930 resultados para Reflex Modification
O presente texto procura focalizar mais especificamente a quest??o dos modelos organizacionais adotados pelas empresas p??blicas de processamento de dados, e sua poss??vel reestrutura????o para fazer frente ??s novas necessidades de seus usu??rios, em meio a mudan??as profundas nas plataformas tecnol??gicas tradicionalmente adotadas. A inten????o ?? contribuir para que o debate iniciado tenha prosseguimento, pela relev??ncia desse tema para a reforma do aparelho estatal ora em andamento no pa??s, tanto em n??vel federal quanto no ??mbito de Estados e munic??pios
A ENAP Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica, com o apoio do Minist??rio do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o, da Ag??ncia Brasileira de Coopera????o do Minist??rio das Rela????es Exteriores, do Centro Latino-americano de Administra????o para o Desenvolvimento (Clad) e da Caixa Econ??mica Federal, construiu uma s??rie de atividades de aprendizagem direcionadas a dirigentes e t??cnicos que atuam nas ??reas de planejamento estrat??gico e avalia????o de programas. Esses eventos de aprendizagem permitiram uma intensa troca de experi??ncias entre os 60 dirigentes e t??cnicos representantes de organismos governamentais de 16 pa??ses ibero-americanos ??? Argentina, Bol??via, Brasil, Chile, Col??mbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, M??xico, Panam??, Paraguai, Peru, Portugal, Rep??blica Dominicana, Uruguai e Venezuela. A consolida????o desse per??odo de rica troca de experi??ncias est?? retratada nesta publica????o, que mostra o avan??o na constru????o de um conhecimento coletivo referente a desafios contempor??neos de nossos governos nas ??reas de planejamento e de avalia????o de programas sociais
A ENAP Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica, com o apoio do Minist??rio do Planejamento, Or??amento e Gest??o, da Ag??ncia Brasileira de Coopera????o do Minist??rio das Rela????es Exteriores, do Centro Latino-americano de Administra????o para o Desenvolvimento (Clad) e da Caixa Econ??mica Federal, construiu uma s??rie de atividades de aprendizagem direcionadas a dirigentes e t??cnicos que atuam nas ??reas de planejamento estrat??gico e avalia????o de programas. Esses eventos de aprendizagem permitiram uma intensa troca de experi??ncias entre os 60 dirigentes e t??cnicos representantes de organismos governamentais de 16 pa??ses ibero-americanos ??? Argentina, Bol??via, Brasil, Chile, Col??mbia, Costa Rica, El Salvador, Guatemala, M??xico, Panam??, Paraguai, Peru, Portugal, Rep??blica Dominicana, Uruguai e Venezuela. A consolida????o desse per??odo de rica troca de experi??ncias est?? retratada nesta publica????o, que mostra o avan??o na constru????o de um conhecimento coletivo referente a desafios contempor??neos de nossos governos nas ??reas de planejamento e de avalia????o de programas sociais
No Brasil, a Constitui????o de 1988 institucionalizou a participa????o social em conselhos a serem compostos por representantes de diferentes setores da sociedade, do Estado e, em alguns casos, dos trabalhadores. A partir dos anos 2000, a realiza????o de confer??ncias passou a ser disseminada como mais uma forma de participa????o, que auxilia no mapeamento das demandas e na constru????o de consensos entre os movimentos sociais nos momentos que antecedem a formula????o de pol??ticas pelo poder executivo. Seja qual for a forma de participa????o social institucionalizada, regras e procedimentos regulamentados pelo Estado regem as intera????es com a Sociedade. Esse ensaio se dedica a problematizar a efetividade dos espa??os e mecanismos do ponto de vista do processamento de pol??ticas p??blicas dentro do aparato burocr??tico a partir de conceitos derivados das teorias de complexidade, participa????o e burocracia com a inten????o de contribuir para o debate sobre o aperfei??oamento desse campo
A Escola Nacional de Administra????o P??blica (Enap) lan??a a edi????o n?? 38 dos Cadernos Enap, intitulada ???Inova????o no setor p??blico: uma reflex??o a partir das experi??ncias premiadas no Concurso Inova????o na Gest??o P??blica Federal???. A publica????o ?? uma parceria da Escola com o Centro de Estudos Avan??ados de Governo e Administra????o P??blica (Ceag) da Faculdade de Economia, Administra????o e Contabilidade (Face) da Universidade de Bras??lia (UnB). Os autores investigam os fatores relevantes que possam explicar o dinamismo da inova????o no setor p??blico, tomando, como referencial anal??tico, as 98 iniciativas premiadas pelo Concurso Inova????o, no per??odo de 2004 (9?? Edi????o) a 2012 (17?? Edi????o). O estudo desenvolveu metodologia espec??fica para compreens??o do conjunto de iniciativas premiadas pelo Concurso, o que resultou na classifica????o das inova????es reunidas no formato de uma proposta de Matriz Inovativa. Essa Matriz representa a distribui????o das iniciativas analisadas quanto aos crit??rios de ambiente para o qual estiveram voltadas, ao tipo de inova????o que essa representa e ?? capilaridade ou p??blico beneficiado pela inova????o. S??o destacados, ainda, os fatores de sucesso apontados pelos pr??prios gestores como fatores cr??ticos para a inova????o, e se as iniciativas est??o ativas ou inativas. O trabalho est?? dividido em quatro etapas. A primeira concentra um esfor??o te??rico a fim de caracterizar o que vem a ser inova????o no setor p??blico. Em um segundo momento, ?? apresentada a metodologia desenvolvida, com informa????es sobre a tipologia e a classifica????o para a inova????o no setor p??blico. A terceira etapa trata da pesquisa sobre inova????o no setor p??blico a partir da coleta de dados dos relatos das a????es premiadas no Concurso Inova????o. Finalmente, na ??ltima etapa s??o apresentados os resultados da pesquisa.
O presente ensaio traz ?? discuss??o a gest??o por compet??ncias como atributo elementar para o desempenho organizacional, considerando o impacto que altera????es sociais e econ??micas t??m no trabalho. O objetivo deste ?? contribuir para reflex??es por parte de gestores, colaboradores e pesquisadores sobre a gest??o por compet??ncias enquanto parte de uma gest??o estrat??gica de pessoas, com uma vis??o mais abrangente. Para tanto, fez-se uma revis??o bibliogr??fica que evidenciou a import??ncia da gest??o por compet??ncias no desempenho organizacional e na gest??o estrat??gica de pessoas. O estudo aponta que o caminho ainda ?? vasto e impreciso nas empresas p??blicas pela complexidade cultural e pol??tica envolvida. O sucesso no desenvolvimento da gest??o por compet??ncias (individual e organizacional) est?? em reconhecer que, por ser uma abordagem com foco nas pessoas, se trata de um processo evolucion??rio com eventos planejados e espont??neos que visam transformar comportamentos e atitudes, o que leva tempo e exige paci??ncia ao longo das a????es organizacionais do dia a dia.
The maintenance of arterial pressure at levels adequate to perfuse the tissues is a basic requirement for the constancy of the internal environment and survival. The objective of the present review was to provide information about the basic reflex mechanisms that are responsible for the moment-to-moment regulation of the cardiovascular system. We demonstrate that this control is largely provided by the action of arterial and non-arterial reflexes that detect and correct changes in arterial pressure (baroreflex), blood volume or chemical composition (mechano- and chemosensitive cardiopulmonary reflexes), and changes in blood-gas composition (chemoreceptor reflex). The importance of the integration of these cardiovascular reflexes is well understood and it is clear that processing mainly occurs in the nucleus tractus solitarii, although the mechanism is poorly understood. There are several indications that the interactions of baroreflex, chemoreflex and Bezold-Jarisch reflex inputs, and the central nervous system control the activity of autonomic preganglionic neurons through parallel afferent and efferent pathways to achieve cardiovascular homeostasis. It is surprising that so little appears in the literature about the integration of these neural reflexes in cardiovascular function. Thus, our purpose was to review the interplay between peripheral neural reflex mechanisms of arterial blood pressure and blood volume regulation in physiological and pathophysiological states. Special emphasis is placed on the experimental model of arterial hypertension induced by N-nitro-L-arginine methyl ester (L-NAME) in which the interplay of these three reflexes is demonstrable.
The effect of several desilication experimental parameters (base concentration, temperature and time) on the characteristics of MOR zeolite was studied. The samples were characterized by X-ray diffraction, Al-27 and Si-29 MAS-NMR, chemical analysis, and FTIR (framework vibration region). The textural characterization was made by N-2 adsorption and the acidity was evaluated by pyridine adsorption followed by FTIR and by the catalytic model reaction of n-heptane cracking. The alkaline treatments promoted the Si extraction from the zeolite framework, without considerable loss of crystallinity and, as it was envisaged, an important increase of the mesoporous structure was attained. A linear correlation between the number of framework Si per unit cell. N-Si and the asymmetric stretching wavenumber, nu(i), was observed. The acidity characterization shows that the desilicated samples exhibit practically the same acid properties than the parent HMOR zeolite. The optimum desilication conditions were those used to obtain sample M/0.2/85/2, i.e., sample treated with 0.2 M NaOH solution at 85 degrees C for 2 h.
TiO2 nanorod films have been deposited on ITO substrates by dc reactive magnetron sputtering technique. The structures of these nanorod films were modified by the variation of the oxygen pressure during the sputtering process. Although all these TiO2 nanorod films deposited at different oxygen pressures show an anatase structure, the orientation of the nanorod films varies with the oxygen pressure. Only a very weak (101) diffraction peak can be observed for the TiO2 nanorod film prepared at low oxygen pressure. However, as the oxygen pressure is increased, the (220) diffraction peak appears and the intensity of this diffraction peak is increased with the oxygen pressure. The results of the SEM show that these TiO2 nanorods are perpendicular to the ITO substrate. At low oxygen pressure, these sputtered TiO2 nanorods stick together and have a dense structure. As the oxygen pressure is increased, these sputtered TiO2 nanorods get separated gradually and have a porous structure. The optical transmittance of these TiO2 nanorod films has been measured and then fitted by OJL model. The porosities of the TiO2 nanorod films have been calculated. The TiO2 nanorod film prepared at high oxygen pressure shows a high porosity. The dye-sensitized solar cells (DSSCs) have been assembled using these TiO2 nanorod films prepared at different oxygen pressures as photoelectrode. The optimum performance was achieved for the DSSC using the TiO2 nanorod film with the highest (220) diffraction peak and the highest porosity.
Human term placental villi cultured ''in vitro" were maintained with bloodstream forms of Trypanosoma cruzi during various periods of time. Two different concentrations of the parasite were employed. Controls contained no T. cruzi. The alkaline phosphatase activity was determined in placental villi by electron microscopy and its specific activity in the culture medium by biochemical methods. Results showed that the hemoflagellate produces a significant decrease in enzyme activity as shown by both ultracytochemical and specific activity studies and this activity was lower in cultures with high doses of parasites. The above results indicate that the reduction in enzyme activity coincides with the time of penetration and proliferation of T. cruzi in mammalian cells. These changes may represent an interaction between human trophoblast and T. cruzi.
The impact of metals (Cd, Cr, Cu and Zn) on growth, cell volume and cell division of the freshwateralga Pseudokirchneriella subcapitata exposed over a period of 72 h was investigated. The algal cells wereexposed to three nominal concentrations of each metal: low (closed to 72 h-EC10values), intermediate(closed to 72 h-EC50values) and high (upper than 72 h-EC90values). The exposure to low metal concen-trations resulted in a decrease of cell volume. On the contrary, for the highest metal concentrations anincrease of cell volume was observed; this effect was particularly notorious for Cd and less pronouncedfor Zn. Two behaviours were found when algal cells were exposed to intermediate concentrations ofmetals: Cu(II) and Cr(VI) induced a reduction of cell volume, while Cd(II) and Zn(II) provoked an oppositeeffect. The simultaneous nucleus staining and cell image analysis, allowed distinguishing three phases inP. subcapitata cell cycle: growth of mother cell; cell division, which includes two divisions of the nucleus;and, release of four autospores. The exposure of P. subcapitata cells to the highest metal concentrationsresulted in the arrest of cell growth before the first nucleus division [for Cr(VI) and Cu(II)] or after thesecond nucleus division but before the cytokinesis (release of autospores) when exposed to Cd(II). Thedifferent impact of metals on algal cell volume and cell-cycle progression, suggests that different toxic-ity mechanisms underlie the action of different metals studied. The simultaneous nucleus staining andcell image analysis, used in the present work, can be a useful tool in the analysis of the toxicity of thepollutants, in P. subcapitata, and help in the elucidation of their different modes of action.
Dissertação apresentada à Faculdade de Ciências e Tecnologia da Universidade Nova de Lisboa para a obtenção do grau de Mestre em Bioenergia
A modification of the indirect fluorescence test (IFT) for serological diagnosis of Paracoccidioidomycosis is described in which formolized budding forms (yeast cells) of the fungus Paracoccidioides brasiliensis are used as antigen. A further modification introduced is a less eiaborate technical procedure of the test without lowering the sensitivity of the reaction. The test may be considered as adequateiy accurate and easy to perform in any laboratory with immunofluorescence facilities.
Periodic drought is the primary limitation of plant growth and crop yield. The rise of water demand caused by the increase in world population and climate change, leads to one of the biggest challenges of modern agriculture: to increase food and feed production. De novo DNA methylation is a process regulated by small interfering RNA (siRNAs), which play a role in plant response and adaptation to abiotic stress. In the particular case of water deficit, growing evidences suggest a link between the siRNA pathways and drought response in the model legume Medicago truncatula. As a first step to understand the role of DNA methylation under water stress, we have set up several bioinformatics and molecular methodologies allowing the design of Clustered regularly interspaced short palindromic repeats (CRISPR)/Cas9 systems and the assembly of TALENs (transcription activator-like effector nucleases), to target both dicer-like 3 (MtDCL3) and RNA-Dependent RNA polymerase (MtRDR2), enzymes of the RNA-directed DNA methylation pathway. TALENs efficiency was evaluated prior to plant transformation by a yeast-based assay using two different strategies to test TALENs activity: Polyacrylamide gel electrophoresis (PAGE) and Single strand conformation polymorphisms (SSCP). In this assay, yeast cells triple transformation emerged as good and rapid alternative to laborious yeast mating strategies. PAGE analysis might be a valuable tool to test TALENs efficacy in vivo if we could increase TALENs activity. SSCP-based approach proved to be ineffective due to the generation of several false positives. TALENs and CRISPR/Cas9 system constructed and designed in this work will in the future certainly enable the successful disruption of DCL3 and RDR2 genes and shed the light on the relationship between plant stress resistance and epigenetic regulation mediated by siRNAs in M.truncatula.