896 resultados para Resource-Based View


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Morgan, R.; Strong, C.; and McGuinness, T. (2003). Product-market positioning and prospector strategy: An analysis of strategic patterns from the resource-based perspective. European Journal of Marketing. 37(10), pp.1409-1439 RAE2008


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Drawing from the resource-based view and transaction costs economics, we develop a theoretical framework to explain why small and large firms face different levels of resource access needs and resource access capabilities, which mediate the relationship between firm size and hybrid governance. Employing a sample of 317 venture capital firms, drawn across six European countries, we empirically assess our framework in the context of venture capital syndication. We estimate a path model using structural equation modeling and find, consistent with our theoretical framework, mediating effects of different types of resource access needs and resource access capabilities between VC firm size and syndication frequency. These findings advance the small business literature by highlighting the trade-offs that size imposes on firms that seek to manage their access to external resources through hybrid governance strategies.


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Terrestrial invertebrates constitute most of described animal biodiversity and soil is a major reservoir of this diversity. In the classical attempt to understand the processes supporting biodiversity, ecologists are currently seeking to unravel the differential roles of environmental filtering and competition for resources in niche partitioning processes: these processes are in principle distinct although they may act simultaneously, interact at multiple spatial and temporal scales, and are often confounded in studies of soil communities. We used a novel combination of methods based on stable isotopes and trait analysis to resolve these processes in diverse oribatid mite assemblages at spatial
scales at which competition for resources could in principle be a major driver. We also used a null model approach based on a general neutral model of beta diversity. A large and significant fraction of community variation was explainable in terms of linear and periodic spatial structures in the distribution of organic C, N and soil structure: species were clearly arranged along an environmental, spatially structured gradient. However, competition related trait differences did not map onto the distances separating species along the environmental gradient and neutral models provided a satisfying approximation of beta diversity patterns. The results represent the first robust evidence
that in very diverse soil arthropod assemblages resource-based niche partitioning plays a minor role while environmental filtering remains a fundamental driver of species distribution.


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Tese apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Doutor em Gestão de Informação


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We present a new method for rendering novel images of flexible 3D objects from a small number of example images in correspondence. The strength of the method is the ability to synthesize images whose viewing position is significantly far away from the viewing cone of the example images ("view extrapolation"), yet without ever modeling the 3D structure of the scene. The method relies on synthesizing a chain of "trilinear tensors" that governs the warping function from the example images to the novel image, together with a multi-dimensional interpolation function that synthesizes the non-rigid motions of the viewed object from the virtual camera position. We show that two closely spaced example images alone are sufficient in practice to synthesize a significant viewing cone, thus demonstrating the ability of representing an object by a relatively small number of model images --- for the purpose of cheap and fast viewers that can run on standard hardware.


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Stone tools and faunal remains have been recovered from the English Channel and the North Sea through trawling, dredging for aggregates, channel clearance, and coring. These finds highlight the potential for a maritime Lower Palaeolithic archaeological resource. It is proposed here that any Lower Palaeolithic artefacts, faunal remains, and sediments deposited in the maritime zone during dry, low-stand phases were once (and may still be) contextually similar to their counterparts in the terrestrial Lower Palaeolithic records of north-western Europe. Given these similarities, can interpretive models and analytical frameworks developed for terrestrial archaeology be profitably applied to an assessment of the potential value of any maritime resource? The terrestrial geoarchaeological resource for the Lower Palaeolithic is dominated by artefacts and ecofacts that have been fluvially reworked. The spatio-temporal resolution of these data varies from entire river valleys and marine isotope stages to river channel gravel bar surfaces and decadal timescales, thus supporting a variety of questions and approaches. However, the structure of the terrestrial resource also highlights two fundamental limitations in current maritime knowledge that can restrict the application of terrestrial approaches to any potential maritime resource: (i) how have the repetitive transgressions and regressions of the Middle and Late Pleistocene modified the terrace landforms and sediments associated with the river systems of the English Channel and southern North Sea basins?; and (ii) do the surviving submerged terrace landforms and fluvial sedimentary deposits support robust geochronological models, as is the case with the classical terrestrial terrace sequences? This paper highlights potential approaches to these questions, and concludes that the fluvial palaeogeography, Pleistocene fossils, and potential Lower Palaeolithic artefacts of the maritime geoarchaeological resource can be profitably investigated in future as derived, low-resolution data sets, facilitating questions of colonisation, occupation, demography, and material culture.


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This paper reports on an evaluation of an innovative, online resource-based learning (RBL) approach used in first year psychology at Deakin University. The evaluation revealed a number of critical issues that must be considered to ensure effective implementation of an RBL approach. Emphasis is giveen to educational considerations covering the use and value of a diversity of print and electronic learning resources, online discussions and face-to-face teaching arrangements. The importance of strong integration of all elements of the learning environment, and provision of clear guidelines to learning are highlighted.


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This paper has been developed out of an action research project involving the Australian Taxation Office (ATO). One of the outcomes of this project was the development of a model for the implementation of Strategic Human Resource Management (SHRM) for the purpose of cultural change and/or alignment to business strategy.

The paper brings together many of the theories that have arisen in SHRM in the last decade or so, including theories around human capital, the resource-based view, HR configuration, HR architecture, vertical and horizontal fit, HR systems and HR roles.


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A gestão do conhecimento (GC) é uma das recentes abordagens da administração contemporânea, cujo foco engloba o conceito de conhecimento como recurso estratégico, sendo que suas técnicas, práticas e iniciativas gerenciais encontram-se em momento de consolidação. Muitos estudos acadêmicos sobre gestão do conhecimento estão sendo realizados no campo da Administração, com o objetivo de sistematizar os conceitos, as práticas e as contribuições para o poder de competição das empresas (NONAKA e TAKEUCHI, 1997; EISENHARDT e SANTOS, 2000; PROBST, RAUB e ROMHARDT,2002; DALKIR, 2005). Esta pesquisa objetivou classificar as empresas do setor elétricoeletrônico brasileiro de acordo com o estágio de institucionalização da gestão do conhecimento, bem como verificar as contribuições das práticas de GC para seu poder competitivo. Foi realizado um survey a partir da listagem de 553 empresas elétricas e eletrônicas atuantes no Brasil e participantes da Associação Brasileira da Indústria Elétrica e Eletrônica (ABINEE), tendo sido averiguada uma amostra formada por 56 empresas respondentes. Os principais resultados encontrados foram: a) as empresas pesquisadas estão nos estágios iniciais de institucionalização de GC e b) as contribuições para o poder de competição, realizadas com adoção das práticas de GC, tinham como objetivo fortalecer a cultura de compartilhamento e disseminação do conhecimento, bem como, criar o ambiente favorável para o trabalho em equipe.