72 resultados para Rationalisation


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Civil aviation plays an essential role in maintaining international communications. Many extraneous factors influence the daily operations of the air transport industry. This thesis begins by investigating the major categories of so­ called "external interests" in civil aviation. These are shown to have played a significant part in ensuring the need for international agreement over the adoption of regulating principles. The combination and interaction of the various influences has produced a particular type of regulatory environment in which all commercial air services have to operate. The need for such regulation and the extreme difficulty experienced in trying to define universally acceptable methods of supervision is discussed. It is shown how opportunity for the development of on-scheduled air services was created by default on the part of the European Governments.The concept of so-called "scheduled" and "non-scheduled" sectors" is considered and it is suggested that growth of the inclusive tour industry resulted from inappropriate categorisation of the air services involved. The means by which development opportunities were created for inclusive tour operations is considered and the work then investigates the importance of British air transport policy in their exploitation. The politics of British civil aviation in the post-war years is the subject of detailed examination and the process by which Independent airlines were encouraged to develop inclusive tours, is identified. This theme is expanded to demonstrate the vital contribution of British air transport policy in the restructuring of the international industry. The subsequent involvement of the United States is shown to have been directed specifically towards the satisfaction of domestic issues. British objectives, however, are considered to have been more generally concerned with improving the tariff structure. The unique opportunities for British experimentation with international fares are seen to have major influence in forcing the pace of tariff rationalisation.


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The poor retention and efficacy of instilled drops as a means of delivering drugs to the ophthalmic environment is well-recognised. The potential value of contact lenses as a means of ophthalmic drug delivery, and consequent improvement of pre-corneal retention is one obvious route to the development of a more effective ocular delivery system. Furthermore, the increasing availability and clinical use of daily disposable contact lenses provides the platform for the development of viable single-day use drug delivery devices based on existing materials and lenses. In order to provide a basis for the effective design of such devices, a systematic understanding of the factors affecting the interaction of individual drugs with the lens matrix is required. Because a large number of potential structural variables are involved, it is necessary to achieve some rationalisation of the parameters and physicochemical properties (such as molecular weight, charge, partition coefficients) that influence drug interactions. Ophthalmic dyes and structurally related compounds based on the same core structure were used to investigate these various factors and the way in which they can be used in concert to design effective release systems for structurally different drugs. Initial studies of passive diffusional release form a necessary precursor to the investigation of the features of the ocular environment that over-ride this simple behaviour. Commercially available contact lenses of differing structural classifications were used to study factors affecting the uptake of the surrogate actives and their release under 'passive' conditions. The interaction between active and lens material shows considerable and complex structure dependence, which is not simply related to equilibrium water content. The structure of the polymer matrix itself was found to have the dominant controlling influence on active uptake; hydrophobic interaction with the ophthalmic dye playing a major role. © The Author(s) 2014 Reprints and permissions: sagepub.co.uk/journalsPermissions.nav.


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Presently monoethanolamine (MEA) remains the industrial standard solvent for CO2 capture processes. Operating issues relating to corrosion and degradation of MEA at high temperatures and concentrations, and in the presence of oxygen, in a traditional PCC process, have introduced the requisite for higher quality and costly stainless steels in the construction of capture equipment and the use of oxygen scavengers and corrosion inhibitors. While capture processes employing MEA have improved significantly in recent times there is a continued attraction towards alternative solvents systems which offer even more improvements. This movement includes aqueous amine blends which are gaining momentum as new generation solvents for CO2 capture processes. Given the exhaustive array of amines available to date endless opportunities exist to tune and tailor a solvent to deliver specific performance and physical properties in line with a desired capture process. The current work is focussed on the rationalisation of CO2 absorption behaviour in a series of aqueous amine blends incorporating monoethanolamine, N,N-dimethylethanolamine (DMEA), N,N-diethylethanolamine (DEEA) and 2-amino-2-methyl-1-propanol (AMP) as solvent components. Mass transfer/kinetic measurements have been performed using a wetted wall column (WWC) contactor at 40°C for a series of blends in which the blend properties including amine concentration, blend ratio, and CO2 loadings from 0.0-0.4 (moles CO2/total moles amine) were systematically varied and assessed. Equilibrium CO2 solubility in each of the blends has been estimated using a software tool developed in Matlab for the prediction of vapour liquid equilibrium using a combination of the known chemical equilibrium reactions and constants for the individual amine components which have been combined into a blend.From the CO2 mass transfer data the largest absorption rates were observed in blends containing 3M MEA/3M Am2 while the selection of the Am2 component had only a marginal impact on mass transfer rates. Overall, CO2 mass transfer in the fastest blends containing 3M MEA/3M Am2 was found to be only slightly lower than a 5M MEA solution at similar temperatures and CO2 loadings. In terms of equilibrium behaviour a slight decrease in the absorption capacity (moles CO2/mole amine) with increasing Am2 concentration in the blends with MEA was observed while cyclic capacity followed the opposite trend. Significant increases in cyclic capacity (26-111%) were observed in all blends when compared to MEA solutions at similar temperatures and total amine concentrations. In view of the reasonable compromise between CO2 absorption rate and capacity a blend containing 3M MEA and 3M AMP as blend components would represent a reasonable alternative in replacement of 5M MEA as a standalone solvent.


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Sociological Review Monograph Series: Biosocial Matters: Rethinking Sociology-Biology Relations in the Twenty-First Century


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Roland Paris is one of those authors whose work is always enjoyable, as he exploits so well the gap between the policy world and academia. His best work reveals a high level of policy insight often before many of his colleagues in academia have caught up. His secret is an ability to analyse the shifting understandings at policy level and to then articulate them in academic terms as if critiquing current policies. This enables his work to be both popular with policy-makers and with their erstwhile critics in academia. His 2004 monograph, At War’s End, captured the shift from peacekeeping intervention and ‘early exit’ to the extended remits of international statebuilding (‘Institutionalization before Liberalization’). It provided a wonderful rationalisation of policy shifts that had already occurred in the late 1990s, starting with the extension of international mandates in Bosnia, from 1996 onwards, and further developed with the Kosovo protectorate in 1999. However, this shift was skilfully reposed as a critique of existing policy-understandings.


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La toile de fond de notre essai est la transformation du travail social depuis dix (10) ou quinze (15) ans au Québec. Cette transformation est un phénomène inégal suivant les secteurs de travail. Nous l'observons, nous, en Protection de la jeunesse seulement, secteur où elle a été la plus rapide, la plus vive. Secteur aussi qui serait comme un phare pour les autres. C'est aussi un phénomène global et complexe. Il y a des dimensions technocratique [gestion des populations à risques, évaluation épidémiologique, décision centralisée...), juridique [accessibilité à la justice, changements dans les pouvoirs du juge, les Chartes des droits de la personne...), et idéologique [statuts social de l'enfance, primauté de la santé...). Ne pouvant tout aborder dans cet essai nous considérerons deux (2) dimensions qui, ensemble, constitue une systématisation du travail social. La dimension 1: l'institutionnalisation fine du contrôle social sur des situations dites de «protection» et; la dimension 2 la rationalisation du travail concret ou gestion formalisée des opérations. Compte tenu des limites de notre travail, nous ne traiterons pas ces deux (2) dimensions avec une égale énergie. Pour la dimension 1 nous reprendrons les résultats d'autres recherches et nous nous attarderons particulièrement à la dimension 2 en présentant le mouvement de rationalisation dit «Rapport Harvey» et en analysant plus en détail encore son mode d'implantation et ses effets quant à un sous-programme [i.e. l'évaluation-orientation] dans un centre de services sociaux. Avant le Rapport Harvey, il y a eu la mise en oeuvre de la Loi sur la protection de la jeunesse, une «nouvelle façon» de protéger les enfants qu'on appelle institutionnalisation de la Protection de la jeunesse (Chapitre II). Cette institutionnalisation continue comme processus socio-judiciaire global [à preuve Rapport Bouchard et Jasmin aujourd'hui). Quant à nous nous en considérons seulement un aspect particulier: le travail concret ou la définition fine et la mise en forme des opérations. Le tout commence avec la demande du Ministère des services de santé et des services sociaux à un spécialiste en «gestion des opérations».


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The concept of equal opportunity for all students is deeply embedded in the Serbian constitution and in education laws. On that level, there is no doubt that everyone is ensured an opportunity to receive quality education. Many measures in education policy have been created specifically to achieve this objective and make the system fair and inclusive. The Coleman Report was linked to a wave of optimism that certain educational measures would help in achieving these noble goals. This aim is a high priority in education in a democratic country, and due to its importance needs to be re-examined. Thus, the present research examines the equity of students in the Serbian education system, detecting areas on all educational levels that could be (or already are) systemic sources of inequity (e.g., criteria for preschool institution enrolment, the system of student awards, rationalisation of the school network, the concept of entrance exams to secondary school or university, etc.). A number of measures have already been taken in the system specifically to deal with inequity (e.g., the Preschool Preparatory Programme, dropout measures, inclusion, scholarships, etc.). The effects of these measures in particular are analysed in the present work. In addition to an analysis of the systemic sources of inequity in the Serbian education system, the article also makes recommendations for their overcoming. (DIPF/Orig.)


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Le projet présenté au cours de cette thèse porte sur la formation de centres quaternaires entièrement carbonés. Plusieurs axes d’approche ont été établis, et seront présentés par chapitre : le premier fait état de l’utilisation d’une réaction de Vilsmeier-Haack, le second rapporte la fabrication de nouveaux catalyseurs pour la réaction de condensation de Claisen et le dernier utilise la réaction de Vilsmeier-Haack pour la formation d’acides [béta]-aminés non-racémiques. Lors du premier chapitre, le sujet abordé sera l’utilisation de la réaction de Vilsmeier-Haack pour la formation de composés 1,3-dicarbonylés contenant un centre quaternaire entièrement carboné. D’abord nous verrons comment, théoriquement, la chiralité du centre quaternaire peut être contrôlée par l’utilisation d’amines chirales. Puis nous suivrons le développement d’une méthode d’hydrolyse spécifique à l’obtention de composés 1,3-dicarbonylés avec ses forces et ses limites. La deuxième partie de cette thèse portera sur le développement de nouveaux catalyseurs pour la réaction de condensation de Claisen. Plusieurs avenues seront exposées. Dans un premier temps, nous verrons la rationalisation validant chacune des idées d’avenues envisagées, puis nous aborderons les méthodes de synthèses essayées pour les catalyseurs imaginés dans chacune de ces avenues. Le dernier chapitre portera sur la formation de dérivés d’acides [béta]-aminés non-racémiques via l’utilisation d’une réaction de Vilsmeier-Haack. Dans un premier temps, différentes méthodes de réduction applicables à cette réaction seront présentées, et ensuite, le concept d’un nouveau groupe protecteur spécifique aux ions iminiums sera démontré.


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Le parcours professionnel de la travailleuse et du travailleur du marché du travail postindustriel se caractérise par de l’instabilité et une intensification des emplois occupés. La notion traditionnelle de la carrière comme entité continue et prévisible est révolue. Les valeurs de compétitivité et de rationalisation des coûts empreignent les environnements de travail. L’effet de ces nouvelles réalités sur la travailleuse et le travailleur réside dans le fait que ceux-ci risquent d’éprouver une perte de sens relativement à leur carrière. Perte de sens, d’abord, à l’égard de l’incohérence des différents emplois occupés à travers le temps et ensuite, perte de sens à l’égard de la dégradation des conditions de travail. Par conséquent, le parcours professionnel de la travailleuse et du travailleur d’aujourd’hui risque d’être sujet à une quête de sens double : 1) la recherche d’un fil conducteur, ou d’une cohérence, reliant ses expériences d’emploi passées, présente et anticipées; 2) la recherche d’un but, ou d’une finalité, susceptible de favoriser l’émergence d’un sentiment de plénitude existentielle et pouvant stimuler l’engagement de la personne. La conseillère ou le conseiller d’orientation qui accompagne la personne dans sa quête de sens professionnelle, peut s’appuyer sur la notion de l’identité narrative. L’identité narrative est le récit de vie que se raconte la personne afin d’intégrer un passé reconstruit, la perception du présent et l’avenir anticipé et qui lui permet de donner cohérence, but et sens à sa vie. L’entrevue de l’histoire de vie permet la construction de l’identité narrative. Elle consiste à demander à la personne de considérer sa vie comme un livre avec un titre, des chapitres et des résumés de l’intrigue. Toutefois, cette méthode a été utilisée en contexte de recherche en psychologie, mais non pas en tant que processus de counseling, et encore moins en counseling de carrière. Cet essai explore la possibilité d’adapter l’entrevue de l’histoire de vie à la pratique du counseling de carrière. Pour ce faire, la méthode de recherche spéculative (une analyse inférentielle de type extension externe) est appliquée. L’entrevue de l’histoire de vie est comparée à une démarche de counseling de carrière, celle de Bilan de compétences. Les rapports de similitude et de divergence sont dégagés entre les 2 domaines. Les éléments spécifiques à Bilan de compétences sont identifiés, puis intégrés dans l’entrevue de l’histoire de vie. Un tel transfert d’éléments implique nécessairement des modifications notables au modèle originel; il en résulte la proposition d’une démarche de counseling de carrière axée sur l’identité narrative, qui est décrite dans ses grandes lignes. En permettant à la personne de conceptualiser son parcours professionnel et personnel comme un récit avec une intrigue, il est argumenté que la démarche de counseling de carrière axée sur l’identité narrative pourrait aider la personne à trouver un fil conducteur à son parcours professionnel et à en déterminer une suite qui favorise son engagement. La pratique du counseling de carrière qui en résulte serait davantage exercée en termes de sens qu’en termes d’appariement personne-environnement. Enfin, comme la présente recherche a été réalisée à partir d’une méthode spéculative, il serait intéressant, lors d’une prochaine recherche, d’appliquer concrètement la démarche de counseling de carrière axée sur l’identité narrative à des processus d’orientation. D’une perspective théorique, il serait intéressant de poursuivre la réflexion amorcée ici en comparant le construit d’identité narrative à celui d’archétype, d’étudier leurs similitudes et leurs différences et enfin de spéculer sur les effets du construit d’archétype dans les décisions professionnelles et le comportement au travail de la personne.


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O contínuo crescimento do espaço particular aberto ao público contribuiu para o aparecimento e desenvolvimento da segurança privada, aumentando a sua comercialização e o seu número de efetivos. Apesar dos espetáculos desportivos serem eventos privados, a lei prevê, em certos casos, a obrigatoriedade da requisição de policiamento, por parte dos promotores. Será adequada a presença das Forças de Segurança para assegurar um evento particular ou será tarefa para a segurança privada? Tendo em conta a atualidade do assunto, torna-se uma mais-valia o estudo e compreensão do regime de policiamento de espetáculos desportivos, de forma a mitigar os seus aspetos negativos. Assim sendo, o presente trabalho tem como objetivo geral compreender de que forma o atual regime de policiamento se encontra adequado às exigências dos espetáculos desportivos. Para melhor orientar a investigação, foram definidos objetivos específicos, designadamente identificar as potencialidades do atual regime de policiamento na segurança dos espetáculos desportivos, identificar as vulnerabilidades do atual regime de policiamento na segurança dos espetáculos desportivos e compreender de que forma se podem mitigar as consequências negativas deste regime de policiamento na segurança dos espetáculos desportivos. A base lógica da presente investigação é o método dedutivo. Não temos como finalidade propor um novo regime de policiamento de espetáculos desportivos, mas sim analisar o regime já existente. Por conseguinte, a presente investigação desenvolveu-se através das seguintes fases: exploratória, analítica e conclusiva. De forma a sustentar as nossas conclusões, procedemos à análise documental, realização de entrevistas, observações qualitativas e, por último, à análise qualitativa do seu conteúdo. No decorrer da investigação, verificámos a existência de uma cultura de segurança que dificulta, à segurança privada, assumir a exclusividade da segurança dum evento desportivo. Nestas situações, a presença das Forças de Segurança é essencial, sendo ainda mais notória nos eventos desportivos realizados na via pública, onde a principal missão é garantir a segurança dos atletas e assegurar a fluidez e segurança do tráfego rodoviário. Não obstante, foi possível identificar algumas vulnerabilidades no presente regime de policiamento, pelo que propusemos um conjunto de medidas que podem ser implementadas, nomeadamente a gradual adaptação ao modelo de policiamento praticado no Reino Unido. Para tal, seria necessário aumentar o número de Assistentes de Recinto Desportivo, investindo mais na sua formação e atribuindo-lhes mais competências, contribuindo para a sua autoridade na presença dos adeptos.


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This article explores Ulrich Beck’s theorisation of risk society through focusing on the way in which the risk of Bt cotton is legitimated by six cultivators in Bantala, a village in Warangal, Andhra Pradesh, in India. The fieldwork for this study was conducted between June 2010 and March 2011, a duration chosen to coincide with a cotton season. The study explores the experience of the cultivators using the ‘categories of legitimation’ defined by Van Leeuwen. These are authorisation, moral evaluation, rationalisation and mythopoesis. As well as permitting an exploration of the legitimation of Bt cotton by cultivators themselves within the high-risk context of the Indian agrarian crisis, the categories also serve as an analytical framework with which to structure a discourse analysis of participant perspectives. The study examines the complex trade-off, which Renn argues the legitimation of ambiguous risk, such as that associated with Bt technology, entails. The research explores the way in which legitimation of the technology is informed by wider normative conceptualisations of development. This highlights that, in a context where indebtedness is strongly linked to farmer suicides, the potential of Bt cotton for poverty alleviation is traded against the uncertainty associated with the technology’s risks, which include its purported links to animal deaths. The study highlights the way in which the wider legitimation of a neoliberal approach to development in Andhra Pradesh serves to reinforce the choice of Bt cotton, and results in a depoliticisation of risk in Bantala. The research indicates, however, that this trade-off is subject to change over time, as economic benefits wane and risks accumulate. It also highlights the need for caution in relation to the proposed extension of Bt technology to food crops, such as Bt brinjal (aubergine).


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This article explores the struggle for legitimation associated with the attempt to define the risk of Bt cotton, a genetically modified crop, in Andhra Pradesh, India. Beck asserts that, given the uncertainty associated with risk society, efforts to define risk are creating the need for a new political culture. This article argues that this political culture emerges from attempts to legitimate power within risk definition. This is examined using critical discourse analysis on interview excerpts with key figures in the Bt cotton debate. Legitimation is explored using the categories of legitimation developed by Van Leeuwen. These are (a) authorisation; (b) moral evaluation; (c) rationalisation; and (d) mythopoesis. The analysis highlights that the political culture which emerges in response to risk society is in a state of constant flux and contingent upon the ongoing struggle for legitimation with regard to the definition of risk.