522 resultados para STRANDS


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Gerontologia Social


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Dissertação apresentada à Escola Superior de Educação de Lisboa para obtenção de grau de mestre em Ciências da Educação - Especialização Supervisão em Educação


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Mestrado (PES II), Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, 22 de Junho de 2015, Universidade dos Açores.


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Dissertação para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Música - Interpretação Artística. Especialidade: Piano


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Esta dissertação surge da necessidade da empresa Continental - Indústria Têxtil do Ave S.A. – grupo Continental Mabor atualizar os esquemas elétricos de uma máquina para acabamento térmico e químico de telas para pneus. Esta máquina (Zell) é crucial no seu processo produtivo e foi ao longo dos anos sofrendo sucessivas atualizações no sentido de melhorar o seu processo de produção. Existiam já, esquemas elétricos da máquina realizados em EPLAN no entanto não foram acompanhando as sucessivas alterações sofridas pela mesma. Deste modo, torna-se assim necessário não só produzir um suporte digital desses mesmos esquemas como também proceder à sua atualização. Ao longo desta dissertação o leitor pode obter informações relativas à Zell e ao processo de análise, estudo e documentação dos seus quadros elétricos em software EPLAN Electric P8. São ainda abordadas técnicas de leitura e desenho em EPLAN e descritas algumas das funcionalidade que este permite. É abordada a base de dados criada com informações relativas à máquina tais como características dos seus motores, variadores de frequência e localização dos quadros elétricos ao longo dos pisos que a compõe. No âmbito desta dissertação foi redigido o “Manual da Máquina de Impregnar Zell” e neste relatório abordam-se os principais tópicos que o compõe. Com a atualização dos esquemas tornou-se necessário proceder à identificação de diversos componentes na máquina. Esse processo de identificação é também aqui retratado. O leitor pode por fim obter informações de como realizar um processo de troca de variadores de frequência da marca ABB de diferentes gamas tendo em consideração as ligações em causa para o fazer. Pretende-se assim que o leitor fique com uma noção geral das diferentes vertentes que foram abordadas neste trabalho realizado sob a forma de um estágio com duração de seis meses no seio desta indústria.


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Tri-and hexa-cyanoethyl functionalized 17-(L-1) and 42-membered (L-2) macrocyclic compounds were obtained by [1 + 1] (for L-1) or [2 + 2] (for L-2) cyclocondensation of the corresponding dialdehyde and diethylenetriamine, followed by hydrogenation by KBH4 and subsequent cyano-functionalization with acrylonitrile. They react with silver nitrate, leading to the formation of [AgL1](NO3) (1) and of the metalorganic coordination polymers [Ag-2(NO3)(2)L-1](n) (2) and {[Ag2L2](NO3)(2)}(n) (3). The complexes were characterized by elemental analysis, H-1 NMR, C-13 NMR, IR spectroscopies, and ESI-MS; moreover, L-2, 1, 2 and 3 were also characterized by single crystal X-ray diffraction. The metal cation in 1 is pentacoordinated with a N3O2 coordination environment; in 2, the metal cations display N4O2 octahedral and N2O3 square-pyramid coordination and in 3 they are in square-planar N-4 sites. In 1, the ligand acts as a pentadentate chelator, and in the other two cases, the ligands behave as octadentate chelators in a 1 kappa N-3:kappa O-2,2 kappa N,3 kappa N,4 kappa N (in 2) or 1 kappa N-3,2 kappa N-3,3 kappa N,4 kappa N fashion (in 3). The cyanoethyl strands of the ligands are directly involved in the formation of the 2D frameworks of 2 and 3, which in the former polymer can be viewed as a net composed of hexametallic 36-membered macrocyclic rings and in the latter generates extra hexametallic 58-membered cyclic sets that form zig-zag layers. The thermal analytical and electrochemical properties of these silver complexes were also studied.


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RESUMO - O presente projecto enquadra-se no paradigma salutogénico e visa apurar alguns dos factores que determinam que algumas pessoas se apresentem mais saudáveis que a população em geral. Foi seleccionado um estudo, quantitativo, analítico tipo caso-controlo (1 caso para 3 controlos), em que os casos são constituídos por indivíduos integrando a Função Pública que se encontram acima do percentil 95 de assiduidade ao trabalho nos últimos dois anos e com uma auto-percepção de Saúde classificada como muito boa, os controlos são indivíduos que não obedecem à definição de caso. Os indivíduos serão emparelhados por idade, género, estado civil, carreira, categoria profissional e unidade funcional que integram. A assiduidade será calculada com recurso aos certificados de incapacidade temporária entregues nos respectivos serviços. Os factores a estudar são os mais citados na literatura como factores salutogénicos ou factores de protecção, são eles: - Sentido de Coerência de Antonowsky - Locus de controlo - Auto conceito -Auto Eficácia - Aptidão física nas três vertentes clássicas: Capacidade aeróbia, Composição corporal, Aptidão muscular. Todos estes factores serão estudados com recurso a questionários auto preenchidos devidamente testados e validados para o português de Portugal sendo a aptidão física apurada com recurso á bateria de testes "Fitness Gram" adoptada para Portugal pelo Instituto do Desporto de Portugal e pelo Ministério da Educação. Os resultados serão apurados com recurso ao software de análise epidemiológica EPIDAT. 3.1. ---------------- ABSTRACT - The present project follows the salutogénic paradigm and intends to identify some of the factors that determine why some people are healthier than the general population. It was selected a quantitative, analytic, case-control study type (1 case to 3 controls), in which the cases are constituted by individuals who are integrated in Public Services and find themselves above 95 percentile of assiduity in work in the last two years, and with a self-perception of Health classified as very good, the controls are individuals who don’t obey to the case definition. The individuals will be matched by age, gender, civil state, career, professional category and Functional Unity in the Health services. The assiduity will be calculated with the help of temporary incapacity certificates delivered in the respective services. The currently studying factors are the most cited in literature, like salutogenic factors or protection factors, are those: - Antonowsky’s Sense of Coherence - Locus Control - Self-concept - Self-Efficacy - The three classic strands of Physical Fitness: Aerobic Capacity, Corporal Composition, Muscular Fitness. All these factors will be studied with the resource of properly tested and validated self-filled questionnaires for Portugal Portuguese (language), with the Physical Fitness being determined with the resource of “Fitness Gram” test battery, adopted for Portugal by the Portuguese Sports Institute and the Education Ministry. The results will be determined with the resource of the epidemiologic analysis software EPIDAT. 3.1.


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Dissertation presented to obtain the Ph.D degree in Biology


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Dissertação de mestrado em Construção e Reabilitação Sustentáveis


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Relatório de estágio de mestrado em Ensino de Educação Física nos Ensinos Básico e Secundário


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Free standing films of a genetically engineered silk-elastin-like protein (SELP) were prepared using water and formic acid as solvents. Exposure to methanol-saturated air promoted the formation of aggregated β-strands rendering aqueous insolubility and improved the mechanical properties leading to a 10-fold increase in strain-to-failure. The films were optically clear with resistivity values similar to natural rubber and thermally stable up to 180 °C. Addition of glycerol showed to enhance the flexibility of SELP/glycerol films by interacting with SELP molecules through hydrogen bonding, interpenetrating between the polymer chains and granting more conformational freedom. This detailed characterization provides cues for future and unique applications using SELP based biopolymers.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Crime, Diferença e Desigualdade


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A more or less detailed study of the spermatogenesis in six species of Hemiptera belonging to the Coreid Family is made in the present paper. The species studied and their respective chromosome numbers were: 1) Diactor bilineatus (Fabr.) : spermatogonia with 20 + X, primary spermatocytes with 10 + X, X dividing equationaliv in the first division and passing undivided to one pole in the second. 2) Lcptoglossus gonagra (Fabr.) : spermatogonia with 20 + X, primary spermatocytes with 10 + X, X dividing equationally in the first division and passing undivided to one pole in the second. 3) Phthia picta (Drury) : spermatogonia with 20 + X, primary spermatocytes with 10 + X, X dividing equationally in the first division and passing undivided to one pole in the second. 4) Anisocelis foliacea Fabr. : spermatogonia with 26 + X fthe highest mumber hitherto known in the Family), primary .spermatocytes with 13 + X, X dividing equationally in the first division an passing undivided to one pole in the second. 5) Pachylis pharaonis (Herbtst) : spermatogonia with 16 + X, primary spermatocytes with 8 + X. Behaviour of the heteroehromosome not referred. 6) Pachylis laticornis (Fabr.) : spermatogonia with 14 + X, primary spermatocytes with 7 + X, X passing undivided to one pole in the first division and therefore secondary spermatocytes with 7 + X and 7 chromosomes. General results and conclusions a) Pairing modus of the chromosomes (Telosynapsis or Farasynapsis ?) - In several species of the Coreld bugs the history of the chromosomes from the diffuse stage till diakinesis cannot be follewed in detail due specially to the fact that lhe bivalents, as soon as they begin to be individually distinct they appear as irregular and extremely lax chromatic areas, which through an obscure process give rise to the diakinesis and then to the metaphase chomosomes. Fortunately I was able to analyse the genesis of the cross-shaped chromosomes, becoming thus convinced that even in the less favorable cases like that of Phthia, in which the crosses develop from four small condensation areas of the diffuse chromosomes, nothing in the process permit to interpret the final results as being due to a previous telosynaptic pairing. In the case of long bivalents formed by two parallel strands intimately united at both endsegments and more or less widely open in the middle (Leptoglossus, Pachylis), I could see that the lateral arms of the crosses originate from condensation centers created by a torsion or bending in the unpaired parts of the chromosomes In the relatively short bivalents the lateral branches of the cross are formed in the middle but in the long ones, whose median opening is sometimes considerable, two asymetrical branches or even two independent crosses may develop in the same pair. These observations put away the idea of an end-to-end pairing of the chromosomes, since if it had occured the lateral arms of the crosses would always be symetrical and median and never more than two. The direct observation of a side- toside pairing of the chromosomal threads at synizesis, is in foil agreement with the complete lack of evidence in favour of telosynapsis. b) Anaphasic bridges and interzonal connections - The chromosomes as they separate from each other in anaphase they remain connected by means of two lateral strands corresponding to the unpaired segmenas observed in the bivalents at the stages preceding metaphase. In the early anaphase the chromosomes again reproduce the form they had in late diafcinesis. The connecting threads which may be thick and intensely coloured are generally curved and sometimes unequal in lenght, one being much longer than the other and forming a loop outwardly. This fact points to a continuous flow of chromosomal substance independently from both chromosomes of the pair rather than to a mechanical stretching of a sticky substance. At the end of anaphase almost all the material which formed the bridges is reduced to two small cones from whose vertices a very fine and pale fibril takes its origin. The interzonal fibres, therefore, may be considered as the remnant of the anaphasic bridges. Abnormal behaviour of the anaphase chromosomes showed to be useful in aiding the interpretation of normal aspects. It has been suggested by Schrader (1944) "that the interzonal is nothing more than a sticky coating of the chromosome which is stretched like mucilage between the daughter chromosomes as they move further and further apart". The paired chromosomes being enclosed in a commom sheath, as they separate they give origin to a tube which becomes more and more stretched. Later the walls of the tube collapse forming in this manner an interzonal element. My observations, however, do not confirm Schrader's tubular theory of interzonal connections. In the aspects seen at anaphase of the primary spermatocytes and described in this paper as chromosomal bridges nothing suggests a tubular structure. There is no doubt that the chromosomes are here connected by two independent strands in the first division of the spermatocytes and by a single one in the second. The manner in which the chromosomes separate supports the idea of transverse divion, leaving little place for another interpretation. c) Ptafanoeomc and chromatoid bodies - The colourabtlity of the plasmosome in Diactor and Anisocelis showed to be highly variable. In the latter species, one may find in the same cyst nuclei provided with two intensely coloured bodies, the larger of which being the plasmosome, sided by those in which only the heterochromosome took the colour. In the former one the plasmosome strongly coloured seen in the primary metaphase may easily be taken for a supernumerary chromosome. At anaphase this body stays motionless in the equator of the cell while the chromosomes are moving toward the poles. There, when intensely coloured ,it may be confused with the heterochromosome of the secondary spermatocytes, which frequently occupies identical position in the corresponding phase, thus causing missinterpretation. In its place the plasmosome may divide into two equal parts or pass undivided to one cell in whose cytoplasm it breaks down giving rise to a few corpuscles of unequal sizes. In Pachylis pharaonis, as soon as the nuclear membrane breate down, the plasmosome migrates to a place in the periphery of the cell (primary spermatocyte), forming there a large chromatoid body. This body is never found in the cytoplasm prior to the dissolution of the nuclear membrane. It is certain that chromatoid bodies of different origin do exist. Here, however, we are dealing, undoubtedly, with true plasmosomes. d) Movement of the heterochromosome - The heterochromosome in the metaphase of the secondary spermatocytes may occupy the most different places. At the time the autosomes prient themselves in the equatorial plane it may be found some distance apart in this plane or in any other plane and even in the subpolar and polar regions. It remains in its place during anaphase. Therefore, it may appear at the same level with the components of one of the anaphase plates (synchronism), between both plates (succession) or between one plate and tbe pole (precession), what depends upon the moment the cell was fixed. This does not mean that the heterochromosome sometimes moves as quickly as the autosomes, sometimes more rapidly and sometimes less. It implies, on the contrary, that, being anywhere in the cell, the heterochromosome m he attained and passed by the autosomes. In spite of being almost motionless the heterochromosome finishes by being enclosed in one of the resulting nuclei. Consequently, it does move rapidly toward the group formed by the autosomes a little before anaphase is ended. This may be understood assuming that the heterochromosome, which do not divide, having almost inactive kinetochore cannot orient itself, giving from wherever it stays, only a weak response to the polar influences. When in the equator it probably do not perform any movement in virtue of receiving equal solicitation from both poles. When in any other plane, despite the greater influence of the nearer pole, the influence of the opposite pole would permit only so a slow movement that the autosomes would soon reach it and then leave it behind. It is only when the cell begins to divide that the heterochromosome, passing to one of the daughter cells scapes the influence of the other and thence goes quickly to join the autosomes, being enclosed with them in the nucleus formed there. The exceptions observed by BORING (1907) together with ; the facts described here must represent the normal behavior of the heterocromosome of the Hemiptera, the greater frequency of succession being the consequence of the more frequent localization of the heterochromosome in the equatorial plane or in its near and of the anaphase rapidity. Due to its position in metaphase the heterochromosome in early anaphase may be found in precession. In late anaphase, oh the contrary ,it appears almost always in succession. This is attributed to the fact of the heterochromosome being ordinairily localized outside the spindle area it leaves the way free to the anaphasic plate moving toward the pole. Moreover, the heterochromosome being a round element approximately of the size of the autosomes, which are equally round or a little longer in the direction of the movement, it can be passed by the autosomes even when it stands in the area of the spindle, specially if it is not too far from the equatorial plane. e) The kinetochore - This question has been fully discussed in another paper (PIZA 1943a). The facts treated here point to the conclusion that the chromosomes of the Coreidae, like those of Tityus bahiensis, are provided with a kinetochore at each end, as was already admitted by the present writer with regard to the heterochromosome of Protenor. Indeed, taking ipr granted the facts presented in this paper, other cannot be the interpretation. However, the reasons by which the chromosomes of the species studied here do not orient themselves at metaphase of the first division in the same way as the heterochromosome of Protenor, that is, with the major axis parallelly to the equatorial plane, are claiming for explanation. But, admiting that the proximity of the kinetochores at the ends of chromosomes which do not separate until the second division making them respond to the poles as if they were a single kinetochore ,the explanation follows. (See PIZA 1943a). The median opening of the diplonemas when they are going to the diffuse stage as well as the reappearance of the bivalents always united at the end-segments and open in the middle is in full agreement with the existence of two terminal kinetochores. The same can be said with regard to the bivalents which join their extremities to form a ring.


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In this paper an account is given of the principal facts observer in the meiosis of Euryophthalmus rufipennis Laporte which afford some evidence in favour of the view held by the present writer in earlier publications regarding the existence of two terminal kinetochores in Hem ip ter an chromosomes as well as the transverse division of the chromosomes. Spermatogonial mitosis - From the beginning of prophase until metaphase nothing worthy of special reference was observed. At anaphase, on the contrary, the behavior of the chromosomes deserves our best attention. Indeed, the chromoso- mes, as soon as they begin to move, they show both ends pronouncedly turned toward the poles to which they are connected by chromosomal fibres. So a premature and remarkable bending of the chromosomes not yet found in any other species of Hemiptera and even of Homoptera points strongly to terminally localized kinetochores. The explanation proposed by HUGHES-SCHRADER and RIS for Nautococcus and by RIS for Tamalia, whose chromosomes first become bent late in anaphase do not apply to chromosomes which initiate anaphase movement already turned toward the corresponding pole. In the other hand, the variety of positions assumed by the anaphase chromosomes of Euryophthalmus with regard to one another speaks conclusively against the idea of diffuse spindle attachments. First meiotic division - Corresponding to the beginning of the story of the primary spermatocytes cells are found with the nucleus entirelly filled with leptonema threads. Nuclei with thin and thick threads have been considered as being in the zygotente phase. At the pachytene stage the bivalents are formed by two parallel strands clearly separated by a narrow space. The preceding phases differ in nothing from the corresponding orthodox ones, pairing being undoubtedly of the parasynaptic type. Formation of tetrads - When the nuclei coming from the diffuse stage can be again understood the chromosomes reappear as thick threads formed by two filaments intimately united except for a short median segment. Becoming progressively shorter and thicker the bivalents sometimes unite their extremities forming ring-shaped figures. Generally, however, this does not happen and the bivalents give origin to more or less condensed characteristic Hemipteran tetrads, bent at the weak median region. The lateral duplicity of the tetrads is evident. At metaphase the tetrads are still bent and are connected with both poles by their ends. The ring-shaped diakinesis tetrads open themselves out before metaphase, showing in this way that were not chiasmata that held their ends together. Anaphase proceeds as expected. If we consider the median region of the tetrads as being terminalized chiasmata, then the chromosomes are provided with a single terminal kinetochore. But this it not the case. A critical analysis of the story of the bivalents before and after the diffuse stage points to the conclusion that they are continuous throughout their whole length. Thence the chromosomes are considered as having a kinetochore at each end. Orientation - There are some evidences that Hemipteran chromosomes are connected by chiasmata. If this is true, the orientation of the tetrads may be understood in the following manner: Chiasmata being hindered to scape by the terminal kinetochores accumulate at the ends of the tetrads, where condensation begins. Repulsion at the centric ends being prevented by chiasmata the tetrads orient themselves as if they were provided with a single kinetochore at each extremity, taking a position parallelly to the spindle axis. Anaphase separation - Anaphase separation is consequently due to a transverse division of the chromosomes. Telophase and secund meiotic division - At telophase the kinetochore repeli one another following the moving apart of the centosomes, the chiasmata slip toward the acentric extremities and the chromosomes rotate in order to arrange themselves parallelly to the axis of the new spindle. Separation is therefore throughout the pairing plane. Origin of the dicentricity of the chromosomes - Dicentricity of the chromosomes is ascribed to the division of the kinetochore of the chromosomes reaching the poles followed by separation and distension of the chromatids which remain fused at the acentric ends giving thus origin to terminally dicentric iso-chromosomes. Thence, the transverse division of the chromosomes, that is, a division through a plane perpendicular to the plane of pairing, actually corresponds to a longitudinal division realized in the preceding generation. Inactive and active kinetochores - Chromosomes carrying inactive kinetochore is not capable of orientation and active anaphasic movements. The heterochromosome of Diactor bilineatus in the division of the secondary spermatocytes is justly in this case, standing without fibrilar connection with the poles anywhere in the cell, while the autosomes are moving regularly. The heterochromosome of Euryophthalmus, on the contrary, having its kinetochores perfectly active ,is correctly oriented in the plane of the equator together with the autosomes and shows terminal chromosomal connection with both poles. Being attracted with equal strength by two opposite poles it cannot decide to the one way or the other remaining motionless in the equator until some secondary causes (as for instances a slight functional difference between the kinetochores) intervene to break the state of equilibrium. When Yiothing interferes to aide the heterochromosome in choosing its way it distends itself between the autosomal plates forming a fusiform bridge which sometimes finishes by being broken. Ordinarily, however, the bulky part of the heterochromosome passes to one pole. Spindle fibers and kinetic activity of chromosomal fragments - The kinetochore is considered as the unique part of the chromosome capable of being influenced by other kinetochore or by the poles. Under such influence the kinetochore would be stimulated or activited and would elaborate a sort of impulse which would run toward the ends. In this respect the chromosome may be compared to a neüròn, the cell being represented by the kinetochore and the axon by the body of the chromosome. Due to the action of the kinetochore the entire chromosome becomes also activated for performing its kinetic function. Nothing is known at present about the nature of this activation. We can however assume that some active chemical substance like those produced by the neuron and transferred to the effector passes from the kinetochore to the body of the chromosome runing down to the ends. And, like an axon which continues to transmit an impulse after the stimulating agent has suspended its action, so may the chromosome show some residual kinetic activity even after having lost its kinetochore. This is another explanation for the kinetic behavior of acentric chromosomal fragmehs. In the orthodox monocentric chromosomes the kinetic activity is greater at the kinetochore, that is, at the place of origin of the active substance than at any other place. In chromosomes provided with a kinetochore at each end the entire body may become active enough to produce chromosomal fibers. This is probably due to a more or less uniform distribution and concentration of the active substance coming simultaneously from both extremities of the chromosome.


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Particular aspects of the meiosis of two species of Hemiptera, namely Megalotomus pallescens (Stal) (Coriscidae) and Jadera sanguinolenta (Fabr.); (Corizidae) are described and discussed in this paper. Megalotomus pallescens This species has primary spermatocytes provided with 7 autosomal tetrads plus a single sex chromosome. The X is smaller than the autosomes and may be found either in the periphery of the circle formed by the autosomal tetrads or in the center together with the m-tetrad which always occupies this position. The X chromosome - In the primary spermatocytes this element, which is tetradiform, orients itself parallelly to the spindle axis and divides transversely by its median constriction. In the secondary spermatocytes it passes undivided to one pole. The m-chromosomes - These chromosomes have been frequently found in close association with the sex chromosome in nuclei wich have passed the diffuse stage, a fact which was considered as affording some evidence in support of the idea /developed by the present writer in another paper with regard to the origin of the m-chromosomes from the sex chromosome. Formation of tetrads - Tetrads appear at first as irregular areas of reticular structure, becoming later more and more distinct. Then, two chromosomal strands very loose and irregular in outline, connected whit each other by several transverse filaments, begin to develop in each area. Growing progressively shorter, thicker and denser, these strands soon give origin to typical Hemiptera tetrads. Jadera sanguinolenta Spermatogonia of this species have 13 chromosomes, that is, 10 autosomes, 2 m-chromosomes and one sex chromosome, one pair of autosomes being much larger than the rest. Chromosomes move toward the poles with both ends looking to them. Primary spermatocytes show 6 tetrads and a single X. The sex chromossome in the first division of the spermatocytes divides as if it was a tetrad, passing undivided to one pole in the second division. In the latter it does not orient, being found anywhere in the cells. Its most common situation in anaphase corresponds therefore to precession. Tetrads are formed here in an entirely different way : the bivalents as they become distinct in the nuclei which came out. of the diffuse stage they appear in form of two thin threads united only at the extremities, an aspect which may better be analized in the larger bivalent. Up from this stage the formation of the tetrads is a mere process of shortening and thickening of both members of the pair. Due to the fact that the paired chromosomes are well separated from each other throughout their entire lenght, the author concluded that chiasmata, if present, are accumulated at the very ends of the bivalents. If no chiasmata have been at all formed, then, what holds together the corresponding extremities must be a strong attraction developed by the kinetochores. If one interprets the bivalents represented in the figures 17-21 as formed by four chromatids paired by one of the ends and united by the opposite one, then the question of the diffuse attachment becomes entirely disproved since it is exactly by the distal extremities that the tetrads later will be connected with the poles. In the opinion of the present writer the facts referred to above are one of the best demonstration at hand of the continuity of the paired threads and at the same time of the dicentricity of Hemiptera chromosomes. In view of the data hitherto collected by the author the behavior of the sex chromosome of the Hemiptera whose males are of the XO type may be summarized as follows: a) The sex chromosome in the primary metaphase appears longitudinally divided, without transverse constriction. It is oriented with the extremities in the plane of the equator and its chromatids separate by the plane of division. (Euryophthalmus, Protenor). In the second division the sex chromosome, provided as it is with an active kinetochore at each end, orients itself with its lenght parallelly to the spindle axis and passes undivided to one pole (Protenor?), or loses to the other pole a centric end (Euryophthalmus) In the latter case it has to become dicentric by means of a longitudinal spliting beginning at the kinetochore. b) The sex chromosome in the primary metaphase is tetradiform, that is, it is provided with a longitudinal split and a median transverse constriction. Orients with its length paral lelly to the spindle axis (what is probably due to the kinetochores being not yet divided) and divides transversely. (Corizas hyalinus, Megalotomus pallescens). in the secondary metaphase the sex chromosome which turned to be dicentric in consequence of a longitudinal spliting initiated in the kineto chore, orients perpendicularly to the equatorial plane and without losing anyone of its extremities passes undivided to one pole (Megalotomus). Or, distending between both poles passes to one side, in which case it loses one of its ends to the other side. (Corizas hyalinus). c) The very short sex chromosome in the first division of the spermatocytes orients in the same manner aa the tetrads and divides transversely. In the second division, due to the inactivity o the inetochore, it remains monocentric and motionless anywhere in the cell, finishing by being enclosed in the nearer nucleus. In the secondary telophase it recuperates its dicentricity at the same time as the autosomal chromatids. (Jadera sanguinolenta, Diactor bilineatus). d) The sex chromosome in the first division orients in the equador with its longitudinal axis parallelly to the spindle axis passing integrally to one pole or, distending itself between the anaphase plates, loses one of its ends to the opposite pole. In this case it becomes dicentric in the prometaphase of the second division, behaving in this division as the autossomes. It thus divides longitudnally. (Pachylis laticomis, Pachylis pharaonis).