955 resultados para Proteínas proto-oncogênicas c-fos
Untreated AKR mice develop spontaneous thymic lymphomas by 6-12 months of age. Lymphoma development is accelerated when young mice are injected with the carcinogen N-methyl-N-nitrosourea (MNU). Selected molecular and cellular events were compared during the latent period preceding "spontaneous" (retrovirally-induced) and MNU-induced thymic lymphoma development in AKR mice. These studies were undertaken to test the hypothesis that thymic lymphomas induced in the same inbred mouse strain by endogenous retroviruses and by a chemical carcinogen develop by different mechanisms.^ Immunofluorescence analysis of differentiation antigens showed that most MNU-induced lymphomas express an immature CD4-8+ profile. In contrast, spontaneous lymphomas represent each of the major lymphocyte subsets. These data suggest involvement of different target populations in MNU-induced and spontaneous lymphomas. Analyses at intervals after MNU treatment revealed selective expansion of the CD4-8+ J11d+ thymocyte subset at 8-10 weeks post-MNU in 68% of the animals examined, suggesting that these cells are targets for MNU-induced lymphomagenesis. Untreated age-matched animals showed no selective expansion of thymocyte subsets.^ Previous data have shown that both spontaneous and MNU-induced lymphomas are monoclonal or oligoclonal. Distinct rearrangement patterns of the J$\sb2$ region of the T-cell receptor $\beta$-chain showed emergence of clonal thymocyte populations beginning at 6-7 weeks after MNU treatment. However, lymphocytes from untreated animals showed no evidence of clonal expansion at the time intervals investigated.^ Activation of c-myc frequently occurs during development of B- and T- cell lymphomas. Both spontaneous and MNU-induced lymphomas showed increased c-myc transcript levels. Increased c-myc transcription was first detected at 6 weeks post-MNU, and persisted throughout the latent period. However, untreated animals showed no increases in c-myc transcripts at the time intervals examined. Another nuclear oncogene, c-fos, did not display a similar change in RNA transcription during the latent period.^ These results supports the hypothesis that MNU-induced and spontaneous tumors develop by multi-step pathways which are distinct with respect to the target cell population affected. Clonal emergence and c-myc deregulation are important steps in the development of both MNU-induced and spontaneous tumors, but the onset of these events is later in spontaneous tumor development. ^
Increased cardiovascular mortality occurs in diabetic patients with or without coronary artery disease and is attributed to the presence of diabetic cardiomyopathy. One potential mechanism is hyperglycemia that has been reported to activate protein kinase C (PKC), preferentially the β isoform, which has been associated with the development of micro- and macrovascular pathologies in diabetes mellitus. To establish that the activation of the PKCβ isoform can cause cardiac dysfunctions, we have established lines of transgenic mice with the specific overexpression of PKCβ2 isoform in the myocardium. These mice overexpressed the PKCβ2 isoform transgene by 2- to 10-fold as measured by mRNA, and proteins exhibited left ventricular hypertrophy, cardiac myocyte necrosis, multifocal fibrosis, and decreased left ventricular performance without vascular lesions. The severity of the phenotypes exhibited gene dose-dependence. Up-regulation of mRNAs for fetal type myosin heavy chain, atrial natriuretic factor, c-fos, transforming growth factor, and collagens was also observed. Moreover, treatment with a PKCβ-specific inhibitor resulted in functional and histological improvement. These findings have firmly established that the activation of the PKCβ2 isoform can cause specific cardiac cellular and functional changes leading to cardiomyopathy of diabetic or nondiabetic etiology.
c-Mpl, a member of the hematopoietic cytokine receptor family, is the receptor for thrombopoietin. To investigate signal transduction by c-Mpl, a chimeric receptor, composed of the extracellular domain of human growth hormone receptor and the intracellular domain of c-Mpl, was introduced into the interleukin 3-dependent cell line Ba/F3. In response to growth hormone, this chimeric receptor induced growth in the absence of interleukin 3. Deletion analysis of the 123-amino acid intracellular domain indicated that the elements responsible for this effect are present within the 63 amino acids proximal to the transmembrane domain. Mutation of the recently described box 1 motif abrogated the proliferative response. Tyrosine phosphorylation of the tyrosine kinase JAK-2 and activation of STAT proteins were dependent on box 1 and sequences within 63 amino acids of the plasma membrane. STAT proteins activated by thrombopoietin in a megakaryocytic cell line were purified and shown to be STAT1 and STAT3. A separate region located at the C terminus of the c-Mpl intracellular domain was found to be required for induction of Shc phosphorylation and c-fos mRNA accumulation, suggesting involvement of the Ras signal transduction pathway. Thus, at least two distinct regions are involved in signal transduction by the c-Mpl.
Este trabalho mostra o envolvimento do gene RECK no processo de progressão do ciclo celular. Foi verificado que a expressão endógena de RECK é modulada durante a progressão do ciclo celular. A superexpressão de RECK em fibroblastos normais de camundongo promove uma diminuição da capacidade proliferativa das células e um retardo da transição das fases G0/G1-S do ciclo celular. Além disso, os resultados sugerem que um dos possíveis mecanismos de ação de RECK, que promovem este processo, envolve a indução da expressão de um inibidor de CDK, especificamente de p21, e retardo da fosforilação de pRb. Os resultados indicam, ainda, que durante a progressão do ciclo celular a expressão do gene RECK apresenta uma correlação inversa com a expressão do proto-oncogene c-myc. Estes dados corroboram os dados da literatura que mostram RECK como um alvo para o produto de diversos oncogenes, como ras e c-myc. A caracterização da repressão de RECK por c-Myc mostrou que a mesma ocorre ao nível transcricional e que sítios Sp1, presentes no promotor de RECK, são essenciais para a ação de Myc. Dados adicionais sugerem que a repressão de RECK por c-Myc parece envolver mecanismos de desacetilação de histonas. A modulação da expressão de RECK também foi avaliada durante a progressão maligna de tumores do sistema nervoso central (especificamente, gliomas). Foi verificado que a expressão de RECK não é alterada com a progressão deste tipo de tumor. Porém, foi verificado que os pacientes que manifestaram um maior tempo de sobrevida apresentaram tumores com uma significativa maior expressão do gene RECK. Estes dados sugerem que RECK possa ser um possível marcador prognóstico. A caracterização da regulação da expressão de RECK, tanto em células normais como em diferentes tipos de tumores, assim como os alvos moleculares da sua ação, são pontos muito importantes para o entendimento dos mecanismos que controlam a proliferação celular e podem contribuir para o desenvolvimento de novas formas de terapia anti-tumoral.
Candida albicans es un importante patógeno oportunista en humanos, que puede causar distintos tipos de infecciones, desde micosis superficiales hasta sistémicas. La candidiasis invasiva es una enfermedad que puede causar mortalidad en pacientes inmunocomprometidos. Para causar daño en el hospedador, C. albicans cuenta con una serie de factores de virulencia. Entre ellos destaca la capacidad de cambiar su forma de crecimiento de levadura a hifa. La superficie celular es la estructura más externa de la célula y el punto de contacto entre el hongo y el hospedador. Las proteínas de superficie tienen un papel importante en la integridad estructural de la célula y en la adherencia e invasión de células del hospedador. Una de las proteínas localizadas en la superficie celular es Ecm33, una proteína de pared celular con anclaje glicosilfosfatidilinositol (GPI). La deleción de esta proteína afecta a la morfología tanto de levaduras como de hifas, dando como resultado células con la pared celular alterada y virulencia reducida tanto en condiciones in vitro como in vivo. El secretoma o las proteínas secretadas por C. albicans son también relevantes en la interacción patógeno-hospedador. C. albicans secreta muchas proteínas importantes relacionadas con diferentes procesos, entre los que se incluyen la formación de biofilms, la adquisición de nutrientes y el mantenimiento de la integridad de la pared celular. Muchas de estas proteínas secretadas, como las pertenecientes a las familias de aspartil proteasas (Sap) y la familia de fosfolipasas B (Plb), también han sido detectadas en la pared celular, ya que deben pasar a través de ella en su tránsito hacia el medio extracelular. Estas proteínas tienen un péptido señal en el extremo N-terminal que es el responsable de dirigirlas a la ruta clásica de secreción. Sin embargo, cerca de un tercio de las proteínas identificadas en el medio extracelular de C. albicans no poseen dicho péptido señal en su secuencia...
In the last decade we have come to understand that the growth of cancer cells in general and of breast cancer in particular depends, in many cases, upon growth factors that will bind to and activate their receptors. One of these growth factor receptors is the erbB-2 protein which plays an important role in the prognosis of breast cancer and is overexpressed in nearly 30% of human breast cancer patients. While evidence accumulates to support the relationship between erbB-2 overexpression and poor overall survival in breast cancer, understanding of the biological consequence(s) of erbB-2 overexpression remains elusive. Our recent discovery of the gp30 has allowed us to identify a number of related but distinct biological endpoints which appear responsive to signal transduction through the erbB-2 receptor. These endpoints of growth, invasiveness, and differentiation have clear implications for the emergence, maintenance and/or control of malignancy, and represent established endpoints in the assessment of malignant progression in breast cancer. We have shown that gp30 induces a biphasic growth effect on cells with erbB-2 over-expression. We have recently determined the protein sequence of gp30 and cloned its full length cDNA sequence. We have also cloned two additional forms to the ligand, that are believed to be different isoforms. We are currently expressing the different forms in order to determine their biological effects. To elucidate the cellular mechanisms underlying cell growth inhibition by gp30, we tested the effect of this ligand on cell growth and differentiation of the human breast cancer cells which overexpress erbB-2 and cells which express low levels of this protooncogene. High concentrations of ligand induced differentiation of cells overexpressing erbB-2, as measured by inhibition of cell growth, and increased synthesis of milk components, and modulation of E-cadherin and up- regulation of c-jun and c-fos. These findings indicate that ligand-induced growth inhibition in cells overexpressing erbB-2 is associated with an apparent induction of differentiation. The availability of gp30 derived synthetic peptides and its full cDNAs provides tools necessary to acquire a better understanding of the mechanism of action of the this ligands and the erbB-2 receptor in breast cancer.
The intervertebral disc is composed of concentrically arranged components: annulus fibrosus, the transition zone, and central nucleus pulposus. The major disc cell type differs in various parts of the intervertebral disc. In annulus fibrosus a spindle shaped fibroblast-like cell mainly dominates, whereas in central nucleus pulposus the more rounded chondrocyte-like disc cell is the major cell type. At birth the intervertebral disc is well vascularized, but during childhood and adolescence blood vessels become smaller and less numerous. The adult intervertebral disc is avascular and is nourished via the cartilage endplates. On the other hand, degenerated and prolapsed intervertebral discs are again vascularized, and show many changes compared to normal discs, including: nerve ingrowth, change in collagen turnover, and change in water content. Furthermore, the prolapsed intervertebral disc tissue has a tendency to decrease in size over time. Growth factors are polypeptides which regulate cell growth, extracellular matrix protease activity, and vascularization. Oncoproteins c-Fos and c-Jun heterodimerize, forming the AP-1 transcription factor which is expressed in activated cells. In this thesis the differences of growth factor expression in normal intervertebral disc, the degenerated intervertebral disc and herniated intervertebral disc were analyzed. Growth factors of particular interest were basic fibroblast growth factor (bFGF or FGF-2), platelet-derived growth factor (PDGF), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF), and transforming growth factor beta (TGFβ). Cell activation was visualized by the expression of the AP-1 transcription promoters c-Fos and c-Jun. The expression was shown with either mono- or polyclonal antibodies by indirect avidin-biotin-peroxidase immunohistochemical staining method. The normal control material was collected from a tissue bank of five organ donors. The degenerated disc material was from twelve patients operated on for painful degenerative disc disease, and herniated disc tissue material was obtained from 115 patients operated on for sciatica. Normal control discs showed only TGFβ immunopositivity. All other factors studied were immunonegative in the control material. Prolapsed disc material was immunopositive for all factors studied, and this positivity was located either in the disc cells or in blood vessels. Furthermore, neovascularization was noted. Disc cell immunoreaction was shown in chondrocyte-like disc cells or in fibroblast-like disc cells, the former being expressed especially in conglomerates (clusters of disc cells). TGFβ receptor induction was prominent in prolapsed intervertebral disc tissue. In degenerated disc material, the expression of growth factors was analyzed in greater detail in various parts of the disc: nucleus pulposus, anterior annulus fibrosus and posterior annulus fibrosus. PDGF did not show any immunoreactivity, whereas all other studied growth factors were localized either in chondrocyte-like disc cells, often forming clusters, in fibroblast-like disc cells, or in small capillaries. Many of the studied degenerated discs showed tears in the posterior region of annulus fibrosus, but expression of immunopositive growth factors was detected throughout the entire disc. Furthermore, there was a difference in immunopositive cell types for different growth factors. The main conclusion of the thesis, supported by all substudies, is the occurrence of growth factors in disc cells. They may be actively participating in a network regulating disc cell growth, proliferation, extracellular matrix turnover, and neovascularization. Chondrocyte-like disc cells, in particular, expressed growth factors and oncoproteins, highlighting the importance of this cell type in the basic pathophysiologic events involved in disc degeneration and disc rearrangement. The thesis proposes a hypothesis for cellular remodelling in intervertebral disc tissue. In summary, the model presents an activation pattern of different growth factors at different intervertebral disc stages, mechanisms leading to neovascularization of the intervertebral disc in pathological conditions, and alteration of disc cell shape, especially in annulus fibrosus. Chondrocyte-like disc cells become more numerous, and these cells are capable of forming clusters, which appear to be regionally active within the disc. The alteration of the phenotype of disc cells expressing growth factors from fibroblast-like disc cells to chondrocyte-like cells in annulus fibrosus, and the numerous expression of growth factor expressing disc cells in nucleus pulposus, may be a key element both during pathological degeneration of the intervertebral disc, and during the healing process after trauma.
Background: Bryophyllum pinnata (B. pinnata) is a common medicinal plant used in traditional medicine of India and of other countries for curing various infections, bowel diseases, healing wounds and other ailments. However, its anticancer properties are poorly defined. In view of broad spectrum therapeutic potential of B. pinnata we designed a study to examine anti-cancer and anti-Human Papillomavirus (HPV) activities in its leaf extracts and tried to isolate its active principle. Methods: A chloroform extract derived from a bulk of botanically well-characterized pulverized B. pinnata leaves was separated using column chromatography with step-gradient of petroleum ether and ethyl acetate. Fractions were characterized for phyto-chemical compounds by TLC, HPTLC and NMR and Biological activity of the fractions were examined by MTT-based cell viability assay, Electrophoretic Mobility Shift Assay, Northern blotting and assay of apoptosis related proteins by immunoblotting in human cervical cancer cells. Results: Results showed presence of growth inhibitory activity in the crude leaf extracts with IC50 at 552 mu g/ml which resolved to fraction F4 (Petroleum Ether: Ethyl Acetate:: 50: 50) and showed IC50 at 91 mu g/ml. Investigations of anti-viral activity of the extract and its fraction revealed a specific anti-HPV activity on cervical cancer cells as evidenced by downregulation of constitutively active AP1 specific DNA binding activity and suppression of oncogenic c-Fos and c-Jun expression which was accompanied by inhibition of HPV18 transcription. In addition to inhibiting growth, fraction F4 strongly induced apoptosis as evidenced by an increased expression of the pro-apoptotic protein Bax, suppression of the anti-apoptotic molecules Bcl-2, and activation of caspase-3 and cleavage of PARP-1. Phytochemical analysis of fraction F4 by HPTLC and NMR indicated presence of activity that resembled Bryophyllin A. Conclusions: Our study therefore demonstrates presence of anticancer and anti-HPV an activity in B. pinnata leaves that can be further exploited as a potential anticancer, anti-HPV therapeutic for treatment of HPV infection and cervical cancer.
The molecular mechanism of antimony-resistant Leishmania donovani ((SbLD)-L-R)-driven up-regulation of IL-10 and multidrug-resistant protein 1 (MDR1) in infected macrophages (M phi s) has been investigated. This study showed that both promastigote and amastigote forms of (SbLD)-L-R, but not the antimony-sensitive form of LD, express a unique glycan with N-acetylgalactosamine as a terminal sugar. Removal of it either by enzyme treatment or by knocking down the relevant enzyme, galactosyltransferase in (SbLD)-L-R (KD (SbLD)-L-R), compromises the ability to induce the above effects. Infection of M phi s with KD (SbLD)-L-R enhanced the sensitivity toward antimonials compared with infection with (SbLD)-L-R, and infection of BALB/c mice with KD (SbLD)-L-R caused significantly less organ parasite burden compared with infection induced by (SbLD)-L-R. The innate immune receptor, Toll-like receptor 2/6 heterodimer, is exploited by (SbLD)-L-R to activate ERK and nuclear translocation of NF-kappa B involving p50/c-Rel leading to IL-10 induction, whereas MDR1 up-regulation is mediated by PI3K/Akt and the JNK pathway. Interestingly both recombinant IL-10 and (SbLD)-L-R up-regulate MDR1 in M. with different time kinetics, where phosphorylation of PI3K was noted at 12 h and 48 h, respectively, but M phi s derived from IL-10(-/-) mice are unable to show MDR1 up-regulation on infection with (SbLD)-L-R. Thus, it is very likely that an IL-10 surge is a prerequisite for MDR1 up-regulation. The transcription factor important for IL-10-driven MDR1 up-regulation is c-Fos/c-Jun and not NF-kappa B, as evident from studies with pharmacological inhibitors and promoter mapping with deletion constructs.
196 p. :il.
Interleukin-2 is one of the lymphokines secreted by T helper type 1 cells upon activation mediated by T-cell receptor (TCR) and accessory molecules. The ability to express IL-2 is correlated with T-lineage commitment and is regulated during T cell development and differentiation. Understanding the molecular mechanism of how IL-2 gene inducibility is controlled at each transition and each differentiation process of T-cell development is to understand one aspect of T-cell development. In the present study, we first attempted to elucidate the molecular basis for the developmental changes of IL-2 gene inducibility. We showed that IL-2 gene inducibility is acquired early in immature CD4- CD8-TCR- thymocytes prior to TCR gene rearrangement. Similar to mature T cells, a complete set of transcription factors can be induced at this early stage to activate IL-2 gene expression. The progression of these cells to cortical CD4^+CD8^+TCR^(1o) cells is accompanied by the loss of IL-2 gene inducibility. We demonstrated that DNA binding activities of two transcription factors AP-1 and NF-AT are reduced in cells at this stage. Further, the loss of factor binding, especially AP-1, is attributable to the reduced ability to activate expression of three potential components of AP-1 and NF-AT, including c-Fos, FosB, and Fra-2. We next examined the interaction of transcription factors and the IL-2 promoter in vivo by using the EL4 T cell line and two non-T cell lines. We showed an all-or-none phenomenon regarding the factor-DNA interaction, i.e., in activated T cells, the IL-2 promoter is occupied by sequence-specific transcription factors when all the transcription factors are available; in resting T cells or non-T cells, no specific protein-DNA interaction is observed when only a subset of factors are present in the nuclei. Purposefully reducing a particular set of factor binding activities in stimulated T cells using pharmacological agents cyclosporin A or forskolin also abolished all interactions. The results suggest that a combinatorial and coordinated protein-DNA interaction is required for IL-2 gene activation. The thymocyte experiments clearly illustrated that multiple transcription factors are regulated during intrathymic T-cell development, and this regulation in tum controls the inducibility of the lineage-specific IL-2 gene. The in vivo study of protein-DNA interaction stressed the combinatorial action of transcription factors to stably occupy the IL-2 promoter and to initiate its transcription, and provided a molecular mechanism for changes in IL-2 gene inducibility in T cells undergoing integration of multiple environmental signals.
用转基因和RNA干扰(RNAi)法建立5组不同成纤维细胞生长因子-2(fibroblast growth factor-2,FGF2)表达量的猕猴耳部皮肤成纤维细胞(MESF)系:过表达FGF2组(f1),过表达的阴性对照组(f2),FGF2 RNA干扰组(f3),RNA干扰的阴性对照组(f4)和未作任何处理的对照组(f5).5组MESF的FGF2表达量相对值为f1:f2:f3:f4:f5=4:2:1:2:2;c-fos,TGF-β1,INHBA,Gremlinl在f1中表达量上升,在f3中表达量下降;BMP4,TGF-β2在f1中表达量下降,在f3中表达量上升;表明内源FGF2能够作用于MESF的TGF-β信号通路,引起相关基因表达量的变化.用这砦细胞作为饲养层长期培养(10代)猕猴胚胎干细胞(RhESC),结果在f1上培养的RhESC增殖速度都比对照组快,并且c-fos,TGF-β1,INHBA,Gremlinl,Oct-4,Nanog,Sox2表达量均上升,BMP4表达下调;在f3上培养的RhESC增殖较慢,BMP4表达上调,c-fos,TGF-β1,INHBA,Gremlinl,Oct-4,Nanog,Sox2表达下调.5组MESF上培养的RhESC形成的EB均表达各胚层早期标记基因(marker),说明RhESC的多能性没有受到影响,但表达量有差异,f1上RhESC形成的EB所有marker都低表达.结果表明饲养层的FGF2含量不仅影响自身相关基凶的表达,还对RhESC的自我更新有一定的作用.
胚胎干细胞(ESC)培养是ESC研究的基础,饲养层的选择是ESC培养的一个重要方面。本实验曾对不同的猕猴饲养层进行研究,显示能够更好的支持猕猴ESC生长的饲养层FGF-2表达量也较高。FGF-2,又名bFGF(碱性成纤维生长因子),是ESC生长所需的重要因子,但其中的分子机制现在并未完全了解。本文一方面对ESC相关研究进展进行了综述,另一方面对以下内容进行了研究:用转基因和RNA干(RNAi)扰的方法建立不同FGF-2的表达量猕猴耳部皮肤细胞(MESF)系五组:过表达FGF-2(f1),过表达的阴性对照组(f2),FGF-2 RNA干扰组(f3),RNA干扰的阴性对照组(f4)以及未作任何处理的对照组(f5),这五组MESF的FGF-2表达量相对值为f1:f2:f3:f4:f5=4:2:1:2:2;c-fos,TGF-β1,INHBA,Gremlin1在f1中表达量上升,在f3中表达量下降;BMP4,TGF-β2在f1中表达量下降,在f3中表达量上升;表明内源FGF-2能够作用于MESF的TGF-β信号通路,引起相关基因表达量的变化。用这些细胞作为饲养层分别培养两种ESC(猕猴ESC,R366. 4和兔ESC,RFESC) ,连续培养了10代,其中在f1上培养的两种ESC增殖速度都比对照组快,并且c-fos,TGF-β1,INHBA,Gremlin1,OCT-4,Nanog,Sox2表达量均上升,BMP4表达下调;在f3上培养的猕猴ESC增殖较慢,BMP4表达上调,c-fos,TGF-β1,INHBA,Gremlin1,OCT-4,Nanog,Sox2表达下调;f3上的兔ESC没有变化。表明ESC中的TGF-β信号通路也受到调节。五组猕猴和兔的ESC形成的EB均表达各胚层早期标记基因(marker),但表达量有差异,f1上ESC形成的EB所有marker都低表达。实验结果表明饲养层中的FGF-2含量高低不仅影响自身相关基因的表达,还对ESC的增殖和维持自我更新有一定的作用。
This study was undertaken to investigate the effect of emotional stress on humoral immunoactivity and to examine whether the sympathetic nervous system was involved in the immunomodulation. In the present study, two types of emotional stressors were used. One was footshock apparatus used to cause the rats which were given footshock before, emotional stressed; the other was an empty water bottle used to cause the rats which were trained to drink water at two set times each day, emotional stressed. The effect of emotional stress on the primary immune function (anti-ovallum antibody level and spleen index), the endocrine response (corticosterone level, epinephrine and norepinephrine level), the behavioral changes (freezing, defecation, grooming and attacking behavior) were investigated. The main results were: 1. Two types of emotional stress significantly increased the level of plasma corticosterone, norepinephrine and epinephrine, as well as freezing, defecation and attacking behavior. 2. Two types of emotional stress significantly decreased the level of anti-ovallum antibody. A negative correlation between catecholamine level (epinephrine and norepinephrine) and antibody level or spleen index was found. 3. β-adrenergic receptor antagonist propranolol could reverse the immunomodulation induced by emotional stress. 4. After two types of emotional stress, c-fos expression was observed in the following brain areas or nucleus; arcuate nucleus, anterior commissure nucleus, diffuse part of dorsalmedial nucleus hypothalamus, lateral dorsal nucleus thalamus, medial nucleus amygdala, solitary nucleus, frontal cortex and cingulum. These brain areas and nucleus are involved in the central modulation of the autonomic nervous system. Taken together, these findings demonstrate that emotional stress can suppress humoral immunity and the activation of the sympathetic nervous system is involved in the humoral immunomodulation induced by emotional stress.
Background and aim: Within the gastrointestinal tract, vagal afferents regulate satiety and food intake via chemical and mechanical mechanisms. Cysteinyl Leukotrienes (CysLTs) are lipid mediators that are believed to regulate food intake and body weight. However, the involvement of vagal afferents in this effect remains to be established. Conversely, Glucagon like peptide-1 (GLP-1) is a satiety and incretin peptide hormone. The effect of obesity on GLP-1 mediated gut-brain signaling has yet to be investigated. Since intestinal vagal afferents’ activity is reduced during obesity, it is intriguing to investigate their responses to GLP-1 in such conditions. Methods: Extracellular recordings were performed on intestinal afferents from normal C57Bl6, low fat fed (LFF), and high fat fed (HFF) mice. To examine the effect on neuronal calcium signaling, calcium-imaging experiments were performed on isolated nodose ganglion neurons. Food intake experiments were conducted using LFF and HFF mice. Oral glucose tolerance tests (OGTT) were carried out. Whole cell patch clamp recordings were performed on nodose ganglion neurons from A) normal C57Bl mice to test the effect of CysLTs on membrane excitability, B) LFF and HFF mice to examine GLP-1 effect on membrane excitability during obesity. c-Fos immunohistochemical techniques were performed to measure the level of neuronal activation in the brainstem of both LFF and HFF mice in response to Ex-4. Results: CysLTs increased intestinal afferent firing rate and mechanosensitivity. In single nodose neuron experiments, CysLTs increased excitability. The GLP-1 agonist Ex-4 significantly decreased food intake in LFF but not HFF mice. However, Ex-4 markedly attenuated the rise in blood glucose in both LFF and HFF mice. The observed increase in nerve firing and mechanosensitivity following the application of GLP-1 and Ex-4 was abolished in HFF mice. Cell membrane excitability was significantly increased by Ex-4 in nodose from LFF but not HFF mice. Ex-4 significantly increased the number of activated neurons in the NTS area of LFF mice but not in their HFF counterparts. Conclusion: The previous observations indicate that the role CysLTs play in regulating satiety is likely to be vagally mediated. Also that satiety, but not incretin, effects of GLP-1 are impaired during obesity.