884 resultados para Ready-to- wear clothing
Carne do alguidar is a Portuguese traditional pork fried meat, usually manufactured for self-consumption purposes. This study developed a ready-to-eat (RTE) meat product, to meet today's consumers’ convenience, manufactured at the industrial scale evaluating its quality and shelf-life, assessing the effect of vacuum packaging and the use of an antioxidant (50 ppm BHT) to enhance oxidative stability. Physicochemical and microbiological parameters were assessed and a sensory analysis was performed. Interestingly, no significant differences were recorded between control (non-BHT) and antioxidant (BHT) samples. Microbiological counts remained at low levels throughout the storage period, ensuring the product’s required microbiological quality. At later storage stages, higher values of thiobarbituric acid reactive substances arose and off flavours and aromas were perceived. Still, overall appreciation was not affected until 12 months storage and a significant depreciation was perceived only after 15 months. Fibrousness and rising of off flavours were negatively correlated with overall appreciation.
This sheet gives the phone number 1-800-QUIT-NOW (1-800-784-8669) for people to get help to stop smoking.
A workbook-style reflection exercise prompts readers to consider potential uses of hip-hop in their own library instruction in a culturally responsive manner.
Dans cette thèse de sociologie du droit, nous étudions l'influence du droit de l'État sur les sujets de droit. Notre hypothèse générale est que les intermédiaires du droit de l'État contribuent de façon importante à façonner le« rapport au droit» des sujets de droit. C'est-à-dire qu'ils auraient une incidence sur la construction de la relation d'influence du droit sur ces acteurs sociaux et, par là, un effet marqué sur la « légitimité empirique » du droit. Par leurs pratiques professionnelles les intermédiaires du droit auraient une incidence notable, quoique non exclusive, sur les formes concrètes de «rapports au droit» des sujets de droit. Dans l'étude de ce phénomène, nous comparons empiriquement les liens existant entre différents « rapports au droit » des sujets de droit et un droit caractérisé par une rationalité juridique fort différente selon qu'il aurait été porté par un avocat ou un médiateur. Ces deux groupes de professionnels sont les intermédiaires du droit qui font 1’objet de notre observation, laquelle n'est ni générale, ni globale, mais spécifique au divorce, géographiquement localisée à Montréal et historiquement située au début des années 1990. L'intérêt de cette période pour une étude de l'influence du droit sur les sujets de droit est qu'elle constitue un moment unique de l'histoire à Montréal. À cette époque, les différences entre les pratiques professionnelles des avocats et des médiateurs auraient été les plus extrêmes, ce qui favorise un travail de comparaison d'autant plus éclairant. En effet, au début des années 1990, après une dizaine d'années d'expérience, le Service de médiation à la famille de Montréal avait réussi à assurer une solide pratique professionnelle. Par ailleurs, la pratique professionnelle des avocats dans le domaine du divorce était déjà fort « modernisée », mais elle demeurait encore très peu influencée par la médiation familiale. Puisque le « rapport au droit » des personnes qui ont consulté ces intermédiaires du droit en vue de leur divorce est au cœur de 1 'étude, c'est auprès d'eux que nous avons réalisé des entretiens, et c'est l'analyse de ces entretiens qui permet de comprendre leur « rapport au droit». La sociologie de Max Weber est la perspective scientifique dans laquelle nous avons inscrit notre recherche. Une telle ambition exigeait que nous ne restions pas confinée aux seuls concepts les plus populaires. Par conséquent, une partie importante de cette thèse est consacrée à une présentation substantielle de la sociologie wébérienne. Sur cette base, nous avons construit notre stratégie d'enquête et nos instruments d'analyse idéal typiques. Non seulement il n'y a pas, chez Weber, de théorie systémique générale composée de lois explicatives des relations sociales, mais il n'y a pas non plus de modèle de cadre d'analyse particulier préfabriqué qui serait constitué comme un «prêt-à-porter» applicable en vue de réaliser des recherches empiriques, que ce soit dans le domaine du droit ou dans n'importe quel autre domaine d'activité humaine. En revanche, la sociologie wébérienne fournit plusieurs séries de repères conceptuels. Ils permettent d'organiser la recherche empirique sans jamais limiter les objets d'enquêtes possibles, ni l'imagination du chercheur, en autant que celui-ci a pour but de comprendre l'action sociale en l'interprétant et, par-là, de l'expliquer causalement dans son déroulement et ses effets. C'est là le projet de connaissance que Weber désigne par « sociologie ». Il vise ce projet de connaissance, non pas de manière générale et globale, mais toujours de manière particulière selon les domaines d'activité, les lieux, les époques, les sphères de valeurs, etc. Dans cette thèse, nous proposons un cadre d'analyse qui peut servir à poser et à approfondir toutes sortes de questions sur le droit et son influence, sans jamais qu'il soit considéré comme un système de lois à la manière du droit positif. Ce cadre d'analyse vise à appréhender le droit comme une sorte de relation sociale que l'on peut comprendre sociologiquement en considérant, notamment, les représentations juridiques des différentes catégories d'acteurs sociaux. C'est là la première, non pas la seule, condition à rencontrer en vue de respecter les exigences de la connaissance empirique du droit parce que le « droit empirique » ne se trouve pas dans la règle de droit positif. Il se trouve là où il est « porté » par des êtres humains et, en particulier, par des groupes d'humains qui détiennent une importante dose d'influence sociale. Nous souhaitons que cette étude, grâce à 1 'immense apport de la sociologie de Max Weber, contribue à la compréhension sociologique d'un aspect du « droit empirique» de l’État contemporain.
The impact of brand owner on consumers' brand perceptions : a development of Heider's Balance Theory
Studies have shown that the brand “owner” is very influential in positioning the brand and when the brand “owner” ceases his or her active role the brand will be perceived differently by the consumers. Balance Theory (HBT), a cognitive psychological theory, studies the triadic relationships between two persons and an entity and predicts that when a person’s original perception of the relationship is disturbed, the person restructures to a new balanced perception. Consequently, this research was undertaken to: conceptualize the brand owner’s impact on consumer’s brand perception; test the applicability of both the static and dynamic predictions of the Heider’s Balance Theory in brand owner-consumer-brand relation (OCB); construct and test a model of brand owner-consumer-brand relation; and examine if personality has an influence on OCB. A discovery-oriented approach was taken to understand the selected market segment, the ready-to-wear and diffusion lines of international designer labels. Chinese Brand Personality Scale, fashion proneness and hedonic and utilitarian shopping scales were developed, and validated. 51 customers were surveyed. Both traditional and extended methods used in the Balance Theory were employed in this study. Responses to liked brand have been used to test and develop the model, while those for disliked brand were used for test and confirmation. A “what if’ experimental approach was employed to test the applicability of dynamic HBT theory in OCB Model. The hypothesized OCB Model has been tested and validated. Consumers have been found to have separate views on the brand and the brand owner; and their responses to contrasting ethical and non-ethical news of the brand owner are different. Personality has been found to have an influence and two personality adapted models have been tested and validated. The actual results go beyond the prediction of the Balance Theory. Dominant triple positive balance mode, dominant negative balance mode, and mode of extreme antipathy have been found. It has been found that not all balanced modes are good for the brand. Contrary to Heider’s findings, simply liking may not necessarily lead to unit relation in the OCB Model.
Mickey Mouse, one of the world's most recognizable cartoon characters, did not wear a shirt in his earliest incarnation in theatrical shorts and, for many years, Donald Duck did not wear pants and still rarely does so. Especially when one considers the era in which these figures were first created by the Walt Disney Studio, in the 1920s and 1930s, why are they portrayed without full clothing? The obvious answer, of course, is that they are animals, and animals do not wear clothes. But these are no ordinary animals: in most cases, they do wear clothing - some clothing, at least - and they walk on two legs, talk in a more or less intelligible fashion, and display a number of other anthropomorphic traits. If they are essentially animals, why do they wear clothing at all? On the other hand, if these characters are more human than animal, as suggested by other behavioral traits - they walk, talk, work, read, and so on - why are they not more often fully clothed? To answer these questions I undertook three major research strategies used to gather evidence: interpretive textual analysis of 321 cartoons; secondary analysis of interviews conducted with the animators who created the Disney characters; and historical and archival research on the Disney Company and on the times and context in which it functioned. I was able to identify five themes that played a large part in what kind of clothing a character wore; first, the character's gender and/or sexuality; second, what species or "race" the character was; third, the character's socio-economic status; fourth, the degree to which the character was anthropomorphized; and, fifth, the context in which the character and its clothing appeared in a particular scene or narrative. I concluded that all of these factors played a part in determining, to some extent, the clothing worn by particular characters at particular times. However, certain patterns emerged from the analysis that could not be explained by these factors alone or in combination. Therefore, my analysis also investigates the individual and collective attitudes and desires of the men in the Disney studio who were responsible for creating these characters and the cultural conditions under which they were created. Drawing on literature from the psychoanalytic approach to film studies, I argue that the clothing choices spoke to an idealized fantasy world to which the animators (most importantly, Walt Disney himself), and possibly wider society, wanted to return.
This study evaluated by an in vitro model the effect of beverages on dental enamel previously subjected to erosive challenge with hydrochloric acid. The factor under study was the type of beverage, in five levels: Sprite® Zero Low-calorie Soda Lime (positive control), Parmalat® ultra high temperature (UHT) milk, Ades® Original soymilk, Leão® Ice Tea Zero ready-to-drink low-calorie peach-flavored black teaand Prata® natural mineral water (negative control). Seventy-five bovine enamel specimens were distributed among the five types of beverages (n=15), according to a randomized complete block design. For the formation of erosive wear lesions, the specimens were immersed in 10 mL aqueous solution of hydrochloric acid 0.01 M for 2 min. Subsequently, the specimens were immersed in 20 mL of the beverages for 1 min, twice daily for 2 days at room temperature. In between, the specimens were kept in 20 mL of artificial saliva at 37ºC. The response variable was the quantitative enamel microhardness. ANOVA and Tukey's test showed highly significant differences (p<0.00001) in the enamel exposed to hydrochloric acid and beverages. The soft drink caused a significantly higher decrease in microhardness compared with the other beverages. The black tea caused a significantly higher reduction in microhardness than the mineral water, UHT milk and soymilk, but lower than the soft drink. Among the analyzed beverages, the soft drink and the black tea caused the most deleterious effects on dental enamel microhardness.
Many children in the United States begin kindergarten unprepared to converse in the academic language surrounding instruction, putting them at greater risk for later language and reading difficulties. Importantly, correlational research has shown there are certain experiences prior to kindergarten that foster the oral language skills needed to understand and produce academic language. The focus of this dissertation was on increasing one of these experiences: parent-child conversations about abstract and non-present concepts, known as decontextualized language (DL). Decontextualized language involves talking about non-present concepts such as events that happened in the past or future, or abstract discussions such as providing explanations or defining unknown words. As caregivers’ decontextualized language input to children aged three to five is consistently correlated with kindergarten oral language skills and later reading achievement, it is surprising no experimental research has been done to establish this relation causally. The study described in this dissertation filled this literature gap by designing, implementing, and evaluating a decontextualized language training program for parents of 4-year-old children (N=30). After obtaining an initial measure of decontextualized language, parents were randomly assigned to a control condition or training condition, the latter of which educated parents about decontextualized language and why it is important. All parents then audio-recorded four mealtime conversations over the next month, which were transcribed and reliably coded for decontextualized language. Results indicated that trained parents boosted their DL from roughly 17 percent of their total utterances at baseline to approximately 50 percent by the mid-point of the study, and remained at these boosted levels throughout the duration of the study. Children’s DL was also boosted by similar margins, but no improvement in children’s oral language skills was observed, measured prior to, and one month following training. Further, exploratory analyses pointed to parents’ initial use of DL and their theories of the malleability of intelligence (i.e., growth mindsets) as moderators of training gains. Altogether, these findings are a first step in establishing DL as a viable strategy for giving children the oral language skills needed to begin kindergarten ready to succeed in the classroom.
There are several ways of controlling the propagation of a contagious disease. For instance, to reduce the spreading of an airborne infection, individuals can be encouraged to remain in their homes and/or to wear face masks outside their domiciles. However, when a limited amount of masks is available, who should use them: the susceptible subjects, the infective persons or both populations? Here we employ susceptible-infective-recovered (SIR) models described in terms of ordinary differential equations and probabilistic cellular automata in order to investigate how the deletion of links in the random complex network representing the social contacts among individuals affects the dynamics of a contagious disease. The inspiration for this study comes from recent discussions about the impact of measures usually recommended by health public organizations for preventing the propagation of the swine influenza A (H1N1) virus. Our answer to this question can be valid for other eco-epidemiological systems. (C) 2010 Elsevier BM. All rights reserved.
Objective. This study investigated the prevalence of dental wear in 12-year-old adolescents using a modification of the tooth wear index (TWI). The modifications were proposed in order to fit with the World Health Organization standard, thus allowing application of the index in broad epidemiological surveys. Study design: An epidemiological cross-sectional survey was performed by trained, calibrated examiners, using a modified version of the TWI. Methods: Urban elementary schools were chosen because they provide a fair representation of the city`s population in terms of socio-economic status. The sample included 295 adolescents, selected randomly and systematically. Dental wear was assessed by calibrated examiners (kappa > 0.85), using a modified version of the TWI. This modified version includes a code for teeth restored due to wear, and another code for teeth that cannot be assessed. In addition, it does not differentiate the depth of dentine involvement. Proportions and confidence intervals were used to describe the prevalence of dental wear. Mann-Whitney test was used to detect differences in the degree of dental wear between mates and females. The level of statistical significance was set at 5%. Results: In total, 24,780 dental surfaces were evaluated. Among these surfaces, 73.10% did not present dental wear, 24.10% had incipient lesions, 2.46% had moderate lesions and 0.34% had been restored. No severe lesions were detected. Tooth wear was mainly seen on the occlusal/incisal surfaces (26.55%), involving enamel or enamel-dentine, but not the secondary dentine or pulp. The prevalence of dental wear was 26.90%. Considering the different teeth, wear was present in 53.22% of incisors, 50.51% of canines, 10.17% of premolars and 10.85% of molars. The prevalence of the different degrees of dental wear was similar in mates and females (P > 0.05). Conclusion: The modified TWI seems to bean effective toot for use in broad epidemiological surveys, due to easier calibration and high reproducibility rates. (C) 2008 The Royal Institute of Public Health. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Objectives: This triple-blind, 2 x 2 crossover in situ study, was undertaken to verify whether the wear resistance of enamel and root dentine would be affected by bleaching with a 10% carbamide peroxide agent and a placebo agent. Methods: Thirty slabs of each. substrate (2 mm x 3 mm x 2 mm) were selected for each phase, after flattening and polishing procedures and microhardness test. After a 7-day lead-in period, one specimen of each substrate was randomly bonded on the facial surface of each one of 30 subject`s upper second premolars. The volunteers received instructions on how to perform toothbrushing and application of gel in the tray. Fifteen volunteers bleached their maxillary arch with a 10% carbamide peroxide bleaching agent for a 2-week period, while the remainders used a placebo agent. After a 1-week washout period, a new set of enamel and root dentine slabs were bonded to the premolars and volunteers were crossed over to the alternate agent for 14 days. The resistance of enamel and root dentine to wear following bleaching, toothbrushing and intraoral exposure was measured with a profilometer, using reference areas. Results: For enamel, ANOVA did not demonstrate significant difference between wear provided by placebo and bleaching agent (p = 0.3713), but higher wear depth was observed for bleached root dentine (p = 0.0346). Conclusions: While overnight bleaching caused no alteration in wear resistance of enamel, root dentine showed increased tissue loss. (C) 2008 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
Paper presented at the Conference “The Reflective Conservatoire – 2nd International Conference: Building Connections”. Guildhall School of Music and Drama and Barbican Conference Centre, London. 28 February – 3 March 2009
The purpose of this study was to investigate the presence of beta-lactam-resistant bacteria in six different types of Portuguese cheese. The numbers of ampicillin resistant (AMP(r)) bacteria varied from 4.7 x 10(2) to 1.5 x 10(7) CFU/g. Within 172 randomly selected beta-lactam-resistant bacteria, 44 resistant phenotypes were found and 31.4% were multidrug resistant. The majority (85%) of the isolates identified belonged to the Enterobacteriaceae family. The presence of the bla(TEM) gene was detected in 80.9% of the tested isolates. The results suggest that without thermal processing of the milk and good hygienic practices, cheese may act as a vehicle of transfer of beta-lactam-resistant bacteria to the gastrointestinal tract of consumers.
Objective: To examine the association between obesity and food group intakes, physical activity and socio-economic status in adolescents. Design: A cross-sectional study was carried out in 2008. Cole’s cut-off points were used to categorize BMI. Abdominal obesity was defined by a waist circumference at or above the 90th percentile, as well as a waist-to-height ratio at or above 0?500. Diet was evaluated using an FFQ, and the food group consumption was categorized using sex-specific tertiles of each food group amount. Physical activity was assessed via a self-report questionnaire. Socio-economic status was assessed referring to parental education and employment status. Data were analysed separately for girls and boys and the associations among food consumption, physical activity, socio-economic status and BMI, waist circumference and waist-to-height ratio were evaluated using logistic regression analysis, adjusting the results for potential confounders. Setting: Public schools in the Azorean Archipelago, Portugal. Subjects: Adolescents (n 1209) aged 15–18 years. Results: After adjustment, in boys, higher intake of ready-to-eat cereals was a negative predictor while vegetables were a positive predictor of overweight/ obesity and abdominal obesity. Active boys had lower odds of abdominal obesity compared with inactive boys. Boys whose mother showed a low education level had higher odds of abdominal obesity compared with boys whose mother presented a high education level. Concerning girls, higher intake of sweets and pastries was a negative predictor of overweight/obesity and abdominal obesity. Girls in tertile 2 of milk intake had lower odds of abdominal obesity than those in tertile 1. Girls whose father had no relationship with employment displayed higher odds of abdominal obesity compared with girls whose father had high employment status. Conclusions: We have found that different measures of obesity have distinct associations with food group intakes, physical activity and socio-economic status.
In the last decades TiAlN coatings deposited by PVD techniques have been extensively investigated but, nowadays, their potential development for tribological applications is relatively low. However, new coatings are emerging based on them, trying to improve wear behavior. TiAlSiN thin coatings are now investigated, analyzing if Si introduction increases the wear resistance of PVD films. Attending to the application, several wear test configurations has been recently used by some researchers. In this work, TiAlSiN thin coatings were produced by PVD Unbalanced Magnetron Sputtering technique and they were conveniently characterized using Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM) provided with Energy Dispersive Spectroscopy (EDS), Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM), Electron Probe Micro-Analyzer (EPMA), Micro Hardness (MH) and Scratch Test Analysis. Properties as morphology, thickness, roughness, chemical composition and structure, hardness and film adhesion to the substrate were investigated. Concerning to wear characterization, two very different ways were chosen: micro-abrasion with ball-on-flat configuration and industrial non-standardized tests based on samples inserted in a feed channel of a selected plastic injection mould working with 30% (wt.) glass fiber reinforced polypropylene. TiAlSiN coatings with a small amount of about 5% (wt.) Si showed a similar wear behavior when compared with TiAlN reported performances, denoting that Si addition does not improve the wear performance of the TiAlN coatings in these wear test conditions.