608 resultados para RECOGNIZES


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The value of preserving historic buildings is increasingly accepted by society, which not only recognizes built cultural heritage as a part of its identity but is also more cognizant of its economic value. In Europe, for example, tourism accounts for 10 percent of the GDP in the EU and 12 percent of employment.1 Built cultural heritage is a fundamental element of what draws tourists to European destinations. To a great extent, the value of historic buildings rests in the integrity of their components as unique products of the technology of their time and place. Unfortunately, cultural heritage buildings are particularly vulnerable to disasters, for a variety of reasons. They are often damaged or in a state of deterioration; they were built with materials with low resistance; they are heavy; and the connections among their various structural components are frequently insufficient. The main causes of damage are lack of maintenance, water-induced deterioration (from rain or rising damp), soil settlement, and extreme events such as earthquakes. Earthquakes have caused hundreds of thousands of deaths in the last decade, in addition to the tremendous losses in built cultural heritage.


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Dissertação de mestrado em Ciências da Educação (área de especialização em Avaliação)


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Dissertação de Mestrado em Comunicação Social


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This work compares the structural/dynamics features of the wild-type alb-adrenergic receptor (AR) with those of the D142A active mutant and the agonist-bound state. The two active receptor forms were compared in their isolated states as well as in their ability to form homodimers and to recognize the G alpha q beta 1 gamma 2 heterotrimer. The analysis of the isolated structures revealed that, although the mutation- and agonist-induced active states of the alpha 1b-AR are different, they, however, share several structural peculiarities including (a) the release of some constraining interactions found in the wild-type receptor and (b) the opening of a cytosolic crevice formed by the second and third intracellular loops and the cytosolic extensions of helices 5 and 6. Accordingly, also their tendency to form homodimers shows commonalties and differences. In fact, in both the active receptor forms, helix 6 plays a crucial role in mediating homodimerization. However, the homodimeric models result from different interhelical assemblies. On the same line of evidence, in both of the active receptor forms, the cytosolic opened crevice recognizes similar domains on the G protein. However, the docking solutions are differently populated and the receptor-G protein preorientation models suggest that the final complexes should be characterized by different interaction patterns.


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El medi ambient està creixent i adquirint actualment una importància fins ara mai vista. La societat reconeix el medi ambient com un factor de benestar social i personal, i alhora una característica de modernitat. En aquest estudi s’analitzen tots els factors ambientals presents en l’activitat quotidiana d’un centre esportiu. El centre escollit es troba situat en el municipi de Castellar del Vallès, a la comarca del Vallès Occidental, província de Barcelona. Aquest centre construït fa 17 anys per la demanda continua dels habitants del poble i per les pressions dels nuclis urbans pròxims, ha sofert uns canvis que actualment encara estan presents. Els objectius de l’estudi són la descripció, l’anàlisi i el tractament de la gestió actual del centre envers els recursos utilitzats. L’aigua, els residus i per últim les propietats físiques de l’edificació, com a innovació en aquesta tipologia d’estudis. L’anàlisi i tractament d’aquests, permet conèixer els punts forts i febles del centre. Les flaqueses observades afecten majoritàriament als factors ambientals. Conseqüentment, es dissenyen unes propostes de millora per tal de poder minimitzar els impactes soferts i redireccionar la gestió ambiental del centre, afrontant així un futur amb un desenvolupament sostenible.


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Peroxisome proliferator-activated receptors (PPARs) are members of the nuclear hormone receptor superfamily that can be activated by various xenobiotics and natural fatty acids. These transcription factors primarily regulate genes involved in lipid metabolism and also play a role in adipocyte differentiation. We present the expression patterns of the PPAR subtypes in the adult rat, determined by in situ hybridization using specific probes for PPAR-alpha, -beta and -gamma, and by immunohistochemistry using a polyclonal antibody that recognizes the three rat PPAR subtypes. In numerous cell types from either ectodermal, mesodermal, or endodermal origin, PPARs are coexpressed, with relative levels varying between them from one cell type to the other. PPAR-alpha is highly expressed in hepatocytes, cardiomyocytes, enterocytes, and the proximal tubule cells of kidney. PPAR-beta is expressed ubiquitously and often at higher levels than PPAR-alpha and -gamma. PPAR-gamma is expressed predominantly in adipose tissue and the immune system. Our results suggest new potential directions to investigate the functions of the different PPAR subtypes.


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We have used monoclonal antibodies specific for acetylated and non-acetylated alpha-tubulin to localize microtubules containing acetylated alpha-tubulin in all developmental forms of the life cycle of Trypanosoma cruzi. This was demonstrated using immunofluorescence and by transmission electron microscopy of thin sections, negative stained cells, and replicas of whole Triton X-100 extracted cells immunolabeled with antibody-gold complex. The antibody specific for acetylated alpha-tubulin (6-11B-1) binds to the flagellar, as well as to the sub-pellicular microtubules. The extent of labeling of the sub-pellicular microtubules with the monoclonal antibody recognized alpha-acetylated tubulin was smaller than that observed with the antibody which recognizes all tubulin isoforms. In relation to the developmental forms, the extent of labeling of the microtubules with antibody 6-11B-1 was larger in epimastigote and trypomastigote than in amastigote forms. Incubation of the parasites for 1 h at 0º C or in the presence of either colchicine or vinblastine did not interfere with the sub-pellicular microtubules. These observations, in agreement with those reported for Trypanosoma brucei brucei (Schneider et al., 1987; Schulze et al., 1987; Sasse per cent Gull, 1988) indicate that the sub-pellicular microtubules of trypanosomatids represent stable microtubules containing acetylated alpha-tubulin (or the alpha 3-tubulin isotype).


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RDM1 (RAD52 Motif 1) is a vertebrate protein involved in the cellular response to the anti-cancer drug cisplatin. In addition to an RNA recognition motif, RDM1 contains a small amino acid motif, named RD motif, which it shares with the recombination and repair protein, RAD52. RDM1 binds to single- and double-stranded DNA, and recognizes DNA distortions induced by cisplatin adducts in vitro. Here, we have performed an in-depth analysis of the nucleic acid-binding properties of RDM1 using gel-shift assays and electron microscopy. We show that RDM1 possesses acidic pH-dependent DNA-binding activity and that it binds RNA as well as DNA, and we present evidence from competition gel-shift experiments that RDM1 may be capable of discrimination between the two nucleic acids. Based on reported studies of RAD52, we have generated an RDM1 variant mutated in its RD motif. We find that the L119GF --> AAA mutation affects the mode of RDM1 binding to single-stranded DNA.


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The class B scavenger receptor CD36 is a component of the pattern recognition receptors on monocytes that recognizes a variety of molecules. CD36 expression in monocytes depends on exposure to soluble mediators. We demonstrate here that CD36 expression is induced in human monocytes following exposure to IL-13, a Th2 cytokine, via the peroxisome proliferator-activated receptor (PPAR)gamma pathway. Induction of CD36 protein was paralleled by an increase in CD36 mRNA. The PPARgamma pathway was demonstrated using transfection of a PPARgamma expression plasmid into the murine macrophage cell line RAW264.7, expressing very low levels of PPARgamma, and in peritoneal macrophages from PPARgamma-conditional null mice. We also show that CD36 induction by IL-13 via PPARgamma is dependent on phospholipase A2 activation and that IL-13 induces the production of endogenous 15-deoxy-Delta12,14-prostaglandin J2, an endogenous PPARgamma ligand, and its nuclear localization in human monocytes. Finally, we demonstrate that CD36 and PPARgamma are involved in IL-13-mediated phagocytosis of Plasmodium falciparum-parasitized erythrocytes. These results reveal a novel role for PPARgamma in the alternative activation of monocytes by IL-13, suggesting that endogenous PPARgamma ligands, produced by phospholipase A2 activation, could contribute to the biochemical and cellular functions of CD36.


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NKT cells utilize a restricted alphabeta TCR repertoire that recognizes glycolipids in association with CD1d. The recent development of fluorescent CD1d tetramers loaded with the synthetic glycolipid alpha-galactosyl-ceramide has led to a clearer definition of NKT-cell subsets as well as important insights into their developmental origin. As many as four subsets may exist, differing in NK1.1 expression, TCR repertoire and dependence on CD1d and various glycolipids for development. Two different lineage-commitment models have been proposed, with most evidence favoring a byproduct of conventional-T-cell development.


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This text aims at showing the history of indigenous peoples’ mobilization in Colombia, the effects that it has brought about on Colombian democracy and political system, and the state’s reactions to their claims and actions. It will show how they have moved from class-based claims to a politics where identity claims have been central in their agenda and part of their strategies to negotiate with the state. It will also show the existing constitutional and legal framework that recognizes the rights of indigenous peoples, despite the context of persecution, murder, and forced displacement.


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The effects of thyroid hormones on the nervous system are mediated by the presence of nuclear T3 receptors (NT3R). In this study, the expression of NT3R was investigated in spinal cord, dorsal root ganglia (DRG), or sciatic nerve of adult rats after immunostaining with a 2B3-NT3R monoclonal antibody which recognizes both alpha and beta types of NT3R. The specificity of this monoclonal antibody was confirmed by Western blots. The 2B3-NT3R monoclonal antibody recognized one band corresponding to a molecular weight of 57 kDa in extract of spinal cord or DRG. No staining was observed on immunoblot of intact sciatic nerve. In the spinal cord, the nuclei of the neurons and glial cells including both astrocytes and oligodendrocytes exhibited 2B3-NT3R immunoreactivity. While all the nuclei of the DRG sensory neurons expressed the NT3R, all the nuclei of the satellite and Schwann cells were devoid of any immunoreaction. In the sciatic nerve, the nuclei of the Schwann cells also lacked 2B3-NT3R-immunoreactivity. After sciatic nerve transection in vivo, Schwann cell nuclei, which never expressed NT3R in intact nerves of adult rats, displayed a clear 2B3-NT3R immunoreaction in proximal and distal stumps adjacent to the section. Double immunostaining with antibodies raised to 3-sulfogalactosylceramide or S100 confirmed that most of the NT3R containing nuclei belong to Schwann cells. In dissociated cell cultures grown in vitro from sciatic nerves, Schwann cells exhibited 2B3-NT3R immunoreactivity. These data suggest that the inhibition of NT3R expression in Schwann cells ensheathing axons in intact nerve is reversed when the axons are degenerating or lacking.(ABSTRACT TRUNCATED AT 250 WORDS)


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RESUME L'infiltration tissulaire par les cellules leucémiques, responsable de leucostase, est une complication grave de la leucémie aiguë hyperleucocytaire. Elle peut entraîner une détresse respiratoire et des troubles neurologiques de mauvais pronostic. Pendant longtemps, la prolifération intravasculaire des cellules leucémiques et l'augmentation de la viscosité étaient considérées comme en étant responsables, et le traitement reposait sur une cytoréduction rapide par leucaphérèse. Actuellement, l'interaction entre les cellules leucémiques et l'endothélium vasculaire est plutôt considérée comme la cause de ce phénomène. En effet, les cellules leucémiques peuvent induire l'expression des sélectives endothéliales. Les sélectives initient le roulement des leucocytes avant leur adhésion ferme et leur migration dans les tissus. Elles reconnaissent des ligands spécifiques exprimés à la surface des leucocytes, comme PSGL-1 qui est un ligand commun des sélectives. Cependant, plusieurs études suggèrent que d'autres ligands de la E-sélective soient exprimés par les leucocytes. L'interaction des cellules leucémiques avec la E- et la P- sélective est corrélée avec l'expression de la molécule CLA, reconnue par l'anticorps HECA-452. L'immunopurification des ligands de la E-sélective avec cet anticorps a permis d'isoler, des cellules THP1 et U937, une protéine de 170 kDa, ainsi qu'une autre protéine de 250 kDa des cellules U937, en plus de PSGL-1. Ces protéines ont également été purifiées avec la protéine de fusion Esélective/IgM. CD43 et CD44 semblent être des ligands de la E-sélective sur certaines lignées, mais leur interaction avec la E-sélective n'est pas toujours retrouvée. De plus, cette étude a permis de montrer que ces ligands de la E-sélectiné sont exprimés dans les rafts lipidiques, comme PSGL-1 et la L-sélective des neutrophiles. Ces deux nouveaux ligands sont en cours d'identification. Ils pourraient représenter une nouvelle cible dans le traitement de la leucostase, mais aussi lors d'inflammation chronique ou de métastases. ABSTRACT Leukostasis is alife-threatening complication of acute leukemia, that results from tissue infiltration of leukemic blasts that migrate out of blood flow and interfere with normal tissue functions. The process leading to these complications has been attributed to the overcrowding of leukemic cells in the microcirculation. However, leukostasis more likely results from the adhesive interactions between leukemic blasts and the endothelium. Activated endothelium express adhesion molecules like P- and E-selectin, and leukemic cells themselves can induce the expression of E-selectin on endothelial cells. Selectins are essential in initiating the rolling of intravascular cells on endothelium before firm adhesion and transmigration outside of blood vessels. They interact with specific ligands on leukocyte cell surface. P-selectin glycoprotein ligand-1 (PSGL-1) is common ligand for E-, P- and L-selectin. Recently, CD44, ESL-1 and CD44 were shown to cooperate. ìn supporting mouse neutrophil adhesion to E-selectin. Other E-selectin ligands remain to be identified in humans. Leukemic cells were screened in order to characterize human E-selectin ligands. The interactions of E- and P-selectin correlate with the expression of CLA epitope. Therefore, HECA-452 mAb that recognizes CLA was used for immunopurification. Aglycoprotein of 170 kDa was purified from THP1 and U937 cells, and a protein of 250 kDa from U937 cells. These proteins were also purified by affinity binding to E-selectin/IgM chimera. PSGL-1 bound to E-selectin as expected, but CD43 and CD44 were not always adsorbed on E-selectin chimera, depending on cell types. E-selectin ligands were also shown to be in lipid rafts in leukemic cells, like PSGL-1 and L-selectin in human neutrophils. The 170 kDa protein has been sequenced, and three interesting ligands were among the candidates: ESL-1, CD44 and podocalyxin. These ligands are under investigation, and may represent a new therapeutic target in leukostasis, inflammation or cancer metastasis.


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Integration of kDNA sequences within the genome of the host cell shown by PCR amplification with primers to the conserved Trypanosoma cruzi kDNA minicircle sequence was confirmed by Southern hybridization with specific probes. The cells containing the integrated kDNA sequences were then perpetuated as transfected macrophage subclonal lines. The kDNA transfected macrophages expressed membrane antigens that were recognized by antibodies in a panel of sera from ten patients with chronic Chagas disease. These antigens barely expressed in the membrane of uninfected, control macrophage clonal lines were recognized neither by factors in the control, non-chagasic subjects nor in the chagasic sera. This finding suggests the presence of an autoimmune antibody in the chagasic sera that recognizes auto-antigens in the membrane of T. cruzi kDNA transfected macrophage subclonal lines.


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The Institute of Public Health in Ireland is an all-island body which aims to improve health in Ireland, by working to combat health inequalities and influence public policies in favour of health. The Institute promotes co-operation in research, training, information and policy in order to contribute to policies which tackle inequalities in health. He Institute houses the all-Ireland population health observatory, INIsPHO. The Institute has enjoyed good working relations with HIQA and welcomes the opportunity to submit its views for inclusion in HIQA’s forthcoming Corporate Plan. Our response highlights the inter-relatedness of the four Functions of HIQA. The Institute believes that HIQA’s first Corporate Plan should aim to develop all four Functions in a co-ordinated manner that recognizes and takes advantage of their inter-dependence. For example; the Health Information Function should include a strong focus on, but not be limited to, information requirements to support the delivery of the other three Functions. As well as gathering relevant information in a complementary way, these other Functions can help define priorities for the Health Information Function. This approach will have implications for the organizational structures and processes within HIQA, and the way it conducts its business.