗传资源的科学保护与合理利用提供理论依据和科学指导,可为中国西南部亚高山天然林的可持续经营及退化生态系统的恢复与重建提供依据。主要研究结果如下: 1 STS和SSR两种分子标记的研究结果表明:川西云杉群体拥有中等水平的遗传多样性(基于SSR标记,平均He = 0.640;基于STS标记,平均He = 0.553)。造成这种中等水平的遗传多样性,可能是由于历史原因,川西云杉天然林被大量采伐,导致了遗传多样性的丧失。两种方法都检测出群体BT有着最高水平的遗传多样性。 2 两种标记的结果都一致说明:检测的10个川西云杉群体间遗传分化比较高,其存在群体间的遗传变异比例要明显地高于广泛分布的挪威云杉、横贯大陆的黑云杉以及兼有连续分布和不连续分布的西加云杉等,但要低于分布范围狭窄且呈不连续分布的粗枝云杉。青藏高原东南部的片段化生境可能是导致高水平遗传分化的主要原因。 3 基于两种标记的UPGMA 聚类和PCA分析结果,以及基于SSR标记的FCA分析结果都显示:群体BY遗传上明显区别于其它群体,其可能原因是青藏高原东南缘山脉阻隔而导致的生殖隔离的结果。 4 根据软件Bottleneck 1.2.02的检测以及不依赖哈迪一温伯格平衡的M比率检测结果:川西云杉种群很有可能经历了近期的遗传瓶颈效应。在本研究中遗传瓶颈效应并没有显著影响到物种的遗传多样性。然而,在这些片断化群体未来的子代群体中很可能出现遗传瓶颈导致的遗传多样性下降的效应。 Due to the extremely complex topography and climatic conditions, the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau is region abundant in forest resource, which is benefit to the upper reaches of the Yangtze River water conservation, and protecting natural environment and biodiversity resources. However, by the reason of a plenty of trees were cut in these yeas, the biodiversity resource was destroy with degraded ecosystem and imperfect funcation. Picea balfouriana is one of the regionally distributed conifer species in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and considered as a constructive species within its distribution area. It is an optimal species for the production of biomass. Moreover, it is well adapted to stressful environments at high altitude, especially to cold and drought conditions which are generally harsh for other trees. In our study, two types of molecular markers (SSR and STS) were used to estimate the genetic diversity and genetic structure of P. balfouriana populations originating from the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau with varying climatic and geographical conditions. The results will not only provide a deep insight into its genetic diversity and population genetic structure but also valuable information for further management and breeding programs in P. balfouriana. In summary, the results obtained in this study revealed that: 1 A moderate degree of genetic variation is present in P. balfouriana in the southeast of the Qinghai-Tibet Plateau and it may caused by many trees were cut in the past. Population BT owns the highest level of genetic diversity by both two types of markers. 2 Considerable population differentiation exists among the ten P. balfouriana populations based on both SSR and STS markers, possibly caused by habitat fragmentation and heterogeneous environments. 3 The UPGMA clustering and PCA analyses based on SSR and STS marker, and FCA analyses based on SSR marker congruously separated population BY from other populations, which is likely due to the presence of mountain barriers. 4 The results of bottleneck analysis indicated that P. balfouriana populations that have undergone recent declines. In our research, the bottleneck effect don’t have a significant impact on the genetic diversity of species, however, the level of genetic diversity of P. balfouriana offspring populations growing in the fragmented habitats will decline in the future.


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糯小麦在食品加工业、淀粉加工业及其它工业上有着重要用途,是近年来许多国家小麦研究的重要课题。国外糯小麦选育尚未突破高产与糯性相结合的难点,国内目前还没有培育出高蛋白强筋型的糯小麦品种,这在一定程度上与缺乏合适的育种方法和高效、实用的糯小麦分子标记辅助育种技术有关。国内外对Wx基因效应的研究主要利用缺体-四体系、重组自交系或近等基因系,还未见有利用遗传背景相同的BC5F2代回交改良群体的报道。 糯性位点近等基因系是小麦淀粉品质育种的重要材料,而我国目前还没有一套中国栽培小麦遗传背景的糯性位点近等基因系。为了选育部分糯小麦、全糯小麦和中国栽培小麦遗传背景的糯性位点近等基因系,我们利用Wx蛋白电泳和高效实用的分子标记技术体系来鉴定糯小麦杂交后代的基因型,结果证明该体系能有效地用于糯小麦的分子标记辅助育种。以中国春糯性位点全套近等基因系为研究材料,对小麦Wx基因的6个STS标记和1个CAPS标记进行了筛选,改良PCR扩增条件以及产物检测方式后,从这些标记中筛选出3个标记,包括鉴定Wx-A1、Wx-D1位点的2个共显性STS标记和Wx-B1位点的1个显性STS标记。利用上述3个分子标记从BC5F2 代回交改良群体中筛选出了8种Wx基因型,经卡方检验,其分离比符合3对基因的分离比例,其中基因型为aabbdd的植株有2株,直链淀粉含量分别为1.81%和0.82%,为全糯小麦;基因型为AAbbdd,aabbDD的部分糯性植株各有1株,直链淀粉含量分别为15.24%和17.57%。以上4株植株的农艺性状和品质性状接近回交亲本“川育12”,并明显优于全糯材料“98Y1441”,表明采用回交法与Wx基因分子标记辅助选择相结合,有助于培育高产、优质的全糯和部分糯小麦。同时,本研究中建立的分子标记技术体系,也为选育具有中国栽培小麦遗传背景的糯性位点近等基因系奠定了基础。 在基因型鉴定的基础上,利用糯小麦杂交后代BC5F2代回交改良群体研究了各基因缺失降低直链淀粉含量的效果和各基因合成直链淀粉的能力,以及直链淀粉含量与农艺性状、品质性状、淀粉糊化特性等的相关性。缺失不同Wx基因的8种基因型,直链淀粉含量差异显著。研究单缺失基因型发现,减少效应最大的是Wx-B1b基因,Wx-B1b和Wx-D1b基因没有显著差异,减少效应最小的是Wx-A1b基因。研究双缺失基因型发现,Wx基因合成直链淀粉的能力,Wx-B1a基因最高,Wx-A1a基因最低,而Wx-B1a和Wx-D1a基因差异很小;直链淀粉含量与株高、穗长、小穗数、穗粒数、千粒重等农艺性状相关不显著,表明淀粉品质育种可以与高产育种实现有机结合;直链淀粉含量与SDS-沉降值呈显著负相关(r=-0.726),说明直链淀粉含量降低在一定程度上有利于提高小麦营养与加工品质,这一结果至今未见有文献报道;全糯类型的淀粉糊化特性与其他类型显著不同,具有最高的峰值粘度和稀懈值,最低的低谷粘度、最终粘度、反弹值、峰值时间、糊化温度、起始糊化温度,表明糯小麦淀粉在食品和工业上具有特殊用途;稀懈值与直链淀粉含量呈极显著负相关(r=-0.969),其他粘度参数与直链淀粉含量呈显著正相关(最终粘度r=0.797,低谷粘度r=0.910、反弹值r=0.954、峰值时间r=0.970、糊化温度r=0.962、起始糊化温度r=0.932)。以上结论可为糯小麦品种选育和淀粉品质改良提供理论依据。 Waxy wheat is very important in food processing industry, starch processing industry and the other industries, so it is a focus of wheat research in many countries these years. Foreign wheat breeders have not conquered the difficulty of high yield combined with waxy character, and there is no waxy wheat variety with high protein and strong gluten in China at present,all of which were caused by lacking proper breeding methods and effective, applied molecular markers-assisted selection technique at a certain extent. Until now, research about the effect of waxy genes mainly depended on nullisomic-tetrasomic lines, recombinant lines or near-isogenic lines, and it is lacking the reports of using improved BC5F2 backcross progenies under the common genetic background. Near-isogenic lines at the Wx loci are important materials for wheat starch quality breeding. However, there are no such lines under the Chinese cultivated wheat genetic background. To develop partial waxy wheats, waxy wheats and near-isogenic lines at the Wx loci under the Chinese cultivated wheat genetic background, we use SDS-PAGE of waxy proteins and effective, applied molecular marker-assisted selection technical system to identify the genotype of waxy wheat’s progenies. The results indicated that such a system is applicable in waxy wheat’s molecular marker-assisted selection effectively. A series of Chinese Spring Wx loci near-isogenic lines were used to identify the specific bands of six STS markers and one CAPS marker of Wx genes. After optimizing PCR amplification and separating of PCR products, three co-dominant and dominant STS-markers were identified at the Wx-A1, Wx-D1 and Wx-B1 loci, respectively, which were used to identify the genotype of waxy wheat’s progenies. Eight Wx genotypes were developed from the improved BC5F2 backcross progenies, which follows Mendelian segregation. Among them, there were two aabbdd waxy plants whose amylose content in the BC5F3 seeds were 1.81% and 0.82%, respectively. In addition, there were partial waxy plants (AAbbdd and aabbDD) whose amylose content in the BC5F3 seeds were 15.24 % and 17.57%, respectively. Most agronomic and quality traits of these four plants resembled those of the recurrent parent “Chuanyu 12”, and superior to waxy wheat parent “98Y1441”. This shows that backcross approach in combination with molecular marker-assisted selection of waxy genes is helpful to develop partial and full waxy wheat with good traits in the waxy wheat breeding program. At the same time, molecular marker-assisted selection technical system in this paper, also establish the base for breeding the near-isogenic lines at the Wx loci under the Chinese cultivated wheat genetic background. According to the results of genotype identification, we use waxy wheat’s improved BC5F2 backcross progenies to verify the effects of null alleles on reducing amylose content and determine the amylose synthesis capacity of each Wx gene independently, and investigate the relativity among amylose content with agonomic traits, quality traits, starch pasting properties respectively. There was significant difference in amylose content of the eight genotypes carrying different null Wx alleles. The reducing effect of the single null alleles was the most significant in Wx-B1b, followed by Wx-D1b and Wx-A1b, and there was no significant difference between Wx-B1b and Wx-D1b. The results of the double null lines further demonstrated that for the capacity of amylose synthesis, Wx-B1a was the highest, followed by Wx-D1a and Wx-A1a, and there was no significant difference between Wx-B1a and Wx-D1a. Amylose contents of the eight genotypes were not significantly correlated with plant height, spike length, spikelets per spike, grains per spike, 1000-grain weight, which showed that starch quality breeding could integrate with high yield breeding. Amylose contents of the eight genotypes were negatively significantly correlated with SDS-sedimentation value(r=-0.726), which suggested that reduction in amylose content is propitious to improve quality at a certain extent. Starch pasting properties of the full waxy type was significantly different from the other seven types, with the highest peak viscosity and breakdown, and lowest valley viscosity, final viscosity, setback, peak time, pasting temperature and starting pasting temperature. It indicated that waxy wheat starch has special use in food and industry. Breakdown was negatively significantly correlated with amylose contents (r=-0.969), and the other parameters were positively significantly correlated with amylose contents (r=0.797 for final viscosity, r=0.910 for trough viscosity, r =0.954 for setback, r =0.970 for peak time, r=0.962 for pasting temperature and r=0.932 for starting pasting temperature ). The results of the study are very useful for waxy wheat variety breeding and starch quality improvement.


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Twenty-seven Porphyra lines from 5 classes, including lines widely used in China, wild lines, and lines introduced to China from abroad in recent years, were screened by means of amplified fragment length polymorphism (AFLP) with 24 primer pairs. From the generated AFLP products, 13 bands that showed stable and repeatable AFLP patterns amplified by primer pairs M-CGA/E-AA and M-CGA/E-TA were scored and used to develop the DNA fingerprints of the 27 Porphyra lines. Moreover, the DNA fingerprinting patterns were converted into computer language expressed with digitals 1 and 0, which represented the presence (numbered as 1) or absence (numbered as 0) of the corresponding band. On the basis of these results, computerized AFLP DNA fingerprints were constructed in which each of the 27 Porphyra lines has its unique AFLP,fingerprinting pattern and can be easily distinguished from others. Software called PGI-AFLP (Porphyra germplasm identification-AFLP) was designed for identification of the 27 Porphyra lines. In addition, 21 specific AFLP markers from 15 Porphyra lines were identified; 6 AFLP markers from 4 Porphyra lines were sequenced, and 2 of them were successfully converted into SCAR (sequence characterized amplification region) markers. The developed AFLP DNA fingerprinting and specific molecular markers provide useful ways for the identification, classification, and resource protection of the Porphyra lines.


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Twenty-seven Porphyra lines, including lines widely used in China, wild lines and lines introduced to China from abroad in recent years, were screened by random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD) technique with 120 operon primers. From the generated RAPD products, 11 bands that showed stable and repeatable RAPD patterns amplified by OPC-04, OPJ-18 and OPX-06, respectively were scored and used to develop the DNA fingerprints of the 27 Porphyra lines. Moreover, the DNA fingerprinting patterns were converted into computer language expressed with two digitals, 1 and 0, which represented the presence (numbered as 1) or absence (numbered as 0) of the corresponding band, respectively. Based on the above results, computerized DNA fingerprints were constructed in which each of the 27 Porphyra lines has its unique fingerprinting pattern and can be easily distinguished from others. Software named PGI (Porphyra germplasm identification) was designed for identification of the 27 Porphyra lines. In addition, seven specific RAPD markers from seven Porphyra lines were identified and two of them were successfully converted into SCAR (sequence characterized amplification region) markers. The developed DNA fingerprinting and specific molecular markers provide useful ways for the identification, classification and resource protection of the Porphyra lines.


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Soft-tissue sarcomas (STSs) are rare mesenchymal tumors that arise from muscle, fat and connective tissue. Currently, over 75 subtypes of STS are recognized. The rarity and heterogeneity of patient samples complicate clinical investigations into sarcoma biology. Model organisms might provide traction to our understanding and treatment of the disease. Over the past 10 years, many successful animal models of STS have been developed, primarily genetically engineered mice and zebrafish. These models are useful for studying the relevant oncogenes, signaling pathways and other cell changes involved in generating STSs. Recently, these model systems have become preclinical platforms in which to evaluate new drugs and treatment regimens. Thus, animal models are useful surrogates for understanding STS disease susceptibility and pathogenesis as well as for testing potential therapeutic strategies.


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Using functional magnetic resonance imaging (fMRI), we investigated brain activity evoked by mutual and averted gaze in a compelling and commonly experienced social encounter. Through virtual-reality goggles, subjects viewed a man who walked toward them and shifted his neutral gaze either toward (mutual gaze) or away (averted gaze) from them. Robust activity was evoked in the superior temporal sulcus (STS) and fusiform gyrus (FFG). For both conditions, STS activity was strongly right lateralized. Mutual gaze evoked greater activity in the STS than did averted gaze, whereas the FFG responded equivalently to mutual and averted gaze. Thus, we show that the STS is involved in processing social information conveyed by shifts in gaze within an overtly social context. This study extends understanding of the role of the STS in social cognition and social perception by demonstrating that it is highly sensitive to the context in which a human action occurs.


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The chromosomal genotype, as judged by multi locus sequence typing, and the episomal genotype, as judged by plasmid profile and cry gene content, were analyzed for a collection of strains of Bacillus thuringiensis. These had been recovered in vegetative form over a period of several months from the leaves of a small plot of clover (Trifolium hybridum). A clonal population structure was indicated, although greater variation in sequence types (STs) was discovered than in previous collections of B. cereus/B. thuringiensis. Isolates taken at the same time had quite different genotypes, whereas those of identical genotypes were recovered at different times. The profiles of plasmid content and cry genes generally bore no relation to each other nor to the STs. Evidently, although relatively little recombination was occurring in the seven chromosomal genes analyzed, a great deal of conjugal transfer, and perhaps recombination, was occurring involving plasmids. A clinical diarrheal isolate of B. cereus and the commercial biopesticide strain HD-1 of B. thuringiensis, both included as out-groups, were found to have very similar STs. This further emphasizes the role of episomal elements in the characteristics and differentiation of these two species.


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In this study, we reported that small glutamine-rich TPR-containing protein (SGT) interacted with not only Hsp90alpha but also Hsp90beta. Confocal analysis showed that treatment of cells with Hsp90-specific inhibitor geldanamycin (GA) disrupted the interaction of SGT with Hsp90beta and this contributed to the increase of nuclear localization of SGT in HeLa cells. The increased nuclear localization of SGT was further confirmed by the Western blotting in GA-treated HeLa cells and H1299 cells. In our previous study, SGT was found to be a new pro-apoptotic factor, so we wondered whether the sub-cellular localization of SGT was related with cell apoptosis. By confocal analysis we found that the nuclear import of SGT was significantly increased in STS-induced apoptotic HeLa cells, which implied that the sub-cellular localization of SGT was closely associated with Hsp90beta and apoptosis.


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The appearance of the open code paradigm and the demands of social movements have permeated the ways in which today’s cultural institutions are organized. This article analyzes the birth of a new critical and cooperative spatiality and how it is transforming current modes of cultural research and production. It centers on the potential for establishing the new means of cooperation that are being tested in what are defined as collaborative artistic laboratories. These are hybrid spaces of research and creation based on networked and cooperative structures producing a new societal-technical body that forces us to reconsider the traditional organic conditions of the productive scenarios of knowledge and artistic practice.


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‘Citizen participation’ includes various participatory techniques and is frequently viewed as an unproblematic and important social good when used as part of the regulation of the innovation and implementation of science and technology. This is perhaps especially evident in debates around ‘anticipatory governance’ or ‘upstream engagement’. Here, we interrogate this thesis using the example of the European Union’s regulation of emerging health technologies (such as nanotechnology). In this case, citizen participation in regulatory debate is concerned with innovative objects for medical application that are considered to be emergent or not yet concrete. Through synthesising insights from law, regulatory studies, critical theory, and science and technology studies (STS), we seek to cast new light on the promises, paradoxes and pitfalls of citizen participation as a tool or technology of regulation in itself. As such we aim to generate a new vantage point from which to view the values and sociotechnical imaginaries that are both ‘designed-in’ and ‘designed-out’ of citizen participation. In so doing, we show not only how publics (do not) regulate technologies, but also how citizens themselves are regulated through the techniques of participation. © The Author [2012].


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Objective The phenotype of the antioxidant and pro-angiogenicprotein haptoglobin (Hp) predicts cardiovascular disease risk andtreatment response to antioxidant vitamins in individuals withdiabetes. Our objective was to determine whether Hp phenotypeinfluences pre-eclampsia risk, or the efficacy of vitamins C and Ein preventing pre-eclampsia, in women with type-1 diabetes.
Design This is a secondary analysis of a randomised controlledtrial in which women with diabetes received daily vitamins C andE, or placebo, from 8 to 22 weeks of gestation until delivery.
Setting Twenty-five antenatal metabolic clinics across the UK (innorth-west England, Scotland, and Northern Ireland).
Population Pregnant women with type-1 diabetes.
Methods Hp phenotype was determined in white women whocompleted the study and had plasma samples available (n = 685).
Main outcome measure Pre-eclampsia.
Results Compared with Hp 2-1, Hp 1-1 (OR 0.59, 95% CI 0.30–1.16) and Hp 2-2 (OR 0.93, 95% CI 0.60–1.45) were notassociated with significantly decreased pre-eclampsia risk afteradjusting for treatment group and HbA1c at randomisation. Ourstudy was not powered to detect an interaction between Hpphenotype and treatment response; however, our preliminaryanalysis sugge sts that vitamins C and E did not prevent pre-eclampsia in women of any Hp phenotype (Hp 1-1, OR 0.77, 95%CI 0.22–2.71; Hp 2-1, OR 0.81, 95% CI 0.46–1.43; Hp 2-2, 0.67,95% CI 0.34–1.33), after adjusting for HbA1c at randomisation.
Conclusions The Hp phenotype did not significantly affect pre-eclampsia risk in women with type-1 diabetes.