320 resultados para Remuneration


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In the National Health Service (NHS) in England and Wales an oversight body, the Audit Commission (AC), defines the scope of the external auditors’ work, appoints the auditors and has oversight of their fees and audit quality. This heavily regulated audit regime mitigates some of the deficiencies observed in high profile corporate failures. Independence, it has been argued, is influenced by the total auditor remuneration paid by the client. In this study we examine total auditor remuneration in a regulated market which seeks to ensure audit independence and audit quality. In particular we undertake rigorous analysis of auditor remuneration by the type of auditor: We place emphasis on the differentiation between private sector firms and the AC’s in-house auditors (District Audit). Individual private audit firms charge premiums (up to 16%) for particular audit work in identified locations, but no premiums were found when we examined total auditor remuneration. The regime appears to permit efficient operation of the audit market while safeguarding both audit independence and standards.


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This study examines the relationship between executive directors’ remuneration and the financial performance and corporate governance arrangements of the UK and Spanish listed firms. These countries’ corporate governance framework has been shaped by differences in legal origin, culture and backgrounds. For example, the UK legal arrangements can be defined as to be constituted in common-law, whereas for Spanish firms, the legal arrangement is based on civil law. We estimate both static and dynamic regression models to test our hypotheses and we estimate our regression using Ordinary Least Squares (OLS) and the Generalised Method of Moments (GMM). Estimated results for both countries show that directors’ remuneration levels are positively related with measures of firm value and financial performance. This means that remuneration levels do not lead to a point whereby firm value is reduced due to excessive remuneration. These results hold for our long-run estimates. That is, estimates based on panel cointegration and panel error correction. Measures of corporate governance also impacts on the level of executive pay. Our results have important implications for existing corporate governance arrangements and how the interests of stakeholders are protected. For example, long-run results suggest that directors’ remuneration adjusts in a way to capture variation in financial performance


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A cikkben a szerzők először áttekintik a cafeteria-rendszer legfontosabb jellemzőit (célját, tipikus „stakeholdereit” és HR-stratégiai kérdéseit). Ezt követően megvizsgálják, milyen átalakuláson ment át a béren kívüli juttatások rendszere 1996-tól – az első ilyen rendszerek magyarországi megjelenésétől – napjainkig. Áttekintik azt is, milyen mozgatórugók idézték elő a főbb változásokat, és ezekhez a piaci szereplők hogyan alkalmazkodtak. Szintén vizsgálják a 2012-re vonatkozó legfőbb változásokat, és ezek lehetséges kihatásait a cégek juttatási politikájára, valamint elmutatnak néhány alternatívát az új feltételek közötti lehetőségekre és kihívásokra. Empirikus felméréseik tükrében kitérnek arra is, hogy főleg a szervezeti méret és kisebb részben a tulajdonforma szignifikánsan befolyásolja a cafeteria-rendszerek alkalmazását. _________ The authors review firstly the most important features of the cafeteria system (goals, typical “stakeholders” and strategic HR issues). Then they examine the evolution of the system of flexible benefits since 1996, the first appearance of such systems in Hungary. Authors also analyze how the main drivers caused the changes, and how the key players of the cafeteria systems adapted to these movements. The reader also can find insights about the major changes for 2012 and about the potential impact of these changes on benefit policies of Hungarian firms. The contribution shows some alternative opportunities and challenges driven by different influencing factors. They also touch upon the light of empirical surveys, that the cafeteria systems are significantly influenced to a lesser extent by the form of ownership and to a bigger extent by the organizational size.


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This cross-sectional study investigates the influence of a company's remuneration structure on managers' opportunistic behaviour. The findings support the proposed hypothesis that a higher level of compliance with Remuneration Principle 8-ASX Corporate Governance Council) is associated with a lower level of earnings management. The findings support the efficient functioning of the ASX proposed remuneration structure. This cross-sectional study investigates the influence of remuneration structures on financial reporting quality, based on a sample of companies listed on the Australian Securities Exchange (ASX). Compliance with Remuneration Principle eight issued by ASX (providing recommendations on formation, operation and disclosure of remuneration committees) is expected to improve financial reporting quality represented by a decreased level of earnings management. This study expands the corporate governance literature by examining an under-researched mechanism to address the agency problem. Earnings management, as a consequence of the agency problem, is measured using the level of absolute discretionary accruals. In this study, we use the modified Jones model to measure the level of discretionary accruals and the existence of reduced earnings management. The study is conducted using a random sample of 214 firm-year observations selected from the ASX listed companies. Our findings show a higher level of compliance with the principle on remuneration is associated with lower levels of earnings management. The findings support the efficient functioning of the ASX-proposed remuneration structure in reducing earnings manipulations.


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 This thesis investigates the impact of remuneration committees on CEO remuneration, the narrative voluntary disclosure of remuneration information and its attribution. Results show the existence and quality of a remuneration committee play an important roles in relation to CEO remuneration and in relation to remuneration narrative disclosures and attribution.


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This paper investigates the impact of the effectiveness of remuneration committees on narrative voluntary disclosure of information on remuneration. We develop a composite measure as a proxy for remuneration committee effectiveness by incorporating remuneration committee size, remuneration committee independence, remuneration committee chairman’s independence, expertise and diligence. We find that both the existence and quality of a remuneration committee play a significant role in the decision to provide voluntary disclosure of remuneration actions and in the extent of this disclosure. Further analysis suggests that remuneration committee independence and diligence enhance the quality of remuneration committees. The results have policy implications for remuneration committees as an effective corporate governance mechanism.