79 resultados para Regret.
In this text, the author describes the characteristics of their professional and personal relationship with Dr. Carmen Chamizo Vega and expresses regret for her loss.
REACH is a very demanding system for any business either large or small, yet right from the start one of the more serious concerns was whether and how SMEs could cope with the Regulation. After all, some 27,600 companies in EU chemistry are SMEs (95% of all firms). Seven years down the line, many of these fears are materialising. Assuming no significant changes are introduced to REACH, this paper suggests the following recommendations: Above all, we strongly encourage SMEs to start early and develop a strategy for REACH compliance well before 2018. Address the potential competition law implications of current SIEF arrangements, e.g. through a Guidance document from DG Competition by 2014 (in time for 2018) Facilitate the exchange of information along the value chain by adopting pragmatic approach to the content and format of Safety Data Sheets. More can be done on the IT front as well, for instance by developing tools that generate compliant Safety Data Sheets. Improve the communication of REACH and its intended goals, that is, the health and environmental benefits, to the wider public. SMEs regret the unawareness of the public in the light of the enormous efforts they have to undertake. In the event of a later review of REACH, the logic should be risk-based rather than hazard-based.
The adoption of the Paris Agreement at the end of 2015 and the EU’s intended nationally determined contribution (INDC) have confirmed the EU’s commitment to achieve decarbonisation by 2050. Transport accounts for about a quarter of EU greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions, representing the second-largest source of GHG emissions in Europe after the energy sector. The transport sector will play a significant role in the EU’s efforts to decarbonise its economy in line with its international commitments. The purpose of this report is to examine different EU policy options to address transport emissions, with a special emphasis on passenger cars. It ‘thinks through’ the options that are currently assessed in the EU and considers how they could be put together in a comprehensive framework. The report concludes with a number of measures to lead EU transport decarbonisation policy. A distinction is made between i) no-regret options and ii) measures for consideration.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
The relationship between theory and practice has been discussed in the social sciences for generations. Academics from management and organization studies regularly lament the divide between theory and practice. They regret the insufficient academic knowledge of managerial problems and their solutions, and criticize the scholarly production of theories that are not relevant for organizational practice (Hambrick 1994). Despite the prevalence of this topic in academic discourse, we do not know much about what kind of academic knowledge would be useful to practice, how it would be produced and how the transfer of knowledge between theory and practice actually works. In short, we do not know how we can make academic work more relevant for practice or even whether this would be desirable. In this introduction to the Special Issue, we apply philosophical, theoretical and empirical perspectives to examine the challenges of studying the generation and use of academic knowledge. We then briefly describe the contribution of the seven papers that were selected for this Special Issue. Finally, we discuss issues that still need to be addressed, and make some proposals for future avenues of research.
Aims: To assess the effectiveness of a digital-story intervention (short videos made by young people) seeking to reduce the prevalence of young people's binge drinking in Caerphilly. Method: A quasi-experimental design was adopted with three intervention sites and one control site providing the sample (mainly aged 1415 years). Three rounds of self-completion questionnaires, completed prior (T1), immediately after (T2) and 6 months after the intervention (T3). Findings: A total of 1031 questionnaires completed across the three time-points. Two-factor ANOVAs revealed a positive effect on knowledge for the intervention sample. The intervention group results showed stable attitudes towards drinking at the three time-points whilst the control group showed increasing positive attitudes towards drunkenness over the same time period. Intentions towards drunkenness were higher in the control group than the intervention group at T2 (ControlT1 Mean 3.37, T2 Mean 3.90; interventionT1 Mean 3.26, T2 Mean 3.29). Intervention participants got drunk on fewer occasions in the last week (mean occasions last week 1.57) compared to control participants (mean occasions last week 2.00), with the difference approaching statistical significance (F 1.90, p 0.07). Conclusions: Promoting negative attitudes towards drunkenness, alongside a greater sense of control and potential regret about drunkenness are likely to be important factors when considering how to change people's intentions to drink. The study shows the potential to reduce the frequency of drinking behaviour when intentions are changed, and provides recommendations for future interventions of this nature. © 2010 Informa UK Ltd.
Cervical cancer is the second most common female cancer worldwide. Cervical screening programmes can reduce the incidence of cervical cancer by up to 80 percent if the invited women participate. Previous Irish research has associated screening attendance with subjective norms, anticipated regret, higher socio-economic status and education. Greater perceived screening barriers and lacking knowledge were associated with avoidance. These findings support a variety of expectancy-value theories of behaviour. They also suggest that expectancy-value theories could benefit from the inclusion of affective predictors of behaviour, like anticipated regret. In 2008 the Republic of Ireland introduced the National Cervical Screening Programme (NCSP). This research seeks to identify the predictors of participation in the NCSP. A systematic review of reviews showed that predictors of screening participation clustered into environmental and psychological influences. There is a gap in the evidence synthesis of associations with personal characteristics and health beliefs. Thematic analysis of focus group interviews confirmed the validity of many screening predictors identified by the systematic review and expectancy-value theories. A survey of these predictors suggested that reduced screening barriers might encourage first-time participation, while regular attendance requires greater endorsement of screening benefits and stronger subjective norm and intention. Positive attitude, rather than knowledge, appeared to be crucial for strong intention, so the final study piloted an experiment comparing the utility of positive attitude in strengthening intention to the utility of information provision. Despite lacking significant differences between conditions, content analysis of participant comments suggested that a full trial would be worthwhile, given purposive sampling and improved sample retention. These findings agree with previous Irish research on the importance of screening intention, although its association with attitude appeared to be stronger in the present research. The findings further indicate that future screening promotion should consider interventions based on patients’ experiences of screening.
People go through their life making all kinds of decisions, and some of these decisions affect their demand for transportation, for example, their choices of where to live and where to work, how and when to travel and which route to take. Transport related choices are typically time dependent and characterized by large number of alternatives that can be spatially correlated. This thesis deals with models that can be used to analyze and predict discrete choices in large-scale networks. The proposed models and methods are highly relevant for, but not limited to, transport applications. We model decisions as sequences of choices within the dynamic discrete choice framework, also known as parametric Markov decision processes. Such models are known to be difficult to estimate and to apply to make predictions because dynamic programming problems need to be solved in order to compute choice probabilities. In this thesis we show that it is possible to explore the network structure and the flexibility of dynamic programming so that the dynamic discrete choice modeling approach is not only useful to model time dependent choices, but also makes it easier to model large-scale static choices. The thesis consists of seven articles containing a number of models and methods for estimating, applying and testing large-scale discrete choice models. In the following we group the contributions under three themes: route choice modeling, large-scale multivariate extreme value (MEV) model estimation and nonlinear optimization algorithms. Five articles are related to route choice modeling. We propose different dynamic discrete choice models that allow paths to be correlated based on the MEV and mixed logit models. The resulting route choice models become expensive to estimate and we deal with this challenge by proposing innovative methods that allow to reduce the estimation cost. For example, we propose a decomposition method that not only opens up for possibility of mixing, but also speeds up the estimation for simple logit models, which has implications also for traffic simulation. Moreover, we compare the utility maximization and regret minimization decision rules, and we propose a misspecification test for logit-based route choice models. The second theme is related to the estimation of static discrete choice models with large choice sets. We establish that a class of MEV models can be reformulated as dynamic discrete choice models on the networks of correlation structures. These dynamic models can then be estimated quickly using dynamic programming techniques and an efficient nonlinear optimization algorithm. Finally, the third theme focuses on structured quasi-Newton techniques for estimating discrete choice models by maximum likelihood. We examine and adapt switching methods that can be easily integrated into usual optimization algorithms (line search and trust region) to accelerate the estimation process. The proposed dynamic discrete choice models and estimation methods can be used in various discrete choice applications. In the area of big data analytics, models that can deal with large choice sets and sequential choices are important. Our research can therefore be of interest in various demand analysis applications (predictive analytics) or can be integrated with optimization models (prescriptive analytics). Furthermore, our studies indicate the potential of dynamic programming techniques in this context, even for static models, which opens up a variety of future research directions.
Crisis communication is a widely treated field. There are lot of works and guides which provide helpful information in order to face crisis situations successfully (Alcat, 2005, Benoit, 1997) and articles about case studies (Nespereira, 2014, Blaney y Benoit 2001). Nonetheless, most of times, these guides are focused on business or corporations (Abeler, 2010) and there are not such information about crisis communications in politics (Gaspar e Ibeas, 2015). The field is smaller if we speak about forgiveness as restoration image tool in politics (Harris 2006). Despite all, we live in “forgiveness era” as Krauze said (1998) where people demand to politicians to apologize when they have mistakes (Harris et al. 2006:716). So, we will try to make an approach to forgiveness in politics as a image restoration tool and analyze its capabilities in order to face crisis management.
Thesis (Master's)--University of Washington, 2016-06
Qui n'a jamais demandé à un jeune enfant: "Que feras-tu lorsque tu seras grand?", ou encore à une personne nouvellement rencontrée: "Que faites-vous dans la vie"? Faire quelque chose c'est travailler, avoir un métier, exercer une profession. Toute la jeunesse est axée sur l'éventualité d'un travail. L'âge adulte est "destiné" à s'acquitter, au sein de la société, à un rôle utile qui sera, nous l'espérons tous, valorisant. "Le travail c'est la santé!", comme le dit l'adage. Alors pourquoi ne pas faire quelque chose de beau, de grandiose? Au début de la vie de travail tous les espoirs sont permis. Quoi qu'il en soit, la vision sociale favorise tout de même les activités qui seront empreintes de productivité, d'utilité, de rapidité, etc. En fait, toute la vie est construite vers un devenir de travailleuse et de travailleur à part entière. Alors qu'advient-il lorsque nous nous retirons de la vie de travail? Que se produit-il lorsque la santé, l'esprit, la perte de motivations et d'intérêts et même la société font en sorte que la personne est classée "inapte à travailler''. Mais attention, l'utilisation du terme "inaptitude" ne signifie pas que la personne a perdu tous ses moyens, malgré que cela peut être le cas, mais plutôt qu'il est temps de se retirer, de laisser sa place "aux plus jeunes". La joie, la peine, l'euphorie, le désespoir sont autant d'émotions paradoxales que l'individu à la retraite peut ressentir. La vie de travail, presqu'adulée auparavant, est dès lors perçue soit avec du regret ou encore avec une libération de contraintes. La personne peut transposer son nouvel état comme à une rédemption ou, paradoxalement, comme un gouffre qui s'ouvre sous ses pieds. Dans un cas comme dans l'autre, cette dernière se retrouve trop souvent devant un fait accompli et elle ne sait trop comment "organiser'' son espace et son temps. Dès lors, comment compléter la transition du monde du travail vers celui de la retraite? Nous voulons par cet essai, bien modestement nous l'avouons, répondre à cette question. Comme professionnelle de l'orientation nous sommes sensible à la qualité de vie au travail de la personne. Cependant, nous ne croyons pas qu'il est possible de dissocier la vie professionnelle d'une personne de sa vie personnelle. Alors donc, nous sommes convaincue que les professionnelles et professionnels de l'orientation se doivent de lier les diverses facettes de la vie de leurs clientes et clients. Ceci s'avère encore plus vraisemblable lorsque l'objet de nos intérêts se portent sur le départ du monde du travail, c'est-à-dire la transition entre le travail et la retraite. C'est donc suite à de nombreuses lectures et de nombreux questionnements que nous suggérons un cheminement lors de cette transition. Tout d'abord nous examinons la vision sociale portée sur la retraite et comment cette dernière influence la vie pendant cette transition. Par la suite, nous établirons la problématique inhérente à cette traversée. Problématique pouvant paraître simple à première vue, mais qui est en fait un enchevêtrement de sentiments, d'émotions, de désirs et de buts individualisés permettant des regroupements certes, dans laquelle persiste une complexité issue de sa propre nature. Troisièmement, diverses théories du développement psychologique, psychosocial et vocationnel seront résumées pour nous permettre d'établir les assises de notre vision de la transition travail-retraite. Cette spécification rend possible l'établissement de la perception théorique de la vieillesse et du vieillissement et supporte les pensées pour éviter qu'elles ne deviennent que des idéologies. Les théories décrites nous amènent à en retenir une, celle de Bridges (1980), qui introduit les notions de deuil, de bilan et de projet. En effet, les périodes d'achèvement, de zone neutre et de commencement ou création sont, à notre avis, le coeur d'une transition comme celle de la retraite. Nous élaborerons plus longuement sur l'implication de ces phases pendant la transition et du rôle pour les conseillères et conseillers d'orientation, pour finalement présenter un programme préliminaire, servant d'assise à un programme de formation. Nous croyons que l'établissement des objectifs, du format, des séquences d'apprentissage, du matériel pédagogique, des méthodes et des stratégies d'évaluation peut être grandement utile pour toutes professionnelles ou pour tous professionnels désirant construire une situation éducative favorisant le passage du monde complexe du travail vers celui, souvent encore plus complexe, de la retraite.
In the past decade, systems that extract information from millions of Internet documents have become commonplace. Knowledge graphs -- structured knowledge bases that describe entities, their attributes and the relationships between them -- are a powerful tool for understanding and organizing this vast amount of information. However, a significant obstacle to knowledge graph construction is the unreliability of the extracted information, due to noise and ambiguity in the underlying data or errors made by the extraction system and the complexity of reasoning about the dependencies between these noisy extractions. My dissertation addresses these challenges by exploiting the interdependencies between facts to improve the quality of the knowledge graph in a scalable framework. I introduce a new approach called knowledge graph identification (KGI), which resolves the entities, attributes and relationships in the knowledge graph by incorporating uncertain extractions from multiple sources, entity co-references, and ontological constraints. I define a probability distribution over possible knowledge graphs and infer the most probable knowledge graph using a combination of probabilistic and logical reasoning. Such probabilistic models are frequently dismissed due to scalability concerns, but my implementation of KGI maintains tractable performance on large problems through the use of hinge-loss Markov random fields, which have a convex inference objective. This allows the inference of large knowledge graphs using 4M facts and 20M ground constraints in 2 hours. To further scale the solution, I develop a distributed approach to the KGI problem which runs in parallel across multiple machines, reducing inference time by 90%. Finally, I extend my model to the streaming setting, where a knowledge graph is continuously updated by incorporating newly extracted facts. I devise a general approach for approximately updating inference in convex probabilistic models, and quantify the approximation error by defining and bounding inference regret for online models. Together, my work retains the attractive features of probabilistic models while providing the scalability necessary for large-scale knowledge graph construction. These models have been applied on a number of real-world knowledge graph projects, including the NELL project at Carnegie Mellon and the Google Knowledge Graph.
The area of Notting Hill in west London has been subject to much media coverage in recent years, which, along with substantial gentrification, has given rise to an image of the area as the epitome of fashionable London. This study investigates the views of those marginal to gentrification and mediated representation on their feelings about the local area, its image and their changing neighbourhoods. Many participants in the research resented some of the more recent changes in Notting Hill and the area's representation in the media. However, in contrast to expectations, most of the more working-class respondents involved in the research did not articulate much emotional attachment to the area. They were more concerned with what might be termed the material aspects of life in Notting Hill: convenience, facilities, safety and so on. In contrast, the more middle-class respondents frequently spoke of their regret of the changes to the area, such as the loss of independent shops, and the reduction in diversity. Paradoxically, the loss of working-class landscapes seems a relatively middle-class worry. The symbolically important landscapes described by working-class respondents were related to more immediate, material issues, in which gentrification was only a relatively minor concern. The definitive version is available at www.blackwell-synergy.com
People go through their life making all kinds of decisions, and some of these decisions affect their demand for transportation, for example, their choices of where to live and where to work, how and when to travel and which route to take. Transport related choices are typically time dependent and characterized by large number of alternatives that can be spatially correlated. This thesis deals with models that can be used to analyze and predict discrete choices in large-scale networks. The proposed models and methods are highly relevant for, but not limited to, transport applications. We model decisions as sequences of choices within the dynamic discrete choice framework, also known as parametric Markov decision processes. Such models are known to be difficult to estimate and to apply to make predictions because dynamic programming problems need to be solved in order to compute choice probabilities. In this thesis we show that it is possible to explore the network structure and the flexibility of dynamic programming so that the dynamic discrete choice modeling approach is not only useful to model time dependent choices, but also makes it easier to model large-scale static choices. The thesis consists of seven articles containing a number of models and methods for estimating, applying and testing large-scale discrete choice models. In the following we group the contributions under three themes: route choice modeling, large-scale multivariate extreme value (MEV) model estimation and nonlinear optimization algorithms. Five articles are related to route choice modeling. We propose different dynamic discrete choice models that allow paths to be correlated based on the MEV and mixed logit models. The resulting route choice models become expensive to estimate and we deal with this challenge by proposing innovative methods that allow to reduce the estimation cost. For example, we propose a decomposition method that not only opens up for possibility of mixing, but also speeds up the estimation for simple logit models, which has implications also for traffic simulation. Moreover, we compare the utility maximization and regret minimization decision rules, and we propose a misspecification test for logit-based route choice models. The second theme is related to the estimation of static discrete choice models with large choice sets. We establish that a class of MEV models can be reformulated as dynamic discrete choice models on the networks of correlation structures. These dynamic models can then be estimated quickly using dynamic programming techniques and an efficient nonlinear optimization algorithm. Finally, the third theme focuses on structured quasi-Newton techniques for estimating discrete choice models by maximum likelihood. We examine and adapt switching methods that can be easily integrated into usual optimization algorithms (line search and trust region) to accelerate the estimation process. The proposed dynamic discrete choice models and estimation methods can be used in various discrete choice applications. In the area of big data analytics, models that can deal with large choice sets and sequential choices are important. Our research can therefore be of interest in various demand analysis applications (predictive analytics) or can be integrated with optimization models (prescriptive analytics). Furthermore, our studies indicate the potential of dynamic programming techniques in this context, even for static models, which opens up a variety of future research directions.
O desenvolvimento da sociedade nos últimos anos contribuiu para um desenvolvimento das condições de vida e dos cuidados de saúde, levando a um aumento da esperança média de vida, e permitindo assim alterações demográficas de entre as quais se destacam o envelhecimento. Este facto provoca alterações profundas a vários níveis, entre os quais económicos, sociais, familiares e de saúde. Numa época em que o progresso científico e o desenvolvimento tecnológico têm proporcionado importantes avanços a todos os níveis, paralelamente têm emergido novas ameaças à saúde de todos nós. O cenário atual em que vivemos não é fácil, os recursos são cada vez mais escassos e as disparidades socioeconómicas começam a acentuar-se. O envelhecimento é um tema que tem suscitado interesse no meio político, social, económico e académico, e há um reconhecimento de que o seu processo pode ser mais ou menos complexo, com mais ou menos pesar para os que o experienciam na primeira pessoa, mas também para aqueles que de perto vivem este fenómeno. Apesar de estar disponível muita informação sobre este assunto, acreditamos que nunca é demais abordar e estudar esta problemática. A sua persistência e aumento significativo, previsivelmente duradouro, merecem todas as soluções, propostas e intervenções que possam ir ao encontro destas necessidades, para que assim, possam ser colmatadas ou minimizadas. Tendo em conta estas premissas, o estágio de intervenção comunitária decorreu no período de 16 de Setembro de 2013 a 31 de Janeiro de 2014, na Freguesia de Tramaga, sendo a população alvo os idosos com 65 ou mais anos. A intervenção comunitária foi desenvolvida com base no planeamento em saúde, mas no âmbito da promoção da saúde todas as atividades foram baseadas na Teoria de Organização Comunitária, uma vez que no decurso das atividades desenvolvidas, o principal objetivo passou pela capacitação dos idosos, incentivando ao empowerment. Enquanto profissionais de saúde, o propósito da intervenção comunitária passou pela transmissão de conhecimentos e sensibilização aos idosos, para que estes possam participar de maneira informada e consciente na tomada de decisão relativamente à sua saúde. O objetivo final será a sensibilização positiva para a mudança de comportamentos, traduzindo ganhos em saúde, ainda que a longo prazo. Este estágio de intervenção comunitária permitiu-nos adquirir a maioria das competências gerais do Enfermeiro Especialista, bem como as competências específicas do Enfermeiro Especialista em Enfermagem Comunitária e de Saúde Pública definidas pela Ordem dos Enfermeiros.