170 resultados para Psoroptes ovis
Comprendre de quelle façon les populations animales répondent aux conditions qui prévalent dans leur environnement revêt une grande importance. Les conditions climatiques et météorologiques sont une source importante de variabilité dans l'environnement et celles-ci ont des répercussions sur les espèces sauvages, en affectant leur physiologie, leur comportement et leurs ressources. Les ongulés alpins et nordiques font face à une succession annuelle de conditions environnementales favorables et défavorables, entraînant chez ceux-ci d'importants changements de masse saisonniers. Chez ces grands herbivores, la masse est importante puisqu'elle est positivement corrélée à la survie et à la reproduction. C'est pourquoi il est essentiel d'investiguer les paramètres affectant les changements de masse saisonniers. L'objectif principal de ma maîtrise était donc d'identifier et de mieux comprendre l'effet des conditions climatiques et météorologiques sur les changements de masse estivaux et hivernaux d'un ongulé alpin: le mouflon d'Amérique (Ovis canadensis). Pour atteindre cet objectif, j'ai utilisé les données du suivi à long terme de la population de mouflons de Ram Mountain, Alberta. Les mesures de masse répétées prises lors des captures permettent d'estimer la masse printanière et automnale des individus, ainsi que leur gain de masse estival et leur changement de masse hivernal. En affectant les coûts énergétiques de la thermorégulation et des déplacements et en influençant la végétation, les conditions climatiques et météorologiques peuvent avoir d'importantes conséquences sur les changements de masse des ongulés alpins. La température, les précipitations et un indice de climat global (le «Pacific Decadal Oscillation»; PDO) ont donc été utilisés afin de caractériser les conditions environnementales et d'investiguer les effets de ces variables sur les changements de masse saisonniers des individus de différentes classes d'âge et de sexe. Des températures froides au printemps ont engendré de plus grands gains de masse estivaux. Des printemps froids peuvent ralentir la maturation des plantes, engendrant une plus grande période où il est possible de s'alimenter de jeunes plantes nutritives, ce qui explique probablement cet effet positif des printemps froids. Cet effet doit toutefois être nuancé puisque les changements de masse hivernaux étaient également influencés par la température printanière, avec des printemps chauds menant à de plus faibles pertes de masse. Il semble que cet effet était dû à une apparition hâtive de la végétation, menant à une prise de masse des mouflons avant qu'ils ne soient capturés au printemps. Cela suggère qu'en affectant la disponibilité et la qualité de la végétation, les conditions printanières ont des répercussions à la fois sur le gain de masse estival, mais également sur les changements de masse hivernaux des mouflons. Le PDO au printemps a un effet positif important sur le gain de masse des adultes mâles lorsque la densité est faible. Des températures chaudes à l'automne engendrent de plus grands gains de masse pendant l'hiver chez les agneaux mâles (la plupart des agneaux gagnent de la masse l'hiver), potentiellement en augmentant la période possible de prise de masse pour ces jeunes individus. Les femelles de deux ans et les mâles adultes ont perdu plus de masse lors d'hivers avec beaucoup de précipitations et des températures froides, respectivement. Finalement, ce projet de recherche a permis d'identifier les variables climatiques et météorologiques clés affectant les changements de masse saisonniers d'un ongulé alpin. Cette étude a également mis en évidence des effets du PDO sur les changements de masse saisonniers, soulignant que de tels indices peuvent s'avérer utiles afin de les mettre en lien avec la variation phénotypique chez les espèces sauvages, et ce sans qu'il n'y ait nécessairement de fortes corrélations entre ces indices et les variables météorologiques locales.
Resumen La conidiobolomicosis es una enfermedad causada por Conidiobolus spp. que afecta a varias especies de animales, incluyendo ovinos, llamas, ciervos, caballos, perros y humanos. En ovinos se caracteriza por lesiones granulomatosas en la cavidad nasal. Aunque la enfermedad es endémica en distintas regiones de Brasil, aún no ha sido reportada en Uruguay. El objetivo de este trabajo es describir un caso de conidiobolomicosis nasal en una oveja en Uruguay y proveer una breve revisión bibliográfica. El caso ocurrió en marzo del 2015 en una oveja de 19 meses de edad en un establecimiento ubicado en el departamento de Colonia. Los principales signos clínicos fueron debilidad, secreción nasal, obnubilación, torneo y exoftalmos unilateral. Los principales hallazgos patológicos fueron rinosinusitis granulomatosa necrotizante localmente extensiva, afectando la región posterior de la cavidad nasal, con desplazamiento del tabique nasal y osteítis necrotizante/osteolítica de los huesos faciales, con extensión al tejido subcutáneo facial y espacio retro-ocular derechos. Microscópicamente se constató la presencia de hifas intralesionales, identificadas por inmunohistoquímica como Conidiobolus spp., rodeadas por material de Splendore-Hoeppli. Se concluye que la conidiobolomicosis ocurre esporádicamente en Uruguay y que debe ser considerada dentro de los diagnósticos diferenciales de rinitis en ovinos en este País
Propósito y Método del Estudio: Introducción. La generación de implantes para el tratamiento y regeneración de afecciones del tejido óseo representan una enorme oportunidad de desarrollo e innovación para muchos campos de la salud humana. Metodología: nosotros generamos un implante de tres componentes (I-3C) constituido por células madre mesenquimales (CMMs), transducidas ex vivo con un vector adenoviral que expresa una combinación de las proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 (AdBMP2/7), embebidas en una matriz ósea desmineralizada (MOD). Este implante fue probado en un modelo ovino (Ovis aries) en una lesión sometida a carga. Resultados: los ensayos in vitro demostraron que el tratamiento seleccionado con mayor potencial osteogénico es el que contiene la combinación AdBMP2/7 comprobado por PCR en tiempo real, Western Blot y tinciones histológicas e inmunohistoquímicas para las proteínas marcadoras de inducción a hueso, osteocalcina y colágeno tipo I. El implante fue colocado en la zona de la lesión, creada por una distracción en la diáfisis media de la tibia. Se probaron tres grupos de experimentación: control 1 sin implante (S-I); control 2 implante con CMMs (I-CMMs); implante de 3 componentes CMMs modificadas genéticamente con adenovirus que expresan proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 que se encuentran embebidas en una matriz de hueso desmineralizado (I-3C). Resultados: el seguimiento radiográfico por 10 semanas después de la distracción ósea demostró una reducción en el tiempo de consolidación del grupo I-3C. La tomografía computarizada demostró en ese mismo grupo, una forma y estructura del hueso postmortem muy parecida a la de una tibia sin lesión. Estos hallazgos fueron corroborados por los ensayos de compresión e histológicos, demostrando que la calidad del hueso nuevo formado fue mayor que la de los grupos sin implante y con CMMs sin modificación genética. Contribuciones y Conclusiones: se logró desarrollar un implante de tres componentes constituido por células madre mesenquimales (CMMs), transducidas ex vivo con un vector adenoviral que expresa una combinación de las proteínas morfogenéticas de hueso 2 y 7 (AdBMP2/7), que nos permitirá continuar con los estudios clínicos necesarios para evaluar principalmente defectos en huesos y enfermedades relacionadas con el sistema óseo.
External ophthalmomyiasis is an infestation of conjunctiva with larvae or maggots of certain lies. Oestrus ovis is the most common cause of human ophthalmomyiasis. The case of a 16-yearold female is described, who presented with foreign body sensation, pain, and redness in the left eye. Slit-lamp biomicroscopy revealed 32 tiny larvae crawling around the conjunctival sac. The larvae were mechanically removed under topical anesthesia, and identiied under a light microscope as irst-stage larvae of O. ovis causing external ophthalmomyiasis. She was successfully treated with topical tobacco juice. Follow-up examination of these cases is recommended to avoid possible complications.
Generally, the problem of semen freezing process is cold shock effect and intracelullar change due to water release which is related to ice crystal formation. One factor to solve the problem is finding out optimal equilibration time and thawing method so there is only a little damage spermatozoa during freezing process. The research has been done to explore the influence of equilibration time and thawing methode on frozen semen quality of garut rams. The results shown that the mean of percentages of progressive motile sperm, percentages of viable sperm, percentages of plasma membrane and acrosomal intact on four hours equilibration (52.50% ; 62.33%; 57.17% and 56.42%)  were not significantly different (P>0.05) from five hours equilibration (52.27%; 63.67%; 56.92% and 57.58 %) and six hours equilibration (54.17%; 61.00%; 59.42% and 58.58%) respectively. The percentages of progressive motile sperm, percentages of viable sperm,  percentages of plasma membrane and acrosomal intact on the thawing method on the temperature of 370C for 30 seconds (53.33% ; 62.39%; 57.94% dan 58.61) were not significantly different (P>0.05) from the thawing methode on the temperature of 250C for 45 seconds (52.22% ; 62.28%; 57.72% dan 56.44) respectively. The conclusion shown that the treatment of four hours equilibration, five hours equilibration,  six hours equilibration and also the treatment of thawing method on the temperature of 370C  for 30 seconds and the thawing methode on the temperature of 250C  for 45 seconds do not have effect on garut ram freezing semen quality. (Animal Production 7(2): 74-80 (2005) Key Words : Equilibration, Thawing, Semen, Garut ram
Historical information can be used, in addition to pedigree, traits and genotypes, to map quantitative trait locus (QTL) in general populations via maximum likelihood estimation of variance components. This analysis is known as linkage disequilibrium (LD) and linkage mapping, because it exploits both linkage in families and LD at the population level. The search for QTL in the wild population of Soay sheep on St. Kilda is a proof of principle. We analysed the data from a previous study and confirmed some of the QTLs reported. The most striking result was the confirmation of a QTL affecting birth weight that had been reported using association tests but not when using linkage-based analyses. Copyright © Cambridge University Press 2010.
The sheep (Ovis aries) is commonly used as a large animal model in skeletal research. Although the sheep genome has been sequenced there are still only a limited number of annotated mRNA sequences in public databases. A complementary DNA (cDNA) library was constructed to provide a generic resource for further exploration of genes that are actively expressed in bone cells in sheep. It was anticipated that the cDNA library would provide molecular tools for further research into the process of fracture repair and bone homeostasis, and add to the existing body of knowledge. One of the hallmarks of cDNA libraries has been the identification of novel genes and in this library the full open reading frame of the gene C12orf29 was cloned and characterised. This gene codes for a protein of unknown function with a molecular weight of 37 kDa. A literature search showed that no previous studies had been conducted into the biological role of C12orf29, except for some bioinformatics studies that suggested a possible link with cancer. Phylogenetic analyses revealed that C12orf29 had an ancient pedigree with a homologous gene found in some bacterial taxa. This implied that the gene was present in the last common eukaryotic ancestor, thought to have existed more than 2 billion years ago. This notion was further supported by the fact that the gene is found in taxa belonging to the two major eukaryotic branches, bikonts and unikonts. In the bikont supergroup a C12orf29-like gene was found in the single celled protist Naegleria gruberi, whereas in the unikont supergroup, encompassing the metazoa, the gene is universal to all chordate and, therefore, vertebrate species. It appears to have been lost to the majority of cnidaria and protostomes taxa; however, C12orf29-like genes have been found in the cnidarian freshwater hydra and the protostome Pacific oyster. The experimental data indicate that C12orf29 has a structural role in skeletal development and tissue homeostasis, whereas in silico analysis of the human C12orf29 promoter region suggests that its expression is potentially under the control of the NOTCH, WNT and TGF- developmental pathways, as well SOX9 and BAPX1; pathways that are all heavily involved in skeletogenesis. Taken together, this investigation provides strong evidence that C12orf29 has a very important role in the chordate body plan, in early skeletal development, cartilage homeostasis, and also a possible link with spina bifida in humans.
Agriculture is responsible for a significant proportion of total anthropogenic greenhouse gas emissions (perhaps 18% globally), and therefore has the potential to contribute to efforts to reduce emissions as a means of minimising the risk of dangerous climate change. The largest contributions to emissions are attributed to ruminant methane production and nitrous oxide from animal waste and fertilised soils. Further, livestock, including ruminants, are an important component of global and Australian food production and there is a growing demand for animal protein sources. At the same time as governments and the community strengthen objectives to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, there are growing concerns about global food security. This paper provides an overview of a number of options for reducing methane and nitrous oxide emissions from ruminant production systems in Australia, while maintaining productivity to contribute to both objectives. Options include strategies for feed modification, animal breeding and herd management, rumen manipulation and animal waste and fertiliser management. Using currently available strategies, some reductions in emissions can be achieved, but practical commercially available techniques for significant reductions in methane emissions, particularly from extensive livestock production systems, will require greater time and resource investment. Decreases in the levels of emissions from these ruminant systems (i.e., the amount of emissions per unit of product such as meat) have already been achieved. However, the technology has not yet been developed for eliminating production of methane from the rumen of cattle and sheep digesting the cellulose and lignin-rich grasses that make up a large part of the diet of animals grazing natural pastures, particularly in arid and semi-arid grazing lands. Nevertheless, the abatement that can be achieved will contribute significantly towards reaching greenhouse gas emissions reduction targets and research will achieve further advances.
Background The ghrelin axis is involved in the regulation of metabolism, energy balance, and the immune, cardiovascular and reproductive systems. The manipulation of this axis has potential for improving economically valuable traits in production animals, and polymorphisms in the ghrelin (GHRL) and ghrelin receptor (GHSR) genes have been associated with growth and carcass traits. Here we investigate the structure and expression of the ghrelin gene (GHRL) in sheep, Ovis aries. Results We identify two ghrelin mRNA isoforms, which we have designated Δex2 preproghrelin and Δex2,3 preproghrelin. Expression of Δex2,3 preproghrelin is likely to be restricted to ruminants, and would encode truncated ghrelin and a novel C-terminal peptide. Both Δex2 preproghrelin and canonical preproghrelin mRNA isoforms were expressed in a range of tissues. Expression of the Δex2,3 preproghrelin isoform, however, was restricted to white blood cells (WBC; where the wild-type preproghrelin isoform is not co-expressed), and gastrointestinal tissues. Expression of Δex2 preproghrelin and Δex2,3 preproghrelin mRNA was elevated in white blood cells in response to parasitic worm (helminth) infection in genetically susceptible sheep, but not in resistant sheep. Conclusions The restricted expression of the novel preproghrelin variants and their distinct WBC expression pattern during parasite infection may indicate a novel link between the ghrelin axis and metabolic and immune function in ruminants.
The sheep (Ovis aries) is favored by many musculoskeletal tissue engineering groups as a large animal model because of its docile temperament and ease of husbandry. The size and weight of sheep are comparable to humans, which allows for the use of implants and fixation devices used in human clinical practice. The construction of a complimentary DNA (cDNA) library can capture the expression of genes in both a tissue- and time-specific manner. cDNA libraries have been a consistent source of gene discovery ever since the technology became commonplace more than three decades ago. Here, we describe the construction of a cDNA library using cells derived from sheep bones based on the pBluescript cDNA kit. Thirty clones were picked at random and sequenced. This led to the identification of a novel gene, C12orf29, which our initial experiments indicate is involved in skeletal biology. We also describe a polymerase chain reaction-based cDNA clone isolation method that allows the isolation of genes of interest from a cDNA library pool. The techniques outlined here can be applied in-house by smaller tissue engineering groups to generate tools for biomolecular research for large preclinical animal studies and highlights the power of standard cDNA library protocols to uncover novel genes.
Low-volume, backline applications with the benzoylphenyl urea insecticides triflumuron and diflubenzuron represent in excess of 70% of treatments for the control of sheep lice, Bovicola ovis (Schrank) (Phthiraptera: Trichodectidae), in Australia. Reports of reduced effectiveness from 2003 and subsequent controlled treatment trials suggested the emergence of resistance to these compounds in B. ovis populations. A laboratory assay based on the measurement of moulting success in nymphs was developed and used to assess susceptibility to diflubenzuron and triflumuron in louse populations collected from sheep where a control failure had occurred. These tests confirmed the development of resistance to triflumuron and diflubenzuron in at least two instances, with estimated resistance ratios of 67-94X at LC50.
Nuclear hormone receptors, such as the ecdysone receptor, often display a large amount of induced fit to ligands. The size and shape of the binding pocket in the EcR subunit changes markedly on ligand binding, making modelling methods such as docking extremely challenging. It is, however, possible to generate excellent 3D QSAR models for a given type of ligand, suggesting that the receptor adopts a relatively restricted number of binding site configurations or [`]attractors'. We describe the synthesis, in vitro binding and selected in vivo toxicity data for [gamma]-methylene [gamma]-lactams, a new class of high-affinity ligands for ecdysone receptors from Bovicola ovis (Phthiraptera) and Lucilia cuprina (Diptera). The results of a 3D QSAR study of the binding of methylene lactams to recombinant ecdysone receptor protein suggest that this class of ligands is indeed recognized by a single conformation of the EcR binding pocket.
[ES] La industria ósea postpaleolítica, por lo general, pocas veces ha merecido la atención que se le ha concedido a la fabricada durante el Paleolítico Superior. No obstante una de dichas excepciones serán los denominados ídolos-espátulas con decoración acanalada en su mitad proximal, trabajados sobre tibias de "Capra/Ovis" y procedentes por lo que hasta ahora conocemos de contextos sepulcrales megalíticos. En su morfología deben de señalarse el extremo activo romo, al modo de otras espátulas tan comunes en contextos neolíticos, y el extremo proximal decorado con profundos acanalamientos que conforman motivos geométricos más o menos complejos (espiral, zig-zag, etc.) en unos casos y en menos alguna figura antropomorfa femenina. Los primeros hallazgos se realizaron en la provincia de Álava durante la década de los sesenta, destacando entre ellos los procedentes del sepulcro de corredor de San Martín (Laguardia), a los que se sucedieron otros como los de Kurtzebide, Los Llanos, etc. en el mismo territorio y los importantes conjuntos hallados en distintas provincias de la Meseta Norte y en La Rioja. Todos ellos debido al tipo de contexto del que proceden y las características de los ídolos-espátula ritual dan cierto grado de homogeneidad ideológico o religioso a todo el territorio. No obstante, fuera de este territorio y muy alejados desde el punto de vista geográfico existen otros ejemplares (Tell Halula -Siria-, Sesklo, Agios Petras -Grecia-) que muestran gran similitud tipológica aunque no un nexo de unión entre ambas zonas. Por otra parte, hay que subrayar la notable mayor antigüedad del foco oriental y que el contexto del que proceden no es funerario como en el caso de los ejemplares occidentales.