160 resultados para Rosalba Carriera
The joint enters the teams of the Strategy Health of Family (ESF) and the Municipal Center of Infantile education (CMEI) blunts as a form to assure the monitoring and promotion to the health of the children of 2 the 5 years when entering the day-care center environment/daily pay-school. It was traced as objective: To analyze the actions developed for the team of the Strategy Health of the Family in the promotion the health of the child, taken care of in a CMEI. Description-exploratory is to a study, qualitative nature, the type research-action. Developed in a CMEI and the USF of the quarter of New City, Natal-RN. The population was constituted by the professionals of the team of the ESF and the CMEI and parents. During the stages of the research-action diverse techniques had been used as the individually interview and in group, focal group, comment participant, and daily of field. The analysis of the data occurred by means of the content analysis, in the thematic modality, proposal for Bardin (1977) and description of the stages of the research-action. In the stage of situational diagnosis that it investigates the reality lived deeply for the citizens of ESF and CMEI how much to the health of the child seven categories had emerged that they enclosed: the context of the attention child in the CMEI identifying the actions that already came being developed for the ESF in the CMEI; the functioning of the CMEI and its routine of activities; the paper of the CMEI in the care the child; the daily one of the ESF, how much to the care to the health of the child of 2 the 5 years involving the diverse difficulties faced for the ESF; difficulties faced in daily of the CMEI for the care the child of 2 the 5 years; paper of joint ESF and CMEI for the confrontation of the difficulties; e action of health to be developed that they had subsidized the stage of planning of the research-action. During the stages of planning and implementation of the actions the actions of education in health with professionals of the CMEI and parents had been materialize and the actions of direct attention the health of the child. In the stage of evaluation of the actions for the involved citizens one searched to ahead understand the perception of the actions developed and perspective of continuity of the actions, through 4 boarded subjects for the citizens. For all the passage of the research-action it can be inferred that joint ESF and CMEI is a necessary initiative ahead of the current situation of the services of health for the promotion of an integral attention the health of the child, but that the teams of the ESF not yet make use of material conditions and staff enough to develop actions that exceed the limits of the USF, being necessary for this the reinforcement of the joints mainly with the Federal University of the Rio Grande of the North.
This study analyzes the point of view of nurses working at a pediatric teaching hospital on their work process within the scope of the Brazilian unified healthcare system SUS, in order to identify factors that interfere with its development and find out how work relations are taking place between nurses, other nursing professionals and the multidisciplinary staff. It is a descriptive and analytical study, qualitative in nature, which starts with a consideration of a nurse s current practices and moves on to reflect on a perspective of transformation aiming at rethinking their work process pursuant to the principles of SUS. In order to attain these objectives, we decided on using the focal group as a data-collecting technique, which took place from November to December 2005, by using as instruments a questionnaire for the characterization of the persons being researched and a discussion outline. Theoretical support has approached transformations in the world of work, placing it in the context of healthcare and nursing and has tried, specifically, to understand the work process of a nurse engaged in the production of health services. Therefore, the discourse analysis of participants, in the light of theoretical support, has evinced an ambiguity inasmuch as though identified as such in their work process, nurses are also fulfilling multiple functions in health services. Through this study it has also been possible to identify several factors that interfere with the work of these professionals, including poor working conditions and excessive hiring of high school graduate interns as an attempt to make up for a meager nursing workforce, as well as reveal the possibilities brought about by the SUS in retargeting its professional practice to interdisciplinarity and integrality
To study the teaching/learning process about the Nursing procedures carried out in the laboratory, and learn both the sapiens and the demens dimensions of such process, is the main purpose of this study. The objectives are to: identify the major laboratory contributions to the teaching/learning process from the point of view of undergraduate students and the feelings they express; describe the difficulties they have identified; and analyze the relevance of the laboratory to this process. As part of the inquiry procedure, four core group meetings were held with 26 undergraduate students who had completed the course on Semiology and Semiotics in Nursing, which is the course where the Nursing laboratory is most needed as a learning space. The analysis, based on a qualitative approach, had as fundamental theoretical support studies made by Friedlander and Hayashida, who deal with learning/teaching in the Nursing laboratory, and by authors who favor humanization in teaching such as, among others, Freire, Maturana, Morin, Assmann. Results point toward the relevance of the Nursing laboratory as a facilitator for the learning/teaching process. In their speech the students repeatedly state that the development of procedures in simulated situations enable them to become more self-assured and technically prepared for caring. In addition, they emphasize that feelings such as fear, lack of confidence, anxiety, anguish and panic become diminished at the time of their clinic experience when they have had previous learning in the laboratory. They have also acknowledged that some difficulties of structural nature have become obstacles to a high-quality learning development. In summary, in spite of the difficulties that have been pointed out by the students concerning the use of the Nursing laboratory in the learning/teaching process, they also recognize that this is the locus par excellence where they can develop their skills and appease their anxieties
The study analyzes the changes occurring in the professional qualification of the Nursing Technician in the Natal School of Nursing. It provides a historical discussion of Brazilian professional education, of the pertinent legislation in this type of teaching, and the repercussions related to the institutionalization of the Educational Directives Law. It interprets the discourse of the graduates of the complementary course of nursing auxiliary to nursing technician, for the year 2002, using the collective subject analysis and individual interviews. These revealed changes in the areas of knowledge-learning, knowledge-doing, knowledge-being, and an awakening to other changes besides the challenges being confronted. In this sense, nursing as a participant in a society that is effervescent with process changes, interacts socially, politically and professionally in this context, able to experience advances and retrogrades, depending on its political competency
The World Health Organization (WHO) has given special attention to therapeutic procedures other than those practiced in conventional therapy, including homeopathy, phytotherapy, spiritual therapies and prayers, making possible the transition from a mere medicalizating model to a holistic view of the human being. This trend, earmarked in 1978 at the Alma-Ata Conference, questions the ability of technological and specialized medicine to solve the health problems of humankind. In Brazil, the onset of the Brazilian unified health system in 1988, introduced changes in the population s health care model where, within the scope of basic care, emphasis has been given to the Family Health Program since 1994. In this scenery, there is a broad area of complementary practices used in promoting health and preventing and treating diseases to support an understanding of the habits and beliefs underpinning popular practices. The purpose of this study was to analyze the perception users participating in the Peace and Balance group of the Family Health Unit of Nova Cidade, in Natal, Rio Grande do Norte, started in 1999, have of the relationship between the experience of prayer and the changes that may have taken place in their lives after joining the group. It is a case study of descriptive nature and qualitative approach. The data were collected during focus group interviews between January and February 2007, using as tools a questionnaire to describe the research participants and a discussion outline. The theoretical support approached the following: religion and the evolution of thought; complementary health practices; and religion as a complementary health practice. Those interviewed reported, as results of such experience, a reduction in stress and depression, an increase in socialization and self-esteem, improved family interaction, comfort, safety, assurance, improved blood pressure levels and a decrease in the use of antihypertension medication and psychopharmacs. Although most professionals do not consider attention to the religious and spiritual aspects an effective therapeutical complement in health care, its understanding and practice may democratize knowledge and relationships, out of which they can learn how to make health production more effective, strengthening assurance and confidence, and developing and expanding soft technologies aimed at health care promotion and wholeness
This is work itself insert in the mathematics education field of the youth and adult education to aim to practitioners of the educational action into the mathematics area performing to with this is teaching kind, adopting to as parameter the Mathematics Molding approach. The motive of the research is to draw up a application proposal of the molding mathematics as teaching and learning geometry alternative in the youth and adult education. The research it develops in three class of the third level (series 5th and 6th) of he youth and adults education in the one school municipal from the Natal outskirts. Its have qualitative nature with participating observation approach, once performing to directly in to research environment as a mathematics teacher of those same classes. We are used questionnaires, lesson notes and analyses of the officials documents as an basis of claim instruments. The results indicates that activity used the mathematic moldings were appreciated the savoir-faire of the student in to knowledge construction process, when search develop to significant learning methods, helping to student build has mathematics connections with other knowledge areas and inside mathematics himself, so much that enlarges your understanding and assist has in your participation in the other socials place, over there propitiate to change in student and teacher posture with relation to mathematic classroom dynamics
This paper aims to build a notebook of activities that can help the teacher of elementary school mathematics. Topics covered are arithmetic and geometry and the activities proposed here were developed aiming print them a multicultural character. We take as a base line developed by Claudia Zaslavsky multiculturalism and reflected in his books "Games and activities worldwide" and "More games and activities worldwide." We structure our work around four themes: the symbol of the Olympic Games, the pyramids of Egypt, the Russian abacus abacus and Chinese. The first two themes allow you to explore basic concepts of geometry while the latter two themes allow us to explore numerical notation and arithmetic operations
Analiza la situacion del trabajo domestico asalariado en Chile. La informacion sobre las condiciones de las trabajadoras y sus organizaciones esta referida a la ciudad de Santiago.
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Introduction: Despite the growing interest in the study of Gram-negative bacilli (GNB) infections, very little information on osteomyelitis caused by GNB is available in the medical literature. Objectives and methods: To assess clinical and microbiological features of 101 cases of osteomyelitis caused by GNB alone, between January 2007 and January 2009, in a reference center for the treatment of high complexity traumas in the city of Sao Paulo. Results: Most patients were men (63%), with median age of 42 years, affected by chronic osteomyelitis (43%) or acute osteomyelitis associated to open fractures (32%), the majority on the lower limbs (71%). The patients were treated with antibiotics as inpatients for 40 days (median) and for 99 days (median) in outpatient settings. After 6 months follow-up, the clinical remission rate was around 60%, relapse 19%, amputation 7%, and death 5%. Nine percent of cases were lost to follow-up. A total of 121 GNB was isolated from 101 clinical samples. The most frequently isolated pathogens were Enterobacter sp. (25%), Acinetobacter baumannii (21%) e Pseudomonas aeruginosa (20%). Susceptibility to carbapenems was about 100% for Enterobacter sp., 75% for Pseudomonas aeruginosa and 60% for Acinetobacter baumannii. Conclusion: Osteomyelitis caused by GNB remains a serious therapeutic challenge, especially when associated to nonfermenting bacteria. We emphasize the need to consider these agents in diagnosed cases of osteomyelitis, so that an ideal antimicrobial treatment can be administered since the very beginning of the therapy. (C) 2012 Elsevier Editora Ltda. All rights reserved.
OBJETIVOS: Avaliar os resultados funcionais iniciais e o índice de complicações precoces das artroplastias totais do quadril cerâmica-cerâmica em pacientes que convivem com o HIV e apresentam osteonecrose da cabeça femoral. MÉTODO: Doze pacientes HIV+ com diagnóstico de osteonecrose da cabeça do fêmur incongruente foram avaliados através de critérios clínicos, laboratoriais, pela escala funcional WOMAC antes e após o tratamento com substituição articular. RESULTADOS: Observamos que 83,3% dos indivíduos faziam uso de inibidores de protease, 75% apresentavam dislipidemia e 66,6% síndrome lipodistrófica, a melhora na evolução no escore WOMAC foi estatisticamente significativa para seis e 12 meses de pós-operatório em comparação com o escore pré-operatório e não observamos complicações secundárias a esse procedimento. CONCLUSÃO: A artroplastia total do quadril com implante de cerâmica-cerâmica para o tratamento da necrose avascular do quadril nessa parcela da população é opção cirúrgica adequada, apresenta melhora funcional inicial significativa e baixo índice de complicação precoce.
L’elaborato è dedicato all’esame della forma di emanazione e del sistema d’impugnazione degli atti del CSM circa la carriera giuridica dei magistrati, con particolare attenzione alle numerose implicazioni di livello costituzionale ed amministrativo sollevate dalla problematica. I principali obiettivi perseguiti sono: a) la verifica della costituzionalità del sistema predisposto dalla legge 24 marzo 1958, n. 195, la quale stabilisce che i provvedimenti consiliari siano emanati con decreto presidenziale o ministeriale e che possano essere sindacati dai giudici amministrativi; b) l’individuazione e la risoluzione delle ambiguità interpretative e dei dubbi applicativi che sono emersi fin dall’introduzione della legge in parola e che tutt’ora continuano costantemente a riproporsi, non avendo trovato compiuta sistemazione né in dottrina né in giurisprudenza; c) la ricognizione e l’esame critico della prassi giurisprudenziale, specialmente in ordine alle decisioni più recenti, tenuto conto della mancanza di studi aggiornati in merito pur a fronte dell’ampio numero di pronunce. Sulla base dell’ipotesi di partenza dell’irrinunciabilità, per la piena comprensione della portata precettiva della legge sopra citata, di un’esaustiva analisi delle premesse teoriche necessarie per una piena comprensione dello stessa, lo svolgimento è sostanzialmente articolato in due parti fondamentali. La prima incentrata sulla ricostruzione del perimetro costituzionale dell’indagine, con specifico riferimento all’assetto costituzionale della Magistratura. La seconda, riconducibile nell’alveo proprio del “diritto amministrativo”, concernente a) il significato e la funzione da attribuire alla forma di emanazione degli atti consiliari; b) i poteri ministeriali e presidenziali nella fase di esternazione; c) la tipologia degli atti impugnabili e dei vizi sindacabili in sede giurisdizionale. Con la consapevolezza che lo sviluppo dell’argomento prescelto rappresenta un’angolazione di visuale privilegiata relativamente allo svolgersi dei rapporti tra Potere Esecutivo ed Ordine giudiziario, la tesi affronta complesse questioni di carattere generale quali il principio di separazione dei poteri, il concetto di organo costituzionale e quello di autodichìa, la nozione di autonomia pubblica, i princìpi di imparzialità ed uguaglianza. Il vaglio della giurisprudenza costituzionale ed amministrativa, ampiamente richiamata, è condotto trattando a fondo, sia aspetti connotati da un elevato tasso di tecnicità, come la disciplina del conferimento d’incarichi direttivi, sia interrogativi concernenti diversi aspetti problematici. Segnatamente, l’indagine ha riguardato – tra l’altro – l’ammissibilità del sindacato del giudice amministrativo sugli atti “amministrativi” delle autorità non incardinate nella P.A.; la compatibilità dell’interpretazione evolutiva con l’art. 138 Cost.; la definizione di atto amministrativo; la stessa nozione costituzionale di pubblica amministrazione. La presa d’atto della tendenza giurisprudenziale ad estendere il sindacato al vizio di eccesso di potere conduce infine ad alcune riflessioni conclusive in merito alla conciliabilità del ruolo assunto dal giudice amministrativo col quadro normativo delineato dai Costituenti.
La ricognizione delle opere composte da Filippo Tommaso Marinetti tra il 1909 e il 1912 è sostenuta da una tesi paradossale: il futurismo di Marinetti non sarebbe un'espressione della modernità, bensì una reazione anti-moderna, che dietro a una superficiale ed entusiastica adesione ad alcune parole d'ordine della seconda rivoluzione industriale nasconderebbe un pessimismo di fondo nei confronti dell'uomo e della storia. In questo senso il futurismo diventa un emblema del ritardo culturale e del gattopardismo italiano, e anticipa l’analoga operazione svolta in politica da Mussolini: dietro un’adesione formale ad alcune istanze della modernità, la preservazione dello Status Quo. Marinetti è descritto come un corpo estraneo rispetto alla cultura scientifica del Novecento: un futurista senza futuro (rarissime in Marinetti sono le proiezioni fantascientifiche). Questo aspetto è particolarmente evidente nelle opere prodotte del triennio 1908-1911, che non solo sono molto diverse dalle opere futuriste successive, ma per alcuni aspetti rappresentano una vera e propria antitesi di ciò che diventerà il futurismo letterario a partire dal 1912, con la pubblicazione del Manifesto tecnico della letteratura futurista e l'invenzione delle parole in libertà. Nelle opere precedenti, a un sostanziale disinteresse per il progressismo tecnologico corrispondeva un'attenzione ossessiva per la corporeità e un ricorso continuo all'allegoria, con effetti particolarmente grotteschi (soprattutto nel romanzo Mafarka le futuriste) nei quali si rilevano tracce di una concezione del mondo di sapore ancora medioevo-rinascimentale. Questa componente regressiva del futurismo marinettiano viene platealmente abbandonata a partire dal 1912, con Zang Tumb Tumb, salvo riaffiorare ciclicamente, come una corrente sotterranea, in altre fasi della sua carriera: nel 1922, ad esempio, con la pubblicazione de Gli indomabili (un’altra opera allegorica, ricca di reminiscenze letterarie). Quella del 1912 è una vera e propria frattura, che nel primo capitolo è indagata sia da un punto di vista storico (attraverso la documentazione epistolare e giornalistica vengono portate alla luce le tensioni che portarono gran parte dei poeti futuristi ad abbandonare il movimento proprio in quell'anno) che da un punto di vista linguistico: sono sottolineate le differenze sostanziali tra la produzione parolibera e quella precedente, e si arrischia anche una spiegazione psicologica della brusca svolta impressa da Marinetti al suo movimento. Nel secondo capitolo viene proposta un'analisi formale e contenutistica della ‘funzione grottesca’ nelle opere di Marinetti. Nel terzo capitolo un'analisi comparata delle incarnazioni della macchine ritratte nelle opere di Marinetti ci svela che quasi sempre in questo autore la macchina è associata al pensiero della morte e a una pulsione masochistica (dominante, quest'ultima, ne Gli indomabili); il che porta ad arrischiare l'ipotesi che l'esperienza futurista, e in particolare il futurismo parolibero posteriore al 1912, sia la rielaborazione di un trauma. Esso può essere interpretato metaforicamente come lo choc del giovane Marinetti, balzato in pochi anni dalle sabbie d'Alessandria d'Egitto alle brume industriali di Milano, ma anche come una reale esperienza traumatica (l'incidente automobilistico del 1908, “mitologizzato” nel primo manifesto, ma che in realtà fu vissuto dall'autore come esperienza realmente perturbante).