872 resultados para Repositories Mining


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Current Learning Management Systems focus on the management of students, keeping track of their progress across all types of training activities. This type of systems lacks integration with other e-Learning systems. For instance, learning objects stored in a centralized repository are unavailable throughout an organization for potential reuse. In this paper we present the interoperability features of crimsonHex - a service oriented repository of learning objects - highlighting the use of XML languages. Its nteroperability features are compliant with the existing standards and we propose extensions to the IMS interoperability recommendation, adding new functions, formalizing an XML message interchange and providing also a REST interface. To validate the proposed extensions and its implementation in crimsonHex we designed two repository plugins for Moodle 2.0, the first of which is already implemented and is expected to be included in the next release of this popular learning management system.


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O aumento de tecnologias disponíveis na Web favoreceu o aparecimento de diversas formas de informação, recursos e serviços. Este aumento aliado à constante necessidade de formação e evolução das pessoas, quer a nível pessoal como profissional, incentivou o desenvolvimento área de sistemas de hipermédia adaptativa educacional - SHAE. Estes sistemas têm a capacidade de adaptar o ensino consoante o modelo do aluno, características pessoais, necessidades, entre outros aspetos. Os SHAE permitiram introduzir mudanças relativamente à forma de ensino, passando do ensino tradicional que se restringia apenas ao uso de livros escolares até à utilização de ferramentas informáticas que através do acesso à internet disponibilizam material didático, privilegiando o ensino individualizado. Os SHAE geram grande volume de dados, informação contida no modelo do aluno e todos os dados relativos ao processo de aprendizagem de cada aluno. Facilmente estes dados são ignorados e não se procede a uma análise cuidada que permita melhorar o conhecimento do comportamento dos alunos durante o processo de ensino, alterando a forma de aprendizagem de acordo com o aluno e favorecendo a melhoria dos resultados obtidos. O objetivo deste trabalho foi selecionar e aplicar algumas técnicas de Data Mining a um SHAE, PCMAT - Mathematics Collaborative Educational System. A aplicação destas técnicas deram origem a modelos de dados que transformaram os dados em informações úteis e compreensíveis, essenciais para a geração de novos perfis de alunos, padrões de comportamento de alunos, regras de adaptação e pedagógicas. Neste trabalho foram criados alguns modelos de dados recorrendo à técnica de Data Mining de classificação, abordando diferentes algoritmos. Os resultados obtidos permitirão definir novas regras de adaptação e padrões de comportamento dos alunos, poderá melhorar o processo de aprendizagem disponível num SHAE.


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Trabalho de Projeto realizado para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Informática e de Computadores


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Dissertação apresentada na Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Engenharia Electrotécnica e de Computadores


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This paper discusses the results of applied research on the eco-driving domain based on a huge data set produced from a fleet of Lisbon's public transportation buses for a three-year period. This data set is based on events automatically extracted from the control area network bus and enriched with GPS coordinates, weather conditions, and road information. We apply online analytical processing (OLAP) and knowledge discovery (KD) techniques to deal with the high volume of this data set and to determine the major factors that influence the average fuel consumption, and then classify the drivers involved according to their driving efficiency. Consequently, we identify the most appropriate driving practices and styles. Our findings show that introducing simple practices, such as optimal clutch, engine rotation, and engine running in idle, can reduce fuel consumption on average from 3 to 5l/100 km, meaning a saving of 30 l per bus on one day. These findings have been strongly considered in the drivers' training sessions.


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More than ever, there is an increase of the number of decision support methods and computer aided diagnostic systems applied to various areas of medicine. In breast cancer research, many works have been done in order to reduce false-positives when used as a double reading method. In this study, we aimed to present a set of data mining techniques that were applied to approach a decision support system in the area of breast cancer diagnosis. This method is geared to assist clinical practice in identifying mammographic findings such as microcalcifications, masses and even normal tissues, in order to avoid misdiagnosis. In this work a reliable database was used, with 410 images from about 115 patients, containing previous reviews performed by radiologists as microcalcifications, masses and also normal tissue findings. Throughout this work, two feature extraction techniques were used: the gray level co-occurrence matrix and the gray level run length matrix. For classification purposes, we considered various scenarios according to different distinct patterns of injuries and several classifiers in order to distinguish the best performance in each case described. The many classifiers used were Naïve Bayes, Support Vector Machines, k-nearest Neighbors and Decision Trees (J48 and Random Forests). The results in distinguishing mammographic findings revealed great percentages of PPV and very good accuracy values. Furthermore, it also presented other related results of classification of breast density and BI-RADS® scale. The best predictive method found for all tested groups was the Random Forest classifier, and the best performance has been achieved through the distinction of microcalcifications. The conclusions based on the several tested scenarios represent a new perspective in breast cancer diagnosis using data mining techniques.


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This paper consists in the characterization of medium voltage (MV) electric power consumers based on a data clustering approach. It is intended to identify typical load profiles by selecting the best partition of a power consumption database among a pool of data partitions produced by several clustering algorithms. The best partition is selected using several cluster validity indices. These methods are intended to be used in a smart grid environment to extract useful knowledge about customers’ behavior. The data-mining-based methodology presented throughout the paper consists in several steps, namely the pre-processing data phase, clustering algorithms application and the evaluation of the quality of the partitions. To validate our approach, a case study with a real database of 1.022 MV consumers was used.


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This paper presents an electricity medium voltage (MV) customer characterization framework supportedby knowledge discovery in database (KDD). The main idea is to identify typical load profiles (TLP) of MVconsumers and to develop a rule set for the automatic classification of new consumers. To achieve ourgoal a methodology is proposed consisting of several steps: data pre-processing; application of severalclustering algorithms to segment the daily load profiles; selection of the best partition, corresponding tothe best consumers’ segmentation, based on the assessments of several clustering validity indices; andfinally, a classification model is built based on the resulting clusters. To validate the proposed framework,a case study which includes a real database of MV consumers is performed.


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Worldwide electricity markets have been evolving into regional and even continental scales. The aim at an efficient use of renewable based generation in places where it exceeds the local needs is one of the main reasons. A reference case of this evolution is the European Electricity Market, where countries are connected, and several regional markets were created, each one grouping several countries, and supporting transactions of huge amounts of electrical energy. The continuous transformations electricity markets have been experiencing over the years create the need to use simulation platforms to support operators, regulators, and involved players for understanding and dealing with this complex environment. This paper focuses on demonstrating the advantage that real electricity markets data has for the creation of realistic simulation scenarios, which allow the study of the impacts and implications that electricity markets transformations will bring to the participant countries. A case study using MASCEM (Multi-Agent System for Competitive Electricity Markets) is presented, with a scenario based on real data, simulating the European Electricity Market environment, and comparing its performance when using several different market mechanisms.


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This paper presents the Realistic Scenarios Generator (RealScen), a tool that processes data from real electricity markets to generate realistic scenarios that enable the modeling of electricity market players’ characteristics and strategic behavior. The proposed tool provides significant advantages to the decision making process in an electricity market environment, especially when coupled with a multi-agent electricity markets simulator. The generation of realistic scenarios is performed using mechanisms for intelligent data analysis, which are based on artificial intelligence and data mining algorithms. These techniques allow the study of realistic scenarios, adapted to the existing markets, and improve the representation of market entities as software agents, enabling a detailed modeling of their profiles and strategies. This work contributes significantly to the understanding of the interactions between the entities acting in electricity markets by increasing the capability and realism of market simulations.


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A thesis submitted in partial fulfilment of the requirements for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy in Information Systems.


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Harnessing idle PCs CPU cycles, storage space and other resources of networked computers to collaborative are mainly fixated on for all major grid computing research projects. Most of the university computers labs are occupied with the high puissant desktop PC nowadays. It is plausible to notice that most of the time machines are lying idle or wasting their computing power without utilizing in felicitous ways. However, for intricate quandaries and for analyzing astronomically immense amounts of data, sizably voluminous computational resources are required. For such quandaries, one may run the analysis algorithms in very puissant and expensive computers, which reduces the number of users that can afford such data analysis tasks. Instead of utilizing single expensive machines, distributed computing systems, offers the possibility of utilizing a set of much less expensive machines to do the same task. BOINC and Condor projects have been prosperously utilized for solving authentic scientific research works around the world at a low cost. In this work the main goal is to explore both distributed computing to implement, Condor and BOINC, and utilize their potency to harness the ideal PCs resources for the academic researchers to utilize in their research work. In this thesis, Data mining tasks have been performed in implementation of several machine learning algorithms on the distributed computing environment.


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Dissertação apresentada como requisito parcial para obtenção do grau de Mestre em Estatística e Gestão de Informação