364 resultados para Ruler


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Mycelial growth strains of POS 98/38, POS 09/100, POS 09/101, and POS 09/102 of Pleurotus ostreatus were evaluated in culture media with various compositions based on extracts of substrates formulated with sugar cane bagasse together with straws and grasses, and with or without nitrogen supplementation. The evaluation was performed during incubation regularly with a ruler graduated in millimeters until total colonization of the culture medium contained in Petri dishes. The statistical model explaining the kinetics of mycelial growth of mushroom strains of P. ostreatus as a deterministic component has an exponential Gompertz function. The results show that the culture medium with sugar cane straw and brizantha grass (supplemented) showed the highest rates of mycelial growth, regardless of strain used compared to wheat straw-based culture media with had the lowest velocities of growth, regardless of supplementation and strains studied.


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Introduction: In this study, we evaluated the effects of a low-level laser on bone regeneration in rapid maxillary expansion procedures. Methods: Twenty-seven children, aged 8 to 12 years, took part in the experiment, with a mean age of 10.2 years, divided into 2 groups: the laser group (n=14), in which rapid maxillary expansion was performed in conjunction with laser use, and the no-laser group (n=13), with rapid maxillary expansion only. The activation protocol of the expansion screw was 1 full turn on the first day and a half turn daily until achieving overcorrection. The laser type used was a laser diode (TWIN Laser; MMOptics, Sao Carlos, Brazil), according to the following protocol: 780 nm wavelength, 40 mW power, and 10 J/cm(2) density at 10 points located around the midpalatal suture. The application stages were 1 (days 1-5 of activation), 2 (at screw locking, on 3 consecutive days), 3, 4, and 5 (7, 14, and 21 days after stage 2). Occlusal radiographs of the maxilla were taken with the aid of an aluminum scale ruler as a densitometry reference at different times: T1 (initial), T2 (day of locking), T3 (3-5 days after T2), T4 (30 days after T3), and T5 (60 days after T4). The radiographs were digitized and submitted to imaging software (Image Tool; UTHSCSA, San Antonio, Tex) to measure the optic density of the previously selected areas. To perform the statistical test, analysis of covariance was used, with the time for the evaluated stage as the covariable. In all tests, a significance level of 5% (P<0.05) was adopted. Results: From the evaluation of bone density, the results showed that the laser improved the opening of the midpalatal suture and accelerated the bone regeneration process. Conclusions: The low-level laser, associated with rapid maxillary expansion, provided efficient opening of the midpalatal suture and influenced the bone regeneration process of the suture, accelerating healing. (Am J Orthod Dentofacial Orthop 2012;141:444-50)


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This new and general method here called overflow current switching allows a fast, continuous, and smooth transition between scales in wide-range current measurement systems, like electrometers. This is achieved, using a hydraulic analogy, by diverting only the overflow current, such that no slow element is forced to change its state during the switching. As a result, this approach practically eliminates the long dead time in low-current (picoamperes) switching. Similar to a logarithmic scale, a composition of n adjacent linear scales, like a segmented ruler, measures the current. The use of a linear wide-range system based on this technique assures fast and continuous measurement in the entire range, without blind regions during transitions and still holding suitable accuracy for many applications. A full mathematical development of the method is given. Several computer realistic simulations demonstrated the viability of the technique.


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Este texto tem como objetivo analisar algumas formulações de Nicolau Maquiavel sobre a teoria política, bem como refletir sobre a contribuição de suas ideias, expostas na obra O Príncipe, para a formação do Estado Moderno Absoluto. Essa obra foi resultado de suas reflexões sobre os problemas do seu tempo: séculos XV e XVI, na Itália. O Príncipe expressava o desenvolvimento dos Estados Nacionais, a dessacralização do político, a independência do poder temporal em relação ao poder religioso e a primazia do Estado frente à religião. Consideramos que a obra de Maquiavel é de suma relevância para a história das ideias, principalmente, no campo da ciência política. Dessa forma, destacamos a importância do estudo de seu pensamento sob a perspectiva da Educação, o qual nos possibilita a compreensão dos fundamentos políticos da modernidade e, por conseguinte, o entendimento da formação do homem político-moderno.


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Il lungo processo che avrebbe portato Ottaviano alla conquista del potere e alla fondazione del principato è scandito da alcuni momenti chiave e da diversi personaggi che ne accompagnarono l'ascesa. Prima ancora che sul campo di battaglia, il figlio adottivo di Cesare riuscì a primeggiare per la grande capacità di gestire alleanze e rapporti personali, per la grande maestria con la quale riuscì a passare da capo rivoluzionario a rappresentante e membro dell'aristocrazia tradizionale. Non fu un cammino facile e lineare e forse il compito più difficile non fu sbaragliare gli avversari ad Azio, ma conservare un potere che gli fu costantemente contestato. Ancora dopo il 31 a.C., infatti, in più di un'occasione, Augusto fu chiamato a difendere la sua creatura (il principato) e a procedere a modificarne costantemente base di potere e struttura: solamente attraverso questa fondamentale, minuziosa, ma nascosta opera, egli riuscì a porre le basi per una struttura di potere destinata a durare immutata almeno per un secolo. In base a queste premesse, la ricerca è organizzata secondo un duplice criterio cronologico, inserendo -all'interno della cornice rappresentata dagli eventi- una partizione che tenga presente ulteriori cesure e momenti determinanti. Il proposito è quello di sottolineare come all'interno di un regno unitario, caratterizzato dalla permanenza di un unico sovrano, sia possibile intravedere l'alternarsi di situazioni storiche diverse, di rapporti di forze, alleanze e unioni in virtù delle quali si determinino orientamenti differenti nell'ambito tanto della politica interna quanto di quella esterna.


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The amount of solar radiation transmitted through Arctic sea ice is determined by the thickness and physical properties of snow and sea ice. Light transmittance is highly variable in space and time since thickness and physical properties of snow and sea ice are highly heterogeneous on variable time and length scales. We present field measurements of under-ice irradiance along transects under undeformed land-fast sea ice at Barrow, Alaska (March, May, and June 2010). The measurements were performed with a spectral radiometer mounted on a floating under-ice sled. The objective was to quantify the spatial variability of light transmittance through snow and sea ice, and to compare this variability along its seasonal evolution. Along with optical measurements, snow depth, sea ice thickness, and freeboard were recorded, and ice cores were analyzed for chlorophyll a and particulate matter. Our results show that snow cover variability prior to onset of snow melt causes as much relative spatial variability of light transmittance as the contrast of ponded and white ice during summer. Both before and after melt onset, measured transmittances fell in a range from one third to three times the mean value. In addition, we found a twentyfold increase of light transmittance as a result of partial snowmelt, showing the seasonal evolution of transmittance through sea ice far exceeds the spatial variability. However, prior melt onset, light transmittance was time invariant and differences in under-ice irradiance were directly related to the spatial variability of the snow cover.


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Immobilization and anaesthesia of adult male southern elephant seals (Mirounga leonina) is potentially risky for animals and scientists. A tiletamine/zolazepam injection is considered the most appropriate drug combination for field application in this species. Since appropriate dosages are difficult to assess due to uncertainties in weight estimation, we used photogrammetry-derived weight estimates to ensure precise post hoc calculations of dosages. We report on 15 intramuscular tiletamine/zolazepam immobilizations of post-moult males of the upper weight class at King George Island/Isla 25 de Mayo, in April 2010. Initial injections were made using blowpipe syringes. Mean tiletamine/zolazepam combined dosages of 0.71 mg/kg (SD ± 0.16) ranged between 0.46 and 1.01 mg/kg. In four cases, ketamine was added in dosages between 0.96 and 2.61 mg/kg. Mean induction period was 23 min (± 15), and the mean duration of the procedures from first injection to release of the animals required 96 min (± 51). Four seals exhibited periods of apnoea, and one case of an extended, repetitive, and potentially critical apnoea (> 25 and 8 min) required intervention in order to successfully re-initiate spontaneous respiration. All procedures resulted in proper immobilizations allowing for the deployment of the satellite tags on the seals' heads. The fact that even substantial deviations between the initial weight estimates and the photogrammetry-derived weight estimates had no apparent effect on the course of the immobilization underlines the drugs' wide safety margin in this species.


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Las construcciones teóricas elaboradas a lo largo de la Antigüedad Tardía buscaban, en su gran mayoría, poner en destaque la autoridad y el poder que deberían ser ejercidos por el rey en el espacio geográfico de su reino. Además de la evidente herencia del pensamiento político clásico romano, que ya apuntaba la supremacía teórica del magistrado o del princeps respecto al cuerpo social y político, el modelo cristiano del princeps christianus sacratissimus, que se construye a partir del siglo IV, ofrecía la perspectiva de que el gobernante debería imponer las leyes para hacer valer la justicia a los inocentes. Tales ideas se mantuvieron en el reino hispanovisigodo de Toledo y para tanto tenemos indicios en las fuentes isidorianas, conciliares y leges antiquas. Sin embargo, la antitesis entre teoría y el ejercicio práctico del poder se presenta muy claramente en las disputas nobiliarias afectando directamente el poder del rey y todas sus atribuciones. Es el caso del reinado de Chintila (636-640), en el cuál la ley tenía como principal objetivo la protección de los grupos de apoyo político del monarca.


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La concordia está fundada, de acuerdo a Cicerón, en la objetividad universal que representa la superación de la multiplicidad relativista. La gloria es en este marco el premio para el buen gobernante que sacrifica su vida por la patria. El pacto, en cambio, cimenta la unidad en un acto voluntario. El gobernante es el táctico que cumple con habilidad lo pactado. La unión de ciudadanos no es el fruto de la concordia sino del poder, sólo consiste en cumplir lo pactado, por consiguiente no es necesario honrar a nadie ni otorgarle gloria