999 resultados para SINGLE-SCREW


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Purpose: The aim of this study was to assess the contributions of some prosthetic parameters such as crown-to-implant (C/I) ratio, retention system, restorative material, and occlusal loading on stress concentrations within a single posterior crown supported by a short implant. Materials and Methods: Computer-aided design software was used to create 32 finite element models of an atrophic posterior partially edentulous mandible with a single external-hexagon implant (5 mm wide × 7 mm long) in the first molar region. Finite element analysis software with a convergence analysis of 5% to mesh refinement was used to evaluate the effects of C/I ratio (1:1; 1.5:1; 2:1, or 2.5:1), prosthetic retention system (cemented or screwed), and restorative material (metal-ceramic or all ceramic). The crowns were loaded with simulated normal or traumatic occlusal forces. The maximum principal stress (σmax) for cortical and cancellous bone and von Mises stress (σvM) for the implant and abutment screw were computed and analyzed. The percent contribution of each variable to the stress concentration was calculated from the sum of squares analysis. Results: Traumatic occlusion and a high C/I ratio increased stress concentrations. The C/I ratio was responsible for 11.45% of the total stress in the cortical bone, whereas occlusal loading contributed 70.92% to the total stress in the implant. The retention system contributed 0.91% of the total stress in the cortical bone. The restorative material was responsible for only 0.09% of the total stress in the cancellous bone. Conclusion: Occlusal loading was the most important stress concentration factor in the finite element model of a single posterior crown supported by a short implant.


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Intensive scheduling in sports requires athletes to resume physical activity shortly after injury. The purpose of this study was to investigate early isokinetic muscle strength and knee function on bone-patellar tendon-bone (BPTB) ACL reconstruction with double femoral pin fixation or interference screw technique. A prospective study was conducted from 2008 to 2009, with 48 athletes who received femoral BPTB fixation with interference screw (n = 26) or double pin (n = 22). Clinical (IKDC objective score and hop test) and isokinetic muscle strength (peak torque (PT), PT/body weight and flexion/extension rate (F/E) in 60 and 240A degrees/s) were analyzed at 6 months of follow-up. Analysis at baseline showed no differences between groups before surgery related to age, gender, associated injury, Tegner or Lysholm score; thus showing that groups were similar. During follow-up, however, there were significant differences between the two groups in some of the isokinetic muscle strength: PT/BW 60A degrees/s (Double Pin = 200% +/- A 13% vs. Interference Screw = 253% +/- A 16%*, *P = 0.01); F/E 60A degrees/s (Double Pin = 89% +/- A 29%* vs. Interference Screw = 74% +/- A 12%, *P = 0.04). No statistical differences between groups were observed on IKDC objective score, hop test and complications. The significant muscle strength outcome of the interference screw group found in this study gives initial evidence that this fixation technique is useful for athletes that may need accelerated rehabilitation. Early return to sports ability signaled by isokinetic muscle strength is of clinical relevance as it is one of the main goals for athletes' rehabilitation. III.


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Obiettivi: Valutare la modalità  più efficace per la riabilitazione funzionale del limbo libero di fibula "single strut", dopo ampie resezioni per patologia neoplastica maligna del cavo orale. Metodi: Da una casistica di 62 ricostruzioni microvascolari con limbo libero di fibula, 11 casi sono stati selezionati per essere riabilitati mediante protesi dentale a supporto implantare. 6 casi sono stati trattati senza ulteriori procedure chirurgiche ad eccezione dell'implantologia (gruppo 1), affrontando il deficit di verticalità  della fibula attraverso la protesi dentaria, mentre i restanti casi sono stati trattati con la distrazione osteogenetica (DO) della fibula prima della riabilitazione protesica (gruppo 2). Il deficit di verticalità  fibula/mandibola è stato misurato. I criteri di valutazione utilizzati includono la misurazione clinica e radiografica del livello osseo e dei tessuti molli peri-implantari, ed il livello di soddisfazione del paziente attraverso un questionario appositamente redatto. Risultati: Tutte le riabilitazioni protesiche sono costituite da protesi dentali avvitate su impianti. L'età  media è di 52 anni, il rapporto uomini/donne è di 6/5. Il numero medio di impianti inseriti nelle fibule è di 5. Il periodo massimo di follow-up dopo il carico masticatorio è stato di 30 mesi per il gruppo 1 e di 38.5 mesi (17-81) di media per il gruppo 2. Non abbiamo riportato complicazioni chirurgiche. Nessun impianto è stato rimosso dai pazienti del gruppo 1, la perdita media di osso peri-implantare registrata è stata di 1,5 mm. Nel gruppo 2 sono stati riportati un caso di tipping linguale del vettore di distrazione durante la fase di consolidazione e un caso di frattura della corticale basale in assenza di formazione di nuovo osso. L'incremento medio di osso in verticalità è stato di 13,6 mm (12-15). 4 impianti su 32 (12.5%) sono andati persi dopo il periodo di follow-up. Il riassorbimento medio peri-implantare, è stato di 2,5 mm. Conclusioni: Le soluzioni più utilizzate per superare il deficit di verticalità  del limbo libero di fibula consistono nell'allestimento del lembo libero di cresta iliaca, nel posizionare la fibula in posizione ideale da un punto di vista protesico a discapito del profilo osseo basale, l'utilizzo del lembo di fibula nella versione descritta come "double barrel", nella distrazione osteogenetica della fibula. La nostra esperienza concerne il lembo libero di fibula che nella patologia neoplastica maligna utilizziamo nella versione "single strut", per mantenere disponibili tutte le potenzialità  di lunghezza del peduncolo vascolare, senza necessità  di innesti di vena. Entrambe le soluzioni, la protesi dentale ortopedica e la distrazione osteogenetica seguita da protesi, entrambe avvitate su impianti, costituiscono soluzioni soddisfacenti per la riabilitazione funzionale della fibula al di là  del suo deficit di verticalità . La prima soluzione ha preso spunto dall'osservazione dei buoni risultati della protesi dentale su impianti corti, avendo un paragonabile rapporto corona/radice, la DO applicata alla fibula, sebbene sia risultata una metodica con un numero di complicazioni più elevato ed un maggior livello di riassorbimento di osso peri-implantare, costituisce in ogni caso una valida opzione riabilitativa, specialmente in caso di notevole discrepanza mandibulo/fibulare. Decisiva è la scelta del percorso terapeutico dopo una accurata valutazione di ogni singolo caso. Vengono illustrati i criteri di selezione provenienti dalla nostra esperienza.


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OBJECTIVES: The objective of this systematic review was to assess the 5-year survival of implant-supported single crowns (SCs) and to describe the incidence of biological and technical complications. METHODS: An electronic MEDLINE search complemented by manual searching was conducted to identify prospective and retrospective cohort studies on SCs with a mean follow-up time of at least 5 years. Failure and complication rates were analyzed using random-effects Poisson's regression models to obtain summary estimates of 5-year proportions. RESULTS: Twenty-six studies from an initial yield of 3601 titles were finally selected and data were extracted. In a meta-analysis of these studies, survival of implants supporting SCs was 96.8% [95% confidence interval (CI): 95.9-97.6%] after 5 years. The survival rate of SCs supported by implants was 94.5% (95% CI: 92.5-95.9%) after 5 years of function. The survival rate of metal-ceramic crowns, 95.4% (95% CI: 93.6-96.7%), was significantly (P=0.005) higher than the survival rate, 91.2% (95% CI: 86.8-94.2%), of all-ceramic crowns. Peri-implantitis and soft tissue complications occurred adjacent to 9.7% of the SCs and 6.3% of the implants had bone loss exceeding 2 mm over the 5-year observation period. The cumulative incidence of implant fractures after 5 years was 0.14%. After 5 years, the cumulative incidence of screw or abutment loosening was 12.7% and 0.35% for screw or abutment fracture. For supra-structure-related complications, the cumulative incidence of ceramic or veneer fractures was 4.5%. CONCLUSION: It can be concluded that after an observation period of 5 years, high survival rates for implants and implant-supported SCs can be expected. However, biological and particularly technical complications are frequent.


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PURPOSE Clinical studies related to the long-term outcomes with implant-supported reconstructions are still sparse. The aim of this 10-year retrospective study was to assess the rate of mechanical/technical complications and failures with implant supported fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) and single crowns (SCs) in a large cohort of partially edentulous patients. MATERIALS AND METHODS The comprehensive multidisciplinary examination consisted of a medical/dental history, clinical examination, and a radiographic analysis. Prosthodontic examination evaluated the implant-supported reconstructions for mechanical/technical complications and failures, occlusal analysis, presence/absence of attrition, and location, extension, and retention type. RESULTS Out of three hundred ninety seven fixed reconstructions in three hundred three patients, two hundred sixty eight were SCs and one hundred twenty seven were FDPs. Of these three hundred ninety seven implant-supported reconstructions, 18 had failed, yielding a failure rate of 4.5% and a survival rate of 95.5% after a mean observation period of 10.75 years (range: 8.4-13.5 years). The most frequent complication was ceramic chipping (20.31%) followed by occlusal screw loosening (2.57%) and loss of retention (2.06%). No occlusal screw fracture, one abutment loosening, and two abutment fractures were noted. This resulted in a total mechanical/technical complication rate of 24.7%. The prosthetic success rate over a mean follow-up time of 10.75 years was 70.8%. Generalized attrition and FDPs were associated with statistically significantly higher rates of ceramic fractures when compared with SCs. Cantilever extensions, screw retention, anterior versus posterior, and gender did not influence the chipping rate. CONCLUSIONS After a mean exposure time of 10.75 years, high survival rates for reconstructions supported by Sand-blasted Large-grit Acid-etched implants can be expected. Ceramic chipping was the most frequent complication and was increased in dentitions with attrition and in FDPs compared with SCs.


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PURPOSE To assess the survival outcomes and reported complications of screw- and cement-retained fixed reconstructions supported on dental implants. MATERIALS AND METHODS A Medline (PubMed), Embase, and Cochrane electronic database search from 2000 to September 2012 using MeSH and free-text terms was conducted. Selected inclusion and exclusion criteria guided the search. All studies were first reviewed by abstract and subsequently by full-text reading by two examiners independently. Data were extracted by two examiners and statistically analyzed using a random effects Poisson regression. RESULTS From 4,324 abstracts, 321 full-text articles were reviewed. Seventy-three articles were found to qualify for inclusion. Five-year survival rates of 96.03% (95% confidence interval [CI]: 93.85% to 97.43%) and 95.55% (95% CI: 92.96% to 97.19%) were calculated for cemented and screw-retained reconstructions, respectively (P = .69). Comparison of cement and screw retention showed no difference when grouped as single crowns (I-SC) (P = .10) or fixed partial dentures (I-FDP) (P = .49). The 5-year survival rate for screw-retained full-arch reconstructions was 96.71% (95% CI: 93.66% to 98.31). All-ceramic reconstruction material exhibited a significantly higher failure rate than porcelain-fused-to-metal (PFM) in cemented reconstructions (P = .01) but not when comparing screw-retained reconstructions (P = .66). Technical and biologic complications demonstrating a statistically significant difference included loss of retention (P ≤ .01), abutment loosening (P ≤ .01), porcelain fracture and/or chipping (P = .02), presence of fistula/suppuration (P ≤ .001), total technical events (P = .03), and total biologic events (P = .02). CONCLUSIONS Although no statistical difference was found between cement- and screw-retained reconstructions for survival or failure rates, screw-retained reconstructions exhibited fewer technical and biologic complications overall. There were no statistically significant differences between the failure rates of the different reconstruction types (I-SCs, I-FDPs, full-arch I-FDPs) or abutment materials (titanium, gold, ceramic). The failure rate of cemented reconstructions was not influenced by the choice of a specific cement, though cement type did influence loss of retention.


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OBJECTIVES To compare the free-hand (FH) technique of placing interlocking screws to a commercially available electromagnetic (EM) targeting system in terms of operating time, radiation dose, and accuracy of screw placement. METHODS Between September 2011 and July 2012, we prospectively randomized 100 consecutive femur shaft fractures in 99 patients requiring intramedullary nails to either FH using fluoroscopy (n = 43) or EM targeting (n = 38; Sureshot). SETTING Single Level 1 University Hospital Trauma Center. MAIN OUTCOME MEASUREMENTS The 2 groups were assessed for distal locking with respect to time, radiation, and accuracy. RESULTS Eight-one fractures had data accurately recorded (38 EM/43 FH). The average total operative time was 50 minutes (range, 25-88 minutes; SD, 13.9 minutes) for the FH group and 57 minutes (range, 40-103 minutes; SD, 16.12 minutes) for the EM group. The average time for distal locking was 10 minutes (range, 4-16 minutes; SD, 3.56 minutes) with FH and 11 minutes (range, 6-28 minutes; SD, 10.24 minutes) with EM. Average radiation dose for distal locking was significantly less (P < 0.0001) for EM at 230.54 μGy (range, 51-660 μGy; SD, 0.17 μGy) compared with 690.27 μGy (range, 200-2310 μGy; SD, 0.52 μGy) for FH. There were 2 misplaced drill bits in FH and 3 in EM. This was not statistically significant (P = 0.888). CONCLUSIONS The electromagnetic targeting device (Sureshot) significantly reduced radiation exposure during placement of distal interlocking screws, without sacrificing operative time, and was equivalent in accuracy when compared with the FH technique. LEVEL OF EVIDENCE Therapeutic level II.


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BACKGROUND Little information is yet available on zirconia-based prostheses supported by implants. PURPOSE To evaluate technical problems and failures of implant-supported zirconia-based prostheses with exclusive screw-retention. MATERIAL AND METHODS Consecutive patients received screw-retained zirconia-based prostheses supported by implants and were followed over a time period of 5 years. The implant placement and prosthetic rehabilitation were performed in one clinical setting, and all patients participated in the maintenance program. The treatment comprised single crowns (SCs) and fixed dental prostheses (FDPs) of three to 12 units. Screw-retention of the CAD/CAM-fabricated SCs and FDPs was performed with direct connection at the implant level. The primary outcome was the complete failure of zirconia-based prostheses; outcome measures were fracture of the framework or extensive chipping resulting in the need for refabrication. A life table analysis was performed, the cumulative survival rate (CSR) calculated, and a Kaplan-Meier curve drawn. RESULTS Two hundred and ninety-four implants supported 156 zirconia-based prostheses in 95 patients (52 men, 43 women, average age 59.1 ± 11.7 years). Sixty-five SCs and 91 FDPs were identified, comprising a total of 441 units. Fractures of the zirconia framework and extensive chipping resulted in refabrication of nine prostheses. Nearly all the prostheses (94.2%) remained in situ during the observation period. The 5-year CSR was 90.5%, and 41 prostheses (14 SCs, 27 FDPs) comprising 113 units survived for an observation time of more than 5 years. Six SCs exhibited screw loosening, and polishing of minor chipping was required for five prostheses. CONCLUSIONS This study shows that zirconia-based implant-supported fixed prostheses exhibit satisfactory treatment outcomes and that screw-retention directly at the implant level is feasible.


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En una planta de fusión, los materiales en contacto con el plasma así como los materiales de primera pared experimentan condiciones particularmente hostiles al estar expuestos a altos flujos de partículas, neutrones y grandes cargas térmicas. Como consecuencia de estas diferentes y complejas condiciones de trabajo, el estudio, desarrollo y diseño de estos materiales es uno de los más importantes retos que ha surgido en los últimos años para la comunidad científica en el campo de los materiales y la energía. Debido a su baja tasa de erosión, alta resistencia al sputtering, alta conductividad térmica, muy alto punto de fusión y baja retención de tritio, el tungsteno (wolframio) es un importante candidato como material de primera pared y como posible material estructural avanzado en fusión por confinamiento magnético e inercial. Sin embargo, el tiempo de vida del tungsteno viene controlado por diversos factores como son su respuesta termo-mecánica en la superficie, la posibilidad de fusión y el fallo por acumulación de helio. Es por ello que el tiempo de vida limitado por la respuesta mecánica del tungsteno (W), y en particular su fragilidad, sean dos importantes aspectos que tienes que ser investigados. El comportamiento plástico en materiales refractarios con estructura cristalina cúbica centrada en las caras (bcc) como el tungsteno está gobernado por las dislocaciones de tipo tornillo a escala atómica y por conjuntos e interacciones de dislocaciones a escalas más grandes. El modelado de este complejo comportamiento requiere la aplicación de métodos capaces de resolver de forma rigurosa cada una de las escalas. El trabajo que se presenta en esta tesis propone un modelado multiescala que es capaz de dar respuestas ingenieriles a las solicitudes técnicas del tungsteno, y que a su vez está apoyado por la rigurosa física subyacente a extensas simulaciones atomísticas. En primer lugar, las propiedades estáticas y dinámicas de las dislocaciones de tipo tornillo en cinco potenciales interatómicos de tungsteno son comparadas, determinando cuáles de ellos garantizan una mayor fidelidad física y eficiencia computacional. Las grandes tasas de deformación asociadas a las técnicas de dinámica molecular hacen que las funciones de movilidad de las dislocaciones obtenidas no puedan ser utilizadas en los siguientes pasos del modelado multiescala. En este trabajo, proponemos dos métodos alternativos para obtener las funciones de movilidad de las dislocaciones: un modelo Monte Cario cinético y expresiones analíticas. El conjunto de parámetros necesarios para formular el modelo de Monte Cario cinético y la ley de movilidad analítica son calculados atomísticamente. Estos parámetros incluyen, pero no se limitan a: la determinación de las entalpias y energías de formación de las parejas de escalones que forman las dislocaciones, la parametrización de los efectos de no Schmid característicos en materiales bcc,etc. Conociendo la ley de movilidad de las dislocaciones en función del esfuerzo aplicado y la temperatura, se introduce esta relación como ecuación de flujo dentro de un modelo de plasticidad cristalina. La predicción del modelo sobre la dependencia del límite de fluencia con la temperatura es validada experimentalmente con ensayos uniaxiales en tungsteno monocristalino. A continuación, se calcula el límite de fluencia al aplicar ensayos uniaxiales de tensión para un conjunto de orientaciones cristalográticas dentro del triángulo estándar variando la tasa de deformación y la temperatura de los ensayos. Finalmente, y con el objetivo de ser capaces de predecir una respuesta más dúctil del tungsteno para una variedad de estados de carga, se realizan ensayos biaxiales de tensión sobre algunas de las orientaciones cristalográficas ya estudiadas en función de la temperatura.-------------------------------------------------------------------------ABSTRACT ----------------------------------------------------------Tungsten and tungsten alloys are being considered as leading candidates for structural and functional materials in future fusion energy devices. The most attractive properties of tungsten for the design of magnetic and inertial fusion energy reactors are its high melting point, high thermal conductivity, low sputtering yield and low longterm disposal radioactive footprint. However, tungsten also presents a very low fracture toughness, mostly associated with inter-granular failure and bulk plasticity, that limits its applications. As a result of these various and complex conditions of work, the study, development and design of these materials is one of the most important challenges that have emerged in recent years to the scientific community in the field of materials for energy applications. The plastic behavior of body-centered cubic (bcc) refractory metals like tungsten is governed by the kink-pair mediated thermally activated motion of h¿ (\1 11)i screw dislocations on the atomistic scale and by ensembles and interactions of dislocations at larger scales. Modeling this complex behavior requires the application of methods capable of resolving rigorously each relevant scale. The work presented in this thesis proposes a multiscale model approach that gives engineering-level responses to the technical specifications required for the use of tungsten in fusion energy reactors, and it is also supported by the rigorous underlying physics of extensive atomistic simulations. First, the static and dynamic properties of screw dislocations in five interatomic potentials for tungsten are compared, determining which of these ensure greater physical fidelity and computational efficiency. The large strain rates associated with molecular dynamics techniques make the dislocation mobility functions obtained not suitable to be used in the next steps of the multiscale model. Therefore, it is necessary to employ mobility laws obtained from a different method. In this work, we suggest two alternative methods to get the dislocation mobility functions: a kinetic Monte Carlo model and analytical expressions. The set of parameters needed to formulate the kinetic Monte Carlo model and the analytical mobility law are calculated atomistically. These parameters include, but are not limited to: enthalpy and energy barriers of kink-pairs as a function of the stress, width of the kink-pairs, non-Schmid effects ( both twinning-antitwinning asymmetry and non-glide stresses), etc. The function relating dislocation velocity with applied stress and temperature is used as the main source of constitutive information into a dislocation-based crystal plasticity framework. We validate the dependence of the yield strength with the temperature predicted by the model against existing experimental data of tensile tests in singlecrystal tungsten, with excellent agreement between the simulations and the measured data. We then extend the model to a number of crystallographic orientations uniformly distributed in the standard triangle and study the effects of temperature and strain rate. Finally, we perform biaxial tensile tests and provide the yield surface as a function of the temperature for some of the crystallographic orientations explored in the uniaxial tensile tests.


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Grafting of antioxidants and other modifiers onto polymers by reactive extrusion, has been performed successfully by the Polymer Processing and Performance Group at Aston University. Traditionally the optimum conditions for the grafting process have been established within a Brabender internal mixer. Transfer of this batch process to a continuous processor, such as an extruder, has, typically, been empirical. To have more confidence in the success of direct transfer of the process requires knowledge of, and comparison between, residence times, mixing intensities, shear rates and flow regimes in the internal mixer and in the continuous processor.The continuous processor chosen for the current work in the closely intermeshing, co-rotating twin-screw extruder (CICo-TSE). CICo-TSEs contain screw elements that convey material with a self-wiping action and are widely used for polymer compounding and blending. Of the different mixing modules contained within the CICo-TSE, the trilobal elements, which impose intensive mixing, and the mixing discs, which impose extensive mixing, are of importance when establishing the intensity of mixing. In this thesis, the flow patterns within the various regions of the single-flighted conveying screw elements and within both the trilobal element and mixing disc zones of a Betol BTS40 CICo-TSE, have been modelled using the computational fluid dynamics package Polyflow. A major obstacle encountered when solving the flow problem within all of these sets of elements, arises from both the complex geometry and the time-dependent flow boundaries as the elements rotate about their fixed axes. Simulation of the time dependent boundaries was overcome by selecting a number of sequential 2D and 3D geometries, used to represent partial mixing cycles. The flow fields were simulated using the ideal rheological properties of polypropylene and characterised in terms of velocity vectors, shear stresses generated and a parameter known as the mixing efficiency. The majority of the large 3D simulations were performed on the Cray J90 supercomputer situated at the Rutherford-Appleton laboratories, with pre- and postprocessing operations achieved via a Silicon Graphics Indy workstation. A mechanical model was constructed consisting of various CICo-TSE elements rotating within a transparent outer barrel. A technique has been developed using coloured viscous clays whereby the flow patterns and mixing characteristics within the CICo-TSE may be visualised. In order to test and verify the simulated predictions, the patterns observed within the mechanical model were compared with the flow patterns predicted by the computational model. The flow patterns within the single-flighted conveying screw elements in particular, showed good agreement between the experimental and simulated results.


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Although various abutment connections and materials have recently been introduced, insufficient data exist regarding the effect of stress distribution on their mechanical performance. The purpose of this study was to investigate the effect of different abutment materials and platform connections on stress distribution in single anterior implant-supported restorations with the finite element method. Nine experimental groups were modeled from the combination of 3 platform connections (external hexagon, internal hexagon, and Morse tapered) and 3 abutment materials (titanium, zirconia, and hybrid) as follows: external hexagon-titanium, external hexagon-zirconia, external hexagon-hybrid, internal hexagon-titanium, internal hexagon-zirconia, internal hexagon-hybrid, Morse tapered-titanium, Morse tapered-zirconia, and Morse tapered-hybrid. Finite element models consisted of a 4×13-mm implant, anatomic abutment, and lithium disilicate central incisor crown cemented over the abutment. The 49 N occlusal loading was applied in 6 steps to simulate the incisal guidance. Equivalent von Mises stress (σvM) was used for both the qualitative and quantitative evaluation of the implant and abutment in all the groups and the maximum (σmax) and minimum (σmin) principal stresses for the numerical comparison of the zirconia parts. The highest abutment σvM occurred in the Morse-tapered groups and the lowest in the external hexagon-hybrid, internal hexagon-titanium, and internal hexagon-hybrid groups. The σmax and σmin values were lower in the hybrid groups than in the zirconia groups. The stress distribution concentrated in the abutment-implant interface in all the groups, regardless of the platform connection or abutment material. The platform connection influenced the stress on abutments more than the abutment material. The stress values for implants were similar among different platform connections, but greater stress concentrations were observed in internal connections.


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The Ophira Mini Sling System involves anchoring a midurethral, low-tension tape to the obturator internus muscles bilaterally at the level of the tendinous arc. Success rates in different subsets of patients are still to be defined. This work aims to identify which factors influence the 2-year outcomes of this treatment. Analysis was based on data from a multicenter study. Endpoints for analysis included objective measurements: 1-h pad-weight (PWT), and cough stress test (CST), and questionnaires: International Consultation on Incontinence Questionnaire-Short Form (ICIQ-SF) and Urinary Distress Inventory (UDI)-6. A logistic regression analysis evaluated possible risk factors for failure. In all, 124 female patients with stress urinary incontinence (SUI) underwent treatment with the Ophira procedure. All patients completed 1 year of follow-up, and 95 complied with the 2-year evaluation. Longitudinal analysis showed no significant differences between results at 1 and 2 years. The 2-year overall objective results were 81 (85.3%) patients dry, six (6.3%) improved, and eight (8.4%) incontinent. A multivariate analysis revealed that previous anti-incontinence surgery was the only factor that significantly influenced surgical outcomes. Two years after treatment, women with previous failed surgeries had an odds ratio (OR) for treatment failure (based on PWT) of 4.0 [95% confidence interval (CI) 1.02-15.57). The Ophira procedure is an effective option for SUI treatment, with durable good results. Previous surgeries were identified as the only significant risk factor, though previously operated patients showed an acceptable success rate.


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Assessment of central blood pressure (BP) has grown substantially over recent years because evidence has shown that central BP is more relevant to cardiovascular outcomes than peripheral BP. Thus, different classes of antihypertensive drugs have different effects on central BP despite similar reductions in brachial BP. The aim of this study was to investigate the effect of nebivolol, a β-blocker with vasodilator properties, on the biochemical and hemodynamic parameters of hypertensive patients. Experimental single cohort study conducted in the outpatient clinic of a university hospital. Twenty-six patients were recruited. All of them underwent biochemical and hemodynamic evaluation (BP, heart rate (HR), central BP and augmentation index) before and after 3 months of using nebivolol. 88.5% of the patients were male; their mean age was 49.7 ± 9.3 years and most of them were overweight (29.6 ± 3.1 kg/m2) with large abdominal waist (102.1 ± 7.2 cm). There were significant decreases in peripheral systolic BP (P = 0.0020), diastolic BP (P = 0.0049), HR (P < 0.0001) and central BP (129.9 ± 12.3 versus 122.3 ± 10.3 mmHg; P = 0.0083) after treatment, in comparison with the baseline values. There was no statistical difference in the augmentation index or in the biochemical parameters, from before to after the treatment. Nebivolol use seems to be associated with significant reduction of central BP in stage I hypertensive patients, in addition to reductions in brachial systolic and diastolic BP.


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Hereditary angioedema (HAE) with C1 inhibitor deficiency manifests as recurrent episodes of edema involving the skin, upper respiratory tract and gastrointestinal tract. It can be lethal due to asphyxia. The aim here was to evaluate the response to therapy for these attacks using icatibant, an inhibitor of the bradykinin receptor, which was recently introduced into Brazil. Prospective experimental single-cohort study on the efficacy and safety of icatibant for HAE patients. Patients with a confirmed HAE diagnosis were enrolled according to symptoms and regardless of the time since onset of the attack. Icatibant was administered in accordance with the protocol that has been approved in Brazil. Symptom severity was assessed continuously and adverse events were monitored. 24 attacks in 20 HAE patients were treated (female/male 19:1; 19-55 years; median 29 years of age). The symptoms were: subcutaneous edema (22/24); abdominal pain (15/24) and upper airway obstruction (10/24). The time taken until onset of relief was: 5-10 minutes (5/24; 20.8%); 10-20 (5/24; 20.8%); 20-30 (8/24; 33.4%); 30-60 (5/24; 20.8%); and 2 hours (1/24; 4.3%). The time taken for complete resolution of symptoms ranged from 4.3 to 33.4 hours. Adverse effects were only reported at injection sites. Mild to moderate erythema and/or feelings of burning were reported by 15/24 patients, itching by 3 and no adverse effects in 6. HAE type I patients who received icatibant responded promptly; most achieved improved symptom severity within 30 minutes. Local adverse events occurred in 75% of the patients.


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A temperature pause introduced in a simple single-step thermal decomposition of iron, with the presence of silver seeds formed in the same reaction mixture, gives rise to novel compact heterostructures: brick-like Ag@Fe3O4 core-shell nanoparticles. This novel method is relatively easy to implement, and could contribute to overcome the challenge of obtaining a multifunctional heteroparticle in which a noble metal is surrounded by magnetite. Structural analyses of the samples show 4 nm silver nanoparticles wrapped within compact cubic external structures of Fe oxide, with curious rectangular shape. The magnetic properties indicate a near superparamagnetic like behavior with a weak hysteresis at room temperature. The value of the anisotropy involved makes these particles candidates to potential applications in nanomedicine.