146 resultados para SNO


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The reaction of polymeric diorganotin oxides, (R<sub>2</sub>SnO)<sub><i>n</i></sub> (R=Me, Et, <i>n</i>-Bu, <i>n</i>-Oct, <i>c</i>-Hex, <i>i</i>-Pr, Ph), with saturated aqueous NH<sub>4</sub>X (X=F, Cl, Br, I, OAc) in refluxing 1,4-dioxane afforded in high yields dimeric tetraorganodistannoxanes, [R<sub>2</sub>(X)SnOSn(X)R<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub>, and in a few cases diorganotin dihalides or diacetates, R<sub>2</sub>SnX<sub>2</sub>. The reported method appears suitable for the synthesis of fluorinated tetraorganodistannoxanes. Identification of [R<sub>2</sub>(OH)SnOSn(X)R<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub> (R=<i>n</i>-Bu; X=Cl, Br) and [R<sub>2</sub>(OH)SnOSn(X)R<sub>2</sub>] [R<sub>2</sub>(X)SnOSn(X)R<sub>2</sub>] suggest a serial substitution mechanism starting from [R<sub>2</sub>(OH)SnOSn(OH)R<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub>. X-ray crystal structure determinations are reported for [Me<sub>2</sub>(AcO)SnOSn(OAc)Me<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub> (<b>29a</b>), [<i>i</i>-Pr<sub>2</sub>(Br)SnOSn(Br)i-Pr<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub> (<b>20a</b>), [<i>c</i>-Hex2(F)SnOSn(F)c-Hex<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub> (<b>5a</b>) and [<i>c</i>-Hex<sub>2</sub>(F)SnOSn(Cl)c-Hex<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub> (<b>36</b>), respectively. These show the presence of a central (R<sub>2</sub>Sn)<sub>2</sub>O<sub>2</sub> core that is connected, via the oxygen atoms, to R<sub>2</sub>Sn entities. Acetate (<b>29a</b>) or halides (<b>5a, 20a, 36</b>) complete the coordination about the tin centres.<br /><br /><br />


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The molecular structure of (Ph<sub>3</sub>SnO<sub>2</sub>C)<sub>3</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub> reveals distorted tetrahedral C<sub>3</sub>O geometries for each tin atom. No intermolecular Sn...O associations occur between the molecules so that the trinuclear molecule may be considered monomeric. An increase in coordination number at tin is indicated by <sup>119</sup>Sn NMR measurements conducted in d<sub>6</sub>-DMSO solution and this has been confirmed by a structure analysis of (DMSO&middot;Ph<sub>3</sub>SnO<sub>2</sub>C)<sub>3</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub>&middot;2 DMSO. In this structure, the tin atom geometries are distorted trigonal bipyramidal, existing within <i>trans</i>-C<sub>3</sub>O<sub>2</sub> donor sets. Thus, while is it possible for the tin atoms to increase their coordination numbers in (Ph<sub>3</sub>SnO<sub>2</sub>C)<sub>3</sub>C<sub>6</sub>H<sub>3</sub>, molecular aggregation to form polymeric arrays is precluded, most likely due to steric constraints.<br /><br /><br />


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The syntheses of <i>cyclo</i>-[R<sub>2</sub>Sn(OPPh<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>2</sub>SnR<sub>2</sub>](O<sub>3</sub>SCF<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> (R = Me (<b>1</b>), <i>t</i>-Bu (<b>2</b>)) by the consecutive reaction of R<sub>2</sub>SnO (R = Me, <i>t</i>-Bu) with triflic acid and diphenylphosphinic acid are presented. In the solid state, <b>1</b> and <b>2</b> were investigated by <sup>119</sup>Sn MAS and <sup>31</sup>P MAS NMR spectroscopy as well as X-ray crystallography and appear to exist as ion pairs of <i>cyclo-</i>[R<sub>2</sub>Sn(OPPh<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>2</sub>SnR<sub>2</sub>]<sup>2+</sup> dications and triflate anions. In solution, <b>1</b> and <b>2</b> are involved in extensive equilibria processes featuring cationic diorganotin(IV) species with Sn-O-P linkages, as evidenced by <sup>119</sup>Sn and <sup>31</sup>P NMR spectroscopy, electrospray mass spectrometry, and conductivity measurements. <br />


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The dimeric tetraorganodistannoxane [<i>n</i>-Bu<sub>2</sub>(F)SnOSn(F)<i>t</i>-Bu<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub> (<b>1</b>) was prepared by the reaction of (<i>t</i>-Bu<sub>2</sub>SnO)<sub>3</sub> with <i>n</i>-Bu<sub>2</sub>SnF<sub>2</sub> and characterized in solution by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and ESI MS spectrometry and in the solid state by <sup>119</sup>Sn MAS NMR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray diffraction.<br />


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The synthesis of [R<sub>2</sub>Sn(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>2</sub>(OPPh<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>](O<sub>3</sub>SCF<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub> (R = Me (1), Bu (<b>2</b>)) by the consecutive reaction of R<sub>2</sub>SnO (R = Me, Bu) with triflic acid and Ph<sub>3</sub>PO is described. Compounds <b>1</b> and <b>2</b> feature dialkyltin(IV) dications [R<sub>2</sub>Sn(H<sub>2</sub>O)<sub>2</sub>(OPPh<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]<sup><sub>2</sub>+</sup> apparently stabilized by the neutral ligands in the solid state. Compounds <b>1</b> and <b>2</b> readily dehydrate upon heating at 105 and 86 &deg;C, respectively. The preparative dehydration of <b>1</b> afforded [Me<sub>2</sub>Sn(OPPh<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>(O<sub>3</sub>SCF<sub>3</sub>)](O<sub>3</sub>SCF<sub>3</sub>) (<b>1a</b>), which features both bidentate and non-coordinating triflate anions. In compounds <b>1</b> and <b>2</b> the ligands Ph<sub>3</sub>PO and H<sub>2</sub>O are kinetically labile in solution and undergo reversible ligand exchange reactions. Compounds <b>1, 1a </b>and <b>2</b> were characterized by multinuclear solution and solid-state NMR spectroscopy, IR spectroscopy, electrospray mass spectrometry, conductivity measurements, thermogravimetry and X-ray crystallography.<br /><br /><br />


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The centrosymmetric hexanuclear title compound, hexa-<sup><i>&mu;</i></sup><sub>2</sub>-acetato-hexa-<sup><i>&mu;</i></sup><sub>3</sub>-oxo-hexakis[(trimethylsilylmethyl)tin], [Sn<sub>6</sub>O<sub>6</sub>(C<sub>2</sub>H<sub>3</sub>O<sub>2</sub>)<sub>6</sub>(C<sub>4</sub>H<sub>11</sub>Si)<sub>6</sub>], adopts a 'drum' structure in which two [(Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>)SnO]<sub>3</sub> caps are linked to each other <i>via</i> six <sup><i>&mu;</i></sup><sub>3</sub>-O atoms and six bidentate bridging acetate groups. A CO<sub>5</sub> donor set defines a distorted octahedral environment for each of the three independent Sn atoms. <br /><br />


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The reaction of Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>Cl<sub>2</sub>Sn(CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>3</sub>SnCl<sub>2</sub>Ph (<b>6</b>) with (<i>t</i>Bu<sub>2</sub>SnO)<sub>3</sub> gave a statistical mixture of the corresponding tetraorganodistannoxanes whereas the reaction of the spacer-bridged ditin tetrachlorides RCl<sub>2</sub>Sn(CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>4</sub>SnCl<sub>2</sub>R (<b>3</b>, R = Me<sub>3</sub>CCH<sub>2</sub>; <b>4</b>, R = Me<sub>2</sub>CHCH<sub>2</sub>; <b>10</b>, R = Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>) with the polymeric spacer-bridged ditin oxides [R(O)Sn(CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>4</sub>Sn(O)R]<sub><i>n</i></sub> (<b>7</b>, R = Me<sub>2</sub>CHCH<sub>2</sub>; <b>8</b>, R = Me<sub>3</sub>CCH<sub>2</sub>; <b>11</b>, R = Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>) provided the mixed double ladder compounds {[R(Cl)Sn(CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>4</sub>Sn(Cl)R][R(Cl)Sn(CH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>4</sub>Sn(Cl)R']O<sub>2</sub>}<sub>2</sub> (<b>9</b>, R = Me<sub>3</sub>CCH<sub>2</sub>, R' = Me<sub>2</sub>CHCH<sub>2</sub>; <b>12</b>, R = Me<sub>3</sub>CCH<sub>2</sub>, R' = Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>) in almost quantitative yield. In solution, <b>9</b> and <b>12</b> are in equilibrium with their corresponding dimers, as was evidenced by <sup>119</sup>Sn NMR spectroscopy, molecular mass determination, and electrospray mass spectrometry. The molecular structures of <b>9</b> and <b>12</b> were established by single crystal X-ray diffraction.<br />


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The syntheses of the asymmetrically substituted tetraorganodistannoxanes [<i>t</i>-Bu<sub>2</sub>(X)SnOSn(Y)(CH<sub>2</sub>SiMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>1<sub>2 </sub>(<b>1</b>, X = Y = OH; <b>2</b>, X = Cl, Y = OH; <b>3</b>, X = Y = Cl) are reported and their structures in solution and in the solid state are characterized by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy and single crystal X-ray analyses. In toluene, the tetrahydroxy-substituted derivative <b>1</b> is in equilibrium with the organotin oxides <i>cyclo</i>-[<i>t</i>-Bu<sub>2</sub>Sn{OSn(CH<sub>2</sub>SiMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>}<sub>2</sub>O] (<b>4</b>), <i>cyclo</i>[(Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>Sn(OSn<i>t</i>-Bu<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>O] (<b>5</b>), and <i>cyclo</i>-(<i>t</i>-Bu<sub>2</sub>SnO)<sub>3</sub>, and some additional, undefined species containing pentacoordinated tin atoms. In contrast, the dihydroxydichloro-substituted derivative <b>2</b> is inert in solution.<br />


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The synthesis and characterization by multinuclear NMR spectroscopy of the diorganotin dihalides (Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>SnX<sub>2</sub> (<b>1</b>, X = Cl; <b>2</b>, X = Br), the diorganotin dichloride water adduct (Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>SnCl<sub>2</sub>&middot;H<sub>2</sub>O (<b>1a</b>), the dimeric tetraorganodistannoxanes [(Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>(X)SnOSn(Y)(CH<sub>2</sub>SiMe<sub>3</sub>)<sub>2</sub>]<sub>2</sub> (<b>3</b>, X = Y = Cl; <b>4</b>, X = Br, Y = OH; <b>5</b>, X = Br, Y = F; <b>6</b>, X = Y = OH; <b>8</b>, X = Cl, Y = OH), and the molecular diorganotin oxide <i>cyclo</i>-[(Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>SnO]<sub>3</sub> (<b>7</b>) are reported. The structures in the solid state of compounds <b>1a, 3, 6,</b> and <b>7</b> were determined by single-crystal X-ray analysis. In toluene solution, the hydroxy-substituted tetraorganodistannoxane <b>6</b> is in equilibrium with the diorganotin oxide <b>7</b> and water. The eight-membered diorganotin oxide <i>cyclo</i>-[(Me<sub>3</sub>SiCH<sub>2</sub>)<sub>2</sub>SnO]<sub>4</sub> (<b>7a</b>) is proposed to be involved in this equilibrium. On the basis of the results of this and previous works, a general hydrolysis pathway is developed for diorganotin dichlorides containing reasonably bulky substituents.<br />


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Nitric oxide (NO) is known to mediate a multitude of biological effects including inhibition of respiration at cytochrome c oxidase (COX), formation of peroxynitrite (ONOO<sup>&minus;</sup>) by reaction with mitochondrial superoxide (O2<sup>&bull; &minus;</sup>), and S-nitrosylation of proteins. In this study, we investigated pathways of NO metabolism in lymphoblastic leukemic CEM cells in response to glutathione (GSH) depletion. We found that NO blocked mitochondrial protein thiol oxidation, membrane permeabilization, and cell death. The effects of NO were: (1) independent of respiratory chain inhibition since protection was also observed in CEM cells lacking mitochondrial DNA (<i>&rho;</i><sup>0</sup>) which do not possess a functional respiratory chain and (2) independent of ONOO<sup>&minus;</sup> formation since nitrotyrosine (a marker for ONOO<sup>&minus; </sup>formation) was not detected in extracts from cells treated with NO after GSH depletion. However, NO increased the level of mitochondrial protein S-nitrosylation (SNO) determined by the Biotin Switch assay and by the release of NO from mitochondrial fractions treated with mercuric chloride (which cleaves SNO bonds to release NO). In conclusion, these results indicate that NO blocks cell death after GSH depletion by preserving the redox status of mitochondrial protein thiols probably by a mechanism that involves S-nitrosylation of mitochondrial protein thiols.<br />


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In the present work, we propose a low cost synthetic sol-gel route that allows to produce high quality oxide nanostructures with inverse opal architecture which, transferred on alumina substrates provided with Pt interdigitated contacts and heater, are tested as gas sensing devices. An opal template of sintered monodisperse polystyrene spheres was filled with alcoholic solutions of metal oxide precursors and transferred on the alumina substrate. The polystyrene template was removed by thermal treatment, leading to the simultaneous sintering of the oxide nanoparticles. Beside SnO<sub>2</sub>, a binary oxide well known for gas sensing application, a Zn containing ternary solid solution (SnO<sub>2</sub>:Zn, with Zn 10% molar content) was taken into account for sensor preparation. The obtained high quality macro and meso-porous structures, characterized by different techniques, were tested for pollutant (CO, NO<sub>2</sub>) and interfering (methanol) gases, showing that very good detection can be reached through the increase of surface area offered by the inverse opal structure and the tailoring of the chemical composition. The electrical characterization performed on the tin dioxide based sensors shows an enhancement of the relative response towards NO<sub>2</sub> at low temperatures in comparison with conventional SnO<sub>2</sub> sensors obtained with sputtering technique. The addition of Zn increases the separation between the operating temperatures for reducing and oxidizing gases and results in a further enhancement of the selectivity to NO<sub>2</sub> detection.<br />


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A novel technique is here presented, based on inverse opal metal oxide structures for the production of high quality macro and meso-porous structures for gas sensing. Taking advantage of a sol-gel templated approach. different mixed semiconducting oxides with high surface area, commonly used in chemical sensing application, were synthesized. In this work we report the<br />comparison between SnO<sub>2</sub> and SnO<sub>2</sub>:Zn. As witnessed by Scanning and Transmission Electron Microscopy (SEM and TEM) analyses and by Powder x-ray Diffraction (PX RD), highly ordered meso-porous structures were formed with oxide crystalline size never exceeding 20 nm . The filled templates. in form of thick films, were bound to allumina substrate with Pt interdigitated contacts<br />and Pt heater, through in situ calcination, in order to perform standard electrical characterization. Pollutant gases like CO and NO<sub>2</sub> and methanol. as interfering gas, were used for the targeted electrical gas tests. All samples showed low detection limits towards both reducing and oxidizing species in low temperature measurements. Moreover, the addition of high molar percentages of Zn( II) affected the beha viour of electrical response improv ing the se lecti vity of the proposed system.<br />


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Mechanochemical processing of anhydrous chloride precursors with Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub> has been investigated as a means of manufacturing nanocrystalline SnO<sub>2</sub> doped ZnO photocatalysts. High-energy milling and heat-treatment of a 0.1SnCl<sub>2</sub>+0.9ZnCl<sub>2</sub>+Na<sub>2</sub>CO<sub>3</sub>+4NaCl reactant mixture was found to result in the formation of a composite powder consisting of oxide grains embedded within a matrix of NaCl. Subsequent washing with deionized water resulted in removal of the NaCl matrix phase and partial hydration of the oxide reaction product with the consequent formation of ZnSn(OH)<sub>6</sub>. The extent of this hydration reaction was found to decrease in a linear fashion with the temperature of the post-milling heat-treatment over the range of 400&ndash;700 &deg;C. For a heat-treatment temperature of 700 &deg;C, the SnO<sub>2</sub> doped ZnO powder was found to exhibit significantly higher photocatalytic activity than either single-phase SnO<sub>2</sub> or ZnO powders that were synthesized using similar processing conditions. The heightened photocatalytic activity of the SnO<sub>2</sub> doped ZnO was attributed to its higher specific surface area and the enhanced charge separation arising from the coupling of ZnO with SnO<sub>2</sub>.<br />


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SnO<sub>2</sub> nanoribbons have been synthesized by annealing of a milled SnO<sub>2 </sub>powder, which is able to evaporate efficiently at the temperature as low as 1100&nbsp;&deg;C due to the metastable structure created by ball milling treatment. When the milled powder was annealed in an assembly of two combustion boats, SnO<sub>2 </sub>nanoribbons formed on the surface of the milled powder. The nanoribbons tend to grow along the [101] crystallographic direction and their side surfaces are represented by&nbsp;&plusmn;(010) and&nbsp;&plusmn;(101) facets. The oxygen plays an important role in enhancing their formation.


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Here we demonstrate the preparation and improved hydrogen monitoring properties based on p-NiO/n-SnO2 heterojunction composite nanofibers via the electrospinning technique and calcination procedure. NiO/SnO2 heterojuction composite nanofibers were spin-coated on the ceramic tube with a pair of Au electrodes for the detection of hydrogen. Extremely fast response&minus;recovery behavior (Ì°3s) has been obtained at the operable temperature of 320 &deg;C, based on our gas sensor, with the detection limit of approximate 5 ppm H<sub>2</sub>. The role of the addition of NiO into the SnO<sub>2</sub> nanofibers and the sensing mechanism has also been discussed in this work.<br />