962 resultados para Realistic fire time-temperature curves


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Using poly(styrene-co-maleic anhydride) as a backbone and poly(ethylene glycol) methyl ether (PEGME) with different molecular weights as side chains, three comb-like polymers and their Li salt complexes were synthesized. The dynamic mechanical properties and conductivities were investigated. Results showed that the polymer electrolytes possess two glass transitions: alpha -transition and beta -transition, and the temperature dependence of the ionic conductivity shows WLF (Williams-Landel-Ferry) behavior. Based on the time-temperature equivalence principle, a master curve was constructed by selecting T-beta as reference temperature. The values of the WLF parameters (C-1 and C-2) were obtained and were found to be almost independent of the length of the PEGME side chain and the content of Li salt. By reference to T-0 = 50 degreesC. the relation between log tau (c) and c was found to be linear. The master curves are displaced progressively to higher frequencies as the molecular weight of the side chain is increased. The relation between log tau (n) and the molecular weight of the side chain is also linear. (C) 2001 Elsevier Science B.V. All rights reserved.


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According to stress relaxation curves of phenolphthalein polyether ketone (PEK-C) at different temperatures and the principle of the time-temperature equivalence, the master curve of PEK-C at arbitrary reference temperature is obtained. A coupling model is applied to explain quantitatively stress relaxation behaviour of PEK-C at different temperatures. The parameters obtained from the coupling model have important physical meaning. Copyright (C) 1996 Elsevier Science Ltd.


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According to stress relaxation curves of phenolphthalein poly(ether ketone) (PEK-C) at different temperatures and the principle of time-temperature equivalence, the master curves of PEK-C at arbitrary reference temperatures are obtained. A coupling model (Kohlrausch-Williams-Watts) is applied to explain quantitatively the different temperature dependence of stress relaxation behavior and the relationship between stress relaxation and yield phenomenon is established through the coupling model.


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The International Maritime Organisation (IMO) has adopted the use of computer simulation to assist in the assessment of the assembly time for passenger ships. A key parameter required for this analysis and specified as part of the IMO guidelines is the passenger response time distribution. It is demonstrated in this paper that the IMO specified response time distribution assumes an unrealistic mathematical form. This unrealistic mathematical form can lead to serious congestion issues being overlooked in the evacuation analysis and lead to incorrect conclusions concerning the suitability of vessel design. In light of these results, it is vital that IMO undertake research to generate passenger response time data suitable for use in evacuation analysis of passenger ships. Until this type of data becomes readily available, it is strongly recommended that rather than continuing to use the artificial and unrepresentative form of the response time distribution, IMO should adopt plausible and more realistic response time data derived from land based applications. © 2005: Royal Institution of Naval Architects.


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Background: Vaginal ring devices are being actively developed for controlled delivery of HIV microbicides and as multi-purpose prevention technology (MPT) products combining hormonal contraception with prevention of HIV and other sexually transmitted diseases. Presently, there is no reliable method for monitoring user adherence in HIV vaginal ring trials; previous acceptability studies have included some type of participant self-reporting mechanism, which have often been unreliable. More objective, quantitative and accurate methods for assessing adherence are needed.
Methods: A silicone elastomer vaginal ring containing an encapsulated miniature temperature recording device has been developed that can capture and store real-time temperature data during the period of designated use. Devices were tested in both simulated vaginal environments and following vaginal placement in cynomolgus macaques. Various use protocols and data sampling rates were tested to simulate typical patient usage scenarios. Results: The temperature logging devices accurately recorded vaginal temperature in macaques, clearly showing the regular diurnal temperature cycle. When environmental temperature and vaginal temperature was significantly different, the device was able to accurately pinpoint the insertion and removal times. Based on the data collected it was possible to infer removal periods as short as 5 min when the external environmental temperature was 25 °C. Accuracy increased with data sampling rate. Conclusions: This work provides proof-of-concept for monitoring adherence using a vaginal ring device containing an encapsulated temperature logger. The addition of one or more active agents into the ring body is not anticipated to affect the temperature monitoring function. A clinical study to compare self- reported user adherence data with that obtained by the device would be highly informative.


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Neste trabalho estudou-se a extracção supercrítica do óleo de grainha de uva, usando dióxido de carbono, e combinou-se este processo com um prétratamento enzimático da semente para aumentar o rendimento global da extracção. A qualidade dos extractos obtidos foi avaliada pelo seu conteúdo em triacilglicerídeos, perfil de ácidos gordos e capacidade antioxidante. Realizaram-se também alguns estudos exploratórios sobre a aplicação de um pré-tratamento de alta pressão (HPP) à grainha da uva. Adicionalmente, efectuou-se o estudo da extracção, fraccionamento e caracterização estrutural das procianidinas da grainha da uva, bem como a avaliação da sua capacidade antioxidante. A extracção de procianidinas da grainha da uva foi efectuada sequencialmente com metanol e acetona/água, tendo sido posteriormente fraccionadas por adição sucessiva de misturas metanol/clorofórmio progressivamente mais concentradas em clorofórmio. A caracterização das procianidinas foi feita por HPLC-UV e LC–MS, antes e depois de sujeitar as amostras a uma tiólise, e também por ESI-MS e ESI-MS/MS. Este estudo permitiu reportar, pela primeira vez, a ocorrência de procianidinas do tipo-A galoiladas na grainha da uva. Os resultados de HPLC-UV permitiram determinar o grau médio de polimerização das procianidinas e a sua composição monomérica em (+)- catequina, (-)-epicatequina e (-)-epicatequina-O-galato. Mostrou-se que a (+)- catequina é o flavan-3-ol terminal mais abundante e a (-)-epicatequina predomina largamente como unidade de extensão. No caso de procianidinas do tipo A, a ligação interflavânica C2-C7 encontra-se essencialmente nas unidades terminais. O grau médio de polimerização das diversas fracções varia entre 1.0 e 10.8. A sua capacidade antioxidante, medida pelo método espectrofotométrico de DPPH•, mostrou-se ser equivalente à de uma amostra comercial de (+)-catequina usada como referência. A partir dos graus médios de polimerização experimentais e das análises de FTIR das fracções correspondentes foi possível obter um modelo preditivo O-PLS com apenas uma variável latente. O pré-tratamento enzimático justificou-se pelo conhecimento existente acerca do uso de enzimas específicas que destroem parcialmente as paredes celulares. Atendendo à composição das paredes celulares da grainha da uva preparou-se uma suspensão contendo protease, xilanase, pectinase e celulase. Para determinar as condições experimentais do pré-tratamento que maximizam o rendimento da extracção, estudou-se o efeito do tempo de reacção, temperatura, pH, diâmetro médio das partículas de grainha moída e a concentração das enzimas. Os incrementos do rendimento da extracção de óleo observados atingiram 163.2%. O estudo da extracção supercrítica (SFE) do óleo da grainha de uva tratada e não-tratada permitiu obter as curvas de extracção correspondentes, bem com analisar a influência das condições operatórias sobre o seu andamento. Montou-se uma instalação laboratorial onde se realizaram experiências com dióxido de carbono a 160, 180, 200 e 220 bar e temperaturas de 313.15 e 323.15 K. Os rendimentos obtidos por SFE foram semelhantes aos de Soxhlet com n-hexano. As curvas de extracção medidas compreendem um primeiro período de extracção, onde se remove cerca de 92-97% do óleo disponível, e um segundo período, essencialmente difusional, com pouco impacto no rendimento final. Os vários extractos recolhidos e o óleo global obtido foram caracterizados para avaliar a sua qualidade e relacioná-la com as condições operatórias de SFE. Determinaram-se o conteúdo total em triacilglicerídeos, o seu perfil de ácidos gordos e a capacidade antioxidante (AOC). Os resultados mostraram que a AOC aumenta com a elevação da pressão e, acentuadamente, com o acréscimo da temperatura. Ao longo da curva de extracção, a AOC é mais pronunciada nos extractos iniciais, nomeadamente nos primeiros 30 a 40% da extracção. A modelação efectuada considerou que o óleo extractável se reparte entre células rompidas, predominantes na periferia da semente, e células intactas, mais interiores. Admitiu-se que o transporte de massa ocorre em série, i.e. das células intactas para as rompidas e destas para o solvente; mostrou-se que a dispersão axial era desprezável. Os balanços materiais à fase fluida e aos volumes de células rompidas e intactas, combinados com os fluxos interno, externo e a relação de equilíbrio foram resolvidos numericamente pelo método das linhas combinado com diferenças finitas atrasadas. O modelo reproduziu bem as curvas experimentais e permitiu simular curvas de eluição e os três perfis de concentração no leito.


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Thesis (Ph.D.)--University of Washington, 2013


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The prolonged season of everbearing strawberries causes vegetative growth and fruiting to coincide, so the influence of the environment on the balance of assimilate partitioning between vegetative and reproductive growth is important for optimised long-season production. Fruiting patterns were evaluated over three seasons for the everbearing strawberry 'Everest'. A range of temperatures (15-27 degrees C) was studied in the first season to establish a temperature response curve. Detailed transfer treatments in the second and third seasons gave insight into heat-induced cropping troughs ('thermo-dormancy'). The detrimental effect on yield of thermo-dormancy was prevented by cool night-time temperature during the periods of heat stress, a treatment that resulted in the largest total fruit fresh weight and overall yield. The highest yields were recorded for plants grown between 18 and 23 degrees C. At higher temperatures fruit number increased, but fruit weight decreased. The importance of night-time temperature in optimising long-season fruit production has significance for commercial production, in which protected cropping tends to increase average temperature through the season.


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The effects of temperature on the rate of biological processes such as the germination are reported in several papers. The analysis of the thermal effect can be performed either from numerical indices or germination curves, which is usually presented as the accumulated percentage of germination versus time. Such curves can be fitted by empirical models and generally they offer a better description of the time-course of germination than single-value indices. On the other hand, in analyzing the germination curves, a question arises whether the model parameters have biological meaning. Thus, it is desirable that the model parameters both describe properly the germination curve and have biological meaning, which often does not occur. Considering the involvement of populations and percentages in germination assays, an analytical model has been widely used in the last two decades which is based on the concept of thermal time. This article discusses the conceptual basis and provides procedures for applying the thermal-time model in germination studies by using the probit regression method, both at infra and supra-optimal temperatures.


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Pós-graduação em Microbiologia Agropecuária - FCAV


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Este trabalho apresenta uma introdução sobre a história da neonatologia, a conceituação e a modelagem matemática do sistema térmico de uma incubadora neonatal, contendo a relação da mesma com um recém-nascido quanto a trocas térmicas, a partir da primeira lei da termodinâmica. É apresentado o método que foi utilizado para a linearização (Séries de Taylor) e os pontos de operação calculados para o sistema linear obtido no formato de espaço de estados, e a partir deste foi obtida uma representação em função de transferência. A partir da modelagem matemática do sistema, foi realizado um teste em malha aberta para verificar as características do mesmo, como estabilidade, constante de tempo e convergência para um valor final desejado, e como o sistema real opera em malha fechada, foi também realizado um teste com o sistema nesta configuração contendo um ganho unitário de malha. O comportamento do sistema não linear foi comparado ao do sistema linearizado através de suas curvas de resposta temporal a uma entrada degrau para a verificação da validade da representação linear, e após a sua validação, diagramas de bode foram gerados para diferentes parâmetros do modelo, para observar-se o efeito desta variação no comportamento dinâmico da planta, e foi percebido que o comportamento do modelo não é alterado de forma substancial para a variação dentro das faixas verificadas. Um controlador proporcional e integral (PI) foi então projetado para a eliminação do erro de regime permanente presente resposta temporal do sistema.. Testes sob diversas condições de operação foram realizados no sistema linear assim como as curvas de variação de temperatura foram obtidas com o controlador aplicado no modelo não linear, sendo os resultados considerados satisfatórios para este tipo de aplicação. Este trabalho foi realizado com o auxílio da ferramenta computacional Simulink do software Matalb®.


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Fundação de Amparo à Pesquisa do Estado de São Paulo (FAPESP)


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This study aims to analyse the degree of completeness of world inventory of the mite family Phytoseiidae and the factors that might determine the process of species description. The world data set includes 2,122 valid species described from 1839 to 2010. Species accumulation curves were analysed. The effect of localisation (latitude ranges) and body size on the species description patterns over space and time was assessed. A low proportion of species seems remain to be described, but this trend could be explained by a critical reduction in the number of specialists dedicated to the study of those mites. In addition, this trend refers to the areas where phytoseiids have been well studied around the world, and it may change considerably if the study of these mites would be intensified in some areas. The number of newly described species is lower near the tropics, and their body size is also smaller. Differences in body size were noted between the three sub-families of Phytoseiidae, the highest mean body lengths of adult females being observed for Amblyseiinae, the most diverse family. In the future, collections would have certainly to take into consideration such conclusions for instance in using more adequate optical equipment especially for field collections. The decrease in the number of phytoseiid mite described was confirmed and the factors that could explain such a trend are discussed. Information for improving further inventories is provided and discussed, especially in relation to sampling localization and study methods.


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The behaviour of a polymer depends strongly on the length- and time scale as well as on the temperature rnat which it is probed. In this work, I describe investigations of polymer surfaces using scanning probe rnmicroscopy with heatable probes. With these probes, surfaces can be heated within seconds down to rnmicroseconds. I introduce experiments for the local and fast determination of glass transition and melting rntemperatures. I developed a method which allows the determination of glass transition and melting rntemperatures on films with thicknesses below 100 nm: A background measurement on the substrate was rnperformed. The resulting curve was subtracted from the measurement on the polymer film. The rndifferential measurement on polystyrene films with thicknesses between 35 nm and 160 nm showed rncharacteristic signals at 95 ± 1 °C, in accordance with the glass transition of polystyrene. Pressing heated rnprobes into polymer films causes plastic deformation. Nanometer sized deformations are currently rninvestigated in novel concepts for high density data storage. A suitable medium for such a storage system rnhas to be easily indentable on one hand, but on the other hand it also has to be very stable towards rnsurface induced wear. For developing such a medium I investigated a new approach: A comparably soft rnmaterial, namely polystyrene, was protected with a thin but very hard layer made of plasma polymerized rnnorbornene. The resulting bilayered media were tested for surface stability and deformability. I showed rnthat the bilayered material combines the deformability of polystyrene with the surface stability of the rnplasma polymer, and that the material therefore is a very good storage medium. In addition we rninvestigated the glass transition temperature of polystyrene at timescales of 10 µs and found it to be rnapprox. 220 °C. The increase of this characteristic temperature of the polymer results from the short time rnat which the polymer was probed and reflects the well-known time-temperature superposition principle. rnHeatable probes were also used for the characterization of silverazide filled nanocapsules. The use of rnheatable probes allowed determining the decomposition temperature of the capsules from few rnnanograms of material. The measured decomposition temperatures ranged from 180 °C to 225 °C, in rnaccordance with literature values. The investigation of small amounts of sample was necessary due to the rnlimited availability of the material. Furthermore, investigating larger amounts of the capsules using rnconventional thermal gravimetric analysis could lead to contamination or even damage of the instrument. rnBesides the analysis of material parameters I used the heatable probes for the local thermal rndecomposition of pentacene precursor material in order to form nanoscale conductive structures. Here, rnthe thickness of the precursor layer was important for complete thermal decomposition. rnAnother aspect of my work was the investigation of redox active polymers - Poly-10-(4-vinylbenzyl)-10H-rnphenothiazine (PVBPT)- for data storage. Data is stored by changing the local conductivity of the material rnby applying a voltage between tip and surface. The generated structures were stable for more than 16 h. It rnwas shown that the presence of water is essential for succesfull patterning.


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Optical hyperthermia systems based on the laser irradiation of gold nanorods seem to be a promising tool in the development of therapies against cancer. After a proof of concept in which the authors demonstrated the efficiency of this kind of systems, a modeling process based on an equivalent thermal-electric circuit has been carried out to determine the thermal parameters of the system and an energy balance obtained from the time-dependent heating and cooling temperature curves of the irradiated samples in order to obtain the photothermal transduction efficiency. By knowing this parameter, it is possible to increase the effectiveness of the treatments, thanks to the possibility of predicting the response of the device depending on the working configuration. As an example, the thermal behavior of two different kinds of nanoparticles is compared. The results show that, under identical conditions, the use of PEGylated gold nanorods allows for a more efficient heating compared with bare nanorods, and therefore, it results in a more effective therapy.